1918. OONGRESSION~t\_L l{ECORD-SEN~t\..TE. 506f Also. a bill (Jl. ll. 11417) granting an increa~e of pen ion to By 1\Ir. STBE~"EHSO~: Petition of Ella D. Nichol on. seer~ Eli Brainard; to the Committee on Inva1id Pensions. tary \\·omurJ's Club, Thief River Falls, 1\Iinn., agninst use of lly 1\lr. HELVEHING: A bill (H. R. 11418) granting an in­ national parks for grazing purposes; to the Committee on the crease of penc;;ion to George W. Smith; to the Committee on Public Lands. ln>a1id Pen"'ions. By 1\Ir. 'l'B~IPLE: Petition of Young '\"omen's l\Iis:;:ionary By 1\Ir. HULL of Iowa: A bill (H. n. 11419) for the relief Society of First United Presbyterian Churcn, 1\IcDonald, Pa.. fa­ of George A. Smith; to the Committ e on War Claims. voring national prohibition; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By 1\lr. KEARNS: A bill (II. R. 11420) granting an incrense of By l\Jr. 'l'IL:::;ox: Petition of Military Order of Foreign Wars pen ion to LeYi W. Short; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. of the United States, in fuvor {)f permitting the .:;oltliet·~ nod By Mr. McLEl\lOHE: A bill (H. H. 11421) granting a pen~ion sailors of the United States to recei\·e decorations given by our to Otilia P. Smythe; to the Committee on Pensions. allies; to the Committee. on 1\rilitary Affairs. By 1\lr. REED: A bill (H. H. 11422) granting an increase of pension to William n. Dunlop; to the Committee on Jnyalid Pen. ions. SENATE. Also, a bill (H. R. 11423) granting a pension to ~ancy J. Clark; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. SATURDAY, April13, 1918. By Mr. SNYDER: A bill (H. lt. 11424) granting a pension to The Chaplain, Rev. Forrest J. Prettyman, D. D., offerecl tbe Belle S. Robinson; to tbe Committee on I1walid Pen ions. fol1owing prayer: By 1\Ir. STEAGALL: A bill (H. ll. 11425) grunting an in­ Almighty God. the comradeship of service hrings us very close ~ . crease of pension to "William Goodwin; to the Committee on together in this tragic life of ours. To-day as WE' meet with the 4 :Invalid Pemdons. notice of the passin~ of one of the honoretl l\lemhE>rs of the By Ur. STRONG: A bill (H. R. 11426) granting an increase Senate our heurts are saddened. 'Ve thank Thee fo1· his life of pension to Levi Lindenmuth ; to the Committee on Invalid and for his public service. We bless Thee that he has lived Pensions. among us, bearing in a·ll the years the white flower of a stain­ By 1\lr. VESTAL: A bill (H. R. 11427) granting an increase of le s life. Thou hast called him to the re\\'ar<l of the great ])en ion to John Stout; to the Committee on Invaliu Pensions. beyond. Let Tby ble . ing rest upon us as we cherish his memory By 1\lr. WILSO.:. · of Louisiana: A bill (H. R. 11428) granting and help us to emulate all his virtues. an increase of pension to M.ary E. Wainwright; to the Commit­ And now, 0 God. as \Ve have come this <lhy to the greatest tee on Pensions. crisis in our .1: 'ation's history, and in the l1istory of the world, we pray Thee to make bare Thine arm to save. For Christ's PETITIONS, ETC. sake. Amen. Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, petitions and papers were laid 'l'he VICE PRESIDENT resume<lihe chair. The Secretary procee(led to read the .Toumal of yesterday's on the Clerk's de.'k and referred as follows: By 1\Ir. CARY: Petitions of sundry citizens of Chicago, Ill., proceedin.~. when, on request of 1\Ir. RANSOELr. and by unani­ mous consent, the further reading was dispensed with and the relntin~ to payment of income and exce s-profits taxes; to the Corumittf'e on Ways and l\leans. Journal was approYed. AI o, petition of Fonu clu Lac (Wis.) Woman's Club. against DEATH OF SENATOR BROUSSARD. increase in secona-cla.ss postage; to the Committee on Ways and 1\lr. R..-<\1\--sDELL. l\1r. President, it is with profound sorrow Means. that I announce to the Senate the death of m~· late .eolleague, By Mr. DALE of New York: Petition of faculty of Lake Erie Senator BRoussARD, who died at hi home in ~ew Iberia, Ltl., Colle~e. of Pame ·ville, Ohio, ngainst increase in second-class at 8.30 last night, after a long and Yery painful illness. postage; to the Committee on Way and 1\1t'ans. · I shall not attempt to say anything about the late Senator By l\1r. DOOLING: Petition of New York State Ice Manufac­ at thi moment. but at a later time I shall ask the Senate to turers' ARsociation, against increase in second-class postage; to set aside some hour at which fitting testimonials may be paid the Committee on Ways and Means. to the memory anti public services of· my <lecea:-;(>(} colleague. By 1\lr. CLASSON: Petition of J. B. Steele, publicity chair­ 1\Ir. ·President, I sentl to the desk the following resolutions man, liberty-loan committee, relative to sub~cripti{}n for liberty and ask for their adoption. loan in Outagarnie County, Wis.; to the Committee on Banking The resolutions ( S. Res. 224) were Tead, consirlereu by unani­ and Currencv. mous consent, and unanimously agreed to, us follows: By I\Ir. GlUEST: l\Iemorial of T.ancaster (Pa.) Clearing House lU>solved., That thP Senate has beard with profound ~orl'OW of the Association, relative to payn1ent of income a'nd excess-profits death of the Hun. ROBERT F. BROUSSAllD, late a Senator from the State of Louisiana. taxes; to the Committee on Ways anu 1\Ieans. Ues,,z.r:ed~ That a committee of eigbt Sf'nators be appointed by the By Mr. GUIFlf'IN: Memorial of The Bronx Board of Trade, Vice Presiuent to take order for superintending the funeral ot Mr. New York City, favoring pneumatic-tube mail service; to the BnoussAJID, to be held in tb<' city of Kew Iberia, La. Resul11ed, That the l:::iee:retary communicate these_ resolutions to the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roalls. .Hou e of ReprPsf'ntatives. · By Mr .•TOHNSON of Washington: 1\Iemorial of Northwestern The VICE PHESIDENT appointed under the ~econd reRolu7 Typographical Conference. opposing the admission of oriental tion, as the committee on ·the part of the Senate, Mr. H.ANSDF.LL, labor into the United States; to the Committee on Immigration Mr. V ARDA:UAN. Mr. KnmY. ~Ir. Krxo, 1\Ir. THoMPSON, Mr. SuTH­ anu Naturalization. ERLAND, l\1r. MYERs, and Mr. SHA.FROTH. By Mr. LUNDEEN: Petition of the repre entath-es of the Mr. R.Al~SDELL. :i\Ir. President, as a further mark of respect buil<ling industry of the State of l\linne. ota, Iowa, Nehraska, to the inemory of the deceased Senator, I move that the Senate Missoru·i., Kru1sas, South Dakota, North Dakota, Iniliana. Illi­ do now adjourn. nois, and WJ consin. requerun~ that a repre entative from the The motion was unanimously agreed to; an<l (at 12 o'clock and States mentioneu above be nppointed to serve upon the war 5 minutes p. m.) the Semite adjourned until 1\Ionday, April 15, emergency construction board; to the Committee on l\Iilitary 191:8, at 12 o'clock meridian. Affairs. Al o, petition of Machinist Helpers' Lodge, No. 959, l\1inneap­ olis, Minn., asking that Ferleral control of railroads be given a fair trial before return of roads into pri>n.te hands: nlFlo. nsking HOUSE OF REPRESEXTATIVES. that no definite tilDe be Ret for return of rmblic roads back to SATURDAY, April13, 1918. primte capital; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. The House met at 12 o'clock noon. By Mr. McARTHUR: Petitions of Linn County Pomona The Chaplain, Hev. Henry N. Couden, D. D., offered the -:fol­ Grange, favoring prohibition during the wru·; to the Committee lowing prayer : on the .Judiciary. Infinite Spirit, Father Soul, a living, vitalizing pre:;:ence, ever Also, petition of Linn County Pomona Grange, favoring law working in Ullll through the minds and hearts of the Rusceptible, conscripting wenlth; to the Committee on tbe Judiciary. for the larger life and grander acllieYements, thut human hap­ By Mr. .UAKEH: Petitions of Goodyear !tubber Co., Weir piness may be a<]yanced. Fancy Goods Co., Frank B. Peterson Co., Cardinell-Vineent Co., But alas, for tile verversity of human nature anil the wiUfnl­ anu Newbauer Bros., all of San Francisco, Cal., urging support ness of men, we staml before Thee abnsbed anfl humiliatf'<l at of Senate bill 3962, relative to payment of income and e.::;:cess­ t11e awfu1 spectacle presented by the world in the terrible tragedy pro:fits taxes; to the Committee on Ways and Means. through which we are passing; brought ubout by the machina­ By Mr. RAJ.'fl)ALL: Memorial of Owensmouth \Cal.) Cham­ tions, cunning, anu evil designs of comparatively few, who ber of Commerce, indorsing employment in agricultural pursuits would change the course of human eyents un<l subject mankind o.f prisoners of ww ; to the Committee on Military Affairs. to the barbarous methods of militarism and .autocracy. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE. APRIL 13 5062 ' Intervene, we beseech Thee, with all the force of Thy holy the work ;:equiretl. Some department ..Jeads- complained that the work of tbell· departments was berng interfered with by the enforcement of influence; confound the enemies .of civilization and give success this rule.
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