Tenth Series,Vol . XL No.30 Thursday, May, 18,1995 Vaisakha,28,1917(Saka) LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Thirteenth Session (Tenth Lok Sabha) LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI Price: Rs., 50,00 [ORIGINAL ENGLISH PROCEEDINGS INCLUDED ,IN ENGLISH VERSION AND ORIGINAL HINDI PROCEEDINGS INCLUDED IN HJNOI VERSION WIU. BE TREATED AS AUTHORITATIVE AND NOT THE TRANSLATION THEREOF.} CONTENTS [Tenth Series. Vol. XL. Thirteenth Session, 1995/1917 (Saka)] Corrigenda to Lok Sat:taa. Debates (English Versicn} Thursday, May lB, B9 5/Vaisakha 2 8, .B 17 ( Saka) Col./line For Read 2 7 / "J2. Founds Funds 3:,1 /14 Unna Onnao (frcm below) 108/ 12 ,SHR I DVENKA'rEffivARA RAO SHRI D. VENKATESWARA RP 115/22 SHRI ;.NKllSHAAO RAO&?IHED TO?E SHRI A.~SHRAO TOPE ]30/5 SHH I VIJA Y KUMAR Y.l\DA V SHRI VIJOY KUriAR YADAV (frcm below) 2 00/8 SHRI SUSEIL CHANDRA VERMA SHRI SUSHIL CHANDRA VAii (frar. below) 32. 7;'14 SHRI BEh"RU LAL MEEXA SHRI BHERU LAL MEENA ( fran below) CONTENTS [Tenth Series, Vol. XL, Thirteenth Session, 1995/1917 (Saka)) No. 30, Thursday, May 18, 1995/Vaisakha 28, 1917 (Saka) COLUMNS ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS *Starred Questions Nos. 601,602, 604 and 605 1-19 WRITIEN A 'SWERS TO QUESTIONS *StarreJ Questions Nos. 603 and 606-620 20-37 Unstarr~d Questions Nos. 6108-6327 37-257 PAPERS LAID ON THE TABLE 276-277 STANDING COMMITTEE ON ENERGY Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth Reports and Minutes - Presented 277 MATTERS UNDER RULE 377 (i) Need to ensure early functioning of ESI hospitals in Quilon and Pathanamthitta districts in Kerala Shri Kodikkunnil Suresh (ii) Need to take steps for protecting the fertile land around Indira Gandhi canal, Rajasthan from water-logging Shri Manphool Singh 278 (iii) Need for construction of a barrage on river Yamuna and to take steps to solve acute water problem in Agra Shri Bhagwan Shankar Rawat 279 (iv) Need for construction of an overbridge and stoppage of Punjab Mail Golden Express at Nagina Railway Station in Bijnore district, Uttar Pradesh Shri Mangal Ram Premi 279-280 (v) Need to take steps tor re-opening of unit of IDPL at Muzaffarpur, Bihar Shri Manjay Lal 280 (vi) Need to provide funds for the construction of a dam on river Koshi in Bihar Shri Surya Narayan Yadav 280 FINANCE BILL, 1995 Motion to consider Shri Manmohan Sin!!Jll 284-289 Shri Ram Kapse 290-294 Dr. Debi Prosad Pal 294-300 Shri Ramashray Prasad Singh 301-304 Shri V.S. Vijayaraghavan 304-308 Shri Girdhari Lal Bhargava 308-311 Shri Nirmal Kanti Chatterjee 311-327 Dr. S.P. Yadav 328-333 The Sign }9..<ld above the name of a Member indicates that the question was actually asked on the floor of the -House by that Member. LOK SABHA DEBATES LOK SABHA [English] THE MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI S.B. Thursday. May 18, 1995/ Vaisakha 28, 1917 (Saka) CHAVAN) : (a) to (c). A statement is laid on the Table (The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the Clock) of the House. [MR. SPEAKER in the Chair] STATEMENT [Translation] (a) and (b). Yes, Sir. The Government of Maharashtra SHRI VINAY KATIYAR (Faizabad) : Mr. Speaker, Sir, have prop0sed a separate Development Board for the it is a very serious matter. Not only our country but the Konkan region by amending Article 371 (2) of the whole world is aware of the incidents taking place in Constitution which provides for Development Boards Jammu and Kashmir. After the incident of Charar-e- for Vidarbha, Marathawada and rest of Maharashtra. Sharief .... (c) The Government is of the view that the Development Board set up under orders of the President [English] for inter-alia the rest of Maharashtra on 9.3.94 includes MR. SPEAKER : Nothing is going or record. Konkan as well, and the special developmental needs of the region would be taken care of by this Board. The (Interruptions) Home Minister proposes to discuss the matter with the MR. SPEAKER : Well, the legal position is this. Let Chief Minister of Maharasthra. us please understand it once for all. The legal position [English] is that the Question Hour may be dispensed with, if the House agrees unanimously, for devoting more time to SH.RIMATI PRATIBHA DEVISINGH PATIL : Mr. other b1Jsiness, and the Speaker may not agree to Speaker, Sir, in part (c) of his reply, it has been suspend the Question Hour if the opinion of the mentioned that the Government is to the view that the Members is not unanimous on that point. Development Board set up under orders of the President for inter alia the rest of Maharashtra on 9.3.94 includes [Translation] Konkan as well, and the special developmental needs of the region would be taken care of by this Board. This . AN HON. MEMBER Please take up this issue in position has been very well taken by the State Zero Hour. Government. But in spite of that, a demand has been made for a separate Board for the Konkan region. May [English} I know what are the reasons put forth by the State (Interruptions) Government for establishing a separate Board for Konkan? MR. SPEAKER : Now, we take up Q. No. 601. Shrimati Pratibha Devisingh Patil. SHRI S.B. CHAVAN : Sir, it will be very difficult for me to give all the details as to what the State Government has been asking. In fact, there has been some kind of a persistent demand in the Konkan region to set up 11.02 hrs. some kind of a Development Board. In fact, the matter ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS and its implications will have to be discussed with the Chief Minister. I WO!Jld like to understand his point of [Translation] view. Thereafter, if I feel that there is c;lefinitely a very good reason for the establishment of such a Board, at that stage, perhaps the Government mi_ght consider this Developments Board for Konkan issue. '601. SHRIMATI PRATIBHA DEVISINGH PATIL SHRIMATI PRATIBHA DEVISINGH PATIL : The main SHRI MOHAN RAWALE : reason for the demand for a separate Board for Konkan is that it has a very long coastal sea belt, hundreds of Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to Kilometers long sea shore which affects the life style state : and also the economy of that region. Konkan is said to (a) whether the Government of Maharashtra has have a money order economy, particular Ratnagir district requested the Union Government to constitute a has been said to be a money order economy where the .s.eearate Development Board the Konkan and to amend men go out of the district to Bombay generally for earning Articie 371 of tR.e constitution for this purpose; their bread. In the 1971 census, for example, a third of the Bombay's migrants were cited to be from Ratangiri (b) is so, the details thereof; and . qistrict as their original home. This is the reason. Also, (c) the reaction of ·the Union Government thereto? the region has many qt~!lr problems than the other regions of the State. Tfie Khartand problem is there. • Not recorded. The scientific pr.oblems like Oceanography and fisheries 3 Oral AnSW6'S MAY 18, 1995 Oral Answers 4 are there. Horticulture in this region has a different that. Once when this matter was dicussed here, the problem than the other region6: The problem regarding Home Minister a-sked whether all parties agreed to the mango, coconuts and cashewnuts is there. So, all these tormation of this Konkan Board. We replied, 'yes, we are the problems which need special attention for more want the Board tor Konkan on similar lines of Vidarbha productivity. So also is the case in respect of deep-sea and Marathawada'. So, tnere was ur,animity in this fishing. These problems need special attention and regard both in Maharasntra and in this Parliament. I special expertise for handling them. Therefore. I think would request the Central Ministry to look into the matter. the Central Government will take these things into The court matter need not be brought in here as they consideration. It is a good feature that the Home Minister have the:r own jurisdiction and We have our own p,oposes to discuss it with the Chief Minister. May I jurisdiction. •now when the Home Minister is likely to discuss this MR. SPEAKER No, no. ~,;ue with the Chief Minister? SHRI RAM KAPSE : We had been discussing it for SHRI S B. CHAVAN : Sir. I cannot possibly give any the last five to ten years. After consulting for years •,me-frame within which I will be able to discuss it. But together we found that we were party to that - the ~,y effort will be to see that as early as possible we will Home Minister and the former Chief Minister of be able to discuss this issue. Maharashtra. {Translation] MR SPEAKER : Will you formulate your question SHRI MOHAN RAWLE : Mr. Speaker, Sir, the former please? Prime Minister Shri V.P. Singh had convened a meeting SHRI RAM KAPSE : ! earnestly want to ask w11ether of all the Parliamentary leaders. Satheji and Antulay ji the Central Ministry will look into the maner irnmeoiately be1ong to Maharashtra, were also present in that because the Chief Minister and the total Maharashtra meeting in which the decision about separate want it. ! would also like to know whether the court Development Board was taken. The agitation for a matter will be discussed in that line. separate Development Board was started in Konkan SHRI S.B. CHAVAN : When I meet the Chief Minister and are still continuing with much inten~ity.
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