Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University The iH lltop: 1990-2000 The iH lltop Digital Archive 10-8-1993 The iH lltop 10-8-1993 Hilltop Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_902000 Recommended Citation Staff, Hilltop, "The iH lltop 10-8-1993" (1993). The Hilltop: 1990-2000. 94. https://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_902000/94 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The iH lltop Digital Archive at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iH lltop: 1990-2000 by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. , I ·,olume 77, No.6 Serving the Howard University community since 1924 October 8, 1993 . Budget deficit keeps HUSA ineDlbers froDl getting paid By Oerrlcke M. Dennis Cons1i1ution to pay operating Wade feels it is wrong Ihm her staff is enue to pay their slllff. H1lhop Staff Writer expenses and s1aff stipends. suffering because of dtings Iha! she had "We've already asked for funds mMPORARYTRAILERSREPLACE When Howard University S1uden1 "\\e lhink the problem began when no control over, including how "the from the Office of S1udent Activities As.<;0eiation slllff members say 1hey we were advanced money 10 pay old previous administration left a l01 of and were denied,'' \¼Ide said. "Now DOUGLASS HALL CLASSROOMS: arc nol working for the money, bills and 1.hc administrative deficil in unfinished busincs.~ and unpaid debts" ,ve plan 10 approach businesses and While construction continues in Douglass believe it. addition 10 our regular opera1ing for her staff to deal with. vendors for corporate sponsorship of Hall, some classes are being held in trail­ An organizmional defici1, old bills expenses, supplies and wages for the "To date. none of our s1aff is paid our programs. We have no choice ers set up on the yard. A2 and "miscommunica1ion" be1ween summer," Byrd explained. and there is no money lefl 10 pay lhe but to continue." Wade said. HUSA and University adminiMra- "\\e \l.ffl! 1101 tolcl thL\ money would spring semes1er tui1ion for myself But Wade reels lhe problem goes 1ors has left the new HUSA admin­ cut into our=uti,e budge1 before \\'C and [HUSA Vice President] beyond HUSK~ financial difficulties. istration overs1cx:kecl on office sup­ requesied, planned for and received the Reginald X." Wade said. "Bui "Howard is cont.inuously making plies and understocked on money to funds from the general assembly," everyone· unders1ands what hap­ a s1a1emen1 tha1 \\'e cannot support PRESIDENT JENIFER pay Slaff stipends for the remainder Byrd said. "My only regret was Ihm I pened, and for some, no1 gelling our own," said \¼Ide, referring to the of the year, HUSA officials said. was 1101 fully made 10 understand how paid isn't as big of a problem as i1 is lack of assis1anoe she has received SHARES ms OPINION: Rob Byrd, HUS,6;s financial advi­ our money gelS approprialed." for others." Wade added. from Universiiy adminis1r.11ors. "All "In the interest of setting the sor, anribu1es 1he discrepancy to Raymond Archcl;dean ofthe Office Allhough HUS.A:s organizational this means is thal the staff ha~ not record straight, I want to inadequate briefing by Universi1y of Studenl Activities and advisor 10 and program budgets, which fund been compensated," Wade said. The assure the entire Howard administrators on lhe proper use of HUSA.could no1 be reached forcom­ programs and services throughou1 students should still be well-assured community ofmy uniquivocal execu1ive budgc1 funds, which are men1 on the discrepanc)( lhc year. were nol uffec1ed, HUSA thal what was promised during and support for faculty tenure." specifically designed by the HUSA However HUSA Presiclem Torri must s1ill seek other oources of rev- after the election will be delivered." D.C. Public Schools SO ORDINARY LOVE: Two lesbians on to get Afrocentric qoward University's campus discuss their­ ~stlyes and homophobia on a college curriculum campus. Bl By Miguel Burke have dealt with different cultural her­ Hilltop Staff Writer itages, but because this one deals - • ,.o!n l -•~ ~ -~,,. -r-4 • t"'lf' • ,,,-:,,.,,, . ._,, .. ,.. _. with African culture and herilage, . :, ·' -' 1~•··-··,,,,.. -:1 t J: ,'>"j , (" • . ' . Expcrimcnung with several pro­ they do not wanl u.~ 10 reali,.e tha1 our grams. the District ofColumbia Pub­ history preda1cs [while .\mericans'] THEY KEEP GOING AND GOING: As lic Schools may finally have an eru;la\'Cment of us," she said. African<entcred system. Bui its cre­ the Bison football team racks up victory However, :,he has received, nunu­ Chidaidi Akoma, the new Mr. Howard. ator; Allena \¼llker, has met much neg­ number four, they also make their way into ous praises from adrniniStralors and ati\'e response from the white pres.~. education officials nationwide. New Mr. Howard crowned national ranking. B5 The wife of fonner Howard Eng­ Mary Dolson, the acting principal lish Professor Kwaku Walker, Abena of\\~ EJemeniary School in North­ By Traci James "When I Think" by Tony Hun1er. Walker said the African-cemered sys­ east, said she supports the program. Hilltop Staff Writer The performance elicited cheers tem is part of an intensive academic "I feel that ii is a good program. As and a great deal of en1husiasm Junior Chidaidi Akoma will program thai includes math, science with any new program thai D.C. Pu\). from the audience. INDEX reign as Mr. Howard Universi1y and the language arts. It also special­ lie Schools implemenlS, i1 takes time ·'Chidaidi won mainly because 1993-94. The 20-year-old New izes in teaching studems about sci­ to integrate it into the existing cur­ of his confidence," said William Bl York na1ive cap1ured the 1i1le at the Campus A2 Tempo ences. art, reading, music, hilitory, riculum," she said. "Bo" Martin, who was one of the B2 Wednesday nigh1 pageant entitled Campus Plus A3 People African languages and the African Walker has experience in teaching seven judges and a former Mr. "Transcending the Limitations of F.ditorial A4 Pulse B3 ManialAns. students ofvarious raxsand has lallght Howard. Life." The pageant showcased the Perspectives A5 Pulse II B4 'Toe program srresse.s building in the D.C. Public School Sys1em and "If we are 10 get anything talcnlS of three other Howard male Local A7 Sports B7 character, which is the focus oflradi­ at the Universiiy of the District of accomplished in this world, we students. Alex Pickins III, a 19 International A9 Afterthoughts B8 tional African education. We also Columbia. "fa-en though our system must work toge1her in uni1y," year-old sophomore International Hilltopics B10 teaeh teachers and parenlS the African h.-is its roots in African cultw'c, it ·s nefd­ Business major, was the first run­ Akoma. a Biology major, said. "lf system of motivation and discipline ed by of all races." :Jie said. ner-up. Colin Thompson, a 20- 'rldren this is to happen we must learn 10 that builds children up rather than tears She says there is a definite differ­ ycar-old junior C.O.B.I.S. major resj,ect ourselves as African men UOTE OF THE WEEK them down," she said. ence between 1hc European and was the second runner-up. The and women." third runner-up, Jamal Jones, is a Walker said the program focuses on African systems of education. With respect for one another 20- year-old junior Insurance giving studenlS special attention by uti­ ''1nc main difference in curricu­ 'til achieved, we can all work together major. No race can prosper it lizing smaller classrooms. lum is that our curriculum includes withoul boundaries to stop us from According to Daanen Strachan, But critics and opponentS have the history and contributions of all one of the judges and Associate learns that there is as progressing. he said during the mtacked w.tlker and the system. Nine.­ peoples, while the Eurocentric [cur­ Director of Student Activities, Mr. Ques1ion and Answer segment of much dignity in teen articles have appeared in The riculum] does nOI. The biggest dif­ Howard was selected this year in r 1he pageant. Washington Post, criticizing the pro­ ference in African-centered ideolo­ the fall instead of the spring so that tilling as in For the Talent segmenl of the Mr. Howard and Miss Howard a field gram. gy is that children are viewed holis­ pagean1, Akoma performed a dra­ could reign a1 the same time as a "fn my opinion, the main critic has tically as spiritual, mental and phys­ writing a poem. matic in1crpre1ation en1i1led show of uni1y. been The Washington Post. I have ical beings. and the emphasis is never seen any other program attacked -Booker T. Washington Please see Schools, A6 like this one. Many other programs School of "C" faculty, student~ in uproar over flea-ridden rodent By LaWanda Stone 10 be a problen1. Superstar Michael Jordan retires fr~m NBA Hilltop Staff Writer Bishetta Merritt, chairperson for 1 ~ ~ W. Brown had lived. Jordan often hinted al his his decision," said Kimberly Martin, toll on him. Ifyou ~lice, 111 the press the Department of Radio/fV/Film, Faculty ha,oe expressed disgust . ~ Slaff Wnter desire to leave the media limelight. a senior majoring in pri111 journalism. conference he said u meant a lot to was among several victims of flea "It's time for me 10 move on to "WithMIChae!Jordanbasketbalhook him that his dad saw his lastgan,e," over a raccoon 1ha1 has infested bites in I.lie building. neas throughou1 1he C.B. Powell ~ ~ I grea1 Michael Jordan, sornclhing else. I know a lot of peo- on a new dimen.\ion.
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