lh£ˆc‘e∑b J jÀÁÚje jÀÁÚje∑l B LÑ∑Ci ÔbÔL HLV∑ fÀÔl∑Ôe∑ B ¢VÑLm Ôfm∑jz fsÔa Ôhn jS∑ m∑Nmz Ôhn EfÔi∑N Ll∑ ÔNm h∑m¢MmÉÔcl "lh£ˆc‘-¢hÔl∑d'z B ¢j f¢øQjhÔ“l h∑¢pˆc∑ J ÔpC pÀh∑Ôc Ôkph hC ÔbÔL ÔmML ay∑l "abÉ f÷j∑Z pwN÷q LÔlÔRe Ôpº¢m fs∑l ÔpØi∑NÉ qÔuÔRz a∑C ¢LR∞ hmÔa C±R∑ L¢lx lh£ˆc‘e∑Ôbl djÑja "Rabindranath discussed about this Hindu-Muslim issue during the census of 1819. He said, 'I was born in a Hindu family, but accepted Brahmo religion. ... The religion we accepted is universal in nature; however, it is basically the religion of the Hindus. We accepted this universal religion with the heart of Hindus." [Probhatkumar Mukharjee, Rabindrajiboni O Rabindrashahityo Probeyshok, vol 3, 3rd ed., published by Biswa Bharati Publishing Division in Poush 1395, pp.364-365]. cu∑ LÔl k¢c ÔmML S∑e∑Ôae h÷∑Ó h∑ ¢qˆc∞ qÔu l¢hh∑hÀ ¢L Hje gy∑¢pÔk∑NÉ A fl∑d LÔlÔRe? "Tapobon Bidyala (school), a ashram established to instill ancient hindu ideology, took the shade of hindutva. Tagore started to turn himself into a very devout hindu. Gradually, casteism-based aparthied, injunctions of Manu Sanghita, and Brahminic glorification crept into their way into the school environ. T agore decreed that a non-Brahmin teacher did not deserve salutation (pronam) from his Brahmin students. In a letter written to Manoranjan Banerjee in Agrahayan 19, 1309 Tagore clarified his position on the issue of salutation in these words, 'No non-hindu customs would be allowed into this school; It is imperative that students express their respect to Brahmin professors by touching their feet (pronum) and utter namasker to non-Brahmin teachers as per the rules set aside by Manu Sanghita.' " [Satyendranath Roy, 'Rabindra Manoney Hindu Dharma', The Desh, Autumn issue, 1905, p.305] "" ...JM∑Ôe hZÑ∑n÷j f÷b∑ A r Ôl A r Ôl f∑¢ma qÔuÔR- H Lb∑J A L∑lZ A ¢anÔu∑¢ÁÚz B ¢nl cnÔLl ÔN∑s∑l ¢cÔL B j∑l p∑Ôb L∑¢mfc l∑Ôul B m∑f qÔu¢Rm .... E¢e ¢RÔme h÷Ó QkÑ∑n÷j ÔbÔLC ÔpM∑eL∑l R∑¡z... HÔLh∑Ôl ÔN∑s∑l ¢cÔL ¢LR∞ A ¢ii∑hL Hhw ¢LR∞ ¢nr ÔLl B f¢ÁÔa lh£ˆc‘e∑b ¢LR∞V∑ h∑dÉ qÔuC B Q∑l-hÉhq∑Ôl hZÑ¢hÔicÔL ÔjÔe¢RÔme, ¢L∂Ò∞ Ôp A aÉ∂Ò A fifpjÔul SeÉz HV∑ Ôa∑ ü∑i∑¢hL, L∑lZ, pjuV∑ ¢Rm Fe¢hwn na∑ë£l Ôno J ¢hwn na∑ë£l ölËz ÔpC pju f÷Q¢ma p∑j∑¢SL A eÀn∑peÔL l∑a∑l∑¢a i∑P∑ k∑u¢ez'' [A ¢eÔmn ÔN∑ü∑j£, "ºlËÔch e∑ L¢h lh£ˆc‘e∑b', Ôcn, 2l∑ S∞e, 2003] ¢hx âx ÔmML ay∑l ÔL∑ÔVnÔe Ôcn f¢¡L∑l pjuL∑m ¢mÔMÔRe 1905, kMe HC f¢¡L∑l A ¢·Òa≠C ¢Rm e∑z Tagore established Biswa Bharati to re-vitalize ancient "hindu customs" and ideology. In this effort, Hindi Bhavan (Building) was established in Shantiniketan on January 16 (sunday), 1938 (Magh 2, 1344). It is of no surprise that Tagore had very close friendship with Pundit Madonmohan Malabya -- a prominent leader of Kashi Hindu University and Hindu Mohashava. 1c ihe Ôa∑ ¢q¢ˆc i∑o∑ ¢nr ∑l ÔLˆc‘, Ôkje Q£e ihe ¢Qe∑, ¢eèe ihe S∑f∑e£ J LmL∑a∑l jÉ∑—jÀm∑l ihe SjÑ∑e i∑o∑ ¢nr ∑ ÔLˆc‘z Hl p∑Ôb j∑mhÉ h∑ ¢qˆc∞ jq∑pi∑l pÇfLÑ ÔL∑b∑u? When asked about the usefulness of Hindu Mohashava, Tagore said that he considered this movement more important than a mere political undertaking. 'Hindus would have to unite if they want to remain alive and not remain downtrodden for ever in the human society.' [From an interview with Tagore by journalist Mrinalkanti Bose in response to a statement by Modanmohan Malabya, Rabindra-Proshongo/Anandabazar Patrika, 1993, edited by Chittaranjan Banerjee, vol 1, pp. 259-260]. B f¢e ¢qˆc∞Ôcl HL¡ qh∑l jÔdÉ Ôc∑Ôol ¢L ÔcÔMe? lh£ˆc‘e∑b HC HLa∑l ¢fRÔe Ôk L∑kÑL∑lZ ÔcMÔae a∑l kÔbµ ÔkØ¢ÁÚLa∑ B ÔRz HLb∑ i∞mÔm Ôh∑dqu i∞m qÔh Ôk lh£ˆc‘e∑b ÔpC pjuL∑l HLSe h÷∑Ó -¢qˆc∞ Ôea∑J ¢RÔme, ¢k¢e ¢qˆc∞ pj∑SÔL jdÉkÀN£u fy∑L ÔbÔL Ôhl LlÔa f÷i¨a p∑q∑kÉ LÔl¢RÔmez h÷∑Ó pj∑S ÔkfÔb ¢qˆc∞Ôcl HL¡ LÔl pwú∑lh÷a£ qu lh£ˆc‘e∑bJ Ôpi∑ÔhC ¢qˆc∞ pj∑SÔL HL¡ Ll∑l Lb∑ hÔmez ¢qˆc∞ jq∑pi∑ aMeJ a∑l p∑Çf÷c∑¢uL eMc∂Ò ¢hL∑n LÔl¢e J HC pwNWe aMeJ fkÑ∂Ò pj∑ÔSl E¥¢aLÔfifC L∑S Llaz a∑C a∑Ôcl pÇfÔLÑ hÔm lh£ˆc‘e∑bJ ÔL∑Ôe∑ Ôc∑o LÔle¢ez A qwL∑l Ll¢R e∑, aÔh HLV∑ Lb∑ hmÔa Q∑C B S f¢øQjhÔ“ p∑Çf÷c∑¢uL c∑“∑ qu e∑, a∑l SeÉ lh£ˆc‘e∑Ôbl pwú∑ljÀM£ L∑kÑLm∑fC c∑u£z "Not only Zamindar Rabindranath or the entire Tagore dynasty did not have any record of donating anything, he did not have any reputation of making any donation towards primary schools, orphanage or dam constructions in Shahzadpur, Shilaidoh or Patishor. On the contrary, conniving threat from Tagore dynasty, Kangal Harinath Majumdar published narrative of Tagore dynasty's oppression and setting of arson to the entire villages." [Prof Ahmed Sharif, Rabindruttor Trityo Projonmey Rabindra Mullayan, Quaterly Uttaradhikar, published by Bangla Academy, Baisakh-Ashar issue, 1393]. jÉ∑N∑¢SÔe f÷L∑¢na HLV∑ j∂ÒhÉ ÔmMLÔL HaC f÷i∑¢ha Llm Ôk ¢a¢e a∑l abÉf÷j∑Z k∑Q∑C LlÔa i∞Ôm ÔNÔmez Ôk OVe∑l EÔõM LÔl qÔuÔR a∑ OÔV¢Rm ÔcÔhˆc‘e∑Ôbl B jÔmz ÔcÔhˆc‘e∑b jq¢oÑ Ôq∑e B l k∑C Ôq∑e S¢jc∑l ¢qp∑Ôh ¢RÔme A aÉ∂Ò A aÉ∑Q∑l£z h∑Ôfl HC ¢cL¢VÔL kÔbµ O≤Z∑ LlÔae lh£ˆc‘e∑bz i∞mÔm QmÔh e∑ lh£ˆc‘e∑b ¢eÔS S¢jc∑¢l B pÔe hÔpe¢ez ¢a¢e ¢RÔme ÔcÔhˆc‘e∑Ôbl S¢jc∑¢l kÔ∂ªl HL LjÑQ∑¢l j∑¡z ÔcÔhˆc‘e∑b ay∑l ECÔm lh£ˆc‘e∑Ôbl SeÉ ÔL∑e S¢jc∑¢l ¢mÔM k∑e¢ez LÔl¢RÔme h∑vp¢lL 1200 V∑L∑l hÉh·‡∑z S¢jc∑l qÔm ay∑ÔL n∑¢∂Ò¢eÔLaÔe ú∞m LlÔa ·ª£l Nue∑ ÔhQÔa qa e∑, h∑ N÷∂‡pa≠ ÔhQÔa qa e∑z L∑P∑m q¢le∑Ôbl hC f÷L∑Ônl hÉh·‡∑ lh£ˆc‘e∑bC LÔl k∑ez ¢a¢e f∑™ E¢m¢f¢V d≠wp LÔle¢ez ödÀ ¢fa∫c∑Ôul M∑¢aÔl ay∑l S£h n∑u hC¢V f÷L∑n LlÔa Q∑e¢ez ¢L∂Ò∞ ay∑lC hÉh·‡∑fe∑u ay∑l j≤aÉ∞l A hÉh¢qaL∑m fÔlC hC¢V f÷L∑¢na quz EÔõMÉ L∑Ôl∑ Ôc∑o Y∑LÔa Q∑CÔm ¢a¢e A e∑u∑ÔpC hC¢V d≠wp LlÔa f∑lÔaez Narayan Choudhury had this to say about Tagore, "Tagore had always been supporter of Zamindari system. It would be very hard to present any proof that he was saddened on seeing repression on the subjects. He even opposed the transfer of lands to the subjects on the argument that that measure would pave the way to misappropriation of lands." [Promoth Choudhury, Ryot'er Katha (introduction section) and Bataynik'er Patra]. B ¢j k¢c B fe∑l pÇfÔLÑ ¢hl©f j∂ÒhÉ L¢l a∑l paÉ∑paÉ k∑Q∑C e∑ LÔl Ôm∑ÔL ÔpV∑ ÔjÔe ÔeÔhz e∑l∑ue ÔQØdÀ¢l ¢L hmm B l lh£ˆc‘e∑Ôbl B cÔnÑ ü∑d£e i∑lÔa S¢jc∑¢l f÷b∑l ¢hÔm∑f qm ÔL∑eV∑ hs f÷j∑Z? in 1894 he raised the tax levied on his subjects. He even purchased new Zamindari from the Martin Company. There had been incidents of rebellion by the subjects due to raising of tax and collection of tax by force. Tagore suppressed that rebellion with great success! One Ismail Mollah led the rebellion against Tagore in Shilaidoh. abÉf÷j∑Z hÔm 1894 p∑Ôm lh£ˆc‘e∑b ¢nm∑CcÔq ÔL∑e S¢jc∑¢l c∑¢ua≠f∑mÔe k∑e¢ez ÔNRÔme ¢ceLÔuÔLl ïjÔZz lh£ˆc‘e∑b h∑·ÒÔh aMe p∑¢qaÉlQe∑ J f¢¡L∑ pÇf∑ce∑u hÉ·Òz a∑C S¢jc∑¢ll ÔL∑e L∑ÔSC q∑a Ôce ¢ez Ôp pju W∑L∞l f¢lh∑l ÔL∑e ea∞e S¢jc∑¢l ¢LÔe¢Rm Hje f÷j∑Z J ÔS∑s∑py∑ÔL∑u l¢r a ay∑Ôcl L∞mÀ¢SÔa f∑Ju∑ k∑u e∑z EfÔll ph abÉC ÔcÔhˆc‘e∑Ôbl °c¢eL ¢qp∑Ôhl M∑a∑ J f÷n∑∂ÒL∞j∑l f∑m l¢Qa l¢hS£he£ e∑jL HL ¢elÔfr lh£ˆc‘S£he£ N÷∂‡ ÔbÔL pwN≤q£az "Tagore was not accustomed to tolerate any unfavorable criticism of him. Had there been nobody to protest in his favour, he used to defend himself by writing under pen names. Tagore-lover and Tagore-blessed Annadashankar Roy said, 'Tagore used to remove or destroy any evidence of his mistakes, criticisms or misdeeds with utmost care.' " [Prof Ahmed Sharif, Rabindruttor Trityo Projonmey Rabindra Mullayan, Quaterly Uttaradhikar, published by Bangla Academy, Baisakh-Ashar issue, 1393].
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