Fifth War Loan Canning Fair Buy a Bond Today SUMMIT GERALD June 21. 28, 29 S6tb UAR, HO. i THURSDAY| JUNE 15, I 944 $i A CEN1S • Large Savings New Pastor ef Odkes J Rev. Nevie Cutlip Red Raver, Red Rover, We Dare ¥&*i To Come Over They Are In and Over France For Post-War Accepts Pastorate Let Us Go Over With a Bang! \Y. I<>iit(>n JuhuMuih cJiiuiiiiaii of tit*-. "TiHh War \/mi t Summit Buying iOfOakes Memorial Drive"' ls»r Summit, N'ew I'ri.uiluicc Bor<His;lt ami &v.\y Members of the Summit Coun- The Rev. Ntvie Cuilip who had Providence 1'.)\Mishi|* i«'[furl> a (|ui(-kfiif <i hitin>t in this cil (if Social Agencies learned a just In en icunncd to tup Asbury campaign uut* of etiurse to ttie iit'^iuniit;;' u! list* Invasion great deal about, pusl-war plan- and l)KUi:i.son AK-lhodisi. ( iiurchi s : of Kui'OjM'. The ii!i|K)^sili)i> lia> bcto at i-fiiiijihsiu ii so l;;r i.ing and cily planning at the an- cm SLiioi, i.sjand lor the fifth j ami while t lie j^oinj,' may ha\e Kern less <!il'ii< nil t ha ti an- y<a:, has aci ci'icil the call of: nual meeting Monday evening at iicipateil, (here is Iui>s> Siurd fi£!itiiis> alscati. us we nil kitm,', jt Lincoln School when, following a the '(Ki.slii: al relations conmiiitee j of OiiUcs Memorial Church. He | and our men will need all 11u> eix-onia:;, JIM-HI ami Iwhinsr brief business .session and t.he 1 rieclion of officers, the meeting moved 11) the parsonage on Tucs- ! ihiii we at liona can tive tlis-iu. was turned over ^to F'red L. day and will preach his fun. scr- ; Ml .1 - Palmer, chairman of the, Jjummit inoii next Sunday, Hi- sue ceds Tost-Wat- Planning Committee. the Rev. Norman P, Champlin, j <$ Members of the Committee and of retired. j CIBA Co. Makes •mil various organisations making Mr. C'inlip is a gradu'Ue of i post-war studies for the Commit- West Virginia Wcsleyan College | ! Big Purchase H I'! tee spoke. In addition E. P. and Drew Seminary.' Before go- i iii !,J ing lo the Travis church he was ! sll o\ ci tiie mvii ;UH .lulll: Goodrich whose organization is r making a basic study of Summit pastor of the Denville. J\ . J., j : In Fifth War Loan u ill I • for the Planning Board of the City KEV. NKVIK CUTUP Community Methodist Church. | I The Summit WM- Kuiajuc I'IKII- port(-il ev< i\*\v lit : c. of Summit was called on. who has accepted the call to the i He has been a memticr of the j j big' bond piwi-haso in t,ic "Kitih Here are some of the things of Oakes Memorial Newark Conference secretarial i mil W'p has an no illice d thai. ; lie fir.s; : hat I> in ii'I .1. ' iiimai tin, • tin ii ci pastorate 1 1 delegates to the Council, who Church. staff for ir> years; he ha.s served I War Loan Drive' annum; in;: lo '!la il iii.in (H (hi ;^uninn! W a : filled the auditorium, were told: on the executive committee rep- • $VJfi.Uui) has amir from Hie (MKL Khian< c ('oininiiti c, who w ir. Maxwell Lester. Jr., reporting resenting the Methodist pastors ' •• Cnmptiiiy unit ha.s helped matrital- f oi ecd lo nNi:;ii in !-ii pi emliiT at on the study of service men and in the action of the Staten Is- i ly 11) {.'.ol the loc.il drive oil' to :i lll-l.'l bciair o of ill 'hciH 11, i.s imw women made by a committee of Summit People land Clerical League, and dur- ! fine start. al)le Uf take part in the cuiitiit drive and i.-> arlin;; as Captain of the Defense Council on behalf of ing" hi.s entire residence there ho j In discussing further phi us for the Hr-sideiilial Seetiiin "A,'1 norniii lly the Post-War Planning Commit- was the secretary of rjhe Staten j s up port of the drive, an ()ili< • i;i 1 headed by \V. A. Kincud, SuperMi- tee, said an analysis of some 2,000 Rush to Obey Island Methodist Clergy group. I nf t hr Ciba Company has advi:--e<l lendt'iil of Schools. Mr. Kinrairt cards was in progress. A very the committee that the employees and hi.s large coi]is of volunteer high percentage of men liave in- HERE'S ALL YOU DO! nft lie company have undertaken to Blackout Siren workers anions the Suinmit (-'u-biiol. dicated that they do not want to buy an amphibian truck costing A statewide test air raid blacked Salvage Collection i - teachers are unable to canva.ss the 1) Come towards our lines waving a white flafe! $8,l! i .'). The bond purchases for this return to the kind of work they out Summit Thursday niglit in a .section in this drive Iwau.so of triK-k will he in addition to Hie were doing before the war. matter of, moments as invasion the ending of the school season. Mr. 2) Strap your gun over your left regular monthly purchases of War Lawrence J. MacGregor, speak- conscious people rushed to comply Sets a Hew Record (iilmartin with his charncteristic ing as president of the Summit with the siren's shrill order in muzzle down and pointed behind you. Bonds by the employees. vigor has, with the aid of some of Jf Clearing House Association, which what, Defense Council officials Tin: (.'iba OIHcial in forcrasl iii;^ the teachers remaining in town, is making a study of local re- said, was one of the best ^drills For Tonnage & Time a siicre.--sful outcome for Ihix Spe- built an almost entirely new or- Last Sunday the waste paper 3) Show this ticket to the sentry. sources in order to estimate how ever conducted here. cial Campaign, points out that in ganization in this district. and tin can collection on the north much Summit people may have to The man of the street, while the "Fourth War Loan Drive" Hit! aide was outstanding in many re- 4) Any number of you may surrender with The (.'oinniill.ee ha.s al.so reported spend in the post-war world sail questioning the need for black- employees look on a quota of S7,- spects. The bundles were well I h at the War Hond Booth on that published figures indicate outs with the invasion underway, one ticket. 50(1 to buy one Seoul, far and ac- prepared, evidencing splendid co- 1 avenue, which i.s boni£~ * Summit, despite very large pur- took the test seriously, Summit I ually turned in n +ot;i] of pvt'r J 15. operation between householders sl!lffeJ 1 chases of war bonds and very peopln couldn't see much chance 000, •enouRh-siibsei'i])tions lo euv-r! "" ""K' ""'- the drive by anil the Junior High School Sal- various women's oi;;anizations''iii)- high taxes, has very substantially for an enemy raid J hese days with | JAPANESE ARMY HEADQUARTERS the cost of two ears. 'vage Corps. The Coop supplied ilnr the direction of Mrs. (..'. pliillii) increased its savings accounts t|>e Nazi Luftwaffe unable to stop manpower (both boys and girls) Dean of .110 Woodland avenue, has Summit savings have increased the invasion armada but they suw Missing Over France to loud the city trucks and to i already accounted for many sales some $8,500,000 since 1941 he said the need to impress everyone with transfer bundles from these to the ii ft of bonds. The Catholic Women's' Gilbert' Baker, chairman of a the fact the war wasn't over, «"• large trucks that deliver the pa- Organizations, who are taking the committee of the Chamber of Com- Others looked on the test a.s a per to the mills in Whippany. booth for this week have reported merce which ia making a study means of keeping the air raid per- sales for one day amounting to of the probable post-war employ' sonnel intact and ou their toes. About 25 tons of paper was picked up and reloaded in a mat- $7,000 in Bonds in addition to tho inent needs of Summit industrial The blackout, arranged by the ter of four hours, which is two War Stamps they have sold. and commercial enterprises, an- State Defense Council with the ap- to four hours quicker than usual. Bonds may be pimiuued at this nounced that a study of the indus- proval of the Al'my. came a.s a trial organizations was well start- Lemonade and pretzils were booth on every weekdav fins i'-.i j complete surprcie. tn most people -.i. Pacific wishing | yetti's Mr. Travis' guide in the Cat skills. the ii• ive, xs \U:I1 aw "ijjbtiotn niovit .; (Continue, on Page 9) : supplied by the Junior Canteen of American soldier.s in hbb ^J^;.,'d-almosB 'dltt the Coop, to 'surrender to the Japanese forces may do so by The original of this par.s i.s highly colored and houses whenever they n:e one;]. instinctively and within a matter The spirit and enthusiasm of the using |jie "Surrender Pass" shown above. This is is printed on a poor quality paper. This reproduc- of moments U&ht? were going out boys and girls of trie Coop spurred reproduced froin the original which is in the pos- tion increases the size by one half inch in the depth everywhere.
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