The following appendix accompanies the article Descending to the twilight-zone: changes in coral reef fish assemblages along a depth gradient down to 65 m Eran Brokovich1, 2,*, Shai Einbinder1, 3, Nadav Shashar4, 5, Moshe Kiflawi1, 4, Salit Kark2 1The Interuniversity Institute for Marine Sciences at Eilat (IUI), Marine Twilight-Zone Research & Exploration (MTRX), PO Box 469, Eilat 88103, Israel 2The Biodiversity Research Group, Department of Evolution, Systematics and Ecology, The Institute of Life Sciences, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 91904, Israel 3Department of Evolution, Systematics and Ecology, The Institute of Life Sciences, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 91904, Israel 4Faculty of Life Sciences, Ben Gurion University, PO Box 653, Beer-Sheva, 84105, Israel 5Eilat Campus, Ben Gurion University, Hatmarim St., Eilat, 88000, Israel *Email: [email protected] Marine Ecology Progress Series 371: 253–262 (2008) Appendix 1. Species found at the study sites, their observed depth range and biogeographic distributions. (e) Species whose max- imum depth, as previously reported, was extended; (d) unique deep reef species (>40 m) not seen in shallow water in other stud- ies in the area; (m) unique species extending from the deep reef to mid depth water (>15 m) not seen in shallow water in other studies in the area; (r) species recorded only once during the research; (v) vulnerable status (VU D2) according to Kochzius (2003). Reported depth ranges are taken from Khalaf & Disi (1997), Lieske & Myers (2004), and Froese & Pauly (2007) Family Species Depth range Reported depth Geographic (this study) range range Muraenidae Gymnothorax griseus 5–30 0–40 Indian Ocean Gymnothorax johnsoni 30 20–70 Indian Ocean Gymnothorax nudivomer r 50 4–165 Indo-Pacific Gymnothorax undulatus 5–30 1–50 Indo-Pacific Gymnothorax sp. 1 unidentified 50 – – Synodontidae Saurida gracilis 5–30 0–135 Indo-Pacific Synodus variegatus 5–65 4–91 Indo-Pacific Holocentridae Myripristis murdjan 5–30 1–50 Indo-Pacific Sargocentron diadema 15–58 1–60 Indo-Pacific Fistulariidae Fistularia commersonii r 10–30 0–128 Indo-Pacific Syngnathidae Corythoichthys schultzi 5–30 2–30 Indo-Pacific Doryrhamphus dactyliophorus r 5 5–56 Indo-Pacific Hippocampus jayakari 28 0–80 Red Sea to Arabian Gulf Trachyrhamphus bicoarctatus 15 1–42 Indo-Pacific Scorpaenidae Pterois miles 10–65 0–60 Indian Ocean Pterois radiata r 16–30 1–30 Indo-Pacific Scorpaenodes parvipinnis 5–30 – Indo-Pacific Scorpaenopsis barbata r 30 0–30 Indian Ocean Platycephalidae Papilloculiceps longiceps e,r 60 1–15 Red Sea Serranidae Cephalopholis hemistiktos 17–54 4–55 Indo-Pacific Cephalopholis miniata 10–58 2–150 Indo-Pacific Epinephelus fasciatus 5–65 4–160 Indo-Pacific Grammistes sexlineatus r 10 1–130 Indo-Pacific Pseudanthias fasciatus d,r 65 20–150 Indo-Pacific Pseudanthias heemstrai 30–65 15–67 Red Sea Pseudanthias squamipinnis 5–30 0–55 Indo-Pacific Pseudanthias taeniatus e,m 14–65 10–46 Red Sea Variola louti 5–65 3–250 Indo-Pacific Pseudochromidae Pseudochromis dixurus 30 5–60 Red Sea Pseudochromis flavivertex e,r 22–50 2–30 Red Sea to Aden Pseudochromis fridmani 10–50 1–60 Red Sea Pseudochromis olivaceus e 5–50 1–20 Red Sea to Arabian Gulf Pseudochromis pesi e 30–65 10–45 Red Sea Pseudochromis springeri 5–50 2–60 Red Sea to Aden Priacanthidae Priacanthus hamrur r 30 8–250 Indo-Pacific Appendix 1 (continued) Family Species Depth range Reported depth Geographic (this study) range range Apogonidae Apogon cyanosoma r 30–49 1–50 Indo-Pacific Apogon fleurieu r 30 6–30 Indo-Pacific Apogon nigrofasciatus 5–30 1–35 Indo-Pacific Cheilodipterus novemstriatus e 5–50 1–10 Red Sea to Arabian Gulf Echeneidae Echeneis naucrates 51 20–50 Indo-Pacific Caesionidae Caesio lunaris 2–15 0–50 Indo-Pacific Lethrinidae Lethrinus borbonicus r 5 0–40 Indo-Pacific Lethrinus mahsena 10 2–100 Indo-Pacific Lethrinus nebulosus r 5–70 1–75 Indo-Pacific Mullidae Parupeneus cyclostomus r 10–38 8–100 Indo-Pacific Parupeneus forsskali e 5–50 0–30 Red Sea to Aden Parupeneus macronema e 5–65 3–25 Indo-Pacific Chaetodontidae Chaetodon auriga e 12–53 1–35 Indo-Pacific Chaetodon austriacus e 5–50 1–20 Red Sea to Aden Chaetodon fasciatus e 5–51 2–25 Red Sea to Aden Chaetodon paucifasciatus e 5–68 4–30 Red Sea to Aden Chaetodon trifascialis r 10–50 2–30 Indo-Pacific Heniochus diphreutes 17 15–210 Indo-Pacific Heniochus intermedius r 30–53 3–50 Red Sea to Aden Pomacanthidae Apolemichthys xanthotis 9–68 10–65 Red Sea to Aden Centropyge multispinis 5–12 1–30 Indo-Pacific Genicanthus caudovittatus m 20–65 2–70 Indo-Pacific Pomacanthus imperator 43 1–100 Indian Ocean Pomacentridae Abudefduf vaigiensis 17 1–15 Indo-Pacific Amblyglyphidodon flavilatus e 5–30 3–20 Red Sea to Aden Amblyglyphidodon leucogaster r 10 2–45 Indo-Pacific Amphiprion bicinctus e 5–65 1–30 Indian Ocean Chromis dimidiata e 5–50 1–36 Indo-Pacific Chromis flavaxilla 5–10 0–18 Red Sea to Arabian Gulf Chromis pelloura e,d,v 43–65 30–50 Gulf of Aqaba Chromis pembae m 30–52 12–50 Indian Ocean Chromis viridis 5–12 1–15 Indo-Pacific Chromis weberi 37 3–40 Indo-Pacific Dascyllus aruanus 5–10 0–20 Indo-Pacific Dascyllus marginatus e 5–40 1–15 Red Sea to Aden Dascyllus trimaculatus 5–49 1–55 Indo-Pacific Neoglyphidodon melas 10 1–12 Indo-Pacific Neopomacentrus miryae 5–26 2–25 Red Sea to Aden Pomacentrus trichourus e 5–65 1–43 Indo-Pacific Labridae Anampses meleagrides 5–30 3–60 Indo-Pacific Anampses twistii 5–30 5–30 Indo-Pacific Bodianus anthioides 5–56 6–60 Indo-Pacific Bodianus opercularis d,r 48–65 35–70 Indo-Pacific Cheilinus abudjubbe e 15–50 1–30 Red Sea to Aden Cirrhilabrus blatteus d 48–65 40–70 Red Sea Cirrhilabrus rubriventralis e 26–65 3–43 Indian Ocean Coris aygula 5–30 1–50 Indo-Pacific Coris caudimacula 5–10 1–57 Indo-Pacific Gomphosus caeruleus 5 1–30 Indo-Pacific Hologymnosus annulatus r 30 5–30 Indo-Pacific Labroides dimidiatus e 5–65 1–40 Indo-Pacific Larabicus quadrilineatus e 5–38 0–15 Red Sea to Aden Oxycheilinus digramma 30–50 2–60 Indo-Pacific Oxycheilinus mentalis e 10–44 1–20 Red Sea to Persian Gulf Paracheilinus octotaenia e 5–65 0–30 Red Sea Pseudocheilinus evanidus 5–65 6–61 Indo-Pacific Pseudocheilinus hexataenia 5–26 2–35 Indo-Pacific Stethojulis sp. 12 0–31 Indo-Pacific Thalassoma lunare r 10 1–20 Indo-Pacific Thalassoma rueppellii 5–30 0–35 Red Sea Unidentified Labridae sp. 1 r 65 – – Unidentified Labridae sp. 2 r 50 – – Appendix 1 (continued) Family Species Depth range Reported depth Geographic (this study) range range Scaridae Calotomus viridescens e 5–65 0–35 Red Sea Cetoscarus bicolor r 30 1–30 Indo-Pacific Chlorurus genazonatus r 30 5–25 Red Sea to Aden Chlorurus gibbus 5–30 0–50 Red Sea Chlorurus sordidus 5–41 3–50 Indo-Pacific Scarus ferrugineus 5–65 0–60 Red Sea to Aden Scarus fuscopurpureus e 20–65 2–20 Indian Ocean Scarus niger e 5–50 0–20 Indo-Pacific Pinguipedidae Parapercis hexophthalma 10 2–22 Indo-Pacific Tripterygiidae Helcogramma obtusirostre r 30 0–31 Indian Ocean Unidentified Tripterygiidae sp. 1 r 5 – – Blenniidae Ecsenius aroni r 30 10–37 Red Sea Ecsenius dentex r 5 1–15 Gulf of Aqaba Ecsenius frontalis 5–30 3–27 Red Sea to Aden Ecsenius gravieri e 10–30 5–20 Red Sea to Aden Meiacanthus nigrolineatus e 20–50 0–30 Red Sea to Aden Unidentified Blenniidae sp.1 65 – – Gobiidae Amblyeleotris sp. e 10–65 2–43 Indo-Pacific Amblygobius hectori e,r 26–30 0–20 Indo-Pacific Asterropteryx semipunctatus r 5 1–20 Indo-Pacific Bryaninops natans 10–30 7–27 Indo-Pacific Ctenogobiops maculosus e 10–30 1–15 Indo-Pacific Eviota guttata e 5–30 6–16 Indo-Pacific Eviota sebreei e 5–60 0–40 Indo-Pacific Eviota zebrina e 5–50 – Indo-Pacific Fusigobius longispinus e 26–56 0–30 Indo-Pacific Fusigobius neophytus e 5–65 0–25 Indo-Pacific Gnatholepis anjerensis 5–50 1–46 Indo-Pacific Gobiodon citrinus r 26–30 1–25 Indo-Pacific Gobiodon reticulatus 5–30 – Red Sea to Persian Gulf Istigobius decoratus 5–30 1–20 Indo-Pacific Paragobiodon echinocephalus 5–10 – Indo-Pacific Paragobiodon xanthosoma r 26–30 – Indo-Pacific Pleurosicya micheli e 30–60 12–38 Indo-Pacific Priolepis cincta r 10 1–70 Indo-Pacific Ptereleotris evides r 5 2–15 Indo-Pacific Trimma avidori 5–30 0–6 Red Sea to Aden Trimma barralli e,m 30–65 24–42 Red Sea to Aden Trimma flavicaudatus e,r 50 5–20 Red Sea to Aden Unidentified Gobiidae sp. 1 50 – – Unidentified Gobiidae sp. 2 30 – – Siganidae Siganus argenteus r 5–20 0–40 Indo-Pacific Siganus luridus 5–43 2–40 Indian Ocean Siganus rivulatus r 5 0–30 Indian Ocean Acanthuridae Acanthurus nigrofuscus 5–19 0–25 Indo-Pacific Ctenochaetus striatus 5–30 1–30 Indo-Pacific Zebrasoma veliferum 13 6–15 Indian Ocean Zebrasoma xanthurum e 5–30 0–20 Indian Ocean Sphyraenidae Sphyraena flavicauda 20 2–25 Indo-Pacific Balistidae Balistapus undulatus 5–10 2–50 Indo-Pacific Pseudobalistes fuscus 21–46 0–51 Indo-Pacific Rhinecanthus assasi r 5 1–25 Red Sea to Persian Gulf Sufflamen albicaudatus e 5–65 2–20 Red ssea to Oman Monacanthidae Cantherhines pardalis e 1–42 2–25 Indo-Pacific Pervagor randalli e 21 0–10 Red Sea to Aden Ostraciidae Ostracion cubicus 26–30 0–280 Indo-Pacific Ostracion cyanurus e 30–60 0–25 Red Sea to Persian Gulf Tetrosomus gibbosus 15–25 2–110 Indo-Pacific Tetraodontidae Arothron hispidus 55 1–50 Indo-Pacific Canthigaster coronata 65 6–100 Indo-Pacific Canthigaster pygmaea e 5–50 1–30 Red Sea Diodontidae Cyclichthys spilostylus r 10–30 3–90 Indo-Pacific.
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