, COUNTYOF PONOKANo. § COUNTYCOUNCILMEETING 53 February 16 2 1968 A regular meeting of the County Council was held in the County Office at Ponoka on Friday February 16th, 1968, with Reeve Davies presiding and the following Councillors present: A. C. Boman, F. E. Palechek, R. G. Jensen, G. E. Ferguson, E. Solberg and L. L. Soderberg. Agenda The agenda was as follows: 1. Minutes of the meetings of January 3rd and January 12th, 1968. 2. Business arising from the minutes. a) Report on meeting to be held on February 19th, 1968, with the Towns in the area. 3. Department of Highways. a) General correspondence. b) Bridge — s/sw 18441;-3-W5. c) Bridge authorizations. LL. Battle River Planning Commission. a) Outline plan — SE 6—LL2—2lH/«Th. b) Subdivision — SE 1l—l;2-27-Wh. c) Proposed subdivision — SE 3—}_;3-25—Wh. 5. Electric Power . a) Blindman R.E.A,, b) Calgary Power — Mecca Glen patrol garage. 6. A. G. T. a) Interview — Mr. Caister — 1:30 p.m. b) Hobbema Underground Cable Plan. 7. Interviews : a) Ron Raugust - 11:30 a.m. - Cancellation of 1967 levy. b) (Jr.) Fred Becker. c) T P L representative — 2:00 p.m_ d) Jim Gibbs — 2:30 pm. 8. By—Laws. a) Cancellation of taxes re G. McKelvie and B. Eleming. b) Sale of sw 2o—u2—1—w5. c) Machinery purchase. d) Gravel pit purchase — SE 11-1:2-27—Wl;. e) By—Law re overexpenditure - Composite School. 9. Bills. 10. Cancellation of Cheque No. 3755and 7727. ll. Tendering before May 1st of County News. 12. Court of Revision. 13. George Unsworth proposal re hiring of licensed motor mechanic. 114.. Toolallowance for Public Works employees who supply their own tools. 15. Correspondence . FORM 149-? SPECIAL MUNICIPAL SUPPLIES LTD, 88 21 Page 2 — Februagz 16, 1968 (Agenda) l6 . Monthly statement. 17. Adjournment. ‘ Minutes Item g1} On a motion by Councillor Boman the minutes of the meetings of January 3rd and January 12th, 1968, were approved as printed. — Carried. M Meeting with Item {2} The Secretary reported that a meeting had been ‘ Towns re arranged between the three towns and the County Council on Monday Recr. Grants, February 19th, 1968, for the purpose of discussing recreational Fire Protection, grants, a fire protection policy and Social Services Preventative Social Services Program. A representative of the Department of Youth would be present to discuss in detail the new recreational grants program. Road Cancel- Item 3 ga) Word was received from the Department of lation S. of Highways that the cancellation of the roadway south of Brooksona Hall Brooksona Hall would be deferred until the County has made an access to the property from the east side. Old No. l2 The old No. 12 Highway between Bluffton and Hoadley has Hwy. , Bluffton now been reverted to the status of a municipal road and will come to Hoadley under County jurisdiction. Road Lease A copy of the letter regarding a road lease W/NW29—}.y,2-2-W5 w/Nw29~h2—2—5 was mailed to the County for their records. On a motion by Councillor Soderberg the above correspondence was filed for future reference. - Carried. Stream Diversion Item 3 (b) The Department of Highways brought to the Wor k S/SW18 - attention of the Council the matter regarding stream diversion work hlL—3—WS S/SW18-L1).L—3—WSwhere a bridge was installed in l967. On a motion by Councillor Ferguson the Secretary was directed to inform the Department that the necessary work would be done during the summer of 1968. - Carried. Bridge Item 3 go) The following bridge authorizations were Authorizations received: s/sw 28—u2-L;-ws - replacement of top deck w/Nw 9-L;2—26-W1;— bridge construction In sw 7—u2—2h—wu— bridge construction W/NW8-ML-3-W5- bridge construction On a motion by Councillor Boman these authorizations were noted and filed. — Carried. Outline Plan Item L; ga) Word was received that the Battle River Planning SE 6—h2—2h—WhCommission refused permission for development under Outline Plan, SE 6-142-2h-WLL.This letter was noted and filed on a motion by Councillor Jensen. — Carried. Subdivision Item I; Qb] Battle River Planning Commission approved the ‘ SE 11 —h2—27—u proposed subdivision in SE ll—h2—27—W}4by letter dated February lhth, l968. This letter was noted and filed on a motion by Councillor Soderberg. — Carried. ..At division Item 1; go) On a motion by Councillor Boman the proposed SE 3-M3-25-LL subdivision in the SE 3—LL3—2S—Whwas approved subject to the approval of the Battle River Planning Commission. - Carried. Subdivision Item A d) On a motion by Councillor Boman the proposed . NW19—h2—-22-1; subdivision in the NWl9—h2—22—Whwas approved subject to the approval of the Battle River Planning Commission. - Carried. Subdivision Item A e} The proposed subdivision in the NE l2—hh—28—Wl; NE l2 —l;h—28—h was approved subject to the approval of the Battle River Planning Commission. - Carried. FORM 149-? SPECIAL MUNICIPAL SUPPLIES LTD. 53 2; Page g - February 16, l968 3.Blindman Item 5 gag The proposed extensions in the Blindman Valley {valleyR.E.A. R.E.A. were approved on a motion by Councillor Soderberg. - Carried. Mecca Glen Item 5 gbg Mecca Glen patrol garage has now been completed gPatrol Garage and connected to Calgary Power. This report was accepted on a motion by Councillor Boman. - Carried. ‘A.,G.T. Film Item 6 gag Three representatives from A. G. T. showed a 1re Underground film on telephone underground cables which was appreciated by all. ‘Gables They inforned Council that excavations would commence in the Rimbey area in 1969, and the Ponoka area in 1970 or 1971. ‘A.G, T. Item 6 gbg Maps were received showing the buried rural System, . distribution system for the Hobbema area. Hobbema gBy-LawNo . Item 7 By—Law No. lg-68-GANG authorizing the cancellation ‘ L;-68-CANC of taxes on Pt. NWgag-h3-25-W1; (Ron Raugust) in the amount of $l3h.79 Cancellation received first reading on a motion by Councillor Jensen, second goi‘ Tax, Pt. reading on a motion by Councillor Ferguson and, by unanimous consent NW6-I43-25-1; of Council, a third reading on a motion by Councillor Soderberg, and finally passed. } ‘iAccess Road Item 3 gbg Mr. Fred Becker, Jr. and Mr. Fred Becker {sw36-h2—3—5 interviewed Council in regard to an access road to the SW 36-I42-3—'WS. On a motion by Councillor Jensen, Councillors Ferguson, Davies and Solberg were appointed a committee of three to investigate the matter in the spring and make a decision as to Mr. Becker*s request. - Carried. ‘Culvert Order Item 7 go) Mr. George Parslow, representing T. P. L. Industries Ltd. interviewed Council in regard to culvert needs and was given the following order: 12 pieces of 12'' culvert, 1).; feet long l2 pieces of 12" culvert, 12 feet long 12 pieces of l5" culvert, 12 feet long 12 pieces of 15“ culvert, 11; feet long 12 - 12" couplers l2 — 15" couplers gMancoBlades Item 7 gd) Jim Gibbs, representing Manco Blades, gre interviewed Council regarding grader blade needs. The Council ‘gGrader Blades informed him that each patrol operator would be contacted and a resulting order then be placed. ‘,By—LawNo. Item 8 gag By-Law No. S-68-GANGauthorizing the 5-68-GANG cancellation of taxes on Section 30-LL3-2h-WLLin the amount of $7LL8.7)l :Cancellation received first reading on a motion by Councillor Palechek, second of Tax, See. readingoon a motion by Councillor Jensen and, by unanimous consent I 30-1:3-2L;—h of Council, a third reading on a motion by Councillor Solberg, and I finally passed. gBy-LawNo. Item 8 gag By-Law No. 6-68-CANC authorizing the cancellation 6—68—CANC of taxes on Lot 1, Block 2, Plan 514.13CL, in the Hamlet of Bluffton, Cancellation in the amount of $137.67 received first reading on a motion by 'of Tax, Lot 1, Councillor Boman, second reading on a motion by Councillor Jensen |Bll<.2, Plan and, by unanimous consent of Council, a third reading on a motion by 61:13CL, Blftn. Councillor Soderberg, and finally passed. ‘By-LawNo . Item 8 gbg By-Law No. 7-68-TRauthorizing the purchase of ‘ 7-68-TR the SW 20- 2-l—W5by the Jacob Baumbach Estate in the amount of !Purchaseof $296.33 received first reading on a motion by Councillor Jensen, sw 2o—h2—1—5 second reading on a motion by Councillor Boman and, by unanimous VJ. Baumbach Est. ‘ consent of Council, a third reading on a motion by Councillor Ferguson, and finally passed‘ FORM T49-P SPECIAL MUNICIPAL surmzs L111, 68 23 Page L1. — February 162l968 I \ By-Law No . Item 8 go) By—Law No. 8—68—MACHauthorizing the following V 8-68-MACH purchases: j Machinery Purchase D8 - Serial No. lL6A798hfor $20,000.00 LL63Scraper —- Serial No, 86Fl29 for $17,957.00 Motor Patrol 660B — Serial No. '§z&®321&for $16,963.00 r'\. 73 ’.:L L‘ EC-V; / .‘£"I"7’ I ’ Case Loader Model W9, Series B,_ Serial No . E"€6BGl?>Sl\7é:fo;',$.l8,800.00 0/€022; received a first reading on a motion by Councillor Ferguson, second reading on a motion by Councillor Palechck and, by unanimous consent of Council, a third reading on a motion by Councillor Boman, and finally passed. “ By—Law No. Item 8 d) By—Law No._ 9—6B—Pauthorizing the purchase of 9-68-P twenty acres in the SE ll-LL2-27—WL;for a gravel pit in the amount of Purchase of $12,000.00 received first reading on a motion by Councillor Jensen, 20 ac.
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