DOCUMENT RESUME CE 638:984 'ED 244'137 , TITLE Oversight Hdarings on Equal EmploymentOpportunity and Affirmative Action. Part 1._ Hearingsbef.Dre the -Subcommittee on Employment Opportunities of the Committee on Education and Labor. House of Representatives, Ninety-Seventh_Congress, First Session (July 15, September 23-24, andOctober 7, 1981). INSTITUTION Congress of the U.S., Washington,D.C. House Committee on Education and Labor. PUB DATE 81 NOTE 629p.; Contains small type. For a relateddocument, see CE 038 985, PUB TYPE Legal/Legislative/Regulatory Materials (090) VieupointS (120) EDRS PRICE MF03 Plus Postage. PC Not Avilablefrom EDRB. DESCRIPTORS Adults; *Affirmative Action; Blacks; )CivilRights Legislation; Employment Level;*Equal Opportunities 1JobS); Equal Protection; Federal Legislation; .Ftderal Regulation; Females; *Government Role; Bearings' Hispanic.Americans; Minority Groups;Public Policy; *Racial Discrimination;_Rev'erte Discrimination; *Salary Wagepifferentiels;*Sex Discrimination; Sex Fairness IDENTIFIERS Congress97t3M ABSTRACT This document is a transcriptofCongressional hearings on equal empIoymentopportunityand affirmative action held in the summer and fall of 1981. Some ofthose who testified at the hearing included.a professor of economics, arepresentative of the Rockefeller Foundation, directors of women'sgrou0s, directors of the National Association:for the Advancement ofColored People and the.- National UrbanLeague, officials of the U.S.Department of Labor, an assistant attorney general for civilrights, congressiomen, and -a representative of Mexican Ameriaff-groups. wepared statements and other materials were given by thesepersons,and others. The focus of the hearing was onthe apparent_intent of the Reagan administration to curtailseverely the Federal Government's involvement in the enforcement ofequal employment opportunity laws,' It was also concerned with theadministration's apparentinclination to abandon its heretoforesubstantial use of affikinative action as a tool by which to redress and hopefullyeradicate the effects of past . diScrimination practiced againstminorities and women. Witnesses traced the origins and background ofdiscrimination against minorities and women, noted their still unequalshare of better jobs, and*Said that the administration'spolicy of backing off on enforcement of affirmativeaction would be unfeir-to.women and minorities. They_pushed for the continuingefforts of government ,to create equal opportunityregulations' and enforce those laws. (IFC) _ OVERSIGHT HEARINGS ON EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY AND AFFIRMATIVE ACTION N- fad 1 rIpc, HEARINGS BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES OF THE COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND FOR HOUSE, OF REPRESENTATIVES NINETY-SEVENTH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION HEARINGS HELD IN WASHINGTON, D.C. ON JULY 19 ; SEPTEMBER 23, 24 ; AND OCTOBER 7, 1981 Printed for the use of the Committee on Education and Labor U.S. DEPARTMENT OPEDUCATION_ ' .NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATLON 1UCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC/ This document has been reproducedas received from the person or organization originating it. ' ! Minor changes have been made toimprove reproduction quality. * Points of view or opinions stated in this diact.L ment do not necessarily represent official NIE position or policy. U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 83-171 0 WASHINGTON : 1982 COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION ANDLABOR; CARL D. PERKINS, Kentutky, Chairman AUGUSTUS F HAWKINS, California. ' JOHN M. ASHBROOK, Ohio WILLIAM IX FORD, Michigan JOHN N. ERLENBORNIllinois PHILLIP BURTON, California JAMES M. JEFFORDS,Vormont JOSEPILM, GAYDOS, Pennsylvania WILLIAM F. GOODLING, Pennsylvania WILLIAM (BILL) CLAY, Missouri E. THOMAS COLEMAN, Missouri MARIO BIAGGI, New York KEN KRAMER, Colorado IF E ANDREWS, North Carolina ARLEN ERDAHL,-Minnesota RAUL SIMON, Illinois THOMAS-E. PETRI, Wisconsin GEORGE MILLER, California MILLICENT- FENWICK; New Jersey AUSTIN J. MURPHY. Pennsylvania MARGE-1101JEEMA,_ New Jersey TED WEISS, New York EUGENE JOHNSTON, North Carolina BALTASAR CORRADA, Puerto Rico. LAWRENCEJ: DENARDIS; Connecticut / DALE E. KILDEE, Michigan LARRY CRAIG; Idaho / PETER A. PEYSER, New York WENDELL BAILEY; Missouri PAT WILLIAMS, Mantana WILLIAM R RATCHFORD, Connecticut RAY KOGOVSEK Colorado HAROLD WASHINGTON, Illinois ' DENNIS E. ECKART. Ohio SUBCOMMITTEEON EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES AUGUSTUS F.HAWKINS; California, Chairman WILLIAM (BILL) CLAY, Missouri JAMES 1V4:__JEFFORDS; Vermont TED WEISS, New York THOMAS E,\PETRI. Wisconsin' I3ALTASAR CORRADA, Puerto Rico MILLICENT FENWICK; New Jersey PAUL SIMON, Illinois LAWRENCE J: DtNARDIS. Connecticut HAROLD WASHINGTON, Illinois (EX OITitio) CARL D. PERKINS, Kentucky (Ex Officio) CONT-ENTS Hearings held in Washington, D.C.:.' Page July15, 1981 1 Septeniber 23, 1981 131. September 24, 1981 183 October 7, 1981 281 , Statement of . ; Alexis, Marcus, Department of Economics, Northwestern University 229 Anderson, Bernard E., director, Social Science:: Division, the Rockefeller Foundation . , 219 Boggs, Hon. Lirp1y4Mrs.: Hale), -a- Representative in- Congress from the State of Louisiana, on behalf of the Congresswomen's Caucus , 157 Fleming, Jane P., executive director, -Wider Opportunities for Women, Inc., Washington. D.C., accompanied by Laurie A. Westle); counsel.... 189 Flemniing, Arthur S., Chairman, U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, accom- panied by John Iippe III, acting staff director, and Jack Hartog, assist- ant general counsel 25 Hooks, Benjainin L., executive director, National Association for the Ad- vancement of Colored People,_accoinpanied by Althea T. .L. Simmons, director, Washington Bureau, NAACP 205 Jordan, Vernon E., Jr., president, National Urban League, Inc., accompa- nied by Maudine aoper; vice president for Washington Operations 7 barber, Lawrence Z.. Esq., American Society for Personnel Administra- tion, Washington, D.0 - 271 Lovell; Malcolm,' Under Secretary; U.S. Department of Labor, accompa- nied by_Ellen_M. Shong; Director;. Office of Federal Contract Compli- once Programs ,.. .... 282 Mbrtinez, Vilma S., president _and general counsel; Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational_Fund IL 59 Norton, Eleanor Holmes, senior fellow, Urban Institute,...............:......--- 99 Reynolds, William Bradford, Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights; . U.S. Department of Justice , ... 132 Sape, George P., vice president, Organization Resources Counselors; Inc 257 Schroeder, Hon. Patricia, a Representative in Congress from the State of Colorado; Cochair of the Congresswomen's Caucus 156 Smeal, Eleanor Cutri, president, National Organization for Women, Inc 84 Smith, J. Clay, Jr., Acting Chairman, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, accompanied by Douglas Bielan, Acting Director, Office of Interagency Coordination; Constance Dupre, Acting Deputy General Counsel; Debra Millenson, Acting Director, Office of Systemic Pro- grams; and Issie Jenkins, Acting Executive Director 314 Prepared statements.-letters, supplemental materials, etc. Alexis; Marcus, Northwestern University, prepared statement of 222 Anderson, Dr. Bernard E., director, Social Sciences Division, the Rockefel- ler Foundation, prepared statement of 21621 Feagin, Joe R, Ph. D., professor of sociology, University of Texas (Austin), testimony of ... 48 Federally Employed Women (FEW), prepared statement of 565 Fleming, Jane P., executive- director, Wider Opportunities for Women, Inc., prepared statement of 183 Flemming, Arthur S., chairman, U.S. Commission on iCivil .Righth, pre- - pared statement of 20 Hale; Randolph _M.; vice president, industrial relations, National Associ- ation of Manufacturers; letter to Chairman Hawkins, dated October 22, .1981 432 4 I V I lawkiiis. I lon Augustus 1.'., aRepresentative in Congress from _the State In Employnient;" article from- 1' "t4'' Or Catiforttio; " licvmse DiscriMination' 163 hiterMit Moat Labour Review, July-August1981 I Iiiierleld; Bildt J., of the League ofWomenVoters of the United States, , 112 statement by '- Association for the Ad- Hooks: 13enjamin I.., executive director, -Natitiritil 202 vancement of Colored People, prepare d'stziternent of , Hughes. Alison IM.,_ executive director;Tucson_Warren'sCommission, . enclosing testimony, dated Tucson, Ariz., letter to Chairman Hawkins; 437 ] October 4, 1981 Urban League, Inc., prepared Jordan, VerimittE., Jr., president, National 4 statement of American Society for Personnel Loafer, Lawrence Z., on behalf of the 261; Administration, prePared statement of. ... Loyell, Malcolm. -Under Secretary, U.S_Department of Labor, acconipii: nied by Ellen M. Shong, Director. Officeof Federal Contract Compli: ance Programs: Preparedatement of Response t4i queStion asked by CongressmanWeiss, current staffing _ of OFCCP Responses to questions asked_by Con_gressmantWashirigteli: Monitoring -small contractors affirmativeaction obligati-M-1S 111)) Regarding OFCCP.'s proposed regulations counsel, Mekiberi American _. Martilie4 Viliiiii S3. president __and_ general 39 Legtil Dikkinte and Educational_ Fund, preparedstatement of Mrazek. Thelma Stevens _director ofcommunications, Mechanical Con- fractiitS Association of America, Inc.: Letter to Ed Cook._enclosing proposedamendments to Executive ohli..t, No: 11246, dated October 23, 1981 579 Letter to Edmund D._ Cooke,: Jr.,counsel, enclosing several state- Stenate Labor and Human ResourcesCommittee; inerits beforethe .... 597 dated September_22. 1981 Niirtiiii; Eleanor Holmes; senior fellow,Urban Institute; prepared state- memerit of : _____ .-- ' Reed;
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