Journal of Insect Science (2016) 16(1): 73; 1–5 doi: 10.1093/jisesa/iew060 Research article Dietary Niche Partitioning of Euphaea formosa and Matrona cyanoptera (Odonata: Zygoptera) on the Basis of DNA Barcoding of Larval Feces Yun-Chieh Cheng1 and Chung-Ping Lin2,3 1Department of Life Science and Center for Tropical Ecology and Biodiversity, Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan, 40704, 2Department of Life Science, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, 11610, Taiwan and 3Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected] Subject Editor: Philippe Usseglio-Polatera Downloaded from Received 31 March 2016; Accepted 16 June 2016 Abstract Odonate larvae are commonly considered opportunistic general predators in freshwater ecosystems. However, the dietary breadth of most odonate larvae in forest streams is still poorly documented. We characterized the http://jinsectscience.oxfordjournals.org/ prey species and estimated the level of dietary niche overlap of two damselflies, Euphaea formosa Hagen 1869 and Matrona cyanoptera Ham€ al€ ainen€ and Yeh, 2000 in a forest stream of central Taiwan on the basis of DNA barcoding of larval feces. A collection of 23 successfully identified cytochrome c oxidase 1 (CO1) barcoding sequences suggested that the mayflies (Ephemeroptera), caddisflies (Trichoptera), and midges (Diptera) com- prise the majority (43%, 6/14) of prey species consumed by E. formosa larvae, whereas the identified prey for M. cyanoptera were mainly zooplankton (56%, 5/9). Statistical analysis of dietary overlap indicated that these two species occupy different dietary niches (Pianka’s index ¼ 0.219). DNA barcoding analysis of damselfly larval feces was effective in detecting less sclerotized prey such as vertebrates (fish and frog) and small zooplankton. However, a moderately successful rate (<70%) of PCR amplification by universal CO1 primers and a low per- centage (<60%) of identifiable sequences in public databases indicate the limitations of naive DNA barcoding in fecal analysis. by guest on July 18, 2016 Key words: Calopterygidae, dietary breadth, DNA barcoding, Euphaeidae, niche, Taiwan Introduction The diets of larval odonates can be identified by examining the The Odonata—dragonflies and damselflies—contain numerous fecal pellets voided after consumption (Thompson 1978, Folsom large species with conspicuous mating behaviors, making them one and Collins 1984, Dudgeon 1989a, 1989b). The crushed body parts of the most popular research subjects in insect ecology and evolution of prey from the feces can be compared with the morphological (Cordoba-Aguilar 2008). They are often viewed as opportunistic characteristics of potential prey species dwelling in the habitat. This general predators feeding on almost all available invertebrates and method is often time intensive and largely lacks the ability to detect sometimes conspecifics (Corbet 1999, Robinson and Wellborn less sclerotized prey, except for a few diagnostic characteristics such 1987). This generalization of trophic relationships between odona- as the radula of mollusks (Baker 1986, Corbet 1999). A library of tes and their prey is essential in studying community structures and body parts from potential prey species can facilitate morphological ecological processes of freshwater ecosystems, including predator– identification of fecal pellets. Immunological methods are also useful prey interaction, niche partitioning, and the dynamics of food webs for detection of unsclerotized prey, especially the protozoans that (Polis and Strong 1996, Kaartinen et al. 2010). However, a few stud- are frequent in the diet of early instar larvae (Onyeka 1983, ies have indicated that the diet of larval odonates varies according to Sukhacheva 1996). The development of DNA barcoding using stan- habitat, season, larval size, and prey selection, making the assump- dardized genetic markers provides an alternative method to charac- tion of generalist predators for larval odonates an oversimplification terize the dietary breadth of insect predators (Hebert et al. 2003, (Blois 1985, Robinson and Wellborn 1987, Dudgeon 1989a, 2004). The use of approximately 700-bp fragments of mitochondrial Galbreath and Hendricks 1992, Khelifa et al. 2013). Adults of cer- CO1 gene was successful in dietary identification of many insect tain odonates were also found to be specialized predators on spiders groups, for example, the gut contents of parasitoid wasps (Rougerie and butterflies, or temporary specialists on honey bees (Corbet et al. 2011) and natural prey of water bugs (Gamboa et al. 2012). 1999). Molecular identification of prey species from the feces (“biodiversity VC The Authors 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Entomological Society of America. 1 This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/), which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. For commercial re-use, please contact [email protected] 2 Journal of Insect Science, 2016, Vol. 16, No. 1 capsules”) of generalist predators was recently proposed as a new (DNASTAR Lasergene package, Madison, WI, USA). These se- tool for biodiversity and ecological assessment (Boyer et al. 2015). quences were translated into amino acid sequences using a mito- However, the effectiveness of DNA barcoding for characterizing lar- chondrial genetic code of Drosophila in MacClade (Ver. 4.06, val odonate dietary breadth remains largely unknown. Maddison and Maddison 2000) to check for possible stop codons Here, we conducted a molecular dietary analysis of two endemic and indels caused by ambiguous sequencing, and then deposited in damselfly species, Euphaea formosa Hagen 1869 (Euphaeidae) and GenBank (accession numbers listed in Appendix 1). Matrona cyanoptera Ham€ al€ ainen€ and Yeh 2000 (Calopterygidae), in a Taiwan forest stream. The aims of this study were to test the Sequence identification and niche overlap index utility of DNA barcoding in characterizing the larval dietary breadth The edited CO1 sequences were searched through BLAST in the nu- of E. formosa and M. cyanoptera and to determine the level of die- cleotide collection database (nr/nt) of NCBI (http://www.ncbi.nlm. tary overlap between them. nih.gov) in September of 2015. The searches were conducted using BLASTN program (Ver. 2.2.27, Morgulis et al. 2008), which is opti- Materials and Methods mized for highly similar sequences (Megablast) with parameters of the alignment algorithm set to the default values of 10 for expected num- Damselflies and collection of fecal pellets ber of chance matches, and 1/À2 for match(reward)/mismatch(pen- Larvae of E. formosa and M. cyanoptera were collected every two alty) ratio, and linear gap costs. The sequences that yielded the best months between April 2010 and May 2011 (for a total of seven alignment (the highest maximum score) to all or a part of the query se- days), using nets and by hands, from three sites in the WuChen quence were selected for candidate species identification. The se- Downloaded from stream near LianHwaTz Forestry Research Station in central quences were also compared against a CO1 barcode database Taiwan (235301700N, 1205305000E; 235404800N, 1205304400E; available in the Barcode of Life Data (BOLD, Ver. 3) Systems 235404300N, 1205301700E). The collected larvae were brought to (Ratnasingham and Hebert 2007). The sequence matching followed the laboratory and kept alive individually in plastic boxes (diameter both a linear search for the nearest neighbors from global alignment 7 cm, height 5 cm) filled with water and connected to an air pump. and a neighbor-joining tree reconstructed from 100 nearest neighbor- http://jinsectscience.oxfordjournals.org/ The larvae were allowed to expel feces for 48 hrs. Expelled fecal pel- ing taxa in the BOLD Identification System. Sequences showing less lets were collected, immersed in 95% EtOH, and frozen at a –20 C than 1% and 3% divergence to the reference sequences without a freezer. The head width of the larvae was measured microscopically close match to any other invertebrates were assigned to a species and as a proxy for body size (E. formosa: 3.33 6 0.96 mm, n ¼ 126; M. genus, respectively. In the absence of a close match because of incom- cyanoptera: 2.39 6 0.76 mm, n ¼ 154), and the larvae were then re- plete taxonomic coverage in the reference database, higher-level iden- leased back to their original sites. To examine the likelihood of am- tifications were made by examining the clustering relationship of plifying endogenous damselfly DNA from the voided feces, one query sequences within the neighbor-joining tree and the known tax- larva from each of the two damselfly species was fed with a larva of onomy of neighboring sequences as indexed in BOLD. the Asian tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus). Subsequently, the ex- Niche overlap between the diets of the two damselfly species creted fecal pellets with known prey identity were collected and were calculated using Pianka’s (1973) index in EcoSimR (Gotelli analyzed. and Ellison 2013), which assesses the degree of overlap between the two species along one dimension of dietary niche. The value of this by guest on July 18, 2016 index varies from 0 (no overlap) to 1 (complete overlap). The signifi- DNA extraction and sequencing cance of niche overlap was obtained by resampling the dataset Genomic DNA was extracted from the collected
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