03 685 +03 1238 182 5010 1498 00 3890 440 4829

03 685 +03 1238 182 5010 1498 00 3890 440 4829

18.01.2012 7 kg; 107 cm; 2 kg; 800 g 20050116 Canberra 1 Brent Newdick 7143 1132 -03 685 +03 123818250101498 00 3890440482943635 2 Richard Allan 6968 1099 715 133518551531573 4068440507153401 3 Scott McLaren 6808 1204 -03 641 -01 126818851091602 00 3900430520943963 20050213 Wellington 1 Brent Newdick 7260 1149 -06 721 +25 125419250611499 +25 4035420546744807 2 Peter Cox 7108 1123 -06 694 -21 130118649921506 +25 4000400522045503 20050305 Sydney 1 Erik Surjan 7621 1093 -04 717 +05 135520050941456 -02 4723440572151584 2 Matthew McEwen 7363 1121 -04 675 +17 143219149931511 -02 4029450565350115 3 Richard Allan 7214 1095 -04 710 +19 128419149771568 -02 4188440522351552 4 Brent Newdick 7207 1136 -04 721 +10 124718851131549 -02 4014440506844016 20050313 Sao Paulo 1 Carlos Eduardo Bezerra Chinin 6999 1124 +02 743 +03 112920249811527 +04 2972400413943530 20050317 Northridge 1 Matthew Roberson 7042 2 Benjamin Dillow 6992 20050318 Coral Gables 1 Andrew Aakre 7414 1088 +26 649 -25 121319447731485 +06 4580396447742514 2 Adam Golembeski 6986 1106 +39 668 -30 137218850111540 +12 3617396516945752 3 Greg Ostrowicki 6818 1146 +39 652 -27 122119450961549 +06 3782411455144725 20050318 La Habana 1 Alexis Chivas 7518 1126 729 1458180534 1481 5236420606245865 2 Leonel Suarez Fiajardo 7267 1175 704 1185207501 1497 3548380630243637 3 Carlos Enrique Patterson 7239 1144 738 1195192512 1424 3802410566145632 4 Junior Diaz Zayas 7161 1132 726 1245198481 1537 3834350472443516 5 Yosley Azcuy Povea 7020 1164 706 1330192523 1568 3677410612345709 20050319 Sao Caetano do Sul 1 Ivan Scolfaro Caetano da Silva 7448 1130 -09 710 +10 121820249791489 +07 4010400574743615 20050324 Berkeley 1 Philip McMullen 7922 1141 -03 685 -36 148819150261483 +06 5170490519742309 2 Christopher James Randolph 6996 1159 +08 637 -04 107319450061562 +06 4521410508643539 3 Bruce Giron 6886 1154 +08 664 -16 111419149831478 +06 3579440440744872 20050324 Scottsdale 1 Mustafa Abdur-Rahim 7719 107 +14 711 +21 14291894932141 +21 4331415528942836 2 Craig Slaunwhite 6892 113 +14 654 +22 14092075404156 +21 4108425513451684 20050325 Point Loma 1 Michael II Marsh 7165 1101 682 131518751821598 3996454506244142 20050325 Tucson 1 Travis Brandstatter 7386 1141 00 642 00 126519450311452 00 4351460582145378 2 Nathan Brown 7241 1142 +05 686 00 138318850991515 -01 4036400613044814 3 Chris Wineberg 7168 1121 00 708 00 133018849021625 -31 3402480495745321 4 James Mount 7066 1130 +05 657 00 120017949121605 00 3759470484942938 5 Chris Martland 6849 1105 00 716 00 127819149941619 -05 3502360518450120 6 Joseph Detmer 6827 1114 00 688 00 107318548021578 00 2930380460442127 7 Devin Howe 6803 1152 00 623 00 124019749721608 -31 3837370518944091 20050330 Chula Vista 1 Christopher Richardson 6968 1146 703 136019051281595 4567383512850809 20050402 Sao Paulo 1 Ivan Scolfaro Caetano da Silva 7515 1136 -13 697 +05 127119949511488 +01 3982430575743425 20050407 Austin 1 James Edward Hardee 7839 1061 +14 708 +25 131520149111441 +31 4306475532645450 2 Donovan Kilmartin 7650 1105 +38 720 +26 139420751491470 +31 3498505529945474 3 William Thomas 7552 1115 +38 667 +32 152020750181556 +29 4172445523544314 4 Santiago Lorenzo 7493 1120 +14 694 +36 128418349331485 +31 3823475548243231 5 Allen Bulick 7387 1103 +38 677 +18 136718650321552 +29 4011465567644678 6 Jereme Richardson 7099 1150 -23 673 +22 115419250681498 +17 3885455516044941 7 Bryan Wolfe 7045 W 1104 +38 650 +21 112918950041528 +47 3655425566544851 8 Jesse Smith 7017 1111 +38 694 +23 121818349631482 +29 3818425442245500 9 Andrew Young 7016 1188 -23 645 +11 109718950411580 +17 3545475519741735 20050410 Zhaoqing 1 Hong Qingyang 7219 2 Zhao Dening 7150 3 Zhu Weiguo 7084 4 Qu Zhengchao 7058 20050413 Pleasant Hill 1 Logan Moore 6822 1140 -06 654 +16 126118351111521 +09 4250363528745428 20050414 Azusa 1 Travis Brandstatter 7641 1127 655 124420150421421 +22 4089480595844040 2 Andrew Aakre 7528 1099 668 129619848351486 +22 4189420483442505 3 Christopher Staton 7427 1134 +06 703 117721351931469 +22 3930440556544749 4 Andrew Levin 7417 1123 691 138019851631463 +14 4277440481044249 5 Michael II Marsh 7280 1116 +06 679 133118950381503 +22 3592460517144152 6 Daniel Feltman 7278 1133 685 139818050241550 +14 3820460577644629 7 Robert Jacob Arnold 7259 1141 +06 659 120318650391500 +22 3871490529443914 8 Matt Chisam 6996 1164 +06 654 115818952181489 +22 3919470503944661 9 Octavius Gillespie-Bennett 6920 1156 +06 687 130020453241524 +14 3979430385345054 1 inv Michael Mays 6839 1141 +31 650 117217450581564 00 3138475495043124 20050414 Knoxville 1 Stephen Harris 7618 1103 +06 720 00 127521050321449 00 3607435542443865 2 Chris Helwick 7341 1166 +04 658 00 129520451961549 +22 4115445612043766 20050415 Columbia 1 Hans Olav Uldal 7731 1114 +17 734 +21 140918051241480 +14 4456475594243834 2 Bjørn Sigurd Sommerfeldt 7336 1136 +17 716 +31 130518951361530 +01 4004455522043709 3 Patrick Pyle 7140 1087 +16 680 +20 124219549821523 +14 3644455457350097 4 Decosma Wright 6924 1067 +17 665 +18 149018050681423 +26 4424305546654276 20050415 Emporia 1 Lyndon McDowell 6919 1137 +16 658 00 143220651731524 +27 3762425416651285 2 Joshua Rasmussen 6896 1127 +12 692 +06 120220350691613 +15 3331395556250085 20050415 Makkah 1 Hakim Moulay Rachid Alaoui 7010 1163 +06 692 +05 117920050201528 -02 3584400490643700 2 Mourad Souissi 6866 1123 +06 688 +09 132418048821479 -02 2966380532650003 3 Redouane Youcef 6817 1120 +07 706 +04 115718550391600 -02 3924400457645305 20050416 Columbus, OH 1 James Mount 7219 1127 -22 703 +04 121018348821625 +12 3827475432442090 2 Benjamin Haber 6880 1149 -22 693 +26 121418050621578 +12 3648445506245221 20050416 Durban 1 Francois II Potgieter 7272 1098 676 114220749051426 3806470426751313 20050417 Perpignan out Benjamin Hazell 6881 1159 +30 643 124518952811559 +28 4102400548743804 20050417 Tsukuba 1 Yuji Oshima 7177 1135 -22 697 +10 125319552571502 +02 3886430563745036 20050421 Provo 1 Devin Howe 6884 1154 +26 653 00 122019650521579 -11 3825390516944176 20050422 Eugene 1 Andrew Young 7329 1150 +27 661 +26 113818750061542 +21 3646505517541420 20050422 Indiana 1 Ron Jett 6856 1134 +06 652 +09 124017952101541 +24 3878434535045277 2 Daniel Patton 6842 1113 +06 660 +01 126219150571566 +24 3331414507645714 20050422 Storrs 1 Mark Edward Jellison 7302 108 765 1245207532 146 357543048354542 -1 20050422 Tallahassee 1 Michael Bingham 7162 1093 -03 713 +20 114018347131466 +07 3452425453545102 2 Robert Bates 7091 1125 -10 700 +10 115318649041482 +07 3473425504644592 3 Ryan Koontz 7012 1156 -03 670 00 117419850621488 +05 3539435456243829 20050423 Johannesburg 1 Francois II Potgieter 6862 20050424 Cedar Falls 1 Benjamin Roland 7004 2 Raven Cepeda 6839 20050424 Sao Paulo 1 Carlos Eduardo Bezerra Chinin 7095 1114 +12 711 -15 1203205506 1515 +12 3579390431143718 20050426 Philadelphia 1 Steven Marrero Rodriguez 7047 1153 -08 677 -28 128317249781642 -05 4416455508143894 2 David Hinton 6925 1143 -08 681 +07 115919952961542 -01 3615485453750013 20050428 Des Moines 1 Kip Janvrin 7671 1119 +03 668 +19 139818348431514 +21 4277465596542862 2 Neil Hines 7145 1127 +03 682 +32 136819851921641 +21 3936435557844955 3 Matthew Piekarski 6852 1109 +04 670 -08 119118050661648 +08 3597425539444351 20050430 Tokyo 1 Hiromasa Tanaka 7334 1122 -12 665 +14 118418550031557 -12 4013460634443983 2 Daiki Kamio 7275 1154 -12 712 +10 110920949841506 -12 3245440472542242 3 Akira Oshima 7045 1165 -12 689 +10 124918550661482 -12 3453420512643051 4 Atsuhiko Iida 6949 1171 -12 621 -01 127818550441658 -12 3890460571943799 20050501 Chiayi 1 Hsiao Szu-Pin 7432 1105 -10 691 +22 138720150591515 -14 3814460544245866 2 Meng Hsiang-tsu 7245 1135 -10 740 +27 116121351001598 -14 3578440569150389 3 Chiang Chu-Wei 6889 1170 677 125519252201559 3711430547245588 20050501 Forbach 1 u23 Frederic Xhonneux 7524 1167 -34 711 +20 131218949251502 -21 3546470577342246 2 u23 Sebastien Hoffelt 6971 1197 -34 702 +17 104219851481532 -21 3603480495644872 20050501 Forli 1 William Frullani 7097 1070 +05 689 +09 130619752401487 +16 4406420498553944 20050501 Rieti 1 Matteo Pusceddu 6867 111 718 1117180490 152 323542042284322 20050503 Salem 1 Tyler May 7107 20050505 Moscow 1 Jereme Richardson 7248 1119 +11 673 -10 121619349771513 +10 3924470453844089 20050506 Bangkok 1 Van Huyen Vu 7213 1101 +01 720 -10 108819248571535 -08 3555400532343630 2 Bui Van Ha 7111 1112 +05 670 -18 111519550451532 -01 3253450513643180 20050507 Alger 1 Redouane Youcef 6983 20050507 Donetsk 1 Serhiy Androsovich 7426 1115 +08 661 +05 132919950191561 +01 4052460517843169 2 Serhiy Ryabchun 7289 1122 +08 710 +08 136519650821631 +01 4038440581545703 3 Yevhen Nikitin 7279 1125 +09 681 +04 138818751141526 -02 3870450528343903 4 Andriy Klimarchuk 6897 1144 +08 677 +07 115819950991565 +01 3794410492045156 20050507 La Crosse 1 Kevin Deering 6999 1140 678 116920551771571 3215440534344555 20050507 Piscataway 1 William Thomas 7509 W 1126 +30 698 +45 151320050331554 -06 4376455499045175 2 Adam Golembeski 6823 1121 +28 681 +30 133618251031560 00 3802395536451229 20050508 Los Angeles 1 Darion Powell 7531 1113 00 702 +05 144118950731490 +12 4683435590750439 2 Andrew Young 7165 1157 00 666 -05 110918949861569 -02 3802495489242822 3 Jonas Hlynur Hallgrimsson 7002 1185 00 673 +01 135419252651559 +12 3887385616143961 4 Cody Fleming 6980 1164 00 657 +11 139119851991691 +12 4216405562944412 5 Nicholas Taylor 6832 1141 00 652 00 124018051161536 -02 3594435497044496 20050508 Salo 1 Philip McMullen 8107 1153 -18 669 -13 148319448911486 -17 5054510585741877 2 Vitali Smirnov 7825 1128 -13 685 -08 141320049451505 -17 4420460615243293

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