ONLY361 APPLY BUDDY AND THE GANG.War Preparations. By Crosby. THUNDER hoof COL of the 30DD!ES' war EXTRA! ! CAVALRY FORBARUCENSE Heu -'.r'x ^^ LWiJ :v.> at&*- .*£»>/ TH£ great unknown Vlm >¦ u .SPY For?"T«C 30DDYalliance* irlAXCt _ Period for Filing Applications ammwition at 3 O'Clock major general fatty- fcr -btanXiv u*n Expires general uciodv: XNCWN £n , to the enemy as COMMANDER-ZN-CHtEF the: stone, hearted"for * frj£(W am;u* um** Tomorrow. ALLIANCE HIS .SEVERE brutality. OF "THErCUDDY ^ ^ REDUCTION TO NECESSARY SOOt\Y tN charl-e Or. 0^-+ **&£ icwa'p' The: alley ganc, 300 MAY NOT BE HARD ?J^DYS mascot ^ "*i ^wdljlu CLv.1"c\.ritVao^.) Av-,,.n£yck'jm- Of 113 Wholesale Places. But Liquor ys Ta0 ,)jvu\ 89 Seek Permission to Continue in Business. bopdysgang consisting of lieutenant; '} A/lA. of the WRS£-< captawj, m1ss 6RACE 5TONE LEADED ant corporals, i private vm t BCDOY f The alley flao THE common foe Girls." despatched wave been sent notifying 5f roe s,*! , or a gun j ^ JtJi the pei of tie tiling «»f li<inor them Of THE IMPE^'tWO STRUGGLE lieense applications fine to ex pi re a: o'clock toinoi afternoon. indica- lions today were that h excise board lis lie rails attention »«» the fact that in German\s loss and to our own Rani, no the position «>f poet laureate ovet in will not ti;o. r I> <1 if!":ru11 ;t Time as fellow-champions of German liberty THE FIGHTING MEN. j 11)11. Postmaster CJener: Hitchcock sub-, one can doubt. The loss of trade is not inland. It is t i«- farthest from our t\ as airt i< 'niiiuii'.: the imiiii- n tiie wars for freedom just a ceriturv and alwi.vs so immediate and obvious ;i re¬ nit» ntion t<> be ipat«-cI of and J milled a plan for railwa\ mail pay c\fiscal in fxprrssinu go; Carl Schurz and Siegel busi¬ sult of war as Tin- loss of nx'ti in the em what we ;i ber of saloons ii> tit. to il"" hy com- recoil: mended it a scientific and i-rliew is widespread re¬ Kinkel and their revolutionary d its immedi¬ battled but if it is never- gret that tin November I. in a< -corda in with the ,e- Combination of Patriotism. Bravery IN nesslike and strongly urg» field, delayed proposal did not can\ of Schumann INCREASE URGED OPENS .ades IMS: of Schubert. CONCLAVE was theless disastrous .i | this modi-| is of th*- Jin e^- Works law ind of of Mommsen. ate enactment; that plan undoubtedly true that it usually quirements ! Wagner; Lessing, For the which w .. and Skili Wins Battles. Med i;i important in January, some of n'ruus for takes ur'-at occasion to are 10 saloons in >f lleltnholtz and Siemens and all particulars inspire \j present. there J the) ItM:', that an entirely different plan was depended on the derma market it will !.e tu'at poem if the slot in Ki.im . .. win Ameri.au res: ..! the intellectual heroes who have. I'fi'baps flu- District. wli-:< as Hit- number of j I-Mlad-l|'hi» for enact¬ hard to discover an equivalent. Hut tin v, hieh has 1111burst all >n-< :i ai.«I are the real of the tier- submitted and recommended Upon Kr- \« I.e nations > ome glories hv General Burleson in, laboratories which have now become t:t p- iiail (.<¦.11 a |»j» ica t loos on III. this nt'iniiim was warring <«. many for which we have entertained ment Postmaster suiiifwhal slower and PAY the of of our iiM.tf ta* in RAILWAY MAIL many ..oi.flicts. th^ «ri'^ A 1!»H. and that department indispensable adjuncts sp<-« ula tin* ELECT .January gathering ln TO POPE au- hut .'!?!! In view of !_. hoard's -such profound respect. We have realized. on- attention ^ - had final]v given its approval to a lourth greatest manufacturing plants have P' 11* urns.' might lia\>' been linn ago that the world too. six* splendid qualities which have' iioii ncement several months ambi- I plan which had been submitted to the listed tin- services of the ablest experts graceful ui'ltum into pla>. - 'Continued from First Page, made of a foremost would h. -onsidered in the diplomacy '"r"s""[".Kand "national Germany trading; 1 and are equipped with tie- most modern H.'' is Laureate under tb applieatiotis t actual nation and have watched with amaze¬ louse. Bridges, it is tions t.» ttie naK. .f Commit¬ that in com-, technical apparatus, and tin* embargo l h u mierous order in which »he> a:- tiI«-*«1 be¬ naturalized American citizen during his ment. like all the world, her rapid com¬ Joint Congressional Mr. Bourne states delay detonation of grape and and Kaiser mi)pror and submitting the re¬ cannot long' prevent or even inconveni- cannister tiring tin at is¬ lieved that onl> a i-w noo- will be ..ombat. ''zar residence abroad. mercial conquest of the seas and the pleting the work and following En ».ii. °s of the committee has been due in (nee our independent manufacturing, land's distia-ted head: received. (king, may make fo.it quarters of the globe. Vet. after tee Would Give Carriers port The land of ot" of folk T,.. Candidates tor all. it is to tiie Germany that iias done large part to the inadequacy of the de¬ Edison, Westingiiouse, p. ea r«d "ss. Awake .Hit of 11". whi h-saie liquor establish¬ common lies Papacy- mail Hell,* of Steinmetz, will not be content to Ye pi'Mc-makers, of great struggle more for o:i;. own university life and our partmental data regarding railway shut dis¬ tight. ments hut V» have applied !"..'¦ .,»» rmis- human aspect «»'"he" Cardinal Falconio however. only «.ne and down its establishments and I-', m: la mi stands for honor. nie. con- is, intellectual artistic development $3,000,000 Additional. problems and also to its vacillating pol¬ workmen to await the sion t,, continue in business during the among .he of several candidates, and than any other nation that hosts of He charge resumption «Iod defend the right. ' '.e logical only icy. says: of trade relations with other countries. sii.nl: s Of next license year There i-; no limit to verging on a dozen^ "lwttl(*l«., one of \mericans have been so profoundly at¬ Wordsworthian diction ami ,,, reveal facts many possibilities. We, too, have engineers, electricians, Tcnnysonian rhythm, what kind the number of wholesale licenses that Sre;»UM war in > * There is little authoriza¬ tached. Comment of Senator Bourne. abb* upon be loUeh'm£ th«* doubt if any war into chemists, physicists, metallurgists of literar\ tinn s have wo fallen! ma> granted Against this Germany the to hold own of the t.e of retail tion for speculating on the chances of so NEW WORKING BASIS "While I the desirability of their with the genius In reducing- ini'ni'.T 'SiS5«- which it has been recklessly plunged recognized rest of the world. places to ::00 by No\»-mo.-r I. which is; the many candidates. Following are is nothing short of a crime. Whether an expeditious conclusion to our work. I The of the n- \- !;. -use year.: some of the names men- victory «.: national disaster come out of Congratulations for Senator Smith. beginning that have been OFFERED IN REPORT believed it more important that we the hoard find tnat the provisions' ^ »"« w lu>u> tioned, with it all. toe intellectual and may ....11.. are not «.««%»'£ffiSE:bill brief biographical data: spiritual than that One War Horror. Senator Ellison l> Smith of South of tiie excise hi v .. :.> -h prohibit Cardinal Serafino Vannutelli, the dean growth of the nation, is checked for no should do our work thoroughly Carolina. who has returned to Washing loons in certain area:-- after tlu-t K TtfV of the Sacred College, was born a year one knows how long. The fine flower of we should conclude it quickly. should From the D*s Moines «'ipiial. ton, is being congratulated by his friends will be sufficient To con; ni - h a ma¬ earlier its youth is to be immolated bv a <=S£entrs than the late Pope, but at. eighty ruler; regret extremely and be deeply humiliat¬ At one time there was a serious con here upon his defeat of Cole Blease for jority of the reductions. Should it be, he is still young in years in comparison whose signature to a single order signed Former Senator Bourne, Chairman. it heav- our had as sideratiou of the proposal to abolis the senatorial nomination. necessary to close saloons outside*; said«»e".^he si^o?'Se with a number of his colleagues. In their death warrant.without even ask¬ ed !f Investigation resulted, these areas in order to eft- t the from 'Thermopylae to reality, however. has aged greatly ing the consent of the people's parlia¬ Criticises "Vacillating Attitude" did that of the Post Office Department, in limit the hoard will he governed by re.-or.lP noted excel.-, since 1903. when he was talked of as ment or taking lime for angry passions our changing our attitude three times police reports as to the character of ^.rf'Kop'Vistorytions. a successor of Pope Leo XIII. Today he to cool. In war, every evil passion is of Post Office and advocating four radically different ... ,, efficient army is almost stone let ioose. as and Department. the establishments. The tirst unshakable blind, deaf and in such every pain torture measures." ourse. patriotism.4., an« a low state of health generally that he known to man is inflicted on men and All members of the committee join in Provisions of Law.
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