www.trjfas.org ISSN 1303-2712 Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 10: 323-332 (2010) DOI: 10.4194/trjfas.2010.0304 Contribution to the Knowledge on Distribution of the Aquatic Beetles (Ordo: Coleoptera) in the Western Black Sea Region and Its Environs of Turkey Esat Tarık Topkara1,*, Süleyman Balık1 1 Ege University, Fisheries Faculty, Department of Hydrobiology, 35100, Bornova, İzmir, Turkey. * Corresponding Author: Tel.: +90.232 3434000/5345; Fax: +90.232 3883685; Received 09 January 2009 E-mail: [email protected] Accepted 04 March 2010 Abstract The collected aquatic Coleoptera specimens from inland water of the Western Black Sea Region between 2002-2005 are examined. In this study, 47 taxa belonging to 9 family were determined and their distribution in Turkey are given. Twenty three of them are the first record for the study area. Keywords: Gyrinidae, Haliplidae, Noteridae, Dytiscidae, Helophoridae, Hydrophilidae, Hydrochidae, Dryopidae, Elmidae. Türkiye’nin Batı Karadeniz Bölgesi ve Civarının Sucul Koleopterlerinin (Ordo: Coleoptera) Dağılımına Katkılar Özet 2002-2005 yılları arasında Batı Karadeniz Bölgesi içsularından toplanan sucul Coleoptera örnekleri değerlendirilmiştir. Bu çalışmada, 9 familyaya ait 47 takson tespit edilmiş ve tespit edilen taksonların Türkiye’deki dağılımları verilmiştir. Tespit edilen taksonlardan yirmiüçü araştırma bölgesinden ilk kez kaydedilmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Gyrinidae, Haliplidae, Noteridae, Dytiscidae, Helophoridae, Hydrophilidae, Hydrochidae, Dryopidae, Elmidae. Introduction taxa), Hydrochidae (6 taxa), Hydraenidae (almost 200 taxa), Elmidae (28 taxa), Dryopidae (9 taxa) were The order Coleoptera is the largest order of identified (Angus, 1988, 1992; Audisio et al., 1993; insects. The species in this order are terrestrial, Balfour-Browne, 1963; Bollow, 1937; Brancucci, semiaquatic or aquatic. Water beetles can be found in 1988; Darılmaz and Kıyak, 2009a-b, 2010; Delève, a many different water habitats, it inhabits freshwater, 1963; Dettner, 1997; Erman, 2005; Erman et al., brackish and salt waters (Hansen, 1987; Nilsson and 2005, 2007; Fery and Erman, 2009; Fery and Nilsson, 1993; Gentili, 1979, 1982, 1988, 1991, 2000; Gentili Homen, 1995). Most species live in stagnant or slowly and rapid streams or pools, ponds, lakes, and Chiesa, 1975; Guéorguiev, 1981; Hájek et al., marshes, ditches, canals, brooks, rivers etc., however, 2005; Hansen, 1987; Hebauer, 1994; Hebauer and members of the Elmidae reside in rocky-bottomed Klausnitzer, 2000; Holmen, 1987; İncekara, 2008; rapid streams from high mountain (Ward, 1992). Guignot, 1947; İncekara et al., 2002, 2003, 2004, While some species have good swimmers, most 2005a-b, 2009; Jäch, 1984a-b, 1988a-b, 1989a-b, 1990, 1991a-b, 1992, 1993, 1994a-b, 1997; Jäch and of the aquatic hydrophiloids are rather poor swimmers and occur among vegetation along the shores Diaz, 2001; Jäch and Kasapoğlu, 2006; Janssens, (Hansen, 1997). 1963a-b, 1965, 1970, 1980; Kasapoğlu and Erman, Hitherto, in the systematic studies about the 2002; Kasapoğlu et al., 2006, 2010; Kıyak et al., aquatic Coleoptera on our country the members of 2006a-b, 2007; Makhan, 2005; Mart and Erman, Gyrinidae (12 taxa), Haliplidae (16 taxa), 2001; Nardi, 2001; Olmi, 1976; Toledo, 2004, 2009; Hygrobiidae (1 taxa), Noteridae (3 taxa), Dytiscidae Topkara and Balık, 2008; Vondel, 1991, 1992, 1997; (136 taxa), Helophoridae (55 taxa), Hydrophilidae (91 Vondel et al., 2006; Zaitsev, 1972). © Published by Central Fisheries Research Institute (CFRI) Trabzon, Turkey in cooperation with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Japan 324 E.T. Topkara and S. Balık / Turk. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 10: 323-332 (2010) There are many systematically, ecological and L09: Kurukavak Stream (Düzce); 40°58'37''N zoogeographical studies, by the native and foreign 31°01'52''E; 300 m; 29.06.2004. authors about the water beetles fauna of Turkey but L10: Akçakoca Stream (Akçakoca, Düzce); there is not a comprehensive study in the Western 41°05'06''N 31°06'07''E; 5 m; 30.06.2004. Black Sea Region except this work. The aim of this L11: Akınçay (Akçakoca, Düzce); 41°05'35''N study is to make a contribution to the aquatic 31°13'05''E; 10 m; 30.06.2004. Coleoptera fauna of the Western Black Sea Region. L12: Beyhanlı Stream (Akçakoca, Düzce); 41°06'03''N 31°13'05''E; 5 m; 30.06.2004. Materials and Methods L13: Değirmendere (Akçakoca, Düzce); 41°06'10''N 31°15'07''E; 5 m; 30.06.2004. All samples were collected with a view to L14: Kovukkavlak Stream (Alaplı, Zonguldak); determine on the fauna of inland waters in the 41°08'30''N 31°21'34''E; 5 m; 30.06.2004. Western Black Sea Region and its environs between L15: Salıdere (Ereğli, Zonguldak); 41°16'10''N 2002 and 2005. Specimens were sampled from 31°33'21''E; 20 m; 30.06.2004. various aquatic habitats like lake, river, pond and L16: Aydınlar Stream (Ereğli, Zonguldak); smaller pools, with either a sieve like benthos ladle or 41°14'01''N 31°36'38''E; 60 m; 30.06.2004. aquarium net having a 0.5 mm or 1 mm mesh L17: Ilıksu Stream (Zonguldak); 41°23'58''N diameter. The samples were preserved with 4% 31°41'01''E; 20 m; 30.06.2004. formalin solution in the field. Then they were dried in L18: Emir Stream (Zonguldak); 41°31'13''N Petri dishes and preserved in small sample bottles for 31°56'29''E; 20 m; 01.07.2004. storing long periods in the laboratory. L19: Göbü Stream (Zonguldak); 41°31'51''N First the samples were investigated under 31°57'23''E; 20 m; 01.07.2004. stereomicroscope to take off their aedeagus by L20: Yalnızcı Stream (Çaycuma, Zonguldak); dissecting needles. To remove the muscle tissues of 41°28'22''N 32°04'02''E; 20 m; 01.07.2004. aedeagus, they were stored for 1 to 2 hours in 10% L21: Karadere (Çaycuma, Zonguldak); NaOH solution. The above sea levels (a.s.l.) of the 41°23'08''N 32°02'26''E; 60 m; 01.07.2004. stations were mesured with equipment of GPS. L22: Gerdek Stream (Beycuma, Zonguldak); Materials have been deposited at the Museum of 41°22'01''N 31°59'54''E; 110 m; 01.07.2004. Faculty of Fisheries, Ege University, Izmir, Turkey L23: Döngeller Stream (Devrek, Zonguldak); (ESFM). 41°16'00''N 31°58'43''E; 100 m; 01.07.2004. L24: Göksu Stream (Yenişehir, Bursa); Research Area 40°16'19''N 29°46'52''E; 130 m; 16.08.2004. L25: Göynük Stream (Göynük, Bolu); The most northern end of the research area is 40°23'58''N 30°33'01''E; 380 m; 16.08.2004. starting from the east of Adapazarı to Ayancık L26: Nallıdere (Nallıhan, Ankara); 40°14'18''N (Sinop) and includes coastline of the Black Sea. 31°20'40''E; 780 m; 17.08.2004. Eastern border of the research area is Kızılırmak L27: Aladağ Stream (Seben, Bolu); 40°24'13''N River. Most southern point is Çavdarhisar (Kütahya), 31°34'28''E; 840 m; 17.08.2004. and Mahmudiye (Eskişehir), Güdül-Kızılcahamam are L28: Karaköse Stream (Bolu); 40°35'18''N on the southeastern border. In the most extreme point 31°38'02''E; 1300 m; 17.08.2004. of western there is Göksu River (Yenişehir-Bursa). L29: Ulus Stream (Ulus, Bartın); 41°31'20''N Details of the localities (locality (L), exact 32°34'04''E; 200 m; 18.08.2004. locality (provinces), coordinates, altitude, sampling L30: Ova Stream (Ulus, Bartın); 41°30'35''N dates) are below: 32°34'13''E; 200 m; 18.08.2004. L01: Karamurat Lake (Mudurnu, Bolu); 40°33'N L31: Çerkeş Stream (Çerkeş, Çankırı); 30°57'E; 700 m; 15.08.2002. 40°51'41''N 32°38'20''E; 980 m; 18.08.2004. L02: Melen Lake (Gölyaka, Düzce); 40°46'N L32: Bulak Stream (Kızılcahamam, Ankara); 31°03'E; 118 m; 14.08.2002. 40°30'05''N 32°36'44''E; 1000 m; 18.08.2004. L03: Taşkısığı Lake (Taşkısığı village, Sakarya); L33: Kocaçay (Kızılcahamam, Ankara); 40°52'N 30°24'E, 15 m; 24.06.2003. 40°25'56''N 32°39'01''E; 980 m; 18.08.2004. L04: Abant Lake (Abant, Bolu); 40°35'N L34: Bayındır Stream (Kızılcahamam, Ankara); 31°16'E; 1325 m; 25.06.2003. 40°19'21''N 32°27'53''E; 880 m; 18.08.2004. L05: Sünnet Lake (Mudurnu, Bolu); 40°25'N L35: Seydi Stream (Mahmudiye, Eskişehir); 30°57'E; 820 m; 25.06.2003. 39°30'35''N 30°59'26''E; 900 m; 19.08.2004. L06: Poyrazlar Lake (Poyrazlar, Sakarya); L36: Bardakçı Stream (Çifteler, Eskişehir); 40°50'N 30°27'E; 20 m; 24.06.2003. 39°22'49''N 31°06'37''E; 930 m; 19.08.2004. L07: Karadere (Cumayeri, Düzce); 41°53'56''N L37: Dereboğazı Stream (Kütahya); 39°10'58''N 30°52'56''E; 240 m; 29.06.2004. 29°35'36''E; 19.08.2004. L08: Bıçkı Stream (Düzce); 40°57'15''N L38: Bedir Stream (Çavdarhisar, Kütahya); 31°02'10''E; 360 m; 29.06.2004. 39°12'02''N 29°36'44''E; 620 m; 20.08.2004. E.T. Topkara and S. Balık / Turk. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 10: 323-332 (2010) 325 L39: Çamkışla Stream (Pınarbaşı, Kastamonu); (L8), 7♀♀, ESFM-INS/2004-003; (L18), 2♂♂ 2♀♀, 41°35'04''N 33°05'27''E; 620 m; 14.06.2005. ESFM-INS/2004-018; (L22), 6♂♂, ESFM-INS/2004- L40: Karafasıl Stream (Pınarbaşı, Kastamonu); 023; (L23), 1♂, ESFM-INS/2004-029: (L45), 1♂, 41°39'28''N 33°08'21''E; 360 m; 14.06.2005. ESFM-INS/2005-037; (L48), 3♀♀, ESFM-INS/2005- L41: Devrekani Stream (Pınarbaşı, Kastamonu); 041: (L49), 1♀, ESFM-INS/2005-042: (L53), 3♂♂ 41°40'08''N 33°09'40''E; 14.06.2005.
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