INSIDE: • Vladimir Chernousenko's insight on Chornobyl disaster — page 3. • Update on Ternopii orphans — page 4. • Toronto-based group says: "Help Us Help the Children"-- page 5. THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY l^iibllsiied by the Ui^aiiilait Natioimi Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit assoclatloti Vol. LXI No. 49 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5,1993 50 cents Canada backs Ukraine at CSCE, U.S. and Russia pressure Ukraine offers to mediate nukes issue to withdraw conditions on START by Andrij Kudla Wyimyckyj stood the concerns Ukraine might have, by Marta Kolomayets would resubmit the START I document faced with demands to hand over Kyyiv Press Bureau to a new Parliament in the spring and JERSEY CITY, N J. — On the opening nuclear weapons to Russian authorities, push to remove the conditions imposed day of the Commission on Security and whom the Ukrainians suspect of wishing KYYIV — Since Ukraine's by the current Parliament, which Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) conference to keep the transferred arms for their Parliament overwhelmingly ratified includes security and safety guarantees, now in session in Rome, Canada offered to own use. START I on November 18, both the as well as financial aid for disarma­ mediate a dispute over Ukraine's nuclear United States and Russia have expressed According to Mr. Boulet, Mr. Ouellet ment. weapons and opposed Moscow's calls for their open dissatisfaction with the tough "I told Mr. Clinton that I agree with a peacekeeping mandate in ex-Soviet reminded Ukraine's representatives that conditions accompanying its adherence they had made a very clear commitment his position, that I too am unhappy with states, according to a Canadian Press (CP) to the international accord, which could the Parliament's decision. I told Yeltsin report of December 1. to disarmament, and stressed that every­ delay implementation for years. one was anxious to see it met. Mr. the same thing," Mr. Kravchuk told And since a Monday, November 29, Russia, which inherited most of the Ouellet also stated that the acceptance of reporters on Thursday, December 2, as telephone conversation between U.S. Soviet nuclear arsenal, asked the foreign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty he toured Kyyiv's area hospitals. President Bill Clinton and Ukrainian ministers of over 50 countries assembled (NPT) and full destruction of Ukraine's President Leonid Kravchuk, Mr. "I can't understand why we should not in the Italian capital to condemn nuclear weapons were also matters of Kravchuk has said he will raise the issue accede to the NPT (Nuclear Non- Ukraine's conditional ratification of the concern. Proliferation Treaty). I don't understand START I Treaty. Canada demurred, of ratification of START I, along with Mr. Ouellet, who was scheduled to the Lisbon Protocol and Nuclear Non- where the obstacles lie, we must accede with some reservations. to the NPT. We cannot become a nation As cofifirmed by ministry press offi­ meet with Ukraine's Foreign Minister Proliferation Treaty, next year, after the Anatoliy Zlenko later that day, indicated election of a new Parliament in late that others point fingers at, saying that cer D6nis Boulet, Canadian Foreign we were the ones who stopped the Affairs Minister Andr6 Ouellet called a way out of the treaty-compliance dead­ March. lock, saying that Canada could appeal to process of disarmament, a nation that the Ukrainian Parliament's ratification During the 30-minute Clinton- pushed for the proliferation of nuclear of the START I Treaty "a positive and the strong cultural economic ties between Kravchuk conversation, Mr. Clinton weapons," he said. encouraging action," and said he under­ (Continued on page 17) "expressed his...unhappiness with the Ukrainian Parliament's action," accord­ During the second Black Sea parlia­ ing to White House spokeswoman Dee mentary session on November 30, Dee Myers. President Kravchuk said that Ukraine's In the former Yugoslavia The U.S. leader was concerned that foreign policy is dominated by acquiring the ratification of START I by the a non-nuclear status. Ukrainian Parliament with so many con­ "The Parliament recently took a step The Ukrainian community has been ditions attached to it was more a negoti­ in this direction," Mr. Kravchuk said, ating document than a true ratification. "although I am sure the issue will have to wiped out and willl never recover He obtained a pledge from the be reconsidered and corresponding Ukrainian president that Mr. Kravchuk (Continued on page 17) by Nestor Gula which numbered slightly more than 40,000, lived in three of former TORONTO — "The Ukrainian com­ Yugoslavia's republics: Serbia, Croatia munity in former Yugoslavia has been and Bosnia-Hercegovina. According to ШАРШАІ: Toward Ukraine's wiped out and it will never recover or the recent arrivals, the community itself rebuild itself," said a man who fled from was divided into two parts: "the Rusyns," the devastated region, a recent applicant who arrived in the Balkans from democratization and independence for refugee status in Canada. Transcarpathia about 250 years ago, and TWO mm a тШ y^r$ m "The Ukrainian community in former "the Ukrainians" who came to this area ШСЄ ih^ ршсішйайол of НІшіім'^ ти Ле ітшхііісйош of а free ішгког Yugoslavia got caught in the crossfire about 100 years ago when the territory Moj^emdance^ шй it WM two уеш^ in tbo а^ішші^ішіон, M^^istry ші4 between the warring factions," the man was controlled by the Austro-Hungarian ago that ittdepemdence тш mm:- agrioutore of ІЯкгашо* Tlte^ are continued, "whether it was between empire. Serbs and Croats, Serbs and Muslims, or The only real difference between the Croats and Muslims." cottt of the vot^rj^ of llkraiae m a ІРкґййО ate patieftlly awaitmg. The two groups, the refugees claimed, was jNBiojple of ІЗЙйаІне are oxjpHeHctlug our About a dozen Ukrainians from the that the Rusyns spoke with a distinct region, of the estimated 80 who have fled "Carpathian dialect." Otherwise, they ШЄІГ own шій m to Canada in the past year to escape the said, there was little to distinguish them. insanity raging in their country, gathered forms the majority in the Supremo Iholrovmlndep^iieiiist^o^ on November 27 in the hall of the Ss. Peter Each of the three republics mentioned above had its own policy on ethnic СошісіІ шй ш loading щочтштп Th^Moro. we appeal to oar mom^ and Paul Ukrainian Catholic Church, to pm% Ьош Ш шйшй tevel Ш ЩуЬ |>ership in the United St^to$ ад4 attend a fund-raising dance held to support minorities. them and their countrymen. In Serbia, Rusyns and Ukrainians were to tbe loeal leveUt collective tmm^ <^^ ^ ^^ dmsum^ to Ш ША A trio of these refugees agreed to give treated as two separate groups so that no шйШШ^.Ітйкшт^^шшут-^ Ftedfortliol^binfcof№Mioforibe their estimation of the Ukrainian commu­ large Ukrainian bloc could be estab­ %Ш to stymie demo^atipaott, щш- щ^^ g^^ of |«?omottog Ш йешос^а- nity's history there and its present status lished. According to the trio, because of штт Шй ше mtroonction of a f^ee- йтйт |>шсе$§ ш Шгшш* е$р^Шу and prospects. the antagonism between Tito's regime la^rket sysl^ii ш Ihe temtory of iade- during the^ deotee тшШ of con- and the USSR, the leadership's distrust Thus, Ukrainians in tbe United pendeutUta^iiian stale. All Ukrainians who recently arrived of anything Soviet led them to fear that peisdeixt Ukraane* - - - _ from the exploding powder keg continue States and Canada ше faced wilk an „. ^ ^^ ^. ^ ^. ^^^. some kind of link could be built between to be very nervous about speaking with \r^r.r^^r^^ ^^A A^r^^Ws^ «.«^^«t«ru»«f^» •л Please sei^i doftatioi^ to Ше UNA the Ukrainian community and the Soviet the press because most of them have Union. The emotional link to a territory h^KfiflfS^w КЇ t ^^ ^ ^ R^birai of ттш wifli family and friends still living in that war- then under Soviet control led Serbs to noip their brother^ and $i$ter^ m . ^ . ^.^ ^ ^, ^. „ torn area. The three refugees interviewed favor Rusyns over Ukrainians. were no exception, and demanded in no їішаеаішу electioM scheduled to be ^еі^еу <-ІЧ'. «i о^зш.} uncertain terms that their names not In Croatia, the republican government treated the two parts of the Ukrainian held in March 1994, In conjunctioa Sit{iiremeExe(^w€№eiBitte«i appear in this report. with Sie elections, faeip Is seeded to Ukraiidatt NdttMial Агшюкійоа The Balkan Ukrainian community. (Continued on page 21) THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5,1993 No. 49 Hospital partnerships respond Black Sea Economic Community meets by Marta Kolomayets and create conditions for the building of to crises in Ul(raine's tiealtti care Kyyiv Press Bureau further cooperation. The Ukrainian president noted that by Boris Baczynskyj initiated in September, 1992, are the KYYIV — Ukraine's President Leonid holding the session in Ukraine's capital Special to The Ukrainian Weekly introduction by the Coney Island person­ Kravchuk welcomed participants of the testified to both the recognition of nel of new diagnostic and treatment tech­ inteфarliamentary assembly of the Black Ukraine's authority in international KYYTV — Ukraine's current birthrate nologies in urology, neonatology, oph­ Sea Economic Community, known as and its perinatal, infant and mothers-at- affairs and the world community's sup­ thalmology, and ortiiopedic surgery. The PECPA (Pontic Economic Cooperation port for the young, independent nation. birth mortality rates do not correspond to American side will also "recommend Parliamentary Assembly) as they con­ the statistics of developed countries, said Mr. Kravchuk also lauded Turkey's key techniques and practices to reduce infec­ vened to discuss problems common to the role in developing a new system of Dr.
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