
E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 164 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18, 2018 No. 63 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was his grip on power. The reality is that than it will help. The proposed changes called to order by the Speaker pro tem- the Cuban people will be no closer to for the Supplemental Nutrition Assist- pore (Mr. WEBER of Texas). freedom today than they were yester- ance Program within the farm bill are f day—no closer to democracy today downright draconian. SNAP was in- than they were yesterday. tended to help the poor so they can DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO The reality is that the murderous re- find meaningful work on a full stom- TEMPORE gime in Cuba will continue to oppress ach. The new proposed work require- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- and will continue to abuse the people ments would starve individuals who are fore the House the following commu- of Cuba. unable to find sustainable employment nication from the Speaker: We are not fooled, Mr. Speaker, and due to economic, medical, or family-re- U.S. law dictates that we do not recog- lated issues. WASHINGTON, DC. Organizations such as Feeding Amer- April 18, 2018. nize this so-called transition govern- I hereby appoint the Honorable RANDY K. ment or any successor government ica and the Food Research & Action WEBER, Sr., to act as Speaker pro tempore on until certain conditions are met, condi- Center have come out opposing these this day tions such as: all political prisoners be changes because they would lead to an PAUL D. RYAN, released; until free, fair, and trans- increase in hungry Americans and is Speaker of the House of Representatives. parent elections monitored by inter- counterproductive to solving America’s f national observers are held; and until hunger problem. It is much harder to the Cuban people’s human rights are climb out of poverty and onto a path of MORNING-HOUR DEBATE independence when you must devote respected. much of your energy in wondering The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Until then, and only then, Mr. Speak- where your next meal may come from. ant to the order of the House of Janu- er, we must continue to oppose this ary 8, 2018, the Chair will now recog- Instead of throwing people off SNAP, farce orchestrated by Castro and, in- Congress should be focused on giving nize Members from lists submitted by stead, we must stand with the people of the majority and minority leaders for greater access to nutritional meals so Cuba in their fight for freedom, democ- that these individuals are able to go on morning-hour debate. racy, and human rights. The Chair will alternate recognition living their lives and trying to find em- f between the parties. All time shall be ployment that will get them out of equally allocated between the parties, CHANGES TO SNAP IN THE NEW poverty and into the middle class. SNAP was intended to assist the and in no event shall debate continue FARM BILL working poor to ensure they are able to beyond 11:50 a.m. Each Member, other The SPEAKER pro tempore. The put food on the table for their children. than the majority and minority leaders Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from These changes would throw many chil- and the minority whip, shall be limited Texas (Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON) for dren off the program and subsequently to 5 minutes. 5 minutes. deny access for them to get food from f Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of school breakfast and lunch programs. Texas. Mr. Speaker, a major responsi- CUBA’S SCAM TRANSITION The cuts in SNAP benefits for these bility of the farm bill is intended to ad- students would force them to face the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The dress the growing issue of food insecu- challenges of hunger in addition to the Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from rity in America. As a matter of fact, rigors of school. Florida (Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN) for 5 min- roughly one out of every six individ- Countless studies show that students utes. uals in Dallas County will go to sleep retain more information when their Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, each night not knowing where their focus is on school in front of them and today, many around the world might next meal will come from. not on the fear that they will go to bed herald what they call a transition of Hunger is not just a major issue hungry. power in my native homeland of Cuba, within any one district, but it is one Making certain that the next genera- but that couldn’t be further from the that affects Americans in virtually tion of Americans have every oppor- truth. every district in every part of the tunity to grow up with a healthy diet This sham transition is more smoke country. It is an important issue. It is and learn on a full stomach is not just and mirrors—another ploy out of the one on which Congress needs to focus. an investment in the fight against hun- Castro playbook. The reality is that Sadly, the farm bill introduced last ger; it is also an investment in this Raul Castro will continue to maintain week will hurt far more Americans country’s future. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H3399 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:33 Apr 19, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18AP7.000 H18APPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with HOUSE H3400 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 18, 2018 Mr. Speaker, I speak not just for Af- partment and also a hospital chaplain Social Security, Medicare, and Med- rican Americans. The majority of the in the Sisters of Providence Health icaid for working families, middle class ones who are utilizing this program are System in Mercy Medical Center. He folks, and senior citizens all across this non-African American, and the major- has surely reinvigorated the life of the country. ity are Anglo Americans. So Congress church, and is a son of Hungry Hill, a They recklessly jammed a tax scam should be working together to graduate of Cathedral High School and down the throats of the American peo- strengthen the program so that it ful- Saint Anselm College. ple where 83 percent of the benefits go fills its original goal: ensuring that all His spiritual leadership in western to the wealthiest 1 percent of this Americans, regardless of ethnic origin Massachusetts has become, in fact, leg- country—tax cuts for millionaires, bil- or status, have the dignity of a day’s endary. He has a well-deserved reputa- lionaires, corporations, and big donors work and a day’s worth of food. tion for compassion, humility, and to subsidize the lifestyles of the rich Mr. Speaker, many districts’ voices kindness. Again, the welcoming mes- and shameless. Raw deal. have been muted through the inten- sage of his inclusivity continues to We support tax cuts for working fam- tional gerrymandering so that they deeply resonate with those who wor- ilies and middle class folks that are don’t have to address the poorest peo- ship at Sacred Heart Church. made permanent and that meaning- ple. He leads his parishioners up and fully put money back into the pockets Mr. Speaker, it is time for us to ad- down that middle aisle, oftentimes in of everyday Americans. That is a bet- dress all of the American people. joy and happiness or in grief of the fu- ter deal. f neral, but he always does it with a spe- b 1015 cial tolerance and grace. HAPPY SESQUICENTENNIAL TO They are all about chaos, crisis, con- Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the United RENO, NEVADA fusion, and special interests. States, I want to congratulate Mon- We are about the people’s interests: The SPEAKER pro tempore. The signor George Farland for reaching this Chair recognizes the gentleman from better jobs, better wages, and a better important milestone in his life, thank future for the American people. We be- Nevada (Mr. AMODEI) for 5 minutes. him for his decades of thoughtful min- Mr. AMODEI. Mr. Speaker, I rise lieve the American people deserve a istry, and acknowledge the remarkable better deal. today with birthday wishes for the pre- contributions he has made to the peo- mier municipality in the Nation—not ple of all walks of faith in the Diocese f the Big Apple, not the Windy City, not of Springfield in western Massachu- SYRIAN CIVIL WAR the City by the Bay, or the Big Easy. setts. I am talking about the Biggest Little The SPEAKER pro tempore. The City in the World, Reno, Nevada. Reno f Chair recognizes the gentleman from turns 150, celebrating its sesquicenten- RAW DEAL VERSUS BETTER DEAL Maryland (Mr. BROWN) for 5 minutes. nial. Mr. BROWN of Maryland. Mr. Speak- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The er, there is a civil war in Syria and a Congratulations to you Mayor Hil- Chair recognizes the gentleman from lary Schieve and the city council. humanitarian crisis that the United New York (Mr. JEFFRIES) for 5 minutes. Happy birthday, Reno, Nevada. States simply cannot and should not Mr.
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