untveislty ot Alabama Rcr SPACE DIVISION Slated Next Week NOlCTH AMERICAN ROCKWELL COrCPOKATION FEBRUARY 7, 1969 VOL. XXIX, No. 6 (Aerospxe and Systems Group) PDR To Consider Spacecraft I Configuration, Program Specs A major division Apollo Applications Program effort will culminate nest week in a combined division-NASA Preliminary Design Review. Paving the way this week for the PDR was a four-day astronaut review, attended by a team of six astronauts and more week will be to review the AAP than 30 representatives of configuration and program plans NASA's Manned Spacecraft and technical specifications cov- Center, Marshall Space Flight ering such areas as engineering, Center and Kennedy Space Cen- quality assurance, reliability , ter. On the astronaut team are safety and production, said Len Walt Cunningham, lead astro- Tinnan, division AAP program naut for AAP, and Owen Gar- manager. Approximately 200 di- riott, Paul Weitz, Joe Kerwin, vision and NASA representa- Bruce McCandless, and Edward tives will take part. Gibson. Tinnan explained that the Purpose of the PDR next PDR is the third in a series of I major program milestones lead- ing toward a hardware program Thousands Praised to modify the Apollo Block II- 1 lunar mission-type - command and service modules for use in 1 for Successful long duration Apollo Applica- tions missions. He added that the division is AAP MOCKUPS - Donna Otten of Apollo Applications Program and Ralph Flugel of Apollo working under a six-month, Engineering look over AAP mockups that will be among major topics of interest in next week's /Apollo 8 Flight joint division-NASA AAP preliminary design review. Engineering Model Shop built mockups. A "Well Done" to the team $7,000,000 NASA contract for effort and to the thousands of the preliminary design of the dedicated per sons throughout modifications. Also included in Snace' Moore, Two Aut~~neticsOfficials the country who contributed to the contract is the fabrication of 'View.. From - - 1 -I-- -- the successful Apollo 8 flight command and service module was extended in the January mockups. issue of Armed Forces Ioumak. The mockups, completed last Will Be Shown in TOThe ParticipateWinter Convention in on WINCON "Our Changing Meet World." In his column, ". military week by Central Manufactur- Aerospace and Electronics Sys- Moore's topic is "Changes in in space," James J. Haggerty, ing's Engineering Model Shop, tems (WINCON) opens Tues- Management and the Manage- Jr. pointed out that, "It is es- were delivered to the AAP pro- Special Premieres gram and will be available for Xav at the- -- Biltmore Hotel. with ment of Chan~e." timated that close to 400,000 "The View From Space," the I ~;out~President Tohn R. ~~oreI Robert N. Parker, chief en- people played a part, however next week's PDR. third ill the company's series of 1 ~~t~~~tF~~affic,ialsFzr- gineer at hutonetics' Electrn rnincr, in . the- flight to the A series of gener9l. pr_ogrg _ nationwide color telecasts, will ticipating. Sensor Systems division, is co- moon." briefings will open the five-day be premiered tonight for top The conference, which brings chairman of a 9 a.m. Wednes- He noted that, "Actually, the PDR on Monday. Then par- NASA officials, community lead- together the nation's leading in- day program on "The Impact success of Apollo 8 hinged on ticipants will split into 17 teams ers, and the news media at three dustrial, military and education- of Component Research on Sys- not just a few major systems, to review each major subsystem leading space centers across the al aerospace representatives, tems Innovation." J. H. Collins, but on absolute reliability of all and discipline, all program docu- country. concludes Thursday evening Auton e t i c s Physical Sciences the 7,000,000 parts in the Saturn ments, technical data and the The program, part of the ~itha dinner address by U.S. director for R&E, will present V/Apollo stack. The systems mockups. North A e r i c a n I3ockwell House of Representatives Mi- a paper on "Microsound Tech- into which these parts were Tinnan said the next major "Man and His Universe" tele- nority Leader Gerald H. Ford. niques for Radar Signal Proc- grouped resulted from years of step in the program would be a casts, is scheduled for local Moore, University of Utah essing" at that session. (Continued on Page 3, Column 5) critical design review (CDR) , showing Sunday from 7-8 P.m. president Dr. James C. Fletcher, which is expected in September. on ABC-TV. Carnegie Mellon University This type of review normally is It will be screened tonight in resident Dr H. Guvf ord ionors tng~neers associated with the completion I - -,- NASA's MSFC 1 special showings at the NASA Stever, idTRW, Inc. board of about 90 percent of the de- Manned Spacecraft Center in vice chairman Dr. Simon Ramo. Hiatt, Nelson a.nd Greenwood tailed design work. Houston, Texas, the Marshall open WINCON at 9 a.m. Tues- Heading the NASA team as Three Saturn S-I1 Engineer- equipment. PDR board chairman is Robert Space Flight Center in Hunts- day with the annual John Von "Mr. John Greenwood and ville, Ala., and at the Kennedy Neumann Lecture series. ing men have been commended F. Thompson, manager of the Space Center, Fla. by NASA's Marshall Space his staff of the Engineering Manned Spacecraft Center's This year the lectures, which Flight Center for their efforts Dept. are to be commended for Hosting the premiere at are named after the man cred- Apollo Applications Program in the design and production of their efforts in designing and Office. Tinnan leads the divi- Houston will be J. L. Atwood, ited with much of the original the S-I1 liquid hydrogen tank chief executive officer, and Space computer theory, are based on producing the tank entry equip- sion contingent, which includes Division president William "Flywalk" access gear. ment that meets MSFC's re- Ed Mims, Jim Bates, Joe Cuz- Bergen. Producer Jim Benja- Commended by John F. quirements and safety regula- zupoli, Jim Kerr, Luther Lawr- min and Jules Bergman, ABC- 5- 1 1-7 Post-Test Stone, former acting manager tions for the limited area for ence, Bill Wheeler and M. A. G. TV science editor, also will at- of MSFC's S-I1 Stage Office which it would be utilized." Robinson. tend. Rocketdyne president Sam were John Greenwood, Cliff Hoffman will be at Hunts- CheckOut at MTF H~att.and Dan A. Nelson. all of ville. Representing the compa- S-I1 ~echanicalGSE ~esi~n. ny at the Cape showing will be Now The access gear is a rotatable UndeMlay ladder assembly supported by a (Continued on Page 3, Column 2) The seventh Saturn S-I1 flight carriape. With its accomDanv-*, stage is undergoing Post-test ing equipment, it permits entry Abstracts Due Feb. 17 checkout after- .- successfully Corn- into the 811/2-foot-tall S-II's for- pleting a 369-second captive fir- ward tank while the stage is for 16th Annual AIAA 1 ing last week at NASA's Mis- / ,tacked with other components sissippi Test Facility. of the Saturn V vehide. Meeting and The firing of the s-11-7 was In his letter to Bob Greer, Abstracts are due Feb. 17th the first of the year at MTF, a vice president and S-I1 pro- for the American Institute of part of NASA's Marshall Space gram manager. Stone comment- Aeronautics and Astronautics Flight Center. The stage's five that the iccess gear, delivered 6th Annual Meeting and Tech- Rocketdyne J-2 engines devel- MSFC last September, was nical Display, to be held Oct. oped thrust equivalent to one on the S-11 facil- 20-24 in ihe Anaheim Conven- million pounds at operating alti- ities/dynamic stage. tion Center. tude during its more than six- "The test proved very sue- This is the largest technical minute full duration firing. cessful and was completed meeting of the year and Divi- Heading the division team for ahead of schedule," wrote Stone. sion personnel are urged to par- the firing were Charles Allen, "T h e e q u i p m e n t, overall, NASA COMMENDATION - Werner Gengelbach, left, NASA ticipate. Session chairmen, to director of the division's Missis- proved very effective in accom- Marshall Space Flight Center resident Saturn S-I1 stage manager whom abstracts should be sub- sippi Test Operations; Gerry plishing the tasks that it was at Seal Beach, and John Greenwood, C. H. Hiatt, and D. A. Nel- mitted, are listed on pages 8-9 Wilson, manager of Test Opera- designed for. MSFC and Ken- son, all oi S-I1 Engineering, discuss MSFC letter commending of the January AIAA Bulletin. tions; Hugo Fruehauf, chief test nedy Space Center personnel division trio for efforts in development of S-I1 liquid hydro- This information is available conductor, and Tony Frey, test had very favorable comments gen tank "Flywalk" access gear. Equipment permits entry into also in Public Relations. (Continued on Page 3, Column 5) about the capability of this S-11's forward tank while stage is stacked in Saturn V vehide. Page TWO FEBRUARY 7, 1969 Space Division Skywriter e Truth Suffices Senlor tmployees Employees approaching age 65 or employees with spouses approaching age 65 should con- tact their nearest Social Security office or retirement representa- tive in Personnel during the three-month period prior to the month of their 65th birthday for instructions regarding Medicare enrollment. This is very important for em- ployees insured under the com- BARBARA . "It got up there and back, didn't it?" pany group insurance plan, both I for the em~loveeand his mouse.
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