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APA-HOLLAND UNIVERSITY PRESS AMSTERDAM & MAARSSEN The first monograph on the famous learned journal and scientific periodical Acta Eruditorum, the German counterpart of the Journal des Sgavans and the Philosophical Transactions: (A.) HUB. LAEVEN THE “ACTA ERUDITORUM” UNDER THE EDITORSHIP OF OTTO MENCKE The history of an international learned journal between 1682 and 1707 Translated from the Dutch by Lynne Richards. With a summary in German With a list of all - hitherto anonymous - contributors, an inventory of the editor's correspondence, a bibliography and an index of names From 1682, for precisely a century, the Latin Acta Eruditorum, one of the most important international journals in the period of the Enlightenment, was published in Leipzig. The founder and first editor-in-chief was Otto Mencke (1644-1707), professor of philosophy at the university of Leipzig. This authoritative journal provided chiefly mathematicians, physicists and other natural scientists, among them Leibniz, with an international platform on which they could present their latest discoveries and ideas. The journal also provides a survey of numerous interesting publications in all other areas of scholarschip. In this study, which is the result of the most thorough research into the Aera Eruditorum undertaken to date, the author examines the history of the journal during the first twenty-five years of its existence, when Otto Mencke was the editor-in-chief. The reader is given detailed information about the genesis of the periodical, and about the members of the editorial circle and the way in which they set about their work. The editorial policy is analyzed in depth, and there is a survey of the international network of correspondents on whom the editors could call. The discovery of a number of annotated copies of the journal has made it possible to establish the names of all the hitherto anonymous reviewers and authors of articles. Several appendices, including an index of contributors and an inventory of the first editor’s correspondence, complete the book. •k ★ * Die erste Monographie über die berühmte Leipziger Gelehrtenzeitschift Acta Eruditorum, das deutsche Pendant des Journal des Sgavans und der Philosophical Transactions: (A.) HUB. LAEVEN DIE »ACTA ERUDITORUM« UNTER DER REDAKTION VON OTTO MENCKE Die Geschichte einer internationalen Gelehrtenzeitschrift von 1682 bis 1707 Ins Englische übersetzt von Lynne Richards. Mit einer deutschen Zusammenfassung Mit einem Verzeichnis aller - bisher anonymen - Kontribuenten, einer Übersicht der Korrespondenz des Herausgebers, einer Bibliographie und einem Namenregister Seit 1682 erschienen inLeipzig während eines ganzen Jahrhunderts àie. Acta Eruditorum in lateinischer Sprache, eine der wichtigsten, internationalen Gelehrtenzeitschriften in der Respublica Litteraria. Der Begründer und erste erste Herausgeber war Otto Mencke (1644-1707), Professor der Philosophie and der Leipziger Universität. Diese wichtige Zeitschrift bot vielen deutschen Wissenschaftlern aus allen akademischen Disziplinen die Gelegenheit unter der Führung vonLeibniz vor das internationale Rampenlicht zu treten und mit Kollegen aus anderen Teilen Europas zu wetteifern. Die vorliegende Arbeit ist das bedeutende Ergebnis dertiefgreifendsten Erforschung der Geschichte der Acta. .. bisher. Sie stellt die Entwicklung und die Bedeutung der Zeitschrift während der ersten 25 Jahre ihres Bestehens dar, als Otto Mencke die Herausgabe leitete. Eier Leser wird unter anderm ausführlich unterrichtet ite r das Entstehen des Periodikums, über die Zusammensetzung, und die Arbeitsmethoden der Redaktion, sowie über die Material beschaffung und den Vertrieb. Ferner wird die Redaktionspolitik gründlich analysiert und eine genaue Darstellung des internatio­ nalen Korrespondentennetzes der Redaktion gegeben. Durch das Auffinden einiger Exemplare der Zeitschrift mit handschriftlichen Eintragungen war es möglich die Namen aller, bisher anonymen, Rezensenten und Autoren festzustellen. Einige Beilagen, worunter ein Verzeichnis der Kontribuenten und eine Übersicht der Korrespondenz von Otto Mencke, beschließen dieses Buch. * * * Amsterdam & Maarssen 1990 (APA-Holland University Press). XV, 431 pages, 15 ills. Softbound, 23 x 15. (ISBN 90 302 1296 9) APA | POSTBUS 122 | NL-3600 AC MAARSSEN | HOLLAND 5BN 90 302 1296 9 The »Acta Eruditorum« under the editorship of Otto Mencke, 1682-1707 a , }Mm&^kcenxxnt. w.i$''jfa&rkJ!>tn.A.jror. 7.z$ J&n, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiyiiifiii'niyiiiiiiiiiiiiii 1. Copper engraving of Otto Mencke by M. Bernigeroth HUB. LAEVEN THE »ACTA ERUDITORUM« UNDER THE EDITORSHIP OF OTTO MENCKE ( 1644-1707) THE HISTORY OF AN INTERNATIONAL LEARNED JOURNAL BETWEEN 1682 AND 1707 TRANSLATED FROM THE DUTCH BY LYNNE RICHARDS MIT EINER ZUSAMMENFASSUNG IN DEUTSCHER SPRACHE APA-HOLLAND UNIVERSITY PRESS AMSTERDAM & MAARSSEN Augustinus Hubertus Laeven The »Acta Eruditorum« under the editorship of Otto Mencke (1644-1707) The history of an international learned journal between 1682 and 1707 Translated from the Dutch edition (Amsterdam & Maarssen, APA, 1986) by Lynne Richards Mit einer Zusammenfassung in deutscher Sprache First edition in English Amsterdam & Maarssen 1990 APA-ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATED [APA-UITGEVERS ASSOCIATIE] HOLLAND UNIVERSITY PRESS I ORIENTAL PRESS PHILO PRESS-VAN HEUSDEN-HISSINK & CO POSTBUS 122 I NL-3600 AC MAARSSEN NETHERLANDS ISBN 90 302 1296 9 © 1990 Holland University Press bv, Amsterdam & Maarssen All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the written permission from the publisher. Printed in the Netherlands. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I should like to take this opportunity of expressing my thanks to all those whose cooperation, involvement and interest have contributed to the completion of this study. I am deeply indebted to the officials of libraries and archives in the Netherlands and abroad, who assisted me in my researches. My greatest gratitude, however, goes to Professor Dr. J. A. H. Bots for his critical guidance and tireless support. In respect of the publication of this English edition I should like to thank the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (N.W.O.), which financed the translation, and the Janivo Foundation and the Nuyens Fund, which contributed to the costs of publication. A very special word of thanks and appreciation goes to Mrs. Lynne Richards for her meticulous and sensitive translation, and for the excellent working relationship. Finally, great praise is due to Mrs. P. B. Jacobs-Willems for the typesetting of this book. Autumn 1988 v CONTENTS Acknowledgements v List of illustrations x Sigla and abbreviations xi INTRODUCTION 1 I. THE RISE AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE LEARNED PERIODICAL PRESS 1. Forms of communication between scholars 7 a. Commericium epistolare 7 b. Sodalitates 8 c. Learned journal 9 2. Moves towards an erudite press in the German countries 13 a. Cultural fragmentation of the German countries 13 b. The first steps towards cultural concentration 15 c. Nucleus librarius 16 d. Miscellanea curiosa 18 II. THE APPEARANCE OF AN INTERNATIONAL LEARNED JOURNAL ON GERMAN SOIL 1. Origin and originators of the Acta Eruditorum 21 a. Introduction 21 b. Leipzig as a book centre 21 c. Learend societies in Leipzig: symptoms of reform 22 d. Collegianum Gellianum 24 e. Societas Conferentium and Collegium Anthologicum 25 f. The Leipzig societies: the cradle of the Acta Eruditorum? 26 2. Otto Mencke: auctor intellectualis, editor-in-chief and publisher 28 a. Introduction 28 b. The Mencke family 28 c. Otto Mencke’s years of study 30 d. Academic career 32 e. Johann Burkhard Mencke: a learned son 33 f. Otto Mencke as authoritative scholar 35 3. Early preparations for the publication of the Acta 40 a. Mencke’s visit to the Low Countries and England 40 b. The epistolary contacts between Mencke and his circle of collaborators 41 c. Building up a distribution network via the book trade 42 d. Patronage: the protection of the court of Saxony 43 e. Preparations for the publication of the first issue 44 vii III. THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN EDITORIAL POLICY. A NEW JOURNAL: THE ACTA ERUDITORUM 1. Policy intentions 51 a. The choice of the Latin language 51 b. The attention devoted in the Acta Eruditorum to the various disciplines 52 c. A special place for the exact sciences? 53 d. Specific principles of editorial policy 55 2. The presentation of the editorial programme in the forewords from 1682 onwards 58 3. Design 62 a. A journal of many volumes 62 b. Composition and content of the volumes 64 c. Typography 64 d. Printers of the Acta 66 e. Frequency of publication,
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