Type of Question with Method & Solution for H. S. and Other Competitive Entrance Examination (Medical / Engineering) Cou ncil Chapter - Digestive System '1. Contraction of gall bladder is stimulated by : (c) Pancreatic,uice (d) Gall bladder bile (a) Gastrin (b) Secretin 1r. Detergent action of bile acid is due to : (c) CCK (d) Vagus (a) Formation of soap 2. True statemenls regarding gastric acid secre- (b) Formation of zwitterions . tion: (c) Formation of medium chain triglycerides (a) Gastrin increases acid secretion (d) Amphipathic nature of bile acids (b) Secretin decreases acid secretion 12. Which of the following enzymes is secreted by (c) Total acid secretion reflects functional intestine? parietal cell mass (a) Trypsin (b) Elaslase (d). H2 blockers decrease acid secretion . (c) Dipeptidase (d) Phospholipase 42 3. ln which of the following areas, the vomiting 13. Cephalic phase of gastric secretion is caused centre is located : by: (a) Thalamus . (a) Parasympathetic nerves (b) Hypothalamus (b) Sympathetic nerves (c) Medulla oblongata (c) Gastrin (d) Pons (d) Neurohormones in : 4, Vitamin 8,, is absorbed '14. Pepsinogen is activated by lhe the following : (a) Stomach (b) Duodenum (a) Enterokinase (b) Low pH (c) lleum (d) Jejunum (c) Trypsin (d) Chymotrypsin 5. Gastricjuice contains all except : 15. All are secreted as proenzymes except : (a) Na" (b) K- (a) Trypsin (b) Chymotrypsin (c) Ca". (d) Ms.* (c) Pepsin (d) Ribonuclease Bilirubin is derived from : 6. 16. Most potent stimulus for secretin secretion is : . (a) Myoglobin (b) Haemoglobin (a) Dilatation of intestine (c) Cholesterol (d) Muscle (b) Protein 7. Which of the following are essential for the (c) Fat digestion of dietary fat? (d) Acid chyme (a) Bile plgment (b) Pancreatlc lipase 17. High roughage diet : (c). (o) Bile salts Colipase . (a) Decreases stool transit time Secretion of HCI is stimulated by 8. (b) lncreases stool transit time (a) (b) Histamine Secretin (c) No effect on stool transit time (c) (d) Gastrin Somatostatin (d) Normalises stool transit time 9. Fat in the lumen of duodenum : 18. Which of the following is true regarding (a) Stimulates gall bladder contraction Brunner's gland? : (b) . lnhibits gall bladder contraction (a) Secretion of enzymes (c) Releases secretin (b) Water and electrolyte secretion (d) lnhibits CCK secretion (c) Mucus production to protect intestine from 10. Which of the following has the highest pH? acid (a) Saliva (b) Gastric juice (d) All of the above 1 Council Digestive System 19. Chymotrypsinogen is converted into chymot- 25. Acid secretion is not increased by: rypsin by : (a) Vagus stimulation (a) Trypsin (b) Pepsin (b) Gastrin (c) Fatty acids (d) Bile salts (c) Food in the stomach 20. lntrinsic factor is secreted from : (d) Somatostatin (a) Chief cells 26. Pancreaticjuice, enzyme-poor but rich in water (b) Oxyntic cells and electrolytes, is secreted in response to : (c) Parietal cells (a) Pancreozymin (b) Cholecystokinin (d) Mucus secreting cells (c) Secretin (d) Protein 21. Bile salt is absorbed maximally in : 27. Pancreas secretes : (a) Duodenum (b) Jejunum (a) Trypsin (b) Lipase (c) lleum (d) Colon (c) Enteropeptidase (d) Pepsin 22. All stimulate gastric secretion except: 28. All are G.l. hormones except: (a) Secretin (a) GIP (b) CCK-PZ (b) Gastrin (c) Motilin (d) Chymotrypsin (c) Gastric distension 29. All are actions of CCK except : (d) Vagal stimulus (a) Contraction of gall bladder 23. Which of the following is not present in (b) Stimulates gastric emptying pancreatic juice? (c) lncreases secretion of enterokinase (a) Elastase (b) Colipase (d) Augments secretion of gaskin (c) Aminopeptidase (d) Ribonuclease 30. Which inhibits gastric secretion? 24, All of the following are funclions of saliva (a) High gastric pH (b) Secretin excepl : (c) lnsulin (d) Calcium (a) Acts as lubricant for mastication (b) lt helps in perception of taste by dissolving (c) lt helps in digestion of carbohydrates (d) lt helps in digestion of proteins 2 Type of Question with Method & Solution for H. S. and Other Competitive Entrance Examination (MetliaaT Eheineering) Cou ncil ANSWER SHEET OF Chapter - Digestive System 1. (c) 7.0 respectively. Hence, pancreatic juice has the Two important functions of CCK are contraction of highest pH. gall bladder and stimulation of enzymatic secretion 1r. (d) from the.pancreas Bile acids are amphipalhic, i.e., they have one lipo- 2. (a,b,c,d) philic and one hydrophilic end. lt binds with lapid drop- HCI secretion is stimulated by gastrin and inhibited lets by lipophilic end while the oiher hydrophilic end by secretin and H2 blockers. Total acid secretion is miscible with water. Thrs prop€rty of brle acros helps depends on functional parietal cell mass which them to solubilise lipid droplets (detergent action) and secretes HCl. Somatostatin inhib;ts HCI secretion. also form water-soluble micelles which have a lipid- rich core. 3. (c) 12. (c) Vomiting centre is located in the medulla close to the centre for salivation. That is one reason why vomit- The intestinal brush border epithelium contains the ing is preceded by increased salivation. enzyme dipeptidase which breaks down dipeptides into amino acids. The other enzymes are secreted 4. (c) by the pancreas. Vitamin B,, is absorbed in terminal ileum and it is 13. (a) one of the compounds undergoing enterohepatic circulation. Cephalic phase of qastric secretron is med:ated mainly by the vagus nerve, i.e., parasympathetic s. (c) nerve. Gastric juice contains Na+, Kr and Mg* ions but Ca* 14. (b) ions are not present in it. Pepsinogen, a gastic proenzyme, is activated by acid 6. (a, b) {pH at about 2) and pepsin itself by autocatalysis. produced Bilirubin is ultimately by conversion of Trypsin and chymotrypsin are pancreatic proteolytic tetrapyrrole haem-containing compounds Iike pro€nzymes. haemoglobin or myoglobin into straight chain (d) compounds. 15. pepsinogen 7. (b,c,d) Trypsinogen, chymotrypsinogen and are proenzymes, giving rise to trypsin, chymotrypsin and Pancreatic lipase, bile salts and colipase are required pepsin respectively. However. nbonuclease,s an for digestion of dietary fat. Gastric lipase has an active enzyme and it is not secreted as an proen- insignificant role. zyme. 8. (b,d) 16. (d) HCI secretion from oxyntic cells is stimulated by Most potent stimulus for secretin secretion is acid histamine gastrin gastrin via H2 receptors and by via chyme. Secretin mainly induces an alkaline HCO3 - receptors. Somatostatin and secretin inhibit HCI rich secretion which helps neutralise the acid chyme. paracdne gastric sdcretion, the former by a etfect on Protein and fat ma;nly stimulate CCK-PZ secretion. secretion. VIP does not stimulate HCI secretion. 17. (a) e. (a) Stoon transit time is shortened by high roughage diet Fat in the duodenal lumen stimulates CCKPZ secre- which is often recommended as a treatment of tion which, in turn, stimulates gall bladde. contrac- constipation. tjon. Secretion of secretin is slimulated by acid chyme. 18. (c) 10. (c) Brunner's glands secrete mucus which forms a pro- pH of saliva, gastric juice, pancreatic juice and gall tective layer on the duodenum preventing corrosion bladder bile are (G7.4), (1-2), (7.8-8.4) and about by acid. J Council Digestive System 1e. (a) 29. (b,d) Trypsin, once formed, catalyses conversion of pre CCK causes contraction of gall bladder, stimulates teolytic proenzymes like trypsinogen (autobatalysis) secretion of enzymes from pancreas and increases and chymotrypsinogen into their active forms, i.e., secretion of enterokinase- trypsin and chymotrypsin. 30. (b) 20. (b,c) High gastric pH, i.e., alkaline gastric.iuice stimulates Oxyntic cell is another name of parietal cell of gastrin secretion. lnsulin also stimulates gaslric stomach. Oxyntic cell or parietal cell secretes lwo secretion, which is the basis of Hollander's test. important substances, i.e., HCI and intrinsic factor. lncreased Ca+t in stomach (as occurs following milk 21. (c) ingestion) also stimulates gastric secretion. But secretin inhibits gastric secretion and also gastric Bile salt is absorbed maximally in terminal ileum. emptying. 22. (a) Gastric distension stimulates gastric secretion by stretch which activates both long and short vagova- gal reFlexes as well as secretion of gastrin (via both neural and chemical reflexes). Gastrin and vagal stimulus, both stimulate gastric secretion but secre- tin inhibits gastric secretion. 23. (c) Pancreatic juice contains elastase, colipase and ribonuclease. lt also contains carboxypeptidase but it does not contain aminopeptidase wtlich is the other exopeptidase. 24. (d) Saliva acts as a lubricant for mastication, helps in perception of iaste by its solvent action, contiains salivary amylase (ptyalin) which digests boiled car- bohydrates. However, it has no role in digestion of proteins. 2s. (d) Somatostatin secreted from D cells inhibits G cells by paracrine effect and does not increase acid secretion. 26. (c) Pancreatic juice, enzyme-poor but rich in eleclrolytes and HCOa-, is secreted in response to secretin. E nzyme-rich pancreatic juice is secreted in response to CCK-PZ. 27. (a, b) Trypsin and pancreatic.lipase are pancreatic enzymes. Enteropeptidase, secreted from intestinal wall, activates pancrealic enzymes- Pepsin is a gastric proteolytic enzyme. Rennin is a hormone secreted from the stomach but probably absent in humans. 28. (d) GlP, CCK-PZ and motilin - all are G.l. hormones whereas chymotrypsin is a pancreatic proleolytic enzyme. 4.
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