Return October 24 MHKiiors decide to contieue seosoH By Gary Freed order when I know you all want for the remainder of the season six yean alloted eadi player by to continue. I just want to say, I In remembrance of their dead the NCAA, they fall under the Sunday evening the remaining fed we should go on this season teammates. players of the Wichita Stote five year participation rule. and not let all those who died Both the Missouri Valley football team voted 76-1 to con­ have died in vain.” Bruce and Conference and the National Start Practice tinue the 1970 football season. Renner echoed the same feelings Collegiate Athletic Association Coach Seaman Said the team Tlielr re-openIng game will be to the squad. (NCAA) have agreed to grant the would start practicing today with Arkansas on October 24. Ifead Coach Bob Seaman, Wichita State hetiimen football without pads In preparation for The vote was taken by secret \dio was appointed to that p<Ml- players four years of varsity elig­ the Arkansas Univc^ty game. ballot nine days after a plane tion by the Physical Ecuation ibility. Under normal conditions Seaman now has four senion, six carrying the Shockers first offen­ Corporation on Friday, also players can play four years on juniors, 23 sophomores and 43 sive and defensive football teams tallmd to the group. “Hie school the varsity but are ineli^blie for freshmen to pick from for var­ and many others crashed In the colors of Black and Gold will post-season games their senior sity games. Rocky Mountains. take on a new meaning,” yMTS. Officials at the University The varsity squad, excluding Survivors Speak Seaman said. “Hie Black is In earlier said it would be Impos­ the fieshmen, have three games Tlitee of the players who remembrance of our CsUen com­ sible to field a team without the behind them, Texas A&M, survived the crash, Glenn Kostal, rades and the Gold for a brif^t use of fireshmeh. Arkansas State and West Texas who played r l^ t comerback, and shining future for Wichita The NCAA also gave all but State. Hie freshmen have not Mike Bruce, a tackle, and Bob State University footgall.” two of the players who survived seen game action yet this year. Hie first fireshman game was Renner, the quarterback, were Numbers Retired the crash another year of eligibil­ scheduled for October 3, In present at the meeting. When It was also decided that the ity. Renner and guard Rich Step­ they were asked to speak Kostal hens m l^ t not receive the addit­ Cessna Stadium against Dodge jersey numbers of the players Qty Junior College but It was said “I had a lot of things to say who died In the crash would be ional year. Since Stephens and to you guys If you were thinking Renner transferred to Wichita cancelled because of the cradi. retired and never be worn again Varisty games with Utah about quitting this season. But at this University. The Shockers State from other colleges where Coach Robert Seaman they don’t seem very much In they had used one year of the State and Southern Dlinois were will wear their black uniforms m (Continued^ ■ on peg* 2) m T' ■: -.'.‘T '■■■<- - 'v; KU Iflitratios front s case LAWRENCE, KAN. (AP)-Hie fraudulently made application to self-styled “ l^wrence liberation the university and had not given Front” has warned the Univer­ us the full facts about his at­ sity of Kansu It can expect a tendance at various schools.” total disruption” of some major Goldberg was dismissed from athletic event this school year If the track team by Hmmons for the csse of foniier trackman a variety of violations of team Sam GoldbergGold Is not reconsider- rules, Hmmons said. However, e d ^ Uthe Kanns University Goldberg claimed he was dis- JudiMuy. mioed for political activity and In addition, Goldberg, former appealed to the Judiciary for decathlon performer dinnissed reinstatement in a bid to regain by Coach Bob Hmmons ftom his athletic scholarship. the track s i ^ d last May, has Goldberg said his “Jock Lib­ announced filMis for a “Jock eration Day” will include such Liberatloh Day” here speakers as Jack Scott, former Wednesday. Stanford track man and author Hie threat of disruption of an of the book “Athletics for Ath­ athletic event came ftoih George letes;” Harry Edwards, black or­ Kimball, the sSlf-ptodaimed ganizer of the 1968 boycott of Ylpple and Democrat canddate the Mexico City Olympics; Dave for Douglas bounty sheriff who Meggyesy, former St. Louis says he speaks for the Lawrence Cardinal football linebacker, and liberation kVont. Randy Smyth, former football Kinball told a news confer­ player now billed as sports edi­ DONATING BLOOD is time consuming and complicated, but a worthwhile project as Jim Van Zandt ence **a m ajor athletic event at tor of Ramparts Magazine. Liberal Arts4, learned yesterday. Today is the last day to donate blood in the Ballroom of the CAC Hie Kansas UniveMty will be dis­ Goldberg said Abble btoodmobilewlllbeopenfromlOa.m. to 2 p.m. (Photo by Dave Henty) See related story page 6 rupted If Goldberg is not Hoffman, national Yippie leader, reinstated to the track team.” The Kahaas Uhlverslty Judiciary dropped dotdberg’s case wheh It leaThed last Friday High coarf to rule on obttealty, segregafhn he no lohjfer la a t&hma tJHiver- sity student-thus leaving the WABHIMGTON (AP)-Hie tion cases. court decision that a commercial mits thenpeutlc abortions ne­ Judiciary witbout jiiHsdlctloh. Supreme Court agreed Monday In one of the obscenity cases pornography dealer has a right cessary to save the life of a accepted by the court for hear­ Also, kahaai tJrtiversity Ath­ to take a look at two obscenity to use the mails to deliver ob­ mother but makes other almr- letic Director Wade mihson said cases-one Involving importation ing later in the term, a three- scene material ordered by an tlons criminal offenses. judge federal court at Los records show dotdbetg enrolled of sexy pictures, the other the adult. Hie case may reach the Su­ Angeles has declared unconstitu­ in a CalifoHiia jutUot college first rl^ t of a commercial porno­ Among the many cases the preme Court later If Wisconsin In the tail of i9 6 l, which makes graphy dealer to use the mails. tional a federal law prohibiting high court declined to review follows an implied suggestion by importation of obscene books, him no Iphger eligible to com­ Hie two cases were among a was one ftt>m Wisconsin in the court that the stake take the advertisements, photographs or pete in athietics Under National handful which the court, in brief which a three-judge federal court matter first to the appeals court drawing. Hie law was chal­ ^lleglate Athletic Association orders, said It would review dur­ ruled thestate’santi-aboitlon law at Chicago. rules. The NCAA limife athletes ing the new term which opened lenged by Milton Luros, a Los was in violation of women’s pri­ Althourti It dedlned to hear Angeles dealer who, by the to four years of competition a week ago. vacy ri^ts. the Wisconsin case, the Supreme efter they initially enroll In a At the same time, the court lower court action, won back 37 Hie effect of the high court Court already has agreed to re­ college or university. turned down requests that it photographs he had brought action was to leave standing the view abortion laws of the Dis­ from Europe for use in a book “There is no case any more,” bear scores of other cases. Then three-judge decision. Hie case trict of Columbia wBldi hare describing sexual positions. Stinson said, “because he is not it settled down to listen to argu­ involved Dr. Sidney O. Babbitz, been dedared inrelid on grounds The second case, also from enrolled at KU and facts, which ments in its first cases of the charged with performing an il­ of vagueness. we have been titting on, show he new term-two school desegrega­ Los Angeles, involves a lower legal abortion Wiscinsin law per­ (ConUantd bn patf t) Wichita State University Libraries, Special Collections and University Archives __ bKosatw orasps old Nock-llfiilte iRolaaus By Sharon Jones Peoide who are hpt involved *Most lieople lead an air- with racial tendons or dlf- conditioned existence ftoih ferences, or at least those who parking garage to country club, are not exposed to them on an and they need to know that they everyday bvls, might poaaible can benefit firom being exposed dwell a little longer on them, in to another race.** Jon Roe, a the general opinion of the three firee-lance writer and public con­ partMpants interviewed. sultant, thus broadened the con­ “BlackB do come across some cept o f. racial understanding experiences In a white society from a mere survival kit to a that whites could never possible package with positive rewards. understand,** offered Ifiss Angle Wichita State students are In­ Ftomont, a white social worker. vited to step out of their “alr- S N bdleves the differences contftioned existances In the should not he Ignored, but that Isolated, academic world*’ after tide problem awareness is through the Black/Whlte En­ reached. It Is “important to counter Group program being move on to a more human sponsored by the Sedgwick understanding.** County Mental Health Qinic. the encounter tapes, which The program is an opportunity are being used by the group, Q) to see what rewards may be encotnage this attitude, Min Fremont said.
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