... ^ ROBERT MUIR GRAVES PIER 39 GOLF COURSE ARCHITECT THE EMBARCADERO • SAN FRANCISCO • LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT • SITE PLANNER J SUTTER 1-2997 Assistant Pro position wanted for Winter months. 25 Classified Ads yrs. old; worked as Asst. in Midwest and South. Em- ployed by Midwest Pro Summer months. Best refer- ences. Address Ad 912 c/o Golfdom Rates: Minimum insertion $5.00 for 20 words; additional words 25< each; in boldface type 35< PRO OR GREENKEEPER OR COMBINATION — per word. All classified ads payable on placement COMPETENT, EXPERIENCED. EASTERN OR SOUTHERN LOCATION PREFERRED. MODER- of order; no commission or discount allowed. No ATE INCOME SATISFACTORY. ADDRESS AD 914 classified advertising offering new merchandise c/o GOLFDOM or equipment will be accepted. NO CLASSIFIED Presently employed Class "A" PGA Club Profes- ADS ACCEPTED AFTER THE 22nd of MONTH PRE- sional desires change for 1965. Prefer west coast CEDING DATE OF ISSUE. or year round but will locate anywhere with good progressive private club. Experienced in all phases UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES ARE WE PERMITTED of shop operation. Have reputation of superior teach- TO DIVULGE THE NAME AND ADDRESS OF THOSE ing knowledge and ability. A-l credit rating. Fully capable, hard working, sober. 35, married, family. PLACING BLIND ADVERTISEMENTS. Address Ad 915 c/o Golfdom RESPONSE TO ALL BOX NUMBER ADS SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO THE BOX NUMBER, MAIL TO Winter months Nov. to April. Golf Range or minia- ture course operator — also assistant professional — GOLFDOM, 407 S. DEARBORN, CHICAGO 60605. starter or ranger. Non-drinker and honest. Address REPLIES ARE PROMPTLY FORWARDED TO AD- Ad 916 c/o Golfdom VERTISERS. Greenkeeper & Builder — Prefer Michigan area or WHEN REPLIES TO BLIND ADS REQUIRE MORE anywhere. 34 years old. 18 or 36 hole. Years of good THAN 10< POSTAGE, THE ADDITIONAL PROPER experience. Address Ad 917 c/o Golfdom POSTAGE FOR FORWARDING MUST BE SUPPLIED. PGA — Class "A" college graduate, married, de- sires association as Pro beginning summer season JOBS WANTED 1965 northern resort areas. Thoroughly experienced all phases golf. Excellent promoter — good appearance Class A PGA Pro desires Winter teaching job in — formerly tournament player — picture available. warm climate. Employed June 1st to Oct. 15th. Good Excellent business-character references. Address Ad teacher — top credit — non-drinker. Address Ad 919 c/o Golfdom 901 c/o Golfdom CLASS "A" PGA PRO, SEVENTEEN YEARS Superintendent, with college and 11 years experience, EXPERIENCE IN ALI. PHASES OF COUNTRY who strives more for perfection than mediocrity, CLUB OPERATIONS, DESIRES POSITION AS PRO now at one of the top Midwest Clubs, desires change AND/OR MANAGER. WIFE ASSISTS. ADDRESS this fall. Address Ad 902 c/o Golfdom AD 920 C/O GOLFDOM Superintendent — 21 years experience, 15 in West — 6 yrs. in East. Expert on Winterkill. Experienced Pro-Superintendent — age 27, married, 10 years all phases golf course operations and maintenance experience. Excellent teacher. Fine knowledge of 9 and 18 hole. Expect year round job. Ray Strebing, turf and maintenance. Prefer year round position. 169 Main St., New York Mills, N.Y. Address Ad 921 c/o Golfdom WANTED — HEAD PRO AT SMALL CLUB OR ASSISTANT PRO JOB AT LARGER CLUB YEAR PGA Professional-Supt. wants position as Professional AROUND. Associate member of PGA. Experienced, or Professional-Supt. Excellent references, A-l credit, 4 years as assistant, 1 year at PGA Business School. 15 years experience with bent grass greens. Age 48, Have head pro job now for last two years. Want to married, 3 sons. Available after Sept. 15. Address Ad better myself. Family man, age 23. Address Ad 922 c/o Golfdom 903 c/o Golfdom PGA Pro — 47 — married — dependable •— desires Greens Superintendent, age 25, B.S. in Agronomy, 5 year round club. Prefer Southwest. Consider new years experience in North, 1 year in South, familiar development. Resume — references on request. Avail- with maintenance and construction procedures. able now. Tom Webb, 4420 Deauville Way, Pensa- Military obligation completed, available January '65. cola, Fla. Excellent references available. Address Ad 904 c/o Golfdom Class A PGA Pro —• presently employed, experienced 1 GOLF PROFESSIONAL. CURRENTLY EMPLOYED in all phases of golf, desires better position for 1965 AT LARGE COUNTRY CLUB, DESIRES THE in Northeastern States. Address Ad 923 c/o Golfdom CHALLENGE OF A NEW CLUB. CLASS A PGA PROFESSIONAL, RECOGNIZED LEADER IN PRO- Greens Superintendent, college degrees Agronomy- FESSION. WILL RELOCATE ANYWHERE A TOP- Turfgrass, 12 years present club, salary $11,500, FLIGHT CLUB PROFESSIONAL IS NEEDED. AD- difficult zone of Midwest. Desire change. Address DRESS AD 909 c/o GOLFDOM Ad 924 c/o Golfdom Mature man, age 39, married, one son 18 years old, desires assistant pro job with opportunity to be- English golfer, 26, resident America, seeks position come PGA member. Play to 3 handicap, pro shop Assistant Pro. Experienced in CLUB MAKING and selling experience, sober, excellent character refer- REPAIRS. Southern States preferred. Wife secre- ! ences. Address Ad 911 c/o Golfdom tarial trained. Address AD 925 c/o Golfdom Assistant Pro — experienced — desires position for Winter months — also for 1965 season. Attended PGA SURPLUS SALE GOLF COURSE SUPPLIES School — age 24 — single. Excellent references. Up to 50% discount on many items for tee, greens, Address Ad 927 c/o Golfdom traps, mower and other repair parts. Several used but good hand greensmowers, can be powered. Postcard Greenkeeper — with exceptional ability in construction brings detailed reply. A Golf Course Supply Co-oper- and maintenance, desires connection with Club requir- ative. S.E.S. Box 2, Wayne, New Jersey. ing services of reliable and capable Greenkeeper. Complete knowledge of all Northern and Southern grasses, Bents and soils, fertilizers, fungicides, machin- USED FLOOD LIGHTING AVAILABLE FOR ery and irrigating systems. Wife also available to DRIVING RANGES. MINIATURES AND PAR 3's. work in Pro Shop or Clubhouse. Excellent recent PAR GOLF MFG. CO., MILAN, ILL. AC309 references. Address Ad 928 c/o Golfdom 787-1757 Greens Supt. — 10 years present club wants change I FT US REPAINT AND RELETTER YOUR USED Eastern U. S. Age 49 — knows all procedures — con- GOLF BALLS, 7( EACH. BADGER GOLF CO., struction maintenance -— equipment repair. Refer- WATERFORD, WIS. ences available. Address Ad 929 c/o Golfdom Florida — 15-40 1964 gas Mardi-Cars for lease with option to buy. 11-1-64 to 4-1-65. All maintenance JOBS OPEN provided. Ohio Mardi-Car Sales, 2684 Durand Rd., Akron, Ohio 44313. Phone: (216) 836-1653. CHOICE SALES TERRITORIES OPEN — Several pro sales territories open for new 1965 Dow Finster- FOR SALE OR LEASE — New 18 hole golf course wald and Mickey Wright golf jackets. Attractive in rapidly growing area near Boulder, Colorado. profit and service proposition in proven pro shop Course covers 191 acres of a residential development sellers. For complete details write: Brown Enter- among a series of lakes. Water guaranteed. Designed prises, 7767 North Ave., River Forest, III. by Press Maxwell with large greens. Foothills Golf Club, 1906 — 13th Street, Boulder, Colorado. Wanted — Greenkeeper, experienced in all phases of golf course operation, for an 18 hole course with a Wanted to Lease. Golf Range with 8 to 12 month fully automatic sprinkling system located in the season only. Area population 100,000. Address Ad northern mountain states. Please state qualifications, 906 c/o Golfdom recommendations, salary expected and send photo with your application. Must know equipment repair and maintenance. Address Ad 905 c/o Golfdom COUNTRY CLUB — 9 HOLES IN PLAY, LAND FOR 9 MORE PLUS REAL ESTATE DEVELOP- MENT. SWIMMING POOL, GUEST LODGE, Golf Course Superintendent — City of Pasadena, LARGE CLUBHOUSE, DINING ROOM, BAR AND California. The Golf Course Superintendent has com- LIQUOR LICENSE. LOWER MICHIGAN AREA. plete charge of two 18-hole courses plus a 9-hole CONTACT WILLAM LAWSON, VANDE VUSSF. pitch and putt layout. He must be strong in techni- REALTORS, HOLLAND, MICHIGAN. cal know-how and public relations. He will be ex- pected to plan and supervise both operation and maintenance of all course facilities. He must be a WANTED — CLUB CLEANER FOR FLORIDA college graduate with a specialization in horticulture, CLUB. ADDRESS AD 907 c/o GOLFDOM turf management or agronomy with four years' ex- perience in golf course maintenance, construction, and landscaping work with particular emphasis on the FOR SALE OR LEASE — 18 hole golf course &| technical problems of turfing greens, tees, and fair- driving. Front 9 par 27; back 9 par 35. All year | ways, including two years in a supervisory capacity. play. In So. La. Will accept best offer. Address Ad Salary is $757 — $921. Apply Personnel Department, 910 c/o Golfdom Room 116, City Hall, Pasadena. Lease — greenkeeper and pro. 9 hole fee course 5000 sq. ft. bent greens — good area on 4 lane U.S. COUPLE FOR SMALL COUNTRY CLUB. THE Highway. Must be seen. Address Ad 918 c/o Golfdom IDEAL COUPLE for this small private New Eng- land nine hole golf club would combine experience as teaching pro, steward, cook and housekeeper. GRAPH-CHECK SEQUENCE CAMERAS AVAIL- Basically seasonal with winter accommodations avail- ABLE FOR RENT. $35.00 PER MONTH. #57 able if desired. Address Ad 908 c/o Golfdom POLAROID FILM 60* PER SHEET. GOLF HANDI- CAP SERVICE, P.O. BOX 1116, WICHITA, KANS. A nationally branded quality line of shirts, sweaters and parkas for men and women is seeking sales Wanted — Golf Course to lease with option, by < representatives to cover Golf Shops. Address replies experienced Supt. in New England or New York. Send to Franconia Ski Wear, Inc., 12 Warren Avenue, full information to Ad 930 c/o Golfdom Somerville, Mass. 02143. Wanted — shop, miniature and range location. Own WANTED — GREENS SUPERINTENDENT for new necessary equipment to operate — by Pro and wife, private country club Fort Wayne, Indiana area.
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