E2100 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 28, 2008 my good friend, Byron LaRue Miller, by enter- served in several varying capacities for the lands. Salmon Lake is located about 38 miles ing his name in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, City of Milton including the Planning and De- north of Nome, Alaska. the official record of the proceedings and de- velopment Director and the Special Projects This agreement avoids further administrative bates of the United States Congress since Coordinator. She also twice served as the In- appeals or litigation and is a sensible, fair and 1873. Today, I pay tribute to Byron LaRue Mil- terim City Manager. amicable resolution to some thorny land ler for his outstanding contributions to the On January 13, 1998, Mrs. Adams was issues that have faced the parties for many Boulder City, Nevada community. named the Milton City Manager, and she has years, caused in part by the competing land Byron had a long and successful career in remained there ever since. As City Manager, selections of the State of Alaska and BSNC. the federal service, mostly in the electric Mrs. Adams has overseen significant improve- BSNC’s interest in the lands is primarily for power industry, but also at the Federal De- ments to the city’s community center, ware- subsistence and recreation purposes. With the posit Insurance Corporation. Byron first started house, community parks, and police depart- harsh climate of the Bering Straits Region his long and illustrious career at the FDIC and ment, as well as the construction of a new through many months of the year, the Salmon subsequently worked at the Bonneville Power City Hall. Her ten years of service as City Lake area provides a place for families to en- Administration before serving in the United Manager has resulted in a tremendous im- gage in subsistence and recreation activities. States Navy for three years during World War provement in the quality of life for Milton’s citi- It receives substantial use by local residents II as a Lieutenant JG. zens, and she will be dearly missed upon her and this agreement preserves that ability for them to continue such uses. After serving his country in a time of war, retirement. Under the Agreement, the Bureau of Land Byron went on to serve in the Bureau of Rec- Madam Speaker, on behalf of the United Management (BLM) retains ownership and ad- lamation (BLM) in Denver, and later Boulder States Congress, I would like to thank Mrs. ministration of a 9-acre campground located at City. While with the BLM, Byron truly distin- Adams for her years of service to the North- the outlet of Salmon Lake, and within those guished himself, earning the Department of west Florida community. Vicki and I wish her lands to be conveyed to BSNC under this the Interior’s highest honor, the Distinguished and her husband Millard best wishes for con- agreement. This BLM campsite provides road Service Award in 1966. Byron then went on to tinued success. accessible public camping opportunities. An work with Nevada Power Company, after leav- f additional easement is granted to the public ing the BLM, from 1973 to 1983. During his through lands to be conveyed to BSNC to ac- tenure with the Nevada Power Company, THE INTRODUCTION OF A BILL TO RATIFY AN AGREEMENT AMONG cess Salmon Lake. The agreement also pre- Byron was well respected in the field as an serves access to BLM managed lands in the authority on electric power marketing, trans- THE UNITED STATES, THE STATE OF ALASKA AND THE Kigluaik Mountain Range. mission and system interconnection. The agreement completes the previously BERING STRAITS NATIVE COR- In addition to his professional successes, submitted priorities for land BSNC is entitled PORATION Byron was a dedicated community servant. to receive under ANCSA. The lands included Among Byron’s many philanthropic pursuits in the agreement are lands that were validly were the Boulder City Hospital and Boulder HON. DON YOUNG selected by BSNC pursuant to the Alaska Na- City library, where he sat on the boards, as OF ALASKA tive Claims Settlement Act. It does not provide well as Lend A Hand and Grace Community IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES BSNC with any additional land beyond the Church. Byron was also an avid and dedicated Friday, September 26, 2008 amount of its entitlement. It will greatly assist Rotarian, serving a number of offices, and the BSNC in its mission of assisting members being inducted into the Rotary’s Hall of Fame Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Madam Speaker, I of the regional corporation to be able to en- after 50 years of service. am pleased to introduce legislation today to gage in subsistence activities in an area Madam Speaker, I am proud to honor my assist the Bering Straits Native Corporation, where recreation opportunities are also avail- good friend, Byron LaRue Miller. His dedica- an Alaska Native Regional Corporation estab- able. For people who live in such challenging tion to community and serving his country are lished under the authority of the Alaska Native weather and economic conditions, places such admirable and should serve as an example to Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA), in fulfilling its as Salmon Lake provide unique and important us all. He will be long remembered in the land entitlement under ANCSA. This Alaska opportunities to participate in traditional sub- Boulder City community for his hospitality and Native Regional Corporation has requested sistence and cultural activities that are crucial compassion. the bipartisan assistance of Congress to to a rural subsistence way of life. achieve the enactment of this legislation on f It is important to the people of the Bering behalf of the Inupiat people in the region. I Straits Region that this agreement be com- IN RECOGNITION OF DONNA S. look forward to working with Chairman RAHALL pleted. There are many challenges that the ADAMS UPON HER RETIREMENT and others on the Natural Resources Com- people of the region face. Ratifying this agree- AS THE CITY MANAGER OF MIL- mittee to obtain passage of this meritorious ment will certainly lessen some of those chal- TON, FLORIDA legislation. lenges in a positive and constructive way. I An equitable agreement has been worked urge my colleagues to support this legislation HON. JEFF MILLER out by the State of Alaska, the Bering Straits that is so important for the Inupiat people of OF FLORIDA Native Corporation (BSNC) and the United the Bering Straits Region. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES States that would finalize BSNC’s entitlement f under the ANCSA and help fulfill the State’s NURSING HOME TRANSPARENCY Friday, September 26, 2008 entitlement to certain lands under the State- AND QUALITY OF CARE IM- Mr. MILLER of Florida. Madam Speaker, I hood Act. PROVEMENT ACT OF 2008 rise to recognize Donna S. Adams, who is re- As an Alaska Native Regional Corporation, tiring after 27 years of service to the city of BSNC received entitlement under ANCSA to Milton, Florida. Her courage and dedication 145,728 acres of land under Section l4(h)(8) HON. FORTNEY PETE STARK proves that citizens can truly make a dif- of that landmark Act. This Agreement will fulfill OF CALIFORNIA ference in the lives of others, and I am proud a critical component of that entitlement by IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to honor such an admirable leader of the conveying to BSNC 1,009 acres of land in the Friday, September 26, 2008 Northwest Florida community. Salmon Lake area while Bering Straits relin- Mr. STARK. Madam Speaker, I rise today to Mrs. Adams began her career as a public quishes 3,084 acres of land from its original introduce the ‘‘Nursing Home Transparency servant in 1981 as a secretary for the Com- Salmon Lake selections which would be con- and Quality of Care Improvement Act of 2008’’ munity Development Block Grant program. veyed to the State. In addition, in furtherance with my colleague Ms. SCHAKOWSKY of Illinois. She quickly saw how she could transform the of fulfilling its land entitlement under the Set- This legislation is a companion bill to one in- City of Milton and began working to improve tlement Act, 6,132 acres of land at Windy troduced by my Senate colleagues, Senators the city’s infrastructure. Her first major project Cove and 7,504 acres of land at Imuruk Basin GRASSLEY (R–IA) and KOHL (D–WI). I thank was helping to develop the Milton Riverwalk, a that were either not prioritized or not selected them for their leadership and look forward to revitalization effort aimed at renewing the by the State or that were low priority for the working with them on this issue in the next downtown property of Milton which lies along State will be conveyed to BSNC. The tracts at Congress. the Blackwater River. Windy Cove and Imuruk Basin are long-stand- It has been 20 years since passage of the After her service with the Community Devel- ing BSNC 14(h)(8) selections and had been Nursing Home Reform Act. Despite improve- opment Grant Block program, Mrs. Adams submitted to BLM by BSNC as prioritized ments in some areas of quality, there is still VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:47 Sep 29, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K26SE8.036 E28SEPT1 wwoods2 on PRODPC68 with REMARKS September 28, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2101 much to be done. I am introducing this bill be- TRIBUTE TO CHUCK TURNER authoritarianism to democratic government, cause the lives of our most frail senior citizens providing a role model for other non-demo- are at stake, and our return to this issue is HON.
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