I : r - . • __ V iB t nUBSS BliN \V1»A6E DAllS GIBOCEATION for the Hontb of Jalyi 19S0 5,416 Hembcn of tke Aadit Bvreaa of ClrcnlatioBo A SOMOTH MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, AUGUST 15, 1930. SirrEEN PAGES^ PRICE THREE CENT'S VOL. XLIV., NO. 270. (dasplfled Advertisiog o n l^ g e 14) «- -♦r IRISH CASINO TO RIVAL “^4 MISSIONARIES; THE REAL MONTE CARLO Missing Couple Dublin, Aug. IS.—Ireland is to have a . gambling caiainp which j will rival Monte Carlo, it is said. A N D K D lfflM INCIDNATELL I Backed by a group of English I financiers, it is to be located at Bray, the seaside resort about OFRMENACE 12 miles from here. • It is to be R-lOO pretentious, will have a "para­ dise” garden, and amusements which are not found at the island resort. Patrolman’s B(riy Found Ly­ Giant Dirigible Matung Slow­ Say That Soldiers in Be­ Present plans call for the ex­ penditure of more than $300,000 in preparation, grading and sur- ing on Beadi—-Had Been er Time— Latest Report leaguered City of Kan- vejdng of the site. chow Are Ready to Join Attacked *•Before — Was Read These Reports Has Her Three Quartets Old Member of Force. of the Way to Her Home Communists’ Attack. DROUGHT RELIEF Washington, Aug. 15.- ( A P .) - ^ Columia coimty, Arkansas; "Lo­ Terse stories of drought disauster cal authorities will be unable to Portland, Me., Aug. 15.- -(A P.)— make further advances. ’The 2,500 Canton, Aug. 15.— (A P )—Four were told before President Hoover’a Base— Messages Say AITs NOW ORGANIZED Hahdeuffed with his town ‘‘T)race- families will be without food. One Catholic priests and eight nuns,' conference of governors. Some of million dollars will be needed,” lets,” Patrolman M. T. Connolly, forced to flee from Kanchow, Kiang-: too worst, relayed from county Conway county, Arkansas: “Ore. Well Aboard. 49, was slain early today and his si province, when Communists de­ agricultural agents through Secre­ thousand families - without food and. in many cases without water. Six predations made it unsaife to -! Governors of 13 Stricken body thrown face down in the sand tary Hyde, follow in part: -A on the bea^b below the eastern Bolivar county, Mississippi: “Feed hundred thousand dollars needed.” LOG OF AIRSHIF B-lOO main, arrived here today after a n ; for 10,000 mules needed. Local re­ Pofiisett c o u n ,t y, Arkansas; eleven day journey through a coun- | promenade, midway between the States Start Home With sources exhausted. Human suffering “Wholesale -stealing of food already • By Associated Press try infested with brigands and Reds. I e£ist end bathing beach and the started among pooret tenant fami­ Wednesday, Aug. 18:— (EST): The party included the R ev.' already/seen. Hundreds of families Grand Trunk docks. going firom place to place hungry lies.” 8:26 p. m.— Left St. Hubert Fathers MacGillicuddy, Glens Falls,' Details of the Plan. Mystery cloaked,the return of Charles/Kem, 80, wealthy retired'bak­ Daviess coimty, Kentucky: “ No Airport, Montreal for Eng­ N. Y.; McQimpnt, Brooklyn; Cor­ The. body was discovered at 8 and ill clad." ery owner, and Mrs. Kem, above, to their, home in St. Louis, allaying localagencies can possibly take land. ■ bett, Boston; the French Bishop o’clock this morning. There was a Canoll county, Mississippi: “No fears that they had been kidnaped by a gang of swindlers. The Kerns, water. Livestock cannot last much care of existing condition. Probably 9:50 p. m*—Passed over Three_ Dumond and eight American sisters, wnQhintrtnn Amr i«5_fAP^ who Carried a $70,000 bank draft to be used in*a real.estate transaction hole above toe right eye blit wheth­ er It had been made by a bullet, or longer. Conditions serious.” over 1,500 families will need food . Rivers, Quebec. the majority of whom were from ^ ® . f ' - 1. at Toledo, disappeared from a train at Defiance, Ohio, and were missing 10:45 p. m.— Passed over Que­ Emmittsburg, Maryland. a blow from a sharp instrument Morehouse county, Lbulslaha: furnished this winter.” The stupendous task of building up ^^ile police combed gangland haunts in the belief that Nelson county, Kentucky: “Con­ bec. Members of the group said it be­ a network of state and county re- i they were held captive. Kem refused to reveal where he and wife had could not be determined pending an “Distressing situation; 3,200 fami­ lies will be furnished feed and food ditions frightful. Have let hogs go, Thursday, Aug. 14: came necessary to evacuate Kan­ lief orgtinizations to tide drought j been. " examination by physicians. chow as a result of the Nationalist by banka and merchants on month-- no prospects of feed—3,000 persons 4:15 a. m.— Passed Anticosti In Uniform Island. government’s persistent efforts . to stricken farm families over the win- j _______^ ^ ■ ■ ■' '_______ _________ _ ly basis.” starving this winter.” withdraw the meager defense forces ter, save livestock and prevent the 1 Connolly s coat was buttoned and Sebster county, Louisiana: “Ur­ While many other counties re­ 7:00 a. m.—Notified Air Minis­ there and move them further north­ Of dloeaoe, today woo undo. ; J g Q Q p £ ^ T k ISSINO IS NO JOKE his revolver was in his right hip gent need of food supplies toi 3,200 ported conditions almost as bad, a try headed for Belle Isle. I IN FLORiElNCE, ITALY 8rt)0 a. m.—S. S. Montclare, at ward to assist in the defense of pocket while his billy was in the humem beings.” majority were more optimistic. Nanchang against the red hordes Governors and representatives of j small pocket provided for it. He northern end of Gulf of St. besieging that city and surrounding the thirteen states most seriously Florence, , Italy, Aug. 15.— was in uniform hut his cap was Lawrence, sighted dirigible territory. j affected by the prolonged dry (AP)—Kissing and pet&ng—un­ missing. almost overhead. Refused Wireless weather headed homeward to carry | OFFERED BY TONGS der some circumstances—has ’There were several cuts and .10:20 a. nu—^Passed over Uner They declared efforts of foreign­ ont the program agreed on yester- j become .expensive .in the city bruises on toe back of his head. Lanrentio in Straits of ers to ask the American Consul at day at President Hoover’s confer-• made famous, by the romance of Connolly pulled in his last box BLAMES SCHOOL BOOKS Belle Isle. Hankow that demands be made Dante and BeaMce. after five o’clock this morning and 12:80 p. m.—B-lOO sighted 142 upon the nationalist government when he failed to send in his next miles east of Belle Isle by j Police Tipped Off ky .cebgijidftil of : Saydnarola, sen­ for retention of the troops in the will be set up, headed by a leading call, police started to hunt for him. liner Empress of Australia. tenced Bruno Im\ini to three city where they were stationed citizen and including a state agri­ Connolly had been a member of FOR 6:06 p. m.-^Beported piosltlori j montlis and ten days in jail for were nullified. The Chinese mili­ culture official, banker. Red Cross Who Seemed to Agree Ip toe force for 12 years. His widow 700 miles southeast of Belle ^ W?sipg.^,his .^Aaiicee, Lerizla Isle. tary refused to allow foreigners use representative, railroad representa­ and five children wdhe spending the Mamorfi^in 'a public , park, and 7:00 p. m.—^Reported position of wireless,eQuipment, this action tive and farmers. summer on Peaks Island. CALLS FRIEND, causing them to decide to withdraw. County Units the Proposition. the latter three months'for ac- English Professor Says His­ TRIES SUICIDE 1,887 mUes east of Mon­ On August 3, the missionaries The committee is to create in 'cepting his caresses. Attacked Before treal. said, three Red flags were seen each affected county a group of Both sentences, were suspend­ Connolly, W low officers recalled, Friday, Aug. 15: across the river from Kanchow, and similar composition. The county New' York, Aug. ,15.— (A P.)— ed later, ’^ e penalty' in . Rome was toe -^ctim of an attack in the tories Tell of Nothing But Dramatic Attempt to Take 1:00 a. m.—^Reported position for a similar offense is a dollar west end of toe city a few years it was believed the Reds were pre­ \inits will receive applications for Through the dark and mysterious Life Made by Brazilian Con­ 1JS55 miles east of Mon­ paring an immediate attack on that relief, supplying locally all possible fine. ago. At that time he. was beaten Conflicts — Peace Time sul in Portugal—Friend Did treal, 1,782 miles from city, but the onslaught failed to and pass on the others to the state haze of a fitfully warring China­ and left lying on the street. Cardington. materialize. The following day, groups. town today moved the menace of The place where toe body was Not Know Plan. 8:45 a. m.—^Estimated crossed the defense garrison succeeded in Relief needs reaching beyond state Tong slaughter on a strictly cash •found is approximately one-half Monuments Rare. halfway mark of trip. Oporto, Portugal, Aug. 15 — repulsing the Communist killing resources will in turn, be passed on basis. '• mile from where he pulled his la.st 10:11 a. m,— Sighted by S. S. fifty and later capturing a dozen of to a Federal committee set up by box. (A P )—Dr.- Adhemar de Mello, Cameronia two thirds of the Red force. the President, comprising represen­ For behind the arrest yesterday Dr.
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