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The girl replied that the weapon having probably saved our hero's with the buildings thereon situated, one niilw Written for the Gazette. A. H. BYINGTON & CO. Farewell to a Rural Residence* your mother, Lieut. Barton and his boy left life. The Indians rowed quickly up and A. H. BUSGTOK. H. VV. HYATT. south of the village of New Canaan. Said farm will be sold cheap; 75 per cent, of the purchase BARTON; my house in a carriage within an hour past soon extricated him from his situation, and •QBicc at the foot of Main si.—over the store of BY MRS. L. H. SIOOURNET. money can remain on mortgage if desired.— A STORY OF OLDEN TIMES. and that she, the servant, had come over to C. J. Gruman. How beautiful it stands. drew him into their canoe. For further particulars enquire of Behind its elm tree's screen. —BF THE INVISIBLE.— my neighbor's to spend the day. " But where WM. SEYMOUR, near tho premises. "The scoundrel!" exclaimed Barton,"to Terms of tlie Gazette. With pure and attic cornice crowned, New Canaan, Jan. 12.1852. 3t*2 are they gone," I asked. The girl knew not shoot my poor horse," and he looked wist­ All graceful and serene. CHAPTER V. Village subscribers by carrier—pr yr Si! 00 but my neighbor's wifeshowk her head mea­ U 00 Most sweet, yet sad, it is, Mr. Gray and his daughter had just fin­ fully at the lifeless animal, now floating ]VInil do in advance do Notice. Upon yon scene to gaze ningly and replied, and said " I don't think Office subscribers, or those living out of THE court of probate for the district of ished their evening meal and were sitting in away upon the tide. " But it's no time to And list its inborn melody , the Carrier's district, and who call for Ridgefield hath assigned the 2d day of you need to wait for them ; thpy won't come stop for lamentations or execrations now. their papers at the office 1 50 The voice of other days. the port, enjoying the quiet of the sunset February next nt 9 o'c'ock in the forenoon, at if you do." Then, for the first time a terri­ Whither did he go, Sassomoc ?" Companies of fiveor more receiving their the probate, office in said Ridgefield, for the ap­ hour in New England. The thoughts of 1 50 ble suspicion crossed my mind. I question­ ' papers by mail, if paid in advance pointment of commissioners on the estate of For there, as many a year the father were busy with the stirring events " He went up on the beach toward the Ebcnezer Jones, late of said Ridgefield, dee'd, its varied chart unrolled, ed the women and the servant; the suspicion of the times, and, as he watched the smoke fence yonder. The darkness prevented my Terms of Advertising. represented insolvent—when nHd where al) I hied me in those quiet shades grew stronger. A thousand before unnoticed seeing him far, but I heard the clatter of a 16 lines or less, 1 insertion 75 persons interested are notified to appear if they And called the joys of old ; slowly curlinor from his pipe^ his memory re­ circumstances suggested themselves to my horse's feet." .. 2 " 87 see cause and bo heard. I called them and they came, called the forms of those with whom he had i4 Where vernal birds appeared, 44 3 1 00 HARVEY SMITH, Administrator, memory. I was told that an English cutter " He was mounted then, was he 1 And to 3(2 with the will annexed. Or wheie the vine clad summer bower stood, side by side, in what, even then, was was lying off Sassomoc's Point, that the car­ hope to overtake him would be fruitless. fg^ JOB PRINTING executed with neatness Its temple-roof appeared. called the old French war. For some time Stephen Hoyt vs Aurclia Chambers and others. riage had driven in that direction, and with­ Ah, I have it, I nave it; I can guess whither •and despatch, and at low prices. neither spoke, but at last the old man uttered, UPON the petition of S ephen Hoyt. of New Or where the o'er watching grove out stopping to inquire more, I rushed from Canaan in Fairfield county, brought, to the he will bend his flight. Sassomoc, Natticlic^ Spread forth its copses green, half to himself, and half to his companion Superior Couit to be holdeti at Fairfield in and the bouse, mounted my horss and rode for leave the canoe here and come with me " While the eye bright and asclepias "yes! I remember Daniel Clinton—let me for said Fairfield county, on the 2d Tuesday of the cabin of the Indian. It was then where The three disembarked,and having drawn reared see ; I was with him at Louisburg and else- February, 1852, against Aurelia Chambers, Their untrained stalks between— Yorls & N. Haven Railroad. widow of Henry Chambers, late of said New it is now. I found Sassomoc sitting at his the canoe high upon the sands, departed ia And the squirrel from the bough where, and once we were both in old Put's WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Canaan, deed, and the heirs and creditors of said door, and I saw just outside of the Islands pursuit of Clinton. Jts broken nuts let fall, Henry, showing that said Henry in his life time corps. Dan Clinton was a whole-souled COMMK>CING DEC. 1, 1851. And the merry, merry little birds, the British cutter lying at anchor. I told The latter individual had, in the mean­ mortgaged to Stephen Hoyt, Sen r. then of said fellow—a man, every inch of him—but this Sang at his festival. my story briefly, and the chief, as we used time, reached his horse, the sound of whoss Leave Norwaik for New York. New Canaan, since deceased, a certain pie'jeof son of tm ; he looks like Dan after all. Dan •Commutation Train 6 o'clock 3S miu. A M I ind in «aid New Canaan with the buildings to call him, and myself got into his canoe hoofs as he galloped away had fallen upon Yon oM forsaken nests. was good looking and all the girls used to Accommodation 8 9 thereon, caded the Still House lot, and partic­ Returning spring shall cheer. and pulled for the vessel. We reached her. the quick ears of Sassomoc. Not loud, but (4 10 47 ularly described in said petition, to secure a run aftet him—but somehow there's some­ And thence the unfledged robin send 2 21 P M certain note from said Henry to said Stephen, No Lieut. Barton, no woman or child was deep, were the curses of the fugitive as h# Express His greeting wild and clear— thing in this youngster's face that I don't Accommodation 5 32 Sen'r, and that the said petitioner is the owner there. We started back, and as we returned hurried on with headlong speed. "I must of said note and mortgage, and that said H«-nry And Iroin yon clustering vine, like. Mary, what say you—I'd rather trust Express 9 49 we saw a sail boat approaching. As it drew afterwards and ino'e than one year previous to Timt wreaths the casement round, see her to-night, that's certain," he muttered, Leave Norwaik for New Haven. to a woman's judgment as to looks than a the date of said petition died intestate, and that The humming bird's unresting wing near, I recognized Barton and my wife. I ''the game's up now for me in this town. Accommodation train 9 o'clock 13 miti A M no administration has been granted on his estate, Sends forth a whispering sound— man's, after all, though she be only kind of 36 P M was hall mad. I saw him clasp his arms If I'm seen again in the village. I shall bo and praying to foreclose said mortgaged prem­ 53 gal-like—Mary, whose face is the hon^stest, Express ises as per petition on file, dated January 3d, A nd where alternate springs about her waist, and I thought kiss her; they tarred and feathered ; perhaps hung as a spy. •Accommodation 15 Harry's or this young Clinton's?" 1852, will at large appear. It is ordered that The lilac's purple spire, were near us; she started up, and I, infuria­ I wish to heaven I had Jim Baggs here now, •'Commutation P notice of the pendency of said petition be given Fast by its snowy sister's side, "Father!" said the girl, " how can you Express trains West stop only at Stamford.
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