Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 11-8-1955 The Ledger and Times, November 8, 1955 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, November 8, 1955" (1955). The Ledger & Times. 2548. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/2548 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ce• a • • • • altarowimansawaw,wasowoweatiomustiliN ao••••••• Selected As A Best All Round Kentucky Community Newspaper Largest F:11 7, 1955 Largest 1 Circulation In The Circulation In The City; Largest LEE City; Largest FIELD Circulation In Circulation In Lt. (;overoor The County The County :entucky 5:15 • United Press IN OUR 76th YEAR Murray, Ky., Tuesday Afternoon, November 8, 1955 MURRAY POPULATION 10,100 P.M. _______ _ _- CH ANNEL 1_2 ardeaU ANNUAL 41-H, FA- SHOW BIG Slii.detii CO-WINNERS OF NOBEL PRIZE FOR PHYSICS Woman Struck Cold Statistics Add To The • Sale Last Night Brings Over By Car $42,000 To The Young Owners For Here Political issets Of GOP a , By LYLE 0. WILSON - waged. on fhe -issues of peace and Eugene Robertson. formerly a for 50 cents a pound for a total Yesterday • sir 4 "Bill" United Press Staff Correspendeut prosperity plank as of today, just member of the Kirksey FFA chimp- of 557250. Champion • was a WASHINGTON. Nov 8 611 - 12 crita.- al months before - next ter and rimy a freshman at Mur- The -Reserve Hereford named "Buck".. He Mrs Lizzre Cox. 70 years of age. The cold statiatics of booming em- year's presidential election. T h e ray State/tar/liege showed the tap light \ELL Weighed 825 pounds and was pur- of 304 North Sixth street. was ployment and the flow of income boom is on The reports of person- animal in the annual 4-H. FFA chased by the Kroger Company a apparently struck by a aar yes-ter- to individuals and corporations add al and corporation income and Fat Cattle Show and- Sale last for 44 cents a pound for a total day resulting in a cut , n the back up to the biggest political asset treaaury revenue sound it loud and night Robertson exhibited a n st„ of $363. ot the head Mrs Cox was ('and right now in the Republican locker. long. - Mild- the grand champion, an Angus Roosevelt Robertson ahowed another blue eat ,lhe intersection of South Fifth Way back in the early steer President Eisenhower was t h e Farris, daughter ribbon animal, a heavy Hereford street ard Maple by Mrs Max years there was a familiar saying Miss Rod:trine party's most valuable pos.ession around election time: "You can't of Mr and Mrs. Alvin Farris of and Misr; Farris showed ,another Churchill yesterday aftermain about until he was stricken Sept. 24. His blue ribbon animal, a 'heavy n 4,06 o'clock shoot Santa Claus" Lynn Grove and a member of plata:cal value must be marked Count On Prosperity the Lynn Grove senior 4-H Club, Angus. was the Mrs. Churchnll said he was down somewhat until and unless The late Alfred Emmanuel had the reserve ,grand champion The ahow this year the an- driving South on South Fifth street- it is determined that he can lead Smith wisecracked that one in a light Hereford Both Robert- largest in the history of animals being anti as sha went acrosa Oat .nter- another presidential campaign. recognition of the fact FDR was son's Angus and Miss Farris' nual affair with 187 If he decide, not to entered. The average selling price setIlOn she saw Mrs Cox lying run again. pouring federal funds into chan- Hereford were also areed cham- animals selling was nerreao the club at Boone Cleaners the Republtcan campaign will be nels which led shortly to the pions. for the 173 pockets of grateful citizens. Repub- The Champion 'as a twenta $2505 a hundred Total poundage V She stopped irnmediately and lican' strategists are convinhtd and one-half armenth old ' animal sold was 169.837 with total income ealreisTan ambulance. She said Mra. -*Wt.- wItat feRdf and -other federal. -called "Mackie' and v..a.ghed in to the owners being $425443.24. rib- IPChnrchill reported that she saw Farm Bureau spendingd:d for Mr. Roosevelt, at 1.145 pound,. He V./..S purchased Only the blue and the red a eV approaching her and turning a basic national prosperity will do by the Murray Livestgak Company bons animals were ,old with the left in front of the cleaning estab- for the Republicans and their can- %Otte ribbon animals going into lishment which might have atruck Meet To Hear didate in November. 1956 the regulae Tuesday sale or not The elderly ladY without the d -iver What the Republicans have to Tfosnital News sold at all. knowing it. fear is the possibility that the r The. FAA Clubs entered 86 boom will ea -e off be'ween now CO-WINNERS of the Nobel Prize for physics, Prof. Polykarp Kusch (left) ahd Prof. Willis E Lamb, animals anti 4-H club members Nfra Cox's purse was found about Good Speakers are shown in their laboratories. Professor Kusch is a Columbia university physicist He was named fon showed 101 head arid election day. That cauld be Monday'• complete record eight feet from her body with the deadly in the Stockholm. Sweden, award announcement for 'his precision determination of the magnetic lows More than 2.000 attended tAe handle broken She was lying on movement of the electron." Professor Lamb, now at Stanford university. is shown nere ut • 1947 Census 36 show and sale with more than fifty A wide array of speaking talent Even though some farm prices her bark photo when he was at Columbia. The instrument he is adjusting enabled him to complete experiments Beds 80 buyers beingfpraent. has been lined up for the 36th are down and others - pork for Adult She was taken to the Murray that changed fundamental ideas about nature and motion of electrons. His Nobel Prize is for 'dis- 24 - Cattle e r e shown in seven annual convention of the Kentucky example- are seriously depressed, Emergency Beds 4Hospital and treated and' later coveries concerning the One structure of the hydrogen spectrum." (I d,11!WWI HtUICall I Admitted . 10 classes.- three breeds with a 1 \ Farm Bureau convention which will the national economy is setting Patients furnoved to the home of relatives Dismissed . 5 champion and reserve champion be held in Louisville November new records. Personal inome in Patients in Paris. Tennessee She regained New Citizens . 2 picked from both light (under 13-16. September was -FaPeirted- the high- ainspiousness at the hogpital but 1.000 poundsi and heavy - and They include a historian, a farm eat in the nation's Mallory - at a Patients admitted from Friday ilman was unable to ivy.. clear picture Reaction On President To Leave For His 400 pm to Monday 3:00 p.m hearts o: all brs. I- The breed. legislation expert, an agricultural rate of $307.500,000.030 annually if as to what had happened. Luebbert. .Rt 1, champion a n d hreed reserve education leader and a free-lance Mrs. Norma Maynard and champion were his Out en from NURRAY writer Almo: Mrs. Rupert Only last January. Mr. Eisen- Gettysburg Farm On Friday baby boy. Rt. 5, Murray; Mrs. i the light and he :any champions of Fire to spacer on the program hower estimated in Mamball Wyatt. 509 Green .Hill each welahl .., e!.••.. The gsand tmber 8 at the convention will tie ..airs that personal "Maziaginc, Of News" come in _,the fiscal •emir ending is va ri ed Drive. hentop: Mrs Glenn Pace champion ariern ,.. fr's•vvil grand Chinese =Sham 03 Pears Cross next June 30 would be $298.500.- By MERRIMAN SMITS! "He will mot:ably have to de- and baby boy. 3160 So 13th St.. Champion were the two best an.- Ind Support Is Hit In Check has United Tress White House Writer cide what to do himself," White Murray. Mrs Charles Henry, Rt mals in the show ppreciated 000.000. The figure steadily '.By Sub-Committee been revised ..---ad Personal in- DENVER, Nov 8 IT - Presadea: said. "His whole life will depend 3. Murray: MT. John Edward By breed and weight clasa•- 'he - - come broke thrnaaa Oa 300 billion ATLANTA. New 8 AP - Soatn- Eisenhower plans to make brief cn his own decisions, knowing what Culp and baby girl. Rt 7. Benton; champion and reserve charnp.on ity WASHINGTON. Nov 8 ar - dollar level last May and hasn't err state officials indicated today public statements when he leaves the doctors find and what the Jac- Mr Wave] TrIman Outland, Rt 1 listed re•pectively were i office think" Chairman John E Moss said today t dropped below that figure there will be a mixhre of cam- Denver Friday meaning and when tors Murray: Mrs Larry Medley. 310 HEREFORD LIGHT stake. his Hc.use subcommit'oe will in- - nhance and defiance of the Su- he arrives in Washington Mat So, 4th St . Murray; Mrs J a is, Rozanne Farris of Lynn Grow !sabotages Aaked what he would do if he veetigated alleged attempts by ' Earnings Exceed pseme 7:te-t's Lfiing of racial bar- a le.rnoon.
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