— No. 68.] MACMILLAN'S EDITED BY DAYID MASSOItf. JUNE, 1865. Contents. I.—The Dove in the Eagle's Nest. By the Author of the' "Heir of Redclyffe." Chap. III. —The Flotsam and Jetsam of the Debateable Ford. Chap. IV.—Snow- Wreaths when 'tis Thaw. Chap. V.—The Young Freiherr. Chap. VI.—The Blessed Freidmund's Wake. II.- Women and the Fine Arts. By F. T. Palgrave. iii.- -About Salmon. By Henry Kingsley. IV.- -Cradock Nowell: A Tale of the New Forest. By Richard Doddridge Blagkmore. Chapters VI.—XI. V.- Miss Meteyard's Life of Wedgwood. VI.- -Hereditary Talent and Character. By Francis Galton. Part I. VII.- -Translations from Horace. VIII.- -Our New Zealand Conquests. By J. E. Gorst. IX.- The Death of President Lincoln. By Goldwin Smith. X.- -Abraham Lincoln. XI.- Essays at Odd Times : VII. Of Success in Life. XII.—Lincolniana. By Edward Dicey. MACMILLAN* AND CO. 16, BEDFORD STREET, COVENT GARDEN, LONDON AND CAMBRIDGE. Edinburgh : Edmonston and Douglas. Glasgow : James Maclehose. 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