Irish Extra - page 9 iht' ifuk-pcntlcm student new sp-tpcr svrx mg iv iin Uamv anti sunt ffi.trx FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 198 Cuomo defends public stance on abortion issue in ND talk By THERESA GUAR1NO Cuomo once again gave his stand the areas o f life and death . In our Assistant News Editor on the abortion issue, saying w hile pluralistic society we are not re­ he is personally opposed to the quired to insist that all our religious New York Governor Mario practice, "Catholic public officials values be the law of the land." Cuomo defended his abortion take an oath to preserve the Consti­ Cuomo cited religious organiza­ public policy and explained how he tution. .. not because they love what tions that don’t share the Church’s views the relationship between reli­ others do with their freedom but be­ position on abortion, like the A m eri­ gion and politics to a packed crowd cause they realize that in guarantee­ can Lutheran Church, but work with at Washington Hall last night. ing freedom for all, they guarantee Catholics to “ realize the goals of so­ Cuomo clarified his views at the our right to be Catholics." cial justice." He defended these or­ beginning by explaining that the " The Catholic public official lives ganizations, saying "those who Catholic who holds office in a the political truth most Catholics ... endorse legalized abortions aren’t a pluralistic democracy . bears spe­ have accepted and insisted on: the ruthless, callous alliance of anti- cial responsibility. He or she un­ truth that to assure our freedom we Christians determined to overthrow dertakes to help create conditions .. must allow others the same our moral standards." . where everyone who chooses mayfreedom, even if occasionally it Cuomo also said he believes a hold beliefs different from specifi­ produces conduct by them which constitutional amendment outlaw­ cally Catholic ones- sometimes con­ we would hold to be sinful." ing abortion is not the best way to tradictory to them; where the laws Cuomo reiterated Americans are protect people’s right to divorce, to free to argue for such issues as a nu­ see CUOMO, page 6 use b irth control and even to choose clear freeze, a ban on the funding of abortion." contraceptives, and a law against Cuomo was invited to give his abortion, not because the Church or lecture, Religious Belief and Public Bishops want it, but “because the Morality A Catholic Governor's Per­ whole community, regardless of its spective," by Theology Department religious beliefs, should agree on the Chairman Father Richard McBrien. importance of protecting life." His visit to Notre Dame attracted na­ But as for his position, Cuomo tional attention because of his does not believe he is “required to recent well publicized disagree­ do everything I can as governor to ments with several Catholic bishops translate all my religious values into over the issue o f legalized abortion. the laws and regulations of the Cuomo began his visit w ith a press United States." conference in the Center for Con­ Cuomo said as a Catholic he ac­ tinuing Education for national and cepts the Church's teachings on local media, where he was intro­ abortion, but “ must I insist you do? duced by McBrien. In Washington By denying you Medicaid funding? Hall, he was preceded by Father By a constitutional amendment? Theodore Hesburgh, University Would that be the best way to avoid president, who called for a confer­ abortions?" ence on abortion to be held at Notre Cuomo cited as example, those Dante, so "m isunderstanding m ight w ho say that by history, the U.S. was he dispelled and convictions might intended to be a Christian country in he clarified ” law. But, he asked, "where would Cuomo began his speech by that leave the non-believers? And saying, "I do not speak as a theolo­ whose Christianity would be law, gian; I do not have that competence. yours or mine? This Christian na­ I do not speak as a philosopher; to tion argument should concern two suggest that 1 could, w ould he to set groups: non-Christians and thinking a new record for false pride." Christians." He defended his personal faith Cuomo spoke out against the and noted, "The Catholic Church is "manipulative invoking of religion my spiritual home My heart is there, to advance a politician or party," and The Observcr/VIc Guarlno and Pete laches and my hope." Cuomo said it is a said to suggest God favors a state re­ Above, Father Theodore Hesburgh, University presi­ M ario Cuomo addresses a packed house in Washing­ "lifelong struggle to understand his ligion o r church is dangerous. dent and Father Richard McBrien, theology depart­ ton Hall last night. Below, Cuomo fields questions faith more hilly and live it truly. But, Considering abortion, Cuomo ex­ ment chairman, listen intently as New York Governor from the audience follow ing his lecture. Story at left. he said, “applying religious belief to plained the position he is in as everyday life often presents difficult governor as “defining policies that challenges." determine other people's rights in Freshman trip to dunes New I D s not causing complaints By CHRIS WALTON spring break epidemic of students The laundry reacted positively to will go on despite conflict News S ta ff saying they lost their I.D.’s, and the new cards. In the past, custom­ giving us the name of their 21 -year- ers had to present a laundry card Upperclassmen may have been old friends," W in icu r said. each time they picked up their By TOM MOWLE dents of the opportunity to do surprised to receive their I D cards The registrar’s office says it is clothes. Now students insert their D ay C hief both." in small green cases this year, w ith taking a wait-and-see approach to I.D. cards in a machine, much like The dean said he felt the city their birthdates conspicuously ab­ the I.D.’s, adding that it has not yet those in the dining halls, which dis­ ITie Freshman Year o f Studies’ had been "very gracious" when sent. But University officials hope received any adverse student reac­ plays their laundry numbers. Accor­ trip to the Dunes w ill be held as speaking with him and seemed the new cards w ill alleviate some of tion. ding to Norm Muller, laundry scheduled Sunday. “There is no “eager to cooperate" with his of­ the nuisances that accompanied the director, the new system has cut conflict" with Mayor Roger Par­ fice. He expects future events old I D. s. Senior Bar has been, however, the down on the number of off campus ent's East Race Picnic for Fresh­ will be planned with the city, The major change in the system is source of some mild complaints students who throw their laundry in men, the Dean of the Freshman noting that his Snow Parties at that students w ill use these cards for concerning the absence of with that of on campus dorms. Year, Emil Hofman, said. Bendix Woods are already run in all four o f their years at N otre Dame. birthdates on the I.D.’s. "Obviously “ We like it," says M uller. “ It’s "A large number of students," association with the county, and To preserve the cards, the Univer­ we can no longer accept student easier for the ladies, it’s easier for the Hofman said, "are signed up to go the city helps with his shoppping sity issued them in green plastic I.D.’s as p ro o f o f age, so we ask for students. We’ve already received to the Dunes. I expect that those tours. cases, said Lori Butchko o f the d rive r’s licenses or last year’s cards, ” about 10 notes in our suggestion who don’t go may go to the The Dunes trip costs $2 per registrar’s office. “ We instituted this says Kathy Conley, Senior Bar pro­ box saying how happy the up­ mayor’s picnic ' freshman Like all Freshman Year system mainly to avoid the cost and motions manager. Machines like perclassmen are with the new I.D. Hofman said his only concern of Studies trips and events, it is hassle o f replacing student I.D.'s those in the dining halls were going system." when he heard of the trip was subsidized through donations every year,” she said. to be installed at the bar, but the Although most students now that having two events on the from former students. No money, Daniel Winicur, the new registrar, high cost, and the fact that Saint seem relatively indifferent to the same day might dilute the atten­ Hofman said, is used from the talked with other schools and found Mary’s I D. cards do not have the new I D system these sentiments dance at both and "deprive stu­ University budget for his office. a majority of them use this system. necessary magnetic strips on the may change when cards are left on "This should also help reduce the back, made that option impractical dressers at home this summer. The Observer Friday, September 14, 1984 — page 2 In Brief Green lights are no guarantee R e c o v e ry te a m s y e s te rd a y found the last of four THE ROAD — Green does not mean go. Forget what bodies of miners killed when a huge slab of rock fell on them in a coal Mrs.
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