LAPORAN ANNUAL TAHUNAN 2015 REPORT PT Bakrie Sumatera Plantations Tbk INNOVATING GROWTH REVITALIZING SUSTAINABILITY Your Company believes in the Perusahaan Anda memahami pentingnya importance of innovations in ensuring sustainable growth, while enhancing its inovasi bagi pertumbuhan yang keberlanjutan, core competence in the upstream business segment and setting gears for sejalan dengan upaya peningkatan kompetensi the revitalization of the downstream intinya dalam segmen usaha hulu serta segment. Your Company continues to focus on effots to maintain a high level persiapan revitalisasi segmen hilir. Perusahaan of productivity through the enhancement of production effectiveness and efficiency, Anda tetap berfokus pada upaya menjaga in ensuring the sustainable value creation tingkat produktivitas yang tinggi melalui for the stakeholders. peningkatan efektivitas dan efisiensi proses produksi, demi memastikan keberlanjutan penciptaan nilai bagi para pemangku kepentingan. 2015 Annual Report • BSP 1 INOVASI INNOVATION Pengembangan bibit unggul sawit melalui kerjasama INOVASI BENIH UNGGUL dengan ASD Costa Rica, menghasilkan 4 (empat) varietas SAWIT bibit unggul (Spring, Themba, CR Ovane dan CR Supreme) Innovation on Premium Palm Seeds dengan keunggulan usia tanaman menghasilkan yang relatif muda - 2 (dua) tahun dibandingkan 3 (tahun) untuk tanaman normal - dan potensi kemampuan volume produksi buah sawit 40 ton Tandan Buah Segar (TBS) per hektar per tahun, lebih tinggi dari produksi normal 25-30 ton TBS per hektar per tahun. Keempat varietas bibit unggul ini telah memperoleh persetujuan Pemerintah untuk program penanaman baru dan re-planting, dan ditargetkan untuk penjualan bagi perkebunan rakyat umum maupun perusahaan perkebunan skala menengah dan besar. The development of premium palm seeds through the venture cooperation with ASD Costa Rica, producing 4 (four) premium seed varieties (Spring, Themba, CR Ovane and CR Supreme) featuring relatively shorter immature period - 2 (two) years instead of the normal 3 (three) years - with the potential palm production volume of 40 tons of Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB) per hectare per year, higher than the normal production of 25-30 tons of FFB per hectare per year. The four premium seed varieties have obtained the Government approval for new planting and re-planting programs, and have been targeted for sale to oil palm smallholders as well as to mid-size and big companies. Kerjasama dengan Yayasan Bakrie Amanah - sebuah yayasan sosial dalam Kelompok Usaha Bakrie - dalam INOVASI PENGUMPULAN pengelolaan dana untuk kepentingan sosial melalui DANA SOSIAL Program ‘Payroll ZIS’ yang melibatkan karyawan dalam Innovation on Social Funds Collection pengumpulan dana sosial secara rutin melalui pemotongan gaji secara sukarela. Cooperation with the Bakrie Amanah Foundation - a social foundation in the Bakrie Business Group - in managing social funds through the ‘Payroll ZIS’program involving employees in the collection of social funds through voluntary salary cut on a regular basis. 2 Laporan Tahunan 2015 • BSP INOVASI PENGELOLAAN Pengembangan program ‘bank sampah’ bagi siswa SAMPAH Sekolah Dasar yang dikelola di bawah yayasan pendidikan Innovation on Trash Management binaan perusahaan, yang melibatkan para siswa dalam upaya pemilahan sampah yang bernilai ekonomis untuk disalurkan melalui sekolah serta dikonversikan sebagai dana tabungan bagi kebutuhan sekolah siswa. The development of the ‘trash bank’ program for students of Elementary Schools run by company-supported educational foundations, involving students in the efforts to take advantage of economic-valued waste to be distributed through the schools and to be converted as savings of funds for the students’ school needs. INOVASI PENDIDIKAN Penerapan kurikulum berbasis lingkungan (Adiwiyata) di BERBASIS WAWASAN Sekolah Dasar Bakrie Utama Sungai Aur yang berlokasi di LINGKUNGAN Kecamatan Sungai Aur - Pasaman Barat (dalam lingkungan Innovation on Environmentally-Based Perkebunan Unit Usaha Sumbar/BPP). Education The implementation of environment-base curriculum (Adiwiyata) at the Bakrie Utama Sungai Aur Elementary School located in the Sungai Aur District of West Pasaman (in the Plantation area of Sumbar / BPP Unit). INOVASI KONSERVASI Pengembangan dan pengelolaan Miniatur Hutan LINGKUNGAN Konservasi seluas 17 Ha di tengah perkebunan sawit di Unit Innovation on Environmental AGW, bertujuan untuk menjaga serta mengembangkan Conservation keanekaragaman hayati yang ada, melalui upaya penanaman bibit tanaman langka melalui kerjasama dengan lembaga terkait, juga bertujuan untuk memelihara ekosistem yang ada, serta perlindungan dan pemeliharaan flora dan fauna yang terdapat di lokasi. The development and management of a 17 Ha Miniature Conservation Park in the middle of the palm plantation of the AGW Unit, aimed at preserving and developing the available biodiversities, through the planting of seeds of endangered species in cooperation with related institutions; also aimed at maintaining current ecosystems, as well as to protect and maintain the prevailing flora and fauna on location. 2015 Annual Report • BSP 3 DAFTAR ISI Contents 69 Beban Keuangan Finance Costs 36 70 Manfaat (Beban) Pajak Diskusi dan Analisa Penghasilan Income Tax Benefits (Expenses) Manajemen 70 Laba Neto Tahun Berjalan dari Management Discussions and Operasi yang Dihentikan Analysis Net Profit for the Year from 6 Ikhtisar Keuangan Discontinued Operations Financial Highlights 70 Pendapatan Komprehensif Lain 37 Tinjauan Segmen Usaha Other Comprehensive Income 8 Ikhtisar Saham dan Efek Lainnya Business Segment Overview Shares and Securities Highlights 70 Total Rugi Komprehensif Tahun 38 Sawit Berjalan 11 Rencana Strategis Palm Strategic Intent Total Comprehensive Loss for the 44 Karet Year 12 Visi & Misi Rubber Vision & Mission 71 Arus Kas 48 Oleokimia Cash Flows 14 Sekilas Sejarah Oleochemicals Milestone 72 Kemampuan Membayar Utang 54 Pemasaran Debt Repayment Capacity 15 Sertifikasi Marketing Certifications 72 Kolektibilitas Piutang 58 Tinjauan Kinerja Usaha Collectability of Receivables 16 Struktur Organisasi Business Performance Highlights Organizational Structure 73 Struktur Modal 59 Sawit Capital Structure 18 Area Operasi Palm Area of Operations 77 Investasi Barang Modal 61 Karet Capital Investment 19 Struktur Usaha Rubber Business Structure 78 Kejadian Luar Biasa 62 Oleokimia Extraordinary Events 22 Sambutan Dewan Komisaris Oleochemicals Message from the BOC 78 Kejadian Setelah Tanggal Neraca Subsequent Events 28 Laporan Direksi 64 Tinjauan Keuangan 2015 Report of the Board of Directors 2015 Financial Highlights 78 Prospek Usaha Business Prospects 64 Kinerja Umum 78 Aspek Pemasaran General Performance Marketing Aspects 65 Aset 79 Kebijakan Dividen Assets Dividend Policy 66 Liabilitas 79 Program Kepemilikan Saham oleh Liabilities Karyawan 68 Ekuitas Employee Shares Ownership Program Equity 79 Penggunaan Dana Hasil 69 Pendapatan (Penjualan Neto) Penawaran Umum Revenue (Net Sales) Use of Proceeds from Rights Issue 69 Beban Pokok Penjualan (COGS) 79 Perubahan Kepemilikan Saham Cost of Goods Sales (COGS) (Investasi / Ekspansi / Divestasi / Penggabungan/Peleburan Usaha / 69 Beban Usaha Akuisisi) Operating Expenses Changes in Share Ownership (Investment / Expansion / Divestment / Merger / Aquisition) 79 Restrukturisasi Utang Debt Restructuring 80 Transaksi Benturan Kepentingan 129 Pengelolaan Strategi dan Sistem Conflict of Interest Transaction Pengendalian Internal Strategy Management and Internal 174 80 Transaksi dengan Pihak Terafiliasi Control System Affiliated Transaction Data Perusahaan 131 Sistem Pelaporan dan Penanganan 80 Perubahan Peraturan dan Tindak Pelanggaran / SPPTP Corporate Data Perundang-undangan Whistleblowing System Changes in Laws and Regulations 133 Pengelolaan Tanggung Jawab 80 Perubahan Standar Akuntansi 176 Profil Komisaris Sosial dan Lingkungan Perusahaan Profile of the Board of Commissioners Changes in Accounting Standards Management of Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibilities 183 Profil Direksi Profile of the Board of Directors 138 Pengembangan Ketenagakerjaan serta Penerapan Kesehatan, 190 Komisaris dan Direktur Entitas Keselamatan dan Keamanan Kerja Anak dan Perusahaan Asosiasi 82 Employment Development and Commissioners and Directors of Tata Kelola Perusahaan Implementation of Occupational Subsidiaries and Associate Companies Health, Safety and Security 192 Penunjang Pasar Modal Corporate Governance 144 Perlindungan Konsumen Capital Market Supporting Consumer Protection Institutions and Professionals 85 Landasan Etika Perusahaan 146 Akses Informasi 193 Nama & Alamat Perusahaan, Corporate Ethics Foundation Access to Information Entitas Anak & Perusahaan Asosiasi 88 Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham 146 Perkara Penting Names and Addresses of the General Meeting of Shareholders Material Litigation Case Company, Subsidiaries and Associate 94 Dewan Komisaris 147 Road Map GCG Companies Board of Commissioners GCG Road Map 195 Singkatan Nama Perusahaan 98 Direksi Abbreviations of Company Names Board of Directors 107 Hubungan Afiliasi Komisaris, Direktur dan Pemegang Saham Utama/Pengendali 154 Affiliation of Commissioners, Pemberdayaan 196 Directors and Ultimate/Controlling Shareholders Masyarakat Tanggung Jawab 108 Komite Pendukung Dewan dan Perlindungan Pelaporan Tahunan Komisaris Responsibility for Annual Committees Supporting the Board of Lingkungan Reporting Commissioners Community Development and 115 Sekretaris Perusahaan Environmental Protection Corporate
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