August 9, 2016 Thierry Mayer Professor of Economics Born June 27 1971, Sciences-Po in Boulogne Billancourt (France) Email : [email protected] Professional address Sciences-Po 28, rue des Saints-P`eres 75007 Paris TEL: +33 1 53 68 55 52 HomePage: https://sites.google.com/site/thierrymayer/home Positions Held Professor of Economics at Sciences-Po, Sept. 2009- Consultant at Banque de France, Sept. 2014- Research Fellow at CEPR (International Trade and Regional Economics Programme), Mar. 2009- Scientific Advisor at CEPII, Sept. 2001- Professor of Economics at the University of Paris 1-Paris School of Economics, Sept. 2006-Aug. 2009. Research Affiliate at CEPR (International Trade Programme), Jan. 2002-Feb. 2009. Associate Researcher at PSE, Sept. 2000-Sept. 2006 (coordinator of the international economics / development group 2005-2006) Professor of Economics at the University of Paris Sud, Sept. 2002- Aug. 2006. Visiting Professor at the College of Europe (Bruges), 2004-2006. Associate Professor (Ma^ıtrede conf´erences)at the University of Paris 1 Panth´eonSorbonne, Sept. 2000-Aug. 2002. Education 2002: French national exam for full professorship (Agr´egationde l'enseignement sup´erieuren sci- ences ´economiques). Rank: 1. 1996/1999: PhD : \Comportements strat´egiques de localisation des firmes multinationales" (Strate- gic Location Choices by Multinational Firms) supervised by Pr. Jean-Louis Mucchielli. De- fense held in the University of Paris I, January 6 2000. Members of the Jury: Rodolphe Dos Santos Ferreira, Lionel Fontagn´e,Didier Laussel, Pierre Morin, Leo Sleuwaegen, Jacques Thisse. 1 Awards 2012: Principal Investigator of the ERC grant HETMAT (Heterogeneity that Matters for Trade and Welfare, (FP7 Grant Agreement no. 313522, 2012-2017). 2008: Junior member of the Institut Universitaire de France (Sept. 2008- Sept. 2013). 2006: Laureate of the Bronze Medal of the CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique). 2006: Co-laureate for best French young economist (Le Monde/Le Cercle des Economistes). 2004: Nominated for best French young economist (Le Monde/Le Cercle des Economistes). 2000: French Economics Association (AFSE) annual prize for the best PhD thesis in economics. Short-term invitations/lectures Bavarian Graduate Program in Economics BGPE, April 2016. Nottingham Lectures in International Economics, March 2016. World Trade Organization: Gravity and Geography lecture, March 2010. Advanced Studies Programme (IFW, Kiel): International Trade lecture, Sept. 2009 and Sept. 2011. Short-term visitor at the International Economics Section of Princeton University: Nov 24-30, 2007. University of British Columbia: 1998 (4 months), 2000 (1 month), 2003 (1 month), 2005 (1 week). Teaching Since 2009: Sciences-Po. • International Trade (2nd year): 24 hours. • International Trade (Masters programme EPP): 24 hours. • International Trade (Masters programme PEI): 24 hours. 2006/2007/2008: University of Paris I. • European Economic Integration 1 (4th year): 39 hours. • International Trade (3rd year): 21 hours. • International Economics (Magistere RI): 26 hours. • European Economics (Magistere RI): 20 hours. • The Empirics of New Economic Geography - M2R d'´economieinternationale / ´economie du d´eveloppement (5th year): 18 hours. 2005/2006: College of Europe (Bruges). • Competition Policy: 30 hours. 2 Administrative ERC Panel chair for SH1 consolidator grants, 2016. Co-organizer with Gianmarco Ottaviano of the Bruegel-CEPR EFIGE network. FP7 EU funding around 3M euros (ends Aug 2012). Co-organizer of the Paris Trade Seminar (PSE / ScesPo) since 2007. Head of the doctoral studies in Economics in Sciences-Po since Sept 2011. Director of the International Economic Policy Master at Sciences-Po since Sept 2009. Elected member of the Conseil National des Universit´es(national committee for the job market and promotions), Oct 2007- Oct 2011. Research Activities • Topics: International trade, multinational firms, economic geography, location theory, in- dustrial organization. • Research contracts: { PI of the ERC grant HETMAT (Heterogeneity that Matters for Trade and Welfare) over 2012-2017 (1.1M euros). { Member of a project on the evaluation of export promotion policies funded by French Ministry of Finance (started july 2011). { Scientific leader of a project on the evaluation of urban zoning policies funded by French Ministry of Labour (started july 2010). { Co-organizer with Gianmarco Ottaviano of the Bruegel-CEPR EFIGE network \Eu- ropean Firms and International Markets" (started September 2006). FP7 EU funding larger than 3M euros. { Background paper of the 2009 Word Development Report of the World Bank on the market potential of developing countries. { Expertise for the French Ministry of Industry on the French cluster policy (2008). { CDC-CEPR Contract on the French cluster policy (2007). { Scientific leader of contract 2005/34-17/60 financed by the French Ministry of Culture: \International Trade in Cultural Goods" (2005-2006). { Participation as a scientific advisor in CEPII to numerous contracts financed by the European Commission's DG Trade (in particular Framework Conventions). { Participation to contract financed by the French Ministry of Transport: \Flux de trans- port nationaux et internationaux fran¸cais: l'impact des fronti`eres,des r´eseauxsocio- ´economiques,de l'int´egrationeurop´eenneet de la d´ecentralisation" (2004-2006). { Participation to the policy coherence project of the OECD development center (back- ground paper on FDI, written in 2005). { CERAS-ENPC team leader for the CEPR Research Training Network: \The Economic Geography of Europe: Measurement, Testing and Policy Simulations" (2001-2004). 3 { Participation and coordination for the contract 5-2000 financed by the Commissariat G´en´eraldu Plan (title: \Evaluation des barri`eresaux ´echanges, dossier agricole et march´espublics : trois dossiers sensibles"). { Participation to the contract SGA/DAF/OED/99/003 financed by the French Ministry of Defense (title: \Les mutations du march´ede la d´efense exigent-elles une concentration verticale de l'industrie europ´eenne?"). { Participation and coordination for the contract 4-98 financed by the Commissariat G´en´eraldu Plan (title: \Localisation et impact des entreprises multinationales sur l'emploi et les exportations des pays d'accueil"). • Conference organization: { Local organizer of the CEPR's ERWIT (annual workshop of the international and re- gional economics program in CEPR), Paris, June 2015. { Co-organizer of the CEPR Conference on “Conflicts, Globalization and Development", Paris, 13-14 November 2008 { VIIth Doctoral meetings in International Economics, held in University of Rennes 1 (1-2 February 2007) { VIth Doctoral meetings in International Economics, held in University of Geneva (5-6 January 2006) { Vth Doctoral meetings in International Economics, held in University of Paris-Nord (18-19 November 2004) { Invited session organizer \Commerce et g´eographie´economique: le r^olede la distance et des fronti`eres.",French Economics Association 50th meetings Paris, September 21-22. { First Spring School in Economic Geography, University of Pau, April 4-6 2001. { Workshop for the CGP contract \Evaluation des barri`eresaux ´echanges, dossier agricole et march´espublics : trois dossiers sensibles"), Moliets, 7-10 June 2001. • PhD Students: { Angela Cheptea (Universit´ede Paris 1). PhD defended November 28th 2005, now full- time researcher at INRA. { Vincent Vicard (Universit´ede Paris 1), started 2004, defended Nov. 2008, now full-time researcher at the Banque de France. { Benjamin Nefussi (EHESS), started 2004, defended Sept. 2008, now economist in the French Ministry of Finance. { Silvio Tai (Universit´ede Paris 1), started 2004, defended May. 2009, now assistant prof in the University of Paris 11. { Rodrigo Paillacar (Universit´ede Paris 1), started 2005, defended Dec. 2009, now assis- tant prof in the University of Cergy-Pontoise. { Florian Mayneris (EHESS), started 2006, defended 2009, now assistant prof in the Uni- versity of Louvain-la-Neuve. { Loriane Py (Universit´ede Paris 1), started 2007, defended Nov. 2011, now full-time researcher at the Banque de France. { Mathieu Couttenier (Universit´ede Paris 1), started 2007, defended Nov. 2011, now Professor at the U. of Geneva. 4 { Gabriel Smagghue (Sciences-Po), started 2009, defended 2014, now Assistant prof in University Carlos 3, Madrid. { Corentin Trevien (Sciences-Po), started 2011, defended 2016, now working at INSEE. { Camilo Umana (Sciences-Po), started 2011, now researcher at CEPII. { Jules Hugot (Sciences-Po), started 2011, defended 2015, now Assistant prof in P.U. Javeriana, Bogota. { Emanuele Mazzini (Sciences-Po), started 2012. { Eve Colson (Sciences-Po), started 2012. • Member of PhD Committees: Luisito Bertinelli (CORE), David-Pascal Dion (Universit´ede Paris Dauphine), Habib Zi- touna (Universit´ede Paris 1), Giordano Mion (CORE), Nicole Madariaga (Universit´ede Paris 1), Vincent Dupont (Universit´ede Lille 1), C´elineCarr`ere(Universit´ede Clermont- Ferrand), Christophe Van Huffel (Universit´ede Toulon), Souleymane Coulibaly (Universit´e de Lausanne), Emmanuelle Lavall´ee(Universit´ede Paris Dauphine), Julie Lochard (Univer- sit´ede Paris 1), Holger Breinlich (LSE), Gr´egoryCorcos (EHESS), Cyndy Duc (Universit´e de Paris Dauphine), R´emy Bazillier (Universit´ede Paris 1), Fabrice Defever (Universit´ede Paris 1), Liza Jabbour (Universit´ede Paris 1), Helen Simpson (Oxford University), Julien Vauday (Universit´ede Paris 1), Maria Bas (EHESS),
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