Figure 1 Gazetteer map showing heritage assets within 1km of proposed conservation 99 area !( 74 Legend !( Gazetteer Events Status 75 80 !( Undesignated !( !( !( Category A Listed !( Category B Listed !( Scheduled Monuments 73 81 !( 1km Buffer 85 !( 72 Inventoried Battlefield !( 70 !( 79 !( 71 Proposed Culloden Muir Conservation Area !( 100 !( !( 21 !( 69 29 !( !( 20 !( 101 68 86 !( !( 67 27 78 1 6 64 !(25 2 54!( 897 !( 65 !(26 !( !( !(!( !(!( !( !( !(3!(90 8 !( 96 24 17 66 !( 19 !( !(88 !( !( 62 !( 9 !( 18 87 !( 61 63 !( !( !( 84 28 !( 5859 !( 55 !( 60 97 !( !(!( 30 !( 54 !( !( 56 5152!(53!(57 15 14 10 4748 !(!( !( !( !( !( !(!( 49!(50 12!( !( !(11 13 7682 !( !(!( 77 46 !( !(!(45 31 16 92 !( !( 44 !( !(43 91 42!( 40 !( !( 41 !( 32 39 !( !( 83 !( 38 !( 95 !( 9394 !( !( 102 Cartographic data derived from OS OpenData, Crown Copyright !( 33 Project No.: 22838 !( 37 23/09/2014 !(!(36 Date: Scale at A3 1:28,000 34 !( 35 !( (c) AOC Archaeology 2014 Reproduced with the kind permission of the Trustees of the National Library of Scotland Figure 2: Extract from Roy’s Military Survey of Scotland 1747-52 Reproduced with the kind permission of the Trustees of the National Library of Scotland Figure 3: Extract from Jasper Lee Jones Plan of the Battle of Culloden 1746 270000.0000 280000.0000 .0000 .0000 850000 850000 Viewpoint 1 .0000 .0000 840000 840000 Legend Viewpoint 1 Memorial Cairn Theoretical Visibility from Memorial Cairn VALUE Not Visible Visible 270000.0000 280000.0000 Project No.: 22838 Figure 4: Theoretical Visibility from Date: 23.09.2014 the Memorial Cairn (Viewpoint 1) Scale at A4: 1:91,657 (c) AOC Archaeology 2014 0 990 1,980 2,970 3,960 Meters I Cartographic data derived from OS OpenData, Crown Copyright 270000.0000 280000.0000 .0000 .0000 850000 850000 Viewpoint 2 .0000 .0000 840000 840000 Legend Viewpoint 2 Roof of Culloden Visitor Centre Theoretical Visibility from Culloden Visitor Centre VALUE Not Visible Visible 270000.0000 280000.0000 Project No.: 22838 Date: 23.09.2014 Figure 5: Theoretical Visiblity from the roof Scale at A4: 1:91,657 (c) AOC Archaeology 2014 of Culloden Visitor Centre (Viewpoint 2) 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 Meters I Cartographic data derived from OS OpenData, Crown Copyright 270000.0000 280000.0000 .0000 .0000 850000 850000 Viewpoint 3 .0000 .0000 840000 840000 Legend Viewpoint 3 Westhill Theoretical Visibility from Westhill VALUE Not Visible Visible 270000.0000 280000.0000 Project No.: 22838 Date: Figure 6: Theoretical Visibility from Westhill (Viewpoint 3) 23.09.2014 Scale at A4: 1:91,657 (c) AOC Archaeology 2014 0 870 1,740 2,610 3,480 Meters I Cartographic data derived from OS OpenData, Crown Copyright 270000.0000 280000.0000 .0000 .0000 850000 850000 Viewpoint 4 .0000 .0000 840000 840000 Legend Viewpoint 4 B9006/B851 Junction Theoretical Visibility from the B9006/B851 Junction VALUE Not Visible Visible 270000.0000 280000.0000 Project No.: 22838 Date: 23.06.2014 Figure 7: Theoretical Visibility from the B9006/B851 Junction (Viewpoint 4) Scale at A4: 1:91,657 (c) AOC Archaeology 2014 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 Meters I Cartographic data derived from OS OpenData, Crown Copyright 270000.0000 280000.0000 .0000 .0000 850000 850000 Viewpoint 5 .0000 .0000 840000 840000 Legend Viewpoint 5 Clava Cairns of Balnuarin Theoreticall Visibility from Clava Cairns of Balnuarin VALUE Not Visible Visible 270000.0000 280000.0000 Project No.: 22838 Date: 23.09.2014 Figure 8 Theoretical Visibility from Scale at A4: 1:91,657 (c) AOC Archaeology 2014 the Clava Cairns of Balnuarin 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 Meters I Cartographic data derived from OS OpenData, Crown Copyright 270000.0000 280000.0000 .0000 .0000 850000 850000 Viewpoint 6 .0000 .0000 840000 840000 Legend Viewpoint 6 Castletown Railway Bridge Theoretical Visibility from Castletown VALUE Not Visible Visible 270000.0000 280000.0000 Project No.: 22838 Date: 23.09.2014 Figure 9 Theoretical Visibility from Scale at A4: 1:91,657 (c) AOC Archaeology 2014 Castletown Railway Bridge (Viewpoint 6) 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 Meters I Cartographic data derived from OS OpenData, Crown Copyright 270000.0000 280000.0000 .0000 .0000 850000 850000 Viewpoint 7 .0000 .0000 840000 840000 Legend Viewpoint 7 Blackpark Theoretical Visibility from Blackpark VALUE Not Visible Visible 270000.0000 280000.0000 Project No.: 22838 Date: 23.09.2014 Figure 10 Theoretical Visibility from Blackpark (Viewpoint 7) Scale at A4: 1:91,657 (c) AOC Archaeology 2014 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 Meters I Cartographic data derived from OS OpenData, Crown Copyright 270000.0000 280000.0000 .0000 .0000 850000 850000 Viewpoint 8 .0000 .0000 840000 840000 Legend Viewpoint 8 Cuchnaig Chambered Cairn Theoretical Visibility from Culchunaig VALUE Not Visible Visible 270000.0000 280000.0000 Project No.: 22838 Date: 23.09.2014 Figure 11 Theoretical Visibility from Cuchunaig Chambered Cairn (Viewpoint 8) Scale at A4: 1:91,657 (c) AOC Archaeology 2014 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 Meters I Cartographic data derived from OS OpenData, Crown Copyright Legend 1 km buffer Proposed_Culloden_Muir_Conservation_Area Theoretical Visibility from within the Proposed Culloden Muir Conservation Area .0000 VALUE .0000 Not Visible Visible 840000 840000 Project No.: 22383 Date: 23.09.2014 Figure 12 Cumulative Viewshed for the proposed Culloden Muir Conservation Area, zoomed to 1km Scale at A4: 1:42,331 (c) AOC Archaeology 2014 0 470 940 1,410 1,880 Meters I Cartographic data derived from OS OpenData, Crown Copyright 270000.0000 280000.0000 .0000 .0000 850000 850000 .0000 .0000 840000 840000 Legend 5 km buffer Proposed_Culloden_Muir_Conservation_Area Theoretical Visibility from within the Proposed Culloden Muir Conservation Area VALUE Not Visible Visible 270000.0000 280000.0000 Project No.: 22383 Date: 23.09.2014 Figure 13 Cumulative Viewshed for the proposed Culloden Muir Conservation Area, zoomed to 5km Scale at A4: 1:91,657 (c) AOC Archaeology 2014 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 Meters I Cartographic data derived from OS OpenData, Crown Copyright 260000.0000 270000.0000 280000.0000 290000.0000 .0000 .0000 860000 860000 .0000 .0000 850000 850000 .0000 .0000 840000 840000 .0000 .0000 830000 830000 Legend Proposed_Culloden_Muir_Conservation_Area Theoretical Visibility from within the Proposed Culloden Muir Conservation Area VALUE Not Visible Visible 15km buffer .0000 .0000 260000.0000 270000.0000 280000.0000 290000.0000 820000 820000 Project No.: 22383 Date: 23.09.2014 Figure 14 Cumulative Viewshed for the proposed Culloden Muir Conservation Area, zoomed to 15km Scale at A4: 1:214,972 (c) AOC Archaeology 2014 0 2,400 4,800 7,200 9,600 Meters I Cartographic data derived from OS OpenData, Crown Copyright 267000.0000 268000.0000 269000.0000 270000.0000 271000.0000 272000.0000 273000.0000 274000.0000 275000.0000 276000.0000 277000.0000 278000.0000 279000.0000 280000.0000 281000.0000 282000.0000 .0000 .0000 Figure 15 851000 851000 Landscape Views .0000 .0000 850000 850000 .0000 .0000 849000 849000 Legend Viewpoint 10 Road West of Braehill .0000 .0000 Viewpoint 11 Westview Viewpoint 9 Milton of Clava North Cairn 848000 848000 Viewpoints 2a and 2b Visitor Centre Roof Viewpoint 6 Castletown Railway Bridge Viewpoint 8 Culchunaig Chambered Cairn .0000 .0000 Viewpoint 7 Blackpark Viewpoint 3 Westhill Viewpoint 1 Memorial Cairn 847000 847000 Viewpoint 4 B9006/ B851 Junction Viewpoint 5 Clava Cairns Balnuarin .0000 .0000 View to Nairn Viaduct Wider Landscape Views 5km Buffer 846000 846000 1km Buffer Proposed Culloden Muir Conservation Area .0000 .0000 Cumulative Theoretical Viewshed VALUE Not Visible 845000 845000 Visible .0000 .0000 844000 844000 .0000 .0000 843000 843000 .0000 .0000 0 540 1,080 1,620 2,160 Meters 842000 842000 .0000 .0000 I 841000 841000 Cartographic data derived from OS OpenData, Crown Copyright Project No.: 22838 .0000 .0000 Date: 23.9.2014 840000 840000 Scale at A3: 1:50,000 .0000 .0000 839000 839000 .0000 .0000 (c) AOC Archaeology 2010 267000.0000 268000.0000 269000.0000 270000.0000 271000.0000 272000.0000 273000.0000 274000.0000 275000.0000 276000.0000 277000.0000 278000.0000 279000.0000 280000.0000 281000.0000 282000.0000 838000 838000 267000.0000 268000.0000 269000.0000 270000.0000 271000.0000 272000.0000 273000.0000 274000.0000 275000.0000 276000.0000 277000.0000 278000.0000 279000.0000 280000.0000 281000.0000 282000.0000 .0000 .0000 Figure 16 851000 851000 Clava Cairns Sensitive .0000 .0000 Alignments and Critical Visual 850000 850000 Relationships .0000 .0000 849000 849000 Legend Viewpoint 10 Road West of Braehill .0000 .0000 Viewpoint 11 Westview Viewpoint 9 Milton of Clava North Cairn 848000 848000 Viewpoints 2a and 2b Visitor Centre Roof Viewpoint 6 Castletown Railway Bridge Viewpoint 8 Culchunaig Chambered Cairn .0000 .0000 Viewpoint 7 Blackpark Viewpoint 3 Westhill Viewpoint 1 Memorial Cairn 847000 847000 Viewpoint 4 B9006/ B851 Junction Viewpoint 5 Clava Cairns Balnuarin .0000 .0000 Clava Cairns Critical Visual Relationships Clava Cairns Sensitive Alignments 5km Buffer 846000 846000 1km Buffer Proposed Culloden Muir Conservation Area .0000 .0000 Cumulative Theoretical Viewshed VALUE Not Visible 845000 845000 Visible .0000 .0000 844000 844000 .0000 .0000 843000 843000 .0000 .0000 0 560 1,120 1,680 2,240 Meters 842000 842000 .0000 .0000 I 841000 841000 Cartographic data derived from OS OpenData, Crown Copyright Project No.: 22838 .0000 .0000 Date: 23.9.2014 840000 840000 Scale at A3: 1:50,000 .0000 .0000 839000 839000 .0000 .0000 (c) AOC Archaeology 2010 267000.0000 268000.0000 269000.0000 270000.0000 271000.0000 272000.0000
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