“Home of the Pros” Official Publication of the Detroit Federation of Musicians – Local 5, AFM, AFL-CIO Volume 76, Number 3 3rd Quarter 2013 Looking Back, Moving Ahead ummertime and the living is easy....” “Hot time, sum- continued membership and support. We also thank all of Smer in the city, back of my neck gettin’ dirty and grit- those who contributed, planned, attended and worked at ty....” Whichever lyric strikes your fancy to inspire moods, our annual party and congratulate those who received 30- memories and feelings of the season, 50 and above status. One of the nicest “summer’s here and the time is right The Music Stand perks of being president of this Local is having the privilege of marking these for dancing in the streets.” Our mem- by bers will be out there providing the mu- George milestones with many of you that I have sic – whether it’s Gershwin, The Lovin’ Troia, Jr. played with and known most of my life. Spoonful or Martha Reeves, who by the Local 5 Many of you have told me you were way we will be honoring on September President honored that I presented these awards, 6 at the InAccord Awards. If you haven’t but the truth is, the honor is mine. Many already, please come out and hear our people perform at thanks to Ray Riggs for photographing the event. We can the many outdoor venues and festivals taking place all over email photos to you, or we can send you a printed copy. our metro area. Having been involved in many projects Congratulations again and “keep on keepin’ on”! myself, I would like to update you on all the events going DSO, MOT Season Finales on in Local 5. In this column, I will report on the 30-50 Our Detroit Symphony began its season finale with a Year Party and season-ending concerts. I would also like to Carnegie Hall appearance as part of the Spring for Mu- comment on a few Local 5 passings and chime in on the sic Festival. The orchestra performed two distinct pro- Local 5 budget-balancing discussion. grams Thursday and Friday nights, and also offered a pre- Thirty/Fifty-Year Party view performance in Detroit before leaving for New York, It is always a pleasure to thank all of our members for your continued on page 2 Links to What’s in This Issue Our Advertisers WindWords . 3 Comedy Corner . 22 These fine folks helped bring you this Member Survey . 5 Local 5 Support Line . 22 issue of Keynote . Your support will assure their continued advertising . About eBilling Notification . 5 Welcome, New Members . 23 Bugs Beddow . 28 Music Matters . 6 DFM Referral Gigs . 23 Dave Hunt Jazz . 7 Board Meeting Minutes . 8-12 Member Directory Changes . 24-25 Johnny Rodriguez . 9 Obtaining a Membership Directory . 12 Tempo Contributions . 24 Kim Hawes, Realtor . 25 MusiCares Dental Clinic Info . 13 Closing Chord . 26 WSU Music Department . 11 30/50-Year Party Photos . 14-15 Classified Advertisement . 27 AFM National Locals Comparison . 16 Warning to Vets . 27 Two New Local 5 Resolutions . 17 MusiCares for Music People . 27 MOST IMPORTANT Labor Day Parade Info . 17 Detroit Musicians Fund Gifts . 27 Semi-annual Local 5 Group Emails . 18-19 Calendar of Local 5 Events . 28 Membership Meeting Member Newsline . 20-21 30/50-Year Party Bonus Photos . 28-29. Monday, October 21, 2013, 7 pm The Music Stand, continued from page 1 Keynote which I had a chance to take in. This for the first act. The performance was performance featured symphonies by so good I stayed until the very end. Editor George Troia, Jr . Charles Ives and Kurt Weill’s Seven The production was outstanding in Managing Editor Deadly Sins. every way. Bravo to our musicians in Susan Barna Ayoub The preview performance was the pit as well as those on stage. There Graphic Designer was not a weak voice in the cast and Virginia L . Hunt excellent; several of the reviews and Printed by program notes of the New York the staging and sets were world-class. Messenger Printing Service performance described the second Passings Published by movement of the Ives First Sympho- Detroit Federation of Musicians We note passings in the Keynote, but I ny as reminiscent of Dvorak’s “New Local 5, would like to share some thoughts on American Federation of Musicians World,” citing the English horn solo two this quarter as well as a correc- Keynote Ad Rates in the second movement. None of Full page $225 .00 tion from my last “Music Stand.” By them, however, mentioned how ex- 2/3 page $155 .00 now, most of you know of the pass- 1/2 page $120 .00 ceptionally it was played by our new ing of David Zauder, retired trum- 1/3 page $80 .00 English hornist, Monica Fosnaugh, 1/4 page $60 .00 pet player and personnel manager of whose gorgeous sound and interpre- 1/6 page $40 .00 the Cleveland Symphony Orchestra. 1/8 page $30 .00 tation were a real treat. Mentioning I had the pleasure of working with 25% discount to members gorgeous sounds, welcome to new All ads must be union compliant. Dave, as many of us did, on Dr. Leon- first trumpet, Hunter Eberly, who Call for rate card and full details . ard Smith’s project of recording all also was noticeably outstanding. Su- Materials deadlines: January 15, of the marches by John Philip Sousa. April 15, July 15, October 15 san Storm Large performed both David’s daughter, Karen Zauder Brass, Anna roles in Kurt Weill’s Seven Dead- LOCAL 5 COMMITTEES has written an excellent book about ly Sins with what I thought was quite Community Orchestra Committee: Dave and her relationship with him a refreshingly unique interpretation. Doug Bayne; Dennis Carter II; Michael entitled I Am a Standupster, published McGillivray; Michael McGowan It brought back personal memories DSO Negotiating Committee: by Standupster-Author House, which of performing this piece with Cleo Karl Pituch, chairman; Bryan Kennedy; tells both of their stories based on his Laine and her husband, John Dank- Peter McCaffrey; Robert Stiles; survival of the Holocaust and the im- Kenneth Thompkins worth, at the Music Hall years ago. portance of taking a stand. Dave joined DSO Orchestra Committee: Congratulations to the DSO Or- Laurence Liberson, chairman; Ethan Local 5 in 1955 and was a member chestra Negotiating Committee – Joe Allen; Bryan Kennedy; Dennis Nulty; until his death. He was also a member Robert Stiles Goldman, Hayden McCay, Craig of locals in Cleveland (4), New York Keynote Committee: Rifel, Karl Pituch and Marian Tenau David Denniston; Alonza McKenzie; City (802) and Denver (20-623). – for their hard work in bringing George Troia; Susan Barna Ayoub Violist David Schwartz (1916- Local 5 Development Committee: home a fully executed DSO agree- 2013) also passed. He joined Local 5 George Troia; Susan Barna Ayoub; ment! Arrangements are in process for David Denniston; Alonza McKenzie; in 1933 and remained a member un- the first printed version in six years. Paul Onachuk til his death, though he relocated to MOT Orchestra Committee: Our Michigan Opera Theater end- Southern California years ago, where Greg Near, chairman; Carrie Banfield, ed their season with a magnificent vice president; Bill King, treasurer; he was also a member of Local 47 version of Verdi’s Aida. I happened to Beth Kirton, ROPA delegate; Charlotte in Los Angeles. We will miss both of Merkerson, secretary; Andrew Pelletier, be downtown for three labor-related them, but are very proud of the legacy member at large; Robert Reed, union meetings, but thought I should at least steward and stature they gave us as members. attend the performance even if only continued on page 4 2 || Keynote || to present this very special event! AFM Convention AFM Local 5 by Susan Did you notice that this issue is a little “Home of the Pros” Barna Ayoub, later than usual? That’s because Presi- President Local 5 dent Troia, Alternate Delegate Mike George Troia, Jr ., ext . 1 Secretary- McGowan and I were attending the pres@detroitmusicians .net Treasurer Vice President 99th AFM Convention that took Douglas Cornelsen place in Las Vegas and just returned. It dcl2dso@sbcglobal .net elcome to this summer’s issue Secretary-Treasurer was a groundbreaking convention in Susan Barna Ayoub, ext . 3 Wof the Keynote! Of course, this many respects. The triennial Conven- sec-tres@detroitmusicians .net is your primary source of Local 5 info. tion elects international officers, pass- Executive Board Robert Conway However, between issues, those of es legislation amending the bylaws David Denniston you for whom we do not have email Robert Lymperis that govern the AFM, and exercises Alonza McKenzie addresses do not receive the group oversight of just about everything, in- Paul N . Onachuk emails we send out to keep members cluding work dues, membership dues A.F. of M. Convention Delegate Gordon Stump up to date on a variety of topics, in- and rules that affect members and lo- Michael McGowan – Alternate cluding timely death announcements, cals. The overarching, positive themes President Emeritus Gordon Stump member illnesses, surgeries and con- of the need to organize, the need to Secretary-Treasurer Emeritus valescence, student concerto com- move forward and the need to help Byron X . Taylor petitions, audition announcements, Assistant to the President musicians know their own power Mary Johnstone, ext . 5 birthdays, political rallies, member were contagious. mary@detroitmusicians .net gigs, marches and fundraisers. Membership Administration On a personal note: I am a member Membership, ext . 6 & 0 Information from a few of these of the AFM Diversity Committee and local5@detroitmusicians .net email blasts that have been sent out helped co-chair a Women’s Caucus – DME Referral Agent Referral Agent, ext .
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