Connecticut College Digital Commons @ Connecticut College Linda Lear Center for Special Collections & Alumni News Archives Summer 2005 CC: Connecticut College Magazine, Summer 2005 Connecticut College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.conncoll.edu/alumnews Recommended Citation Connecticut College, "CC: Connecticut College Magazine, Summer 2005" (2005). Alumni News. 349. https://digitalcommons.conncoll.edu/alumnews/349 This Magazine is brought to you for free and open access by the Linda Lear Center for Special Collections & Archives at Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. It has been accepted for inclusion in Alumni News by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The views expressed in this paper are solely those of the author. letters,etc. ---------•------------------------------------------------------------- To the Editors: I thoroughly enjoyed an<l wa most l know you published the recipe for chi impressed with the cwo papers written by de ere year ago in the alumni magazine. scudent and published in the pring I don't have ic, of cour c. Any chance you • CC: Connecticut College Magazine i sue of the Magazine. An aging arc his- have it in archives and J can gee my hands tory major myself ( lass of '76), I • 011 it? Volume 14 / umber I cook every cla s Ra h (then Martha Williams '65 Fabbri) caught, and as many of chose Bridgeport, onn. HllTClll liSl1H. Broum,/1 caught by harle Price a I had curricu­ A>'(K.tAn tllllORIU.A>S ,am, Mary How11rd lum time left over for. I even went co Editor: The following dessert served in CC M \\, I orroR: Niun lrnrini I DIIOR. Al)\'A"< I MlN1": Rrb«cn Nasl, Wellesley for a eme cer and rudied the dining hall.s 111as popular with chocolate­ C:C)N1RI Bl, IINt, "'RITfRS Erie Glrdmas. Bnrbam Nov history of prints ( o I wa me merized by loving students of the '50s and '60s: R,brcc11Nash , /11/it Normk, \Ylill Jom,1Sia11 Kathryn Batley' piece on Baldung' ARI DIRfCfOll ,,,,,,, limlbrrg work) and rerurned ro 01111 with a new My rery Mocha Al)Ml'11 rMI l\'f ASSISTANT Knr,11 L,,s/try appre iarion for rhe quality of ir faculty \I( l PRfSll)l'7 I-OR ("Ol l.FC,F RI Ull SSl>l<.RI IAR\ Of nu Barrer < OLLF!,I Pt1tridn M. Carey and cour e . After reading rhese two 1 /2 cup plu 1 rb p. Aour : nncctian liege Mag�nt ii publi heel by Con11«11cu1 papers, I am reminded char rhe mosr Call'Sc. TI1c m,1g;azine's mWion is to m,um,1111 1ics txiwccn rhc I /2 cup plu J tbsp. ugar College. m Jlumni J.nd :all 01hcr comrimcms .md ro report on i»ucs important rhing I learned as an art hisro­ of imporrJ.m:c to th� group.s. I t p. baking powder ry major wa how ro look ac a work of . : Conn«ti ut College ;\fat.tWllt(U · P J 29•140) is publi�hcd 5 r p. cocoa four 1imcs;a year, in �ummer, fall, winu:r .md spring, .1nJ i; miilrd fffl:' of c.:.h;argc to mcmbrrs of 1he Conn«:1icu1 Coll� Alumni arc, and I ee chat i still being caught AM.oci.mon ,1nd friends of 1hc Co.Ucgc. PcrioJials cbss postl!,.'<' p,tid I 1/2 t p. burrer :u ew London. CT. und .u .1ddirion;1l offica. very well. Thank you for haring chis T 5 tbsp. milk C:ON R.11\l no '-1: C: C.onneccicm llcge J\111J"4'1"r will consider work with chose who follow rhe College but i\ not rcspom:ible for uruolicittd manuscripn, propos.11� and 1/2 t p. vanilla phmogr.iphJ. Addrtu correspondence ro: from a di ranee. Editor, C : Connecticut College Al,1ttWttr. Uecker I lnuSC', 270 Mohcg,n Avenue, <W tondon. CT06320-4196. Kacey Ratterree '76 Topping Phone: SGo-439-2500: avannah Ga. 3 I /2 tbsp. light brown sugar, loo ely l·AX: 860-439-5405. packed ,\l l l�INI: \, ml .ul,lu·,, d1.111�,·, to i\111111111 (Hlill 2 1/2 cb p. cocoa, ifted ( Ul1f1lllllllt ( ulh.g, 2 3/4 rb p. ugar ! ...II �1nhtg,111 \\l lllll Nl ,, I 011du11, ( I Oh \!O 1/2 cup strong coffee or,. 111,111 to .1l11111111l•1,01111,ull.,,lu Batter: Mix first three ingredient in a Pomnam:r: Send2dd� ch:mgcs to C : ConnCC1icut College /11a1,,Wnr, 270 Mohq;.u, Avcnue, New bowl. Blend cocoa and burrer 1n London, n· 06320-4196 saucepan; melt over low hear. Blend with LONNI,( nun COi i F.GE BOARD Ol'TRUSTl:.ES Bnlxtn Shanuck Kohn 72, Chair. Jean C. ·1,mrd '65 and Frank M. dry ingredient on low peed. Gradually ·turner, VittCh.Urs, Judich Ammem1an '60, Alcundr-J Band '02, lvrd W. llcll 1''02. James . llcrricn 74, Jerrold ll. C..mng,on "'9, add milk and vanilla unril mooth. Pour n,rodol"C' S. Chapin '72, r·o1. O,riscophcr Ooun. Onniln yn Jl Holler.an '60, Ann \\:'crncrJohnson 0hunstc:in, PresidentCarol batter inco baking di h. 68, Andre-- K1:1u:m71. Cham W. Ki1chinp Jr.. Eugene B. K"!?n '03. IUe Downa Koshm. '67. Linda J. Int 61, Vi nia SlauJ;t.tucr 0 rgi Loeb '48. P..,7. Jon>1h,n D. McBdde 92, Philip R. �1cLoughITn0 Topping: Mix brown sugar, cocoa and 1''02 & "05. ',ncy S. ,-.�omb '67. John F. 'ibl>ek 1' 98. Aus1in r. Olney 1''04,Joan R,dmund Pbu '67. bry uke l'ol•n '65. P'02. sugar. prinkle evenly over rop of batter. Dougl;,s Rcnfidd-Millcr '75. James r. l\oi:er> "04. TI,codon: M. Romanow76 , lltom.isA. rgttnt '82, W. Caner Sull1v.tn79. �Uy Pour coffee evenly over cop of pan. Bake Su.sm,1n '84, hanklm A. lllin Ed.O·s1, D.ilc O,akiriiln Turu 71. 30 min. at 350 degrees. erves 6. Rufw R. Win1on '82 ALUMNI BOARD OF DIRECTORS A LUSH CROP OF MUSHROOMS GROWS ON THE COL­ Prcsidcm, Rae Down� Ko\hen: '67. Judy (Ham) Acker '57, l·r.an (Sc-,rs) Barai, "40. Rnr,mne ChambersRT 'SJ. rmcn Pcm. LEGE GREEN WHERE AN ELM TREE ONCE STOOD Dick.on 78, P.mici, Dingle '76, Br,dford "Br.id" Dolan °97. Ryan GROUNDS SUPERVISOR JIM LUCE SAID THE FUNGI l:.sch:1U1.icr'97. Sue (Schwarn) ,orhllm'56, P;aul Grttlcy7?. l'n:,co11"' llofner '80. Kimb<rly-Toy(Rcynolds)Huh ''7, Phyllis ) CONTINUE TO FEED ON THE BURIED STUMP YEARS ..flip ( hifT) Imber '43. Christine (Slye Koch '70, Jon:nh;an McBride '92, A11MC" Mickle "89, Lynda (Saner) Munro '76, Vice AFTER DUTCH ELM DISEASE KILLED THE TREE. Praidcm, Dougl� Rt-nficld-Miller75. Jane (l">om;m) Smith '55. Rnbcn;a lone S11111h '63, K.nluyn D, mith '84 C : Conn«ucur College MR:,wnr Copynght2005 by Connecucu, Mngnzine Co111nc111s College. ;all nghu rc:Kr.cJ. Reproduc11on 1n whole or 111 pJn wi1h­ : ·onnec1icu1 College welcomes lerccrs from readers. by: our wriucn pnmis.sion is prohibited. View!- oprcsscd hcrcin arc those of the authors llnd Jo nor ncct-MJirily rcHect official policy of Voice Mail: 86(HW-'iU5 E-mail: ccmag@'COnncoll.edu Fax: 860-439-5 M 1hr College. Write: l·dimr C( : Connectit:u1 Cullt..-g� Af,1g,1zmr l'RIN1Tl> I U.!.A Th<by t.w:I,,,.. Inc.. South llurlmgmn.Vcrmoo,. 270 ,\lohq;an A,c. CW London. C-1 06320 1% www.connecricurcollege.edu l'lhtJr 111rl1ulr;-,11ur fid/ t111mt ,md II d11)'timr phonr 111,mhrr. Submissions m11y hr rditrd for rl,,rlry or Jf(lft. 2 (( IOV!lll(lltlf1("l[lll,I \l\l,\/.l'\.I 'Sl\t\UR 00� fir tcolumn Got ink? For 80 years, CC· Magazine has connected peopleto the College and to each other f you're like mo c of che 25,000-plu rhe magazine for providing a forum to rhree-ring circus," he said, explaining readers of rhis magazine, you've "attack Un ired races policy abroad." One char there should be mulriple center of already checked out che Clas Nore lcccer began: 'I found your pring is ue arcencion for che reader. Certainly char before rurning to th front of che ab olurely abhorrent in scope and pur­ is a common rheme among che evcral issue. Ir's a fact that all editor of po ," though ir wa outnumbered by let­ hundred college and university ediror l alumni magazines cheerfully accept, ters of prai e from cho e who found meet at an annual onference. That no matter how hard they and their omeching relevant in irs pages. uperb same group of ediror , hardly rhe "ink- sraffs have worked on ch torie , photo­ editors of the pa r rained wretches" of graph and graphic design. If anyching, ic reered the magazine ye reryear, frequently reminds us rhac people are mosc inceresr­ deftly through rhe exhort one another co ed in ocher people. Noc ju c any people re ent decade : Allen T. rake more ri k with but rhose who have couched rheir lives. arroll '73, Vivian content and alway ro cheherezade, who saved her own life egall '73, aroline put the reader fir r. by weaving her tale for 1,001 nights, rosson Gilpin '82, As the edi rorial would have found perfe r material in the Kristi Vaughan- ody raffof rhe magazine, lass ore . Ir i all there: marriag , 75 and che lace Helen we wane ro be re pon- birch , deaths travel hopes, dreams and Haa e John on '66, were ive co readers' ideas.
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