Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 8-24-2005 The BG News August 24, 2005 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News August 24, 2005" (2005). BG News (Student Newspaper). 7462. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/7462 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. State University WEDNESDAY August 24, 2005 STILL UNDER FIRE: SUNNY Armstrong faces new HIGH: 79 LOW: 55 drug allegations; PAGE 8 www.bgnews.coni independent student press VOLUME 100 ISSUE 4 An integration of two art-forms in her mind. Music professor's If the music sounded green paintings inspired by to Assimakopoulos, then she her favorite songs would base the palette on that particular color. As an Assistant Professor of By Candice tones REPORTER flute in the College of Musical Arts, Assimakopoulos encour- Nina Assimakopoulos of the ages her students to explore all College of Musical Arts, listened forms of art to achieve a bet- to three of her favorite songs — ter understanding of the creative each for 30 hours straight — and process. then she painted them. She keeps art books on hand in Assimakopoulos used a single her music studio to help students song to inspire each of the paint- compare the two art forms ings in her series, entitled "Songs But on a personal level, she of Remembrance." considers the fusion of different The series is 19 paintings large, forms to be the most rewarding though just three of her best ones art possible. are on display in the Union next "My passion is to intergrate to the Peregrine Shop. the arts and give the audience an Her three paintings are also experience with an art form that accompanied by a CD player they probably would not oth- duct-taped to a table. erwise have," Assimakopoulos The CD player is there so view- said. ers can listen to the three songs Throughout each painting in that directly influenced her work. the series, there is a maternal and While listening to each track, feminist theme. she translated the music onto The paintings exude an aura a canvas. of motherhood, female psyche "When I hear music, I hear and the "fabric of life," said ■MBBBVBBHfBBBlfBr color." Assimakopoulos said. Assimakopoulos, noting a scrap Colleen Redmond BGNem As she listened to the music, INSPIRED ART: Wedding Song, one of the four paintings in "Songs of Remembrance" by Nina Assimakopoulos, will be on display in the Union she could see the color scheme ART, PAGE 2 art gallery until Sept. 4. Residence halls get sprucin' New dean ^ Visit Our Web site for stories about on campus construction from the summer issues. VWW.BGNEWS.COM loves students last phase marked the comple- Coats embraces move mer job at Faulkner State tion of the $3 million renova- Community College working tion project. from Auburn to BGSU for the admissions office. "Over all, everything went with confidence He then attended Faulkner pretty smooth and the improve- State for one year but decided ments were successful," to transfer to Auburn. It was By Nick Carabine there that he became a stu- Burns said. REPORTER While only at the begin- dent leader and became very ning of its renovation process, When it conies to different interested in working with on the ground and first floors of professions, certain character- campus activities and working Founders Hall look dramatically istics are needed. Hard work- with students. different. ing, honesty and integrity can "I learned a lot of things from University student Ryan all be put on top of the list. Auburn, but the most impor- Garcia said this is his third year All of these characteristics and tant thing I learned there was living in Founders and it is, by many more apply to Jeff Coats, to treat others the way that you far, the best it's ever looked. Associate Dean of Students. want to be treated," he said, "The front lobby looks so much "I'm pretty much an open "and to always be yourself." PatOorsmin BGNem better," Garcia said. "Because of book," said Coats. "I don't real- Coats is now settled into his NEW LOOK: Railings in Founders are painted, wood floors are new, and mailboxes (right) are pristine. the new lighting and paint, it ly have any secrets, I am what new position at the University looks much more open and wel- you see." and is very excited about this What people will see is the completed this August. "Until now, the dorms only coming." upcoming year. He will be Offenhauer Towers Garcia added that the renova- brand new Associate Dean of in charge of the UAO, dance The third phase of had fixed windows that couldn't Students this year. Coats just and Founders Hall get Offenhauer's renovations, be opened. Now the rooms have tions go beyond being just aes- marathons, some student thetically pleasing. moved to Bowling community ser- a summer makeover which began on May 9, included operable or slider windows so Green two weeks improvements on the elevator the students have more con- "The improvements made "Bowling vice and many of show the students that the ago from Auburn, the major events cabs and air conditioning sys- trol over room temperature," Alabama. By Laura Coins tem, as well as painting and Burns said. University cares about our living Green has such as homecom- SENIOR REPORTER So why did he patching in the dorm rooms. Burns said the renovations conditions and wants them to a fantastic ing and concerts. Renovations on the Offenhauer up-to-date and modern," Garcia leave Alabama Homecoming Tim Burns, Senior Project took place because the tow- where it is sunny towers and the first part of Manager, said they also updated ers are over 30 years old and academic will be one of the Founders Hall remodeling were and warm to move biggest events of the windows. upgrades were needed. This RENOVATION, PAGE 2 program." to Bowling Green the year. The week- with inconsistent end will include a weather patterns lip sync contest, a and brutal winters? IEFF COATS. ASS0C pep rally, a concert "Bowling Green DEAN OF STUDENTS and the football Swiping eases Student Rec Center walk-in has a fantastic aca- team will play host demic program." to Temple. New software system front desk checking IDs for vali- Dr. Coats said. "I saw the job Coats looks forward to dation stickers by hand. advertisement and with my accepting all the challenges that has many benefits for "It makes the job easier for prior experiences 1 saw a great will be thrown at him this year. students, employees our employees," said Tom opportunity. I am really excit- "Right now 1 am just observ- Wright, Assistant director of SRC ed to be here." ing a lot of things, but so far Operations. Coats many prior experi- By Miranda Bond I have learned a lot" said Dr. MANAGING E0IT0R Before the new method, there ences include working sev- Coats. "I really look forward eral years for different cam- Since its implementation in were a lot of problems with vali- to working with the students dation stickers — students would pus activities and leadership and faculty." February, a new software programs at Auburn. He also program being used by the often forget to place them on the "I 'vc already met a lot of new back of their cards. worked with Greek life. people and everyone has been Department of Recreational The new swipe entry has also He received his Doctorate Sports has made their staffs so nice." Dr Coats said. eliminated the possibility of stu- in Administration of Higher Dr. Wanda Overland, the jobs more efficient. dents creating fake validation Education at Auburn. The biggest effect of the Dean of Students, said that stickers for the back of their IDs, Coats grew up in a small Coats will be a great addition new system that students may town called Bay Minette, notice is the requirement to which allowed them to enter the and is committed to student SRC illegally. Alabama where he lived with success. swipe their student ID to enter his parents, his grandmoth- the Student Recreation Center. With the elimination of these "I am absolutely thrilled he lanniBotbtl BGNem er and his sister. He first got This method replaced the old discrepancies students can enter had chosen to come to BG," SWIPERS: Entry to the Rec Center has been done with by card-swiping interested in his current line practice of employees at the SWIPE, PAGE 2 since February 2005. Before the card's photo was checked manually. of work when he had a sum- COATS, PAGE 2 FOUR-DAY FORECAST THURSDAY SUNDAY The four-day forecast is taken Mostly High:82" .iNJiijiM^ T-Storms High: 83" Sunny Low: 59" Low:62- from weather.com <:fi FOR AUTO 2 Wednesday. August 24.2005 WWW.BGNEWS.COM Professor C Fire safety uses artwork TLL GIVE YOU TWO BUCKS" kept in mind in classroom for res. halls ART, FROM PAGE 1 MAKEOVER FROM PAGE 1 of fabric in one of the paintings. said. While painting a picture of a According to Project Manager statue, a piece of the structure Ryan Miller, the improvements broke off.
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