Events of World-Wide Flavor to Make Next Summer Most Notable Season in Sport Annalg boys as victors were conspicuous by I-'-. [Two Continents their absence. Harold ll. Hilton, the cLeod Faces College Shi Jumper noted amateur, did win thc title over Urban's Versatility Mat Who Meet To-morrow Takes Second Prize his own links, at Hoylalce, in 1897, but Lands ie lorfo Exponents Ni%ht Hilton was an amateur. Two Victories m Yacht Hoodoo ieTest Broken Arm Of tho amateurs in England who For His Despite have made thc attempt three were suc¬ Alma Matej cessful. were John Ball jr., L. Feb. They BOSTON, Feb. And Net Ht>nors J^rW/atrVUiT Z/zysz/co. ! For Golf Title MONTREAL, 28..Breaking Balfour Melville and Robert Maxwell. 26.-The verMtilit nn arm in practice this morning, F. li < identally, it is a strange coincidence of Luk« Urban, Boston ColW Carlton, «>f Dartmouth College, that Ball and Maxwell 'won the cham- star athlete in four T" Boat Races aiul tht- twice in this manner. In 1890 sport8 Dayjs neverthclcss feet pionship called upon last PepperJ* Little Washington- jumped sixty-eight Ball, playing over his own course at night to assDre fcu _ Matches to M-.u-k in the intcrnat>>nal of two ilup ian Musl Tradition intercollegiate Holyake, was victorious and again in college victories. Frban co- an l'.$*a ?.- Upset skl-jumping competitions this after¬ 1894 he succeeded in winning tne cup, bined the qualities tfiat Sporl^Kiaualiip lo Win oti Coursi have n^ Own noon, and, with 218 points, finished Maxwell won his first national cham- him a star in football and second to R. McGill Uni- pionship in 1903 over his own course baseb^l By Jack Lawrence ST, AUGUSTINE, Feb. 26. Whittal, of and to act as goal kceper for thc freddy who had 259 points to his at Muirficld. Six years passed BostOT There is ovcry indication at thi McLcod, the star little ,professional vcrsitj', when the meet was returned to Muir- College hockey team in the rubber .Vriting that the suramex ol 192; of tho Columbia Club credit. Carlton's best jump was field in 1909 Maxwell again stepped out game of thc series with golfer Country five feet than the vic- the honors. who Massach to bc tho greatest season for of ('.. was in only shorter and captured Melville, setts Institute of interna- Washington, D. dressing Andrews won Technology. tionsl in fhe loeker room to bis" tor's. belonged to the St. club, until two competition the histovv of preparatory the title when thc tourney was held Although months «l0 H, (sport. With two international match with President-elect Harding Cheers broke from the spectators liad never worn races yacht of there in 1895. skates or ,>Uy.j sohcd'jlcd fo- .'.,;'., and nnd Jim Barnes. Several thc golf v. the New the tennis Auj hoverod hen, thinking plucky Eng- Thus it can be sewn that if McLeod hockey, Urban's opponents w«re matches for the Davis species nearby. Jandcr out. of the saw able and the Anglo-American struggle for "Say, Fred," ono suddenly inter- running, they does win the national title this year to score only a single goal in the polo championship of the world I jected, "you ought, to win tho national him spceding down to the take-off he will have to overcome all precedent five minutes of play. This forty. le the this year. It's to and tradition of thirty years' standing. job dont played. cnthuaiasi who prefer championship going with his arm in splints. hc wao bundled into a coropotition with an international be held on your course, isn't it?" However, his friends and admirers taxicab artt) flavor will find thc aummer's program "II. is," answered tho peppery little and particularly all of the members of ten minutes later was on the floe to bc one that could bc im- follow in his bltint Scotch manner. Cricket Club when the national title the Columbia Club are confi- as a basketball player in hardiy meet was to Country the gan piovod upon. "But that doesn't mean, necessarily, awarded this club. Again dent he -can and will succeed in doing between Boston' After the that I'm to win if. You never Anderson was rated as the probable College anj (V: Resoluto-Shamrock going what no other professional since 1890 of Mainc. ln his fot the Ami :;,. :.-¦ Cup a uromoi heard of a pro yet winning a title over winner, but again did Aleck Smith horn has been able to do. versity iu'een min own did in (;o win the Al3o it was an¬ yachtsmen declared thal thii woutd !>.- 'bis course, you?" prize. McLeod is one of those golfers who, utes of play In the last period an "off season"' and thal McLeod is absolutcly correct about other Smith, Macdonald, who finished l>b»n there would No in this second. like wine, seem to grow better With scored four goals from lhe fitld iiot bo anything among amateur this. professional golfer This he is a little doing or in Great Britain ever won The status of the amateur age. midget, only and two on tries from fonl. windjammeis unt'l 1922, when Sir country champion¬ over feet in and » national tournament is less lf five height weighs Thomas Lipton was to make championship ship complicated. you except one I_,-_ expected over own course. of Walter Travis over hardiy more than hundred pounds, hia fifth effort to take tho famous old played his And what the victory his of the and tankard back is more, but one amateur in this coun- own course, the Garden City Golf Club, is one grandest, gamest Veteran Still to Kngland with him. C///ZP PjFT&/Z.*T three in when he most finished performers that ever Umpire Albert of took a try and only England have in 1900, defeated Findley j King Belgium big title over the game. r#ef in the "off-scason" idea h<* von the national playing Douglas for the title, S. Davidson Her- played Holds Record for Error* when their own courses. ron, of the Oakmont C. C, in the He has eompeted in open champion¬ Feb. offered a gold cun for a race from only tournaments held in this country ATLANTA. 26. Sam Laroeja, Ilock lo to Willie. Anderson, golfer de luxc, player who ever accomplished this feat. ship umpire of the South Atlantic Sandy Osjtend, be started] came about as close as in this Herron's was more and in eleven of thc eighteen he has Leatn, I ere at noon .!. This event has anybody victory noteworthy in the In and perhaps the oldest of all attB*M July country lo winning a title while per- in this respect, because there was a managed to finish money. bos for next season. gtirred the intere;t of over the Hunt signed I-aro;'^ ".^."ariy yachl icrming on his own lot. But twice larger and better field competing than 1908, playing Myopia w'uo once was a player, has fljen throughout :!-.¦. world and then intervened to him of when Travis won. club course, he won the title in a play- held V i'«">w no Aleck Smith rob morc than thirty ycar:< doubt thal i: will ho ti In 1906 Anderson was off with Willie Smith. j>rcatost the spoils. sta- Now look at thc records of the Brit¬ record, and one which perhap international sailing contest tioned at the Onwentsia Club and many ish open and the McLeod is a marvel to watch. He never the over championship respec¬ bc broken that of havi;- sport has known. So many figured that thc sharp-shooting Willie tivo winners; that is. from 1891 to the wastes no time or energy in playing the number of different nations are- to ho represented off honors. He takes greatest errors in *ni that would surely carry all the present time. Before 18131 the cham¬ his shots. simply his stan'ce, single game. the struggle will ho truly cm- Willie never did get near iirs'c place. was decided over a stretch of for an instant and lets drive. bleraatic of the amateur pionship poises He rolled up fourteen fumbles, muff< sailing cham- Aleck Smith was first und Willie Smith thirty-aix holes, and in that time sev¬ He is one of the fastest playing pro- and wild throws in a of the world. runner-un. eral won single afternoer *fionship was thji* players the title over their fessionals in the country. To keep pace playing shortstop, and no player befcr, All Sailing Craft Eligible In 15T10 Willie Anderson happened to own course, but after 1891 the test with him one must walk briskly the or since has ever approached *¦ the at the was thatrforj. The event is open any sailing craft *pe professional Philadelphia seventy-two holes, and the home whole time. ous standard. fretually enrolled in the fiect of any fecognized yacht club. The trans-Atlantic races will hardiy have crossed the finish lino off thc Bei- gian coast when the eyes of the yacht¬ ing world "will be l'octissedbn another international sailing contest ibat in point of interest is second only to thc King Albert cup event. Thi will be a match raco to bo snilcd Ht Cowes, England, during the week ol" August 1, between Marconi-riggod .cvaclits representing tho Seawanhaka ,C-orinthian Yacht Club, of Oyster Bay, and the Itoyal London Yacht Club. 1 ouje boats will bc entered by *ho American organization and four by the tyoA/A/ "British.
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