SUCCESSFUL BOWERY DAVIDSON R. O.T. C. UNIT BRAWL IS NIFTY IS GIVEN EXCELLENT COSTUME BALL Qtfje Batriteoman RATING BY INSPECTOR ALENDA LUX UBI ORTA LIBERTAS OL. XXIII DAVIDSON COLLEGE, DAVIDSON, N. C, APRIL 29, 1936 NUMBER 25 j.K. ABERNETHYMADE NEW OFFICERS ARE CAPTAIN D. L. HARDEE DR. DAVID HOWARD, CHEMISTRY FINANCE BOARD HEAD ADMINISTERED OATH CONDUCTS INSPECTION AND MATHEMATICS PROFESSOR, FOR DURING PAST WEEK OF R.O.T.C. BATTALION DIES IN A CHARLOTTE HOSPITAL OFPUBLICATIONS BARNES AND OVERTON Fourteen Members of Student Passes Sunday Attended School at Davidson ARE STORE MANAGERS Council Follow Chapman and ObtainedPh.D. at ALSTONINVOKES 1" Cornell . 1937 Barnes, Ashevillo, in Oath FRIDAY ISSUES OREAR Stewart of THURSDAHND and Hal Overton, of Creent- GLASS LEADS DEVOTIONS FUNERAL HELD TUESDAY Edits Annual;. Morton Repre- boro, have been elected to act as Four Classes Undergo Examin- CABINETIN CHURCH sents Davidsonian; Overton Store Manager* ations on Work Covered Was Honor Man and Phi Beta Student for the Edwards Asks Students For Kappa For Yowl coming year. Their Co-operation During Year TOUSEFUL SERVICE Here TOHANDLE~FINANCES Barnes will he the Purchasing FIELD INSPECTION HELD Dr. David II. Howard, Jr., Manager,this position beingheld The members "i the Student Fourteen Men Installed Into associate professor of Chem- Two Faculty Members and by Dan Griffin during the past Council for l9Xt-37, and other Inspector Reports "Excellent" istry nnd professor of mathc- Students Are Board year. Overton will replace Henry newly-elected lcsulers of eanv Rating For Battalion Various Offices of m.ttii-. last Three Association dicil Sunday nighl Cathcy as Financial Manager of pu^ lilt- ami activities ti.r hcm ;it 10:45 nVlock in a Charlotte luhii Aberncthy, "i Winter the Studont Store. year, were inducted into their t aptain I ):i\ id I 1 lardee, of hospital where he had been a ;it ... ( Haven. Fla., was elected pres- Other men eligible for the Stu- ofTicos the cliapcl hour mi Winsloii-Salein, inspected the lllr new Y. Ml. V .ll'illrt. patient for the last two jobs K, C, U;ilui ident of the Publications Hoard dent Store were: Tom Cor- lasi 1'riday morning, April 2-1. Ilaviilson College 1 I. T. nppi'iiilccl !'\ Dii'kson 1111 inihs, bin, by that group during the pa<t Howard Covington, Hugh After tlu- devotional exercises! unit Thursday and I'riilay. 1le last vvct'k was instnlli'd .it ii l>r Howard, a native at Lynch- Hunter, conducted !>y Harvey Glass, ilutim; , week. Gracey, Joe Jim John- and the found the loea) tmii satisfac- CIMVIlll'llJ lli'l'l till' NTS- hurg, \a was graduated at David- ston, " ''"' i In a rcCCtlt student hody elec- Ken Knurr, George Kuy- KuJITS o7 student announcements tory and pave rating oi pcrs >ir\iri. Stiinl.i\ i'VOttiii(r, son m the class m I'(JS lie received tion, the following men were picked K.-M.l.ill. and Bill Quick. under the direction nf Bob Lind- "excellent." \pril 2l>, Till1 \ir\ itcinl .\l-lnll ln~ master's degree her! the next say, Chaptunu, 1 sdaj ( aptain to make up the Publications Board: Carlcton it- retiritiR in 'Ihui . Ilardee ex- proiilnl. Ill'illH lllr LJUrM lllill- yia: and hiv Ch I) at t!ornell m president, — John Aberncthy, for Quips and called the ne« members amined the tour classes and i■1 istor«fnr tilt* service 1".-.' lie then tauglu i"r two years ■ Cranks; Jim Morton, for The David- of the Student Council t.' the stage spectt d tin 11cords ol the depart- The new appointees are: W'ilhiu at (itnrge Washington Universit) he read ment. at sonian; and Hal Overton, for The CLASSICISTS NAME OR. where and liny followed in As each class reported I ilwaiil- and Ktinirt-li Sootl, in and returned t.i Davidson la~t fall Yowl, their 'I hour, it was life; Nominations i-w this board are oath of office* hesc men were the usual given ques- charge of student IlecttM M» Dr. D. H. Howard, Jr., of the a^ associate professor of chcijiiatry, Edwards, Boggs, Branch, Uickson, including always .six in number, including the tions all phases ol work and Marion [Iryant, in Dcparlmrnl of Chemiitry, who I«,i nn.nth. ago Id. Itoward cn- VVinn, Brown, during year up i-ira^h\" editors and business managers of tin- C.R. ASHEAD Morton. Scott. Dor- eoveretl the until li.n.i'. of hoys' work Si.nit- and died List Sunday night. lereil ihe hospital for nuts treal- thn-e publications, sett, l.ati'erty. Patterson, McClel- tin- present tune. Hi-Y; Wade Hours; in charge nf menl; uustoiditis developed and Webb, always HARJNG land, Sloan. questioned ; Link, charge int.1 mehingilis. The Publications Board i- Southern Section of Classical The Seniors were on freshman work Hill in wenl Mis comlition Chap, made up of three students and two AssociationMeets at Then nan made n talk of ten subjects with the averages a- of vespers services; Monroe Wiek was regarded as critical during the resignation, and turned his office ( ; , -> week, permanent members la the faculty. Greenville folUnvs: Offensive oinbat. "I rr in I'harffc ol deptitatious ;1 1 .i ri A. McCLURE ORDAINED pasi ICdwards, spoke Those faculty nulnhcrs are Pri-t. F. over to Wilbur who Combat Principals, 8"; Combat In- I'.iailhy. music: John Winn. (uilili- , Dr. Howard \\a^ one i-t' the most briefly, C K. Fleaglc and Mr. F. I.. Jackson. Dr. C. l\. Harding of Davidson asking co-operation and ex- telligence, "I: Tanks, C: ( Mm it. I'atiiMts; Hill Kiesewetter, Snnda> p.'t'ulai ol the younger professors pressing This group's main duty is the mijkt- was elected president of the South- admiration for those who Keserve Corps, <M : Military Hi-- Schools; Watson Street, gelf-hclp ATMORNING SERVICE on thr cauipus anil a hrilliant fn- vision of the financial administration ern Section of the Classical Associa- have ltd the student body before t.'iy and Policy, 93; Military Law, and -vocational guidauCi ; I'rauk tun hail heen predicted inr him him. He spoke especially IJS; Itrown, \ of the three publications. tion at its tn.cctnig, which was held .-i the Company Administration and \vmlil evangelism; ll< AIIuti I'- Mo! Inn secretary »<t in his chosen tic 1.1. IK- was JH year-. honor system: . John Aberncthy, who will serve as in Greenville last week. "Destroy our code Supply, nt :Defense Against Chem- wood Iliil, Chapel; SJu-rrod Kin. 1 ,tt Davidson, wa$ old nnd an honor man in his 1111- honor, tin Y M C V 10.17 annual, is ,mm- At the same time Dr. Clyde I'harr of and we destroy our lilr- ical Warfare, j and Social - - di rgr.t'diiatc day-, I'hi editor of the a 98 Anti-Aircraft Center. nrdaitU'd .1 .1 mitlistei tor rv;inp a member of of was chosen as erty." In closing he mentioned again I■■ it Ixr of Pi Kappa Alpha social fra- Vandcrbilt vice- Defense, 95. This gives a final av- Al the vespers ser\ ice, lh< <.i!>i Ii-ti,- work last Sunday in thr ml Kapj>a, national scholastic fra- to the president, while Mi-s Rutli the splendid work of Carlcton erage of ""! or "A." Ihi l>< lemfty. Sigma Kpsilon, ternity. He also belongs Pho- Ca.rr.oll I Wai mt memher.i were given their h r. iliui.i: I>t \< \. Wllit) "I Phi social lluh, high Chapman year president fraternity, (iantnia tographic trie Glee Club, and from Hartsville school in in his as (Continued an 1'age 01 charge cotign - ami Hi- I 1 ",( and Sigma l^j-i- of the I15 Mr. Alstoy Ihe Monnsvillr K nit as junior manager, South Carolina will serve as SOC- student body. ■" 1' l)r. Ion, national chemistry Iralernity. acts track During >■ 1 n tin n stood \mi1i 1hem Whili u':,i assistlmI * MolTt 1. Dr. this past year lie has as retary-tiea-urer. llar\ey (-lias-, then madu a speech L Ihe al took place yesterday served snap- { ('ontinuctl on l'-ij.-c (>) kuli.mt . ami \\- Arbuckir hi tliv While the. of farewell a- tile rc\j*ing presi- " * afternoiiii 4 Lynch- shots editor of the annual. the. attendance at meet- impi1 s><i\ <■ 'iih 1 'i st-rvici at o'clock in Morton, who will 193" ing was not large, it was marked dent of the Y. \1. C. A.,and Walter hurg with faculty Jim edit the CLASS CHOOSES FOUR Ili« dnxiiU'>By i>|t< ti« it iIh- huhn- several.Davidson (Continued on Page 6) by representatives from as far Dickson, in reply, -poke ,.i the Winners Chosen For iiip worship, Dr, t'nit follnwcd nunil'iis anil vtudent-. attending, Christian spirit north as Virginia and as far south of the college, and German Scholarship with tin' scripture reading, and Dr. (Continued on Pane 6) as Texa- and Florida. Dr. Harding the reputation it has gaiiicd for ASJUNIOR MARSHALS Whit i' I* '1 tlic congtK'Kation in went as the delegate from Davidson. Davidson. witc (, h;i- prnyri ATiiu'tiuccnu'iits then FOUR DAVIDSON MEN (Idler colleges represented were Brown then the I»r. K \ 1>\\ K annimini d Laniont turned Four Campus Leaders Elected 111,1.1. l>\ I>i. MulYi tt Randolph-Macon, editorship thai tin winners ol thr scholarships ■ Vandcrbilt,How- of The DavidSonian over ■ tlir pWnent Aftt'i tin ii| ■! hj inn, Last Friday 01 at leaders College, South Carolina, to Morton, wh'o accepted it tin summer session the I'm- - ard North Jim 1>> ntfi-l :m- '■■- .: itl!(iMttJ I"I".
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