THE VELIGER The Veliger 50(3):2 19-224 (O ctober 1, 2008) © C MS, Inc., 2007 Dendropoma mejillonensis sp. nov., a New Species of Vermetid (Caenogastropoda) from Northern Chile ALDO PACHEC0 1,* AND JÜRGEN LAU DIEN 2 I U niversidad de A n tofagasta, Facultad de Recursos de l M a r, Av. A ngamos 60 1, PO Box. 117, Antofagasta, 2 Al fred Wegen er Institute for Polar and Marine Re sea rch, 0-27568 Brernerhaven, Germany Abstraer. D endropoma m ejillonensis sp. nov. is described based on rno rph ology fo r the first tim e. This vermetid gastropod inhabits the rocky su btidal zone o f Peninsula Mejillones in no rt hern Chile. In Ju! y 2006 , specimens were collected by SCUBA diver s frorn the rocky " Anemones Wall" (23°28' I7.30"S, 70°37' I3.80"W) at 17m depth. The morphol ogy of D. m ejillon ensis is d istinguished fr om tha t of other mem bers of the fami ly by its poin ted lip on the extern a! border of the protoconch an d the two whi te bands on the head tentacles. This ex tends the geographica l range of the genu s Dendropoma into the Southeastern PacificoThe present species D. mejillonensis is th e only known vermetid gastropod abl e to thrive under the cold upwelling cond itio ns of the H umboldt Curren t ecosystem off northern Chile. INTRODUCTION opercu lu m is well developed and equal in diameter to the a pe rt ure . A t present, the ge nus Dendropoma covers Ma rine gas tropods of the famil y Vermetidae a re sessile int ertidal and su blittoral species and can be gregarious organisms wit h an irregul ar, uncoiled shell providing a or solitary . So far, th e most comprehensive infonnation three-dimension al biogen ic habitat for associated about Dendropom a spp. taxonomy is p rovided by species. Their dis tribution is restricted to tropical a nd H ad field et a l. (1972) for specimens found o ff Hawaü. subtrop ical latitudes (Me xico, Californ ia and West Informat ion on th e distribution of vermetids off Africa) as well as to locati ons in the warm M editerra­ co ntinenta l Chile an d its offsh ore islands is scarce an d nean Sea (K een, 1961, 1971 ; Schi ap arelli et al., 2003). the taxon omic sta tus is still uncertain (Rehder, 1980; Habitats are rocky intertid al and subtidal zo nes with R amírez & Osorio , 2000; R . Bieler pe rs. comm .). In warm and oxy genated waters (Keen, 1961; Calvo et a l., fact , extensive reviews of gas tr opod taxonomy an d 1998). Due to the irregular tu be fo rm , taxonomic studies of invertebrate biog eographic pattern s av ailable ide ntifica tio n has co mmonly been co nfuse d wit h fro m thi s coast do not me n tio n th e family in the region Vermicularia (Turritellidae) (Bieler , 1996) and Serp ulid (Marincovich, 1973; G uzmán et al., 1998; Brattstr óm & polychaetes (Keen, 1961, 1971) resulting in a confuse d Joh anssen, 1983; Valdovinos, 1999; Lancellotti & taxon omic status. The morph ological cha racters V ásq uez, 2000). A necdota lly, vermetids have bee n deemed useful fo r taxonomic ide ntificatio n have observed associated with hold fasts of the ke lp L essonia changed over time (Bieler, 1995; Sch iap arelli & trabeculata Villouta & Sa ntelices, 1986 off centra l C hile Métivier, 2000) . A genetic study fur ther conclud ed th at (Vásq uez & Veg a, 2004) . W ith the excepti on of the disjunct popuJ a tions o f Dendropoma species are close latter obse rva tio n, there is no published evide nce from phylogenetic relatives (Rawlings et al., 200 1), thu s th e Ch ilean co ast. Nonetheless, Dendrop oma platyp us suggesting th at taxonomic detennination shou ld be M órch , 186 1; Dendropoma spp. and S erpulorbis Sassi, approached ca re fully. 1827 have bee n recorded from Easter Island (Rehde r, The genus Dendropoma (M órc h, 1861) was rev iewed 1980; R ami rez, 1987; Va ldovinos, 1999) an d Serpulor­ by K een (1961 ) on the basis of 10 species dis tributed bis sp. wa s also observed at R obinson C ru soe Island among tropical an d sub tropical locations. Distinctive (Juan F ernández arch ipelago) (R amírez & Osorio, rnorpho logical characteristics for thi s ge nus are pla­ 2000), both insular Chi lea n locati ons. oorboid early who rls th at become mo re loosely coiled Northern Chile forms part of the Humboldt Curre nt _ in lat er stages; and th e scu lpture of lamellar growth­ u pwelling ecosystem, which is characterized by year­ striations that may or may not be in tersected by round high levels of pri mary produc tion du e to wind­ lon gitudinal lines, sinuous and risi ng toward a crest driven co ld upwe lling water , which re tur ns nutr ien ts to near the outer edge of the whorl in most spe cies. T he th e eu photic zone (Barber & Smith, 1981). There is a shallow oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) and on ly the Te!.: 056-55-637404, Em ai l: babucha [email protected] upper 40 m are well oxygena ted (Arntz et a l., 2006). Page 220 The Veliger, Vol. 50, No. 3 70" 30' Peninsula Mejillones 22"30' Pacific Ocean 23" 45' A o= B e ,lO'37'13,80" Fi gure 1. A. Sampling loeation " Anemo nes Wall" (23°28' 17.30"S, 70°37' 13.80"W) opposite tbe southeastern side of Isla Santa Maria. B. Peninsula Mej illone s. C. Di stributional range of reJated vermetid speeies (a) Petalonchus innumerabilis (b) Serpulorbis squamigerus (e) Vermetus compta (d) Dendrop oma rastrum (e) Serpulorbis sp. (1) Dendropoma platypus. This habitat is very different from that of warm-water embedded; coiling planorboid in early whorls, becom­ subtropical and tropical vermetid species. lo this study ing looser in later whorls, with tendency toward right­ Dendropoma m ejillonensis sp. nov. is described from angle turns. The of the adult is mostly white, Peninsula Mejillones, a location within thi s particular intennittently stained with dark brown, especially upwelling system. A detailed morphological character­ within. The sculpture of lamellar growth-striations, ization is provided. that may or may not be intersected by longitudinal lines, is sinuous and rises toward a crest near the outer MATERIAL AND METHüDS edge of the wborl in most species. Two nuclear whorls are dark brown in color, inflated, smooth to malleated Individuals of Dendropoma mejillonensis sp. nov. or axially ribbed, and the aperture lip is pointed or colonizing a vertical rock wall in the subtidal zone claw-like in sorne species. The operculum is well (17 m depth) of Peninsula Mejillones (23°28' 17.30"S, developed, as large as the aperture, its inner surface 70°37' 13.80''W) were pbotographed and collected by having a distinct central att achment scar that is SCUBA divers on July IIth , 2006 (Figure lA, B). somewhat button-like, and its exterior composed of Several vermetid clusters were scratched from the rock chitinous pIates in a spiral arrangement, either com­ with a knife and maintained in the laboratory for pactly welded to form a smooth surface or variously observations. Measurements were taken with a digital agglutinated with foreign materials. caliper or by using calibrated eyepieces on a dissecting microscope. Photographs were taken with a Canon Dendropoma mejillonensis sp . nov. Power Shot S50 camera connected to a binocular microscope Olympus SZ61. Animals were anesthetized Type locality: Live-taken syntypes collected from a by adding methanol drops in the small examination large aggregation colonizing Anemones wall at 17m containers before sacrificing. Soft bodies were removed depth, Peninsula Mejillones, northem Chile (23°28' 17.30"S, from the shell after cracking with a small clamp. Gross 70°37' 13.80''W) were deposited in the Field Museum of anatomy of the soft parts wa s stud ied under a N atural History, Chicago, Illinois, U .S.A. (FMNH N °­ dissection microscope. Air-dried shells, radula, proto­ 312172 and N °-312173). Additional samples were conch and opercula were observed and photographed, deposited in the Museo Nacional de Historia N atural using the scanning electron microscope lEOL, model de Santiago de Chile (paratype MNHNCL N °-5159 and JSM- 6360LV. syntypes MNHNCL N °-5160, 5161 , 5162) Teleoconch (Figure 2a, b): The tubes form continuous Diagnosis and compact colonies, which are grey to faintly green in the field , but white after cleaning. In situ, the tubes are Genus Dendropoma M órch 1861 slightly nested in the rocky substrate. The attached part Solitary to colonial forms, corroding a trench in the of the tube appears eroded, and thus is thinner substrate, in which the lower part of each volution is (Figure 2d). The aperture is circular and its mean A. Pacheco & J. Laudien, 2007 Page 221 Figure 2. Dendropoma m ejillonensis sp. nov. (a) Mass of livin g ad ult tubes. (b) Lat eral view (e) Teleconch of ju veni1e showing co neentric growth striations. (d) Smooth eroded part showed fro m the attached part of th e tu bes. (e) Opercul um dor sa l view , (f) Operculum ven tral view. (g) Proto conch a pertu re. (h) Prot oeooch; detail of the sculpture and poioted lip-l ike ex ter nal border. (í) Protoconch in ventral positi on, the earliest who rJ is noted.
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