For All Departments Call RED BANK REGISTER RE 6-0013 VOLUME LXXVIII, NO. 5 RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JULY 28,1955 10c PER COPY SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 16. Mayor Wields Trowel at Cornerstone Ceremony CG. Rendezvous Here Is Your Check, Sir Jobs Up, Claims Dip in County— Set for Aug. 5-7 Rear Admiral Louis B. Olson, But Employment Service Works On commander of the Third Coast Guard district, and other officers Warrin B. Clark, manager of of the Coast Guard and its civilian the Red Ban! employment service auxiliary will review a fleet of 250 and claims office, New Jersey auxiliary boats here Saturday, State Security division, has these Baptismal Font Aug. 6. good things to say: The occasion will be the tenth Morn people have jobs In thi annual rendezvous of the Coast area this summer season; fewer Given as Memorial Guard auxiliary, Third district, are asking for unemployment FORT MONMOUTH — A check Northern area, which has 61 flo- claims. sent recently to the widow of Will tillas grouped in 12 divisions in Those making claims—and, as al- Ward of 15 Rosalie ave., Rumson, New York, New Jersey, Connecti- ways, many do need the money— by his fellow workers at tht; Signal cut and Vermont. Most of the flotil- are being £iven the pleasant sur- Corps Engineering laboratories, will las are sending fleets of varying prise that they don't have to wait be used.by Mrs. Ward to defray the sizes to compete for awards. for their checks. The money is be- coat of a new baptismal font at the Red Bank is arranging a wel- ing handed right over the counter Rumson Presbyterian church, It come for the auxiliary's week-end here. was announced yesterday. rendezvous. Flotillas will start ar- The employment office Is being Mrs. Ward, in a letter of appre- riving Friday, Aug. 5. and there made bigger and bettor. And It will ciation to her late husband's will be special events through Sun- be fully air conditioned. friends at Evans Signal laboratory, day, Aug. 7. The Red Bank Com The office staff is doing a good where lie had been employed In the munlty Chamber of Commerce has job finding jobs for the jobless. physical sciences division many arranged for tender service be- years, said the amount of the check tween the anchored fleet and Uhe Has Good Jobs nn List would just meet expenses for the shore. A search Is on for qualified peo- new font. An innovation this year will be ple to fill some really good joba The late Mr. Ward, who had the British form of fleet review. There'j no waiting now for benefit checks paid to un- on the office list. served «s nn elder, superintendent The reviewing party, aboard a 40 employed persont filing claims at the Red Bank employment That all makes for quite a com- of tlio Sunday-school and as a mem- foot Coast Guard cutter, will make bination, particularly when one flg- ber of the choir of the Presbyterian the inspection tour along the Nave- service and claims office on East Front st,, not since a new ureB benefits paid to the jobless church, also had assisted the pas- Mayor Katharine Elkus White Washington at. Holding the cement Trinity Episcopal church, who flink river, where the auxiliary fleet check-signing machine was put in use July I. Claimants used here conies tu three or four mil- tor, Rev. A. Kenneth Magner, at holds trowel at cornerstone laying ia Mr. White, who in addition to gave the blessing and invocation. will be strung out at anchor. Here- lion dollars a year on the average, haptismnls. Ho was stricken at a being one of the owners, is also Featuring the opening of the to have to wait to get checks from Trenton; now the money more in a bad economic year. ceremony Saturday at the new Re- tofore, the Auxiliary fleet has pa church picnic earlier this month. the first tenant. His firm Is Don building Is a public exhibit, "Prop- raded past amored review boat. comes right over the counter. Edward Nagle, claims exam- Mr. Clark, in the business of help- Tho first child to be baptized at search Center building erected at White, Inc., national merchandis- erty Improvement," showing old Under the new arrangement, the iner, issues a check as Warrin B. Clark, manager, looks on. ing people who are out of and look- the dedication of the new font In 10 Spring st. The owners are Mr. ing and marketing research organ- and recent photographs. Today is Auxiliary craft will be grouped by ing for work—and something to memory of Mr. Ward, will be and Mrs. Donald W. White of 11 ization. At the right in the photo the final day for the exhibit, which divisions, with every boat in full tide them over during tho Idle per- Dorocn Ann Ward, daughter of Mr. Is Rev. Charles H. Best, rector of will be open from 1 to 9 p. m. dress. Stakeboats with divisional iod—for 20 years, has been looking and Mrs. William E. Ward, son and insignia will mark off the divisional after such matters here In Red daughter-in-law of Mrs. Will Ward anchorages. Record Collections, Surplus Bank since 1943. and tho late Mr. Ward, of 7 Rosa- He. still calls that task "one of lio ave., Rumson, who was born Committee Formed to Upgrade 11 Realty Aboard Cutter heart tempered by serious think- July 18. Among those on the reviewing Gains Noted at Fair Haven ing." He speaks with pride about Mrs. Ward's letter to her late cutter with Admiral Olson will be success In ndlng work for deserv- husband's fellow workers at the Building Rules in Fair Haven Sales Closed the following Coast Guard officers: ing persons and watching them go laboratories, read: OCEANPORT—The Samuel Capt. H. B. Roberts, Chief director FAIR HAVEN—A glowing re this board," Mr. Seaman said, "for ahead In that work. Such persons, "Dear Friends: Teicher agency announces 11 recent of Auxiliary, who will come from port of Fair Haven's finances was keeping your finances in such he says, also are given full co- FAIR HAVEN—Mayor.Edgar V the neighborhood, it was pointed Washington; Capt. G. A. Tyler, presented Monday night by Bor- cellent condition. The record Is operation by his office In jetting "Your wonderful generosity ex- real estate transactions in the shore pressed in the check sent me re- Denise Monday night said that a out. Building permits are issued area. Peter Dellera of Long Branch chief of staff, Third district; Capt, ough Auditor Joseph J. Seaman. fine." money due them In unemployment 17-member quasi-official committee covering zoning rules, not archi- Chester M. Anderson, director of Among" points he made were these: aid payments. cently has surely proved your deep has purchased a corner lot on Group Depart* regard for fny husband. It Is most would work out a plan this year tectural Etyle. Shrewsbury and Fortaupeck ave., auxiliary. Third District; Capt. J. The borough has reduced Its debt to upgrade new residential con- Earlier a group of residents from Watch for Floaters comforting to know others loved Flans No Small Houses Portaupeck, from Mr. and Mrs. F. Jacot, chief of operations, third from $33,000 in 1952 to $23,000 in struction on a borough-wide basis District, and Lieut. A. B. How, di- the Ridge rd. section had appear- But Mr. Clark also is a Arm be- him too and I hope I have made Philadelphio Di Fazio of Monmouth 1954. a wise choice as a memorial to your •Mr. Klatsky Bald Mr. DePierro Beach. rector of auxiliary, Southern nrca. ed berore council to urge the board liever In preventing Idle persons Ths objective,-the mayor said, knew that small houses would not As of Dec. 31, the borough built to take care of Fair Haven's econ- regard. will be to set up regulations to pre Maj. and Mrs. Ralph Elmendorf, Bliss Woodward of Mamaroneck, up a borrowing capacity of $240,000. from taking undue advantage of bring prices large enough to cover N. Y., district commodore of the omy by upgrading regulations cov- benefit allowances—those who "pre- "I believe you all know how Will vent the construction of small the investment he wants to make. who have moved to Washington. Tax collections of better Mian ering the building of new houses loved his church and enjoyed serv- houses that would mar the appear- have sold their home at 28 Camp Northern area, will be host on the 94 per cent last year set a five- fer to pick up a free check Instead He is not thinking of houses with review cutter to J. Webb L. Sheehy here. of doing a day's work." He says ing as an elder there. One of his ance of Fair Haven and would not floor space of less than 1,100 to 1,200 bell dr., Eatontown, to Mr. and Mrs. year record, although In those duties was to assist at Infant bap- bring In enough tax revenue to pay Theodore Evett, formerly of West of Rochester, N. Y., national com- years collections stood at over 90 Mayor Edgar V. Denise said he "there aren't many who get by a proper share of the cost of schools square feet, the lawyer said. modore of the auxiliary, and Alfred thought It unfortunate that the with that anymore." tism and after a conference with Mr.
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