(19) TZZ ¥_ T (11) EP 2 631 587 A2 (12) EUROPEAN PATENT APPLICATION (43) Date of publication: (51) Int Cl.: F41B 11/62 (2013.01) F41C 23/12 (2006.01) 28.08.2013 Bulletin 2013/35 F41G 11/00 (2006.01) F41C 23/16 (2006.01) F41C 23/20 (2006.01) F41A 3/66 (2006.01) (21) Application number: 13156786.9 (22) Date of filing: 26.02.2013 (84) Designated Contracting States: (72) Inventors: AL AT BE BG CH CY CZ DE DK EE ES FI FR GB • Wood, Jack Kingsley GR HR HU IE IS IT LI LT LU LV MC MK MT NL NO Chelford, Cheshire SK11 9BD (GB) PL PT RO RS SE SI SK SM TR • Mahoney, Matthew Harry Designated Extension States: Manchester M20 2NL (GB) BA ME (74) Representative: Hofstetter, Schurack & Partner (30) Priority: 27.02.2012 US 201261603830 P Patent- und Rechtsanwaltskanzlei 25.02.2013 US 201313775414 Partnerschaft Balanstrasse 57 (71) Applicant: Planet Eclipse Limited 81541 München (DE) Manchester M17 1GA (GB) (54) Conversion kit with a rail system for a paintball marker (57) A convertible projectile launching device (11) in- of fasteners (32) may be used to secure the shells (31a, cludes a projectile launching device (11), such as a paint 31b) to the device (11). The surface of at least one shell ball marker, a less than lethal launcher or an airsoft gun, (31a,31b) provides a rail system (38) for mounting ob- to which a user can secure at least one shell (31a,31b) jects to the projectile launching device (11). The shell that changes the outer configuration or appearance of a (31a,31b)has a mating surface that engages a corre- projectile launching device (11) on which it is secured sponding mating surface on the projectile launching de- into a MILSIM style projectile launching device. Any type vice. A blanking plug (51) or a butt stock can be inserted into the rear of the shell. EP 2 631 587 A2 Printed by Jouve, 75001 PARIS (FR) 1 EP 2 631 587 A2 2 Description are played over a much longer period of time, normally hours or days. In scenario games many people find it CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATION preferable to have a paintball marker that you can attach various third party devices or tactical aids to, such as a [0001] This application is related to and claims priority 5 fore grip, magazine, sling mounts, light sources/ torches, from earlier filed provisional patent application Serial No. optical sights, laser sights, cameras etc. In other words, 61/603,830, filed February 27, 2012, the entire contents in these types of scenario types games, it is desirable for thereof is incorporated herein by reference. the paintball marker to look and have the ability to ac- cessorize more like a real firearm, such as an M16 or BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 10 M4, therefore creating a MILSIM (military simulation) marker or airsoft gun. [0002] The invention relates generally to paintball [0007] There is a need in the prior art to enable a paint- markers and air soft guns and the gameplay related ball marker (or air soft gun) to be easily and quickly con- thereto. The sport of paintball is very well known and verted over from its basic speedball form to a scenario includes the use of a paintball marker or gun to pneu- 15 or MILSIM form that includes some type of rail arrange- matically launch a rubber ball or a ball that is typically ment/system so it can more closely simulate a real fire- filled with a colored liquid. For air soft, plastic projectiles arm. As is well known, accessories, such as a light sourc- are shot at opposing players or targets. Each of the play- es and scopes, are commonly mounted onto rail systems. ers in the game has such a marker or gun so they can [0008] There have been attempts in the prior art to pro- launch projectiles toward players on the opposing team. 20 vide rail systems on guns and replacement mounting sys- When players on the opposing team are marked or hit tems that can be interchanged on these guns. However, with a projectile, there is typically a scoring event. these devices and systems are inadequate because they [0003] The present invention is particularly related to do not closely simulate a real weapon or firearm because the game of paintball and the related paintball markers. they do not completely enshroud the marker or gun. With- Therefore, the invention will be discussed in detail in con- 25 out full or substantially full enshroudment of the underly- nection with paintball markers for ease of illustration but ing projectile launching device, attachment of accesso- it should be understood that the present invention is ap- ries simulating a real weapon or firearm is not possible. plicable to the air soft sport and air soft guns as well. [0009] These prior art systems are also inadequate be- [0004] Also, the present invention relates to any type cause they do not completely detach to leave a marker of projectile launching device or any device that is or sim- 30 that is totally free from any rail mountings. There are ulates a projectile launching device, such as a laser tag shrouds or mounting systems available, but they typically simulated firearm. The present invention has applicability attach to the barrel or to the existing rail mount. for use in security and police forces as well as "less than [0010] There is a need to provide a rail kit for a paintball lethal" and "non-lethal" firearms. For ease of discussion marker or an air soft gun that can also simultaneously herein, the present invention is discussed in detail in con- 35 easily convert the marker from a normal non- MILSIM set- nection with paintball markers but is should be under- up to a modified scenario MILSIM set up that more closely stood that the present invention can be used in connec- simulates a real firearm. There is a need to provide a rail tion with any type of firearm, projectile launcher and sim- kit for a paintball marker or an air soft gun that is easy to ulated versions thereof. install, remove and clean, and allows easy access to the [0005] It is known, in the sport of paintball, that there 40 eyes or ball detectors, without the need to remove the are many different types of game play. For example, rail kit. There is a need to provide a rail kit for a paintball "supair orspeedball": events are very close range games, marker or airsoft gun that allows easy access to the in- played on a small field, using inflatable bunkers or similar ternals of the paintball marker, without the need to re- small barricades. Typically they last a few minutes and move the complete rail kit, by providing an easily remov- the turnaround between games is limited to a few minutes 45 able rear cap or opening to allow removal of the internal or seconds. Such speedball games can even be played firing mechanism for easy maintenance. There is a need indoors. In speedball events it is preferable to have a to provide a rail kit for a paintball marker or airsoft gun small low profile paintball marker that is hard for a player’s that allows easy fitment of a stock via a quick release opponent to see and shoot at, but is quick and easy to mechanismthat may be operatedwith a leverlatch mech- clean the paint from between games if the player is shot 50 anism, screw fit, bayonet fit or other mechanism. There during the game. Thus, for this type of game, the basic is also a need to provide a rail kit for a paintball marker or core paintball marker is all that is needed. or airsoft gun that has rail mounts or the ability to mount [0006] On the other hand, another popular type of accessory rails, such as Weaver, Picatinny or NATO rails paintball gameplay is called a "scenario or MILSIM (mil- built into the rail kit. There is a need to provide a rail kit itary simulation)" game. Such a scenario game is played 55 for a paintball marker or airsoft gun that does not clamp on a much larger mixed terrain field, possibly woodland onto, nor interfere with the barrel of the paintball marker or urban environment, the idea of the game is to mimic or airsoft gun. Finally, there is a need to provide a rail kit some sort of "war type scenario." Typically these games that can receive a wide range of accessories thereon like 2 3 EP 2 631 587 A2 4 a rail system of a real firearm. vide a rail kit for a paintball marker or airsoft gun that does not clamp onto, nor interfere with the barrel of the SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION paintball marker or airsoft gun. Therefore allowing the barrel to be removed without the need to remove the [0011] The present invention preserves the advantag- 5 complete rail kit. For example, optionally, the regulator, es of prior art paintball markers and airsoft guns acces- frame, feed neck can be removed where the rail kit does sories added thereto. In addition, it provides new advan- not interfere of clamp onto these components. tages not found in currently available markers, guns and [0021] A further object of the present invention is to accessories and overcomes many disadvantages of provide a rail kit that can receive a wide range of acces- such currently available markers, guns and accessories.
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