GRAND YORK RITE OF IDAHO PROCEEDINGS GRAND COUNCIL CRYPTIC MASONS GRAND CHAPTER ROYAL ARCH MASONS GRAND COMMANDERY KNIGHTS TEMPLAR 2005 GRAND YORK RITE OF IDAHO DIVINE SERVICES Divine Services this year began at 6 p.m., April 22, 2005, at the Eagle Rock Lodge No. 19 Temple. Sir Knight Peter Furno, Jr., Excellent Grand Prelate, officiated during the service presenting a very interesting talk on preserving our religious freedom. After SK Furno’s message, the report of the Necrology and Broken Triangle Committee was conducted by Sir Knights James L. Curtis and David A. Grindle under the direction of Sir Knight Ernest I. Teter. After the services, a delicious dinner was prepared by Henrietta Eastern Star Chapter #21 and Idaho Falls Eastern Star Chapter #85 and served the Jobs Daughters of Bethels #47 and #59 to 54 Sir Knights and Ladies. The total contributions from the meal were $330. This was divided evenly among the three philanthropies. A full report of the Necrology and Broken Triangle Committee is in- cluded in the section “Joint Grand York Rite Bodies". 2 GRAND YORK RITE SESSIONS BANQUET The annual banquet of the 2005 Grand York Rite Sessions was held on Saturday evening, April 23rd, at the Red Lion-Idaho Falls Hotel, Idaho Falls, ID, with Companion and Sir Knight Ernest I. Teter as the Master of Ceremonies (MC). MC Teter offered a few opening remarks and asked Sir Knight and Companion Peter Furno to offer the blessing. After introducing his wife, Agnes, so as not to buy her a dress, MC Teter then introduced the head table. Seated at the head table were R. Bruce McGinnis, Northwest Regional Deputy General Grand High Priest of the General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, International, and his wife Kitty; William K. Curtis, Jr., Junior Past Grand High Priest of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Idaho and his wife, Andrea; Ethel and Glenn A. Siron, Right Eminent Northwest Department Commander, Grand Encampment; John Smith, Right Puissant General Grand Sentinel, representing Perry B. Anderson, Most Puissant General Grand Master of the General Grand Council of Cryptic Masons, International, and his wife, Judy; Tommye and James C. Herndon, Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master, representing Harry C. Black, Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Idaho, A.F.&.A.M.; Sir Knight N. Dean Millard, Junior Past Grand Commander of the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of Idaho; Sir Knight Richard Burdett Baldwin, Right Eminent Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States of America representing Richard Bernard Fisher, Most Eminent Grand Master of the Grand Encampment; James G. Cox, Junior Past Grand Illus- trious Master of the Grand Council of Cryptic Masons of Idaho; Peter J. Furno, Jr., Past Excellent Grand Prelate of the Grand Commandery of Ida- ho. After dinner, Sir Knight Teter, on behalf of the Knights Templar Eye Foundation, presented a plaque to Steve McClellan, CNRA, as recognition for his assistance in providing care to Eye Foundation patients. Sir Knight Teter presented a plaque Dr. Bradley P. Gardner for his support of the Eye Foundation. A third plaque was presented by Sir Knight Teter to Craig Bates for Idaho Surgery Center’s work in supporting the efforts of the Knight Templar Eye Foundation. 3 The mike was then handed to Companion Curtis who requested Com- panion McGinnis to join him at the podium. Companions McGinnis and Curtis presented the General Grand Chapter Bronze Medal is Companion Jacob W. Gundy of Caldwell Chapter No. 19. Companion McGinnis then presented the Past Grand High Priest's Plaque and pin to Companion Curtis on the successful completion of his term. The mike was then turned over to Companion Smith, and he requested Companion Cox to join him at the podium. Companion Cox proceeded to present the Cryptic Mason of the Year Award to Companion Harry L. Huffer of King Solomon Council No. 4. The next presentation was the Cryptic Mason Youth Leadership Award for Melody Small of Coeur d’Alene who assists with the Jobs Daughters. Ms. Small was not present and will be presented the award at a later date. Companion Smith then pre- sented the Past Grand Illustrious Master’s plaque, lapel pin, and certificate to Companion Cox. The podium was then relinquished the mike to Sir Knights Baldwin and Siron who then presented the Past Grand Commander’s plaque to Sir Knight Millard for his service as Grand Commander. Brother, Companion, and Sir Knight James C. Herndon was called to the podium for a few words and thoughts from the Grand Master. As a judge, he was reluctant to give up the mike, but after some very inspiring remarks he relinquished the mike to MC Teter. MC Teter thanked all for their attendance and, after a few remarks, asked Companion and Sir Knight Furno to pronounce the benediction, and then adjourned the banquet in peace and harmony. 4 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 1st Annual Joint Grand York Rite Session Idaho Falls, Idaho 21-23 April 2005 This Page Intentionally Left Blank GRAND YORK RITE BODIES OF IDAHO PROCEEDINGS OF THE GRAND YORK RITE BODIES OF THE STATE OF IDAHO FIRST ANNUAL JOINT SESSION Idaho1 Falls, Idaho April 22, 2005 James G. Cox Most Illustrious Grand Master Presiding David A. Grindle Grand Secretary/Recorder 2642 N Sweetwood Ave Meridian, ID 83642-8840 2 FIRST JOINT SESSION 1 This Page Intentionally Left Blank GRAND YORK RITE BODIES OF IDAHO 3 A Joint Session of the Grand York Rite Bodies of Idaho was called to order by the Most Illustrious Grand Master, James G. Cox, for the purpose of introductions and remarks by the distinguished guests. An invocation was offered by the Illustrious Grand Chaplain, Compan- ion Anthony G. Such. The Pledge of Allegiance of the Flag of the United States and Star Span- gled Banner were offered as a tribute to Old Glory. REPORT OF THE DISTINGUISHED GUESTS COMMITTEE To the Most Excellent Grand High Priest, the Most Illustrious Grand Master, and the Right Eminent Grand Commander of the York Rite Grand Bodies of Idaho, Officers, Companions, and Sir Knights of those bodies: The following distinguished guests were present, introduce, and ac- corded appropriate recognition and honors. Her Honor Linda Milam, the Honorable Mayor of the City of Idaho Falls. Mrs. Richard L. (Linda) Roblee, Worthy President of Pocatello Assembly No. 120, Social Order of the Beauceant SK Donald S. Thoen, Associate Grand Royal Patron of the Grand Court of the Amaranth of Idaho representing the Grand Royal Matron, Zola McFarland, and Grand Royal Patron, SK Don Bohon Dave Call, Worthy Grand Patron, Idaho Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star Robert B. “Pete” Cargill, 33°, Valley of Lewiston, A.A.S.R.-SJ, represent- ing Gary W. West, 33°, Sovereign Grand Inspector General in Idaho, Right Worshipful Junior Grand Warden, Grand Lodge of Idaho A.F. & A.M. Miss Kati Lindsey, Grand Bethel Senior Princess of Idaho, International Order of Jobs Daughters Paul Alexander, Associate Grand Guardian of the Grand Bethel of Idaho, International Order of Jobs Daughters James C. Herndon, Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Lodge A.F. & A. M. of Idaho representing the Most Worshipful Grand Master, Harry C. Black, of the Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Idaho, Past Grand Commander of the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of Idaho, and Intendant General Idaho Division, International Order of the Red Cross of Constantine John Smith, Right Puissant Grand Sentinel of the General Grand Council- International, representing Companion Perry B. Anderson, Most Puissant General Grand Master, Past Grand Master, Past Grand High Priest, Past Grand Illustrious Master, and Past Grand Commander of Oregon R. Bruce McGinnis, Northwest Regional Deputy General Grand High Priest, General Grand Chapter-International, representing Companion J. 4 FIRST JOINT SESSION Benny Allen, Most Excellent General Grand High Priest and Past Grand High Priest of Montana Sir Knight Glenn A. Siron, Right Eminent Department Commander1 of the Northwestern Department of the Grand Encampment Knights Templar representing Sir Knight Kenneth Bernard Fischer, Most Eminent Grand Master, and Past Grand Commander of Washington Kent W. Gist, Past Grand High Priest, Past Grand Illustrious Master, and Past Grand Commander of Idaho David C. Triplett, Ambassador of the General Grand Council of Cryptic Masons, International, to Idaho and Past Grand Illustrious Master of Ida- ho James L. Curtis, Ambassador of the General Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons International, to Idaho and Past Grand High Priest and Past Grand Commander of Idaho Frank W. Allen, Past Grand High Priest and Past Grand Commander of Ida- ho Richard R. Crossler, Past Grand High Priest of Idaho Merle S. Hill, Past Grand Illustrious Master of Idaho Richard L. Roblee, Past Grand Illustrious Master of Idaho M. William Echo, Past Grand High Priest, Past Grand Illustrious Master, and Past Grand Commander of Idaho Ernest I. Teter, Past Grand High Priest, Past Grand Illustrious Master, Past Grand Commander of Idaho, and Right Eminent Past Department Com- mander Northwestern Department Grand Encampment Knights Templar of the USA Harry L. Huffer, Past Grand High Priest, Past Grand Prelate of Idaho Larry A. Reynolds, Most Illustrious Grand Master of the Grand Council of California James G. Kelly, Most Illustrious Grand Master, Past Grand Commander of Nevada Edmund D. Harrison, Past Grand High Priest of New York, Regional Depu- ty Grand High Priest of the General Grand Chapter-International for Lat- in America Lowell B. Amundson, Past Grand High Priest, Past Grand Illustrious Master, and Right Eminent Grand Commander of Oregon E. Rudy Engle, Past Grand Commander and Past Grand Governor of the Sovereign York Rite College of Oregon Robert R.
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