bM-­ SB BRAMPTON Corporate Services brampton.ca FlOWef City Council and Administrative Services Request for Delegation Attention: City Clerk's Office, City of Brampton COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL 2 Wellington Street West, Brampton ON L6Y 4R2 Email: [email protected] www.brampton.ca date: Uorch 5 / 2fl!jfc Phone: (905) 874-2100 Fax: (905) 874-2119 Meeting: City Council Planning, Design and Development Committee V Committee of Council Other: Meeting Date Requested: Marcn 5th> 2014 Agenda Item (if applicable):. Name of Individual(s): Bart Danko Position/Title: JD/MES Candidate 2014, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University Organization/Person being Represented: Full Address for Contact: Email/ Telephone No. Fax No. To present research on green roofs and green roofing policy to various policy bodies Subject Matter to within the City of Brampton in the hope that Council as well as City staff be informed of and implement a green roof policy in Brampton. be Discussed It is recommended that Brampton commit to actively encourage a green roof policy in Brampton in two immediate forms: 1) Mandating green roofs on all new City buildings 2) Action Requested Fast-tracking City processes for construction involving green roofs, followed by further recommendations as outlined in the attached presentation. Attach additional page if required Iam submitting a formal presentation to accompany my delegation: s/_ Yes No I will require the following audio-visual equipment/software for my presentation: Computer Notebook DVD Player V_ PowerPoint Other - please specify Note: Delegates are requested to provide to the City Clerk's Office well in advance of the meeting date: (i) 30 copies of all background material and/or presentations for publication with the meeting agenda and/or distribution at the meeting, and (ii) for PowerPoint and other visual presentations, an electronic copy of the presentation (e.g., DVD, CD, .ppt file) to ensure compatibility with corporate equipment. Once the above information is received by the City Clerk's Office, you will be contacted by a Legislative Coordinator to confirm your placement on the appropriate agenda. Personal information on this form is collected under authority of the Municipal Act, SO 2001, c.25 and/or the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.13 and will be used in the preparation of the applicable council/committee agenda and will be attached to that agenda. Questions about the collection of personal information should be directed to the Deputy City Clerk, Council and Administrative Services, 2 Wellington Street West, Brampton, Ontario, L6Y 4R2, tel. 905-874-2115. Lassonde Building York University TERRA COM B.Sc (Hons) 7MES Candidate 2014 Osgoode Hall Law School Faculty of Environmental Studies York Universit 647 707 9660 rtosz.danko® osgoode.yqrku.ca ItfcNHY. WiV«U««.C>(xl»»*i;c»LvUA>«[Ul)(>ksiA'l\liH.o;*M*NJr; WMIHUuHOUHHEMMUMMn . Atqmva,nooajaor Awnto iHu«a«ash«kahdt^mob, vas, cno&, WJIKIHVNWII,: MHfKUtKKCT K , leojrrmswi irs!Hi«!M-. A»trnf3iis<«x»f*Bi0B*«un»wlR»Tne»«mn^ cr»*nHvrr»iMAtr«».'tiwnr: i l<ja»ia(XIiii^VaVb£CI^lU;A«3n]ISBa^mUWai}U»£CXNII.tI)!CRI£A^ NCmi£.\Ur&ltSWlirNaP.[fflr. 3rd Annual OLHiiKK»Bi^BniEcajaLacut\siMuiraixBEiaoGu^TT,o«t*L CWIN«lH.-mSlt-3WJ.!J/M " ntsfaSrXWcKAMXJGCTxraEArcBKXi^ oxiYuk. (Q)VMwiM»wctt. I IEIAMU.K*I>IM I a tenon;clmomor is woor a*hmdou,am>cranascutMintemu am> iw»i;ini • D.nsnir-wvM'B^rR • Focus on Sustainabi Iity tMX(r)NS^AaTrEKXSSUCEWOlSa*MKni*>ra,t^ WXDCRUrNIK*v\: ooccAM)LAMUMD^M)nEA¥ousYoa!atnuM^^ nr.atcnai,DRitaT!'rrro.«aiu iiErK\4u:cniJwrawoa)rrvN»srawiKX]i!v^^ ^11 mi: i : i- •:: is own itemwuxs rats 3 ski him. kmst, s*tc at coax* (sue) a tAOiSAMMlMJ*: Film Festival MSIUSUt AM) a OIHK IllME r* BE »E KK5T, It) fllH: WD VMJC KJOBUf WXlE(H).V>rUtS > I *aiao«imi»CTfxi0Ktov«Dtw.aTa*iWHMsr.ntMB<mm U 03*. HOE OR JLSTOWS CI TIE KMST, UCN ACOM* SIMVOA INEB 110m PUWItilMtNrKKINWMlhinj MUWB)nBCCSAreai€IBK>^SVOTfR(aMa^lOWICATIW FJCT.irKTIF.CMIiM7':W.W' W ' CDMWtfCTrl FO5Si:P)Al.'»AIlVSCaSVttl0l WWWOK57H) * KrCRONIDaR CAJOTSilH uai,UiBiKrcfcHNcutiader,ura.cummnraei Cucmids3i*u.JCira6>raiEE . - . LsecHsna iMiH> thss*iia: aaunktcwous(4)Axk&er,sekkhbjs, BBtMJBJSUMIB I«K^ WES. SWOMi MWS AM) 12 pm-STAND * HSKUB6 WO H*S MCUE W1J*. foasisswi.HwnfwiiEiw.EAsnEy r i ^ ~m ~m m 2 pm - Shorts (r»row«hbre. mo ihm at he mr. a tie rasr • • / m COOWni\C»TUtCRWJMHS»Clto«; 4 pm - Bidder70 SOIIKmEYSWLEtKINnDIOOWa HI RJHBBUBS.\«I^AM)AtWRB SHOE 6 pm - Panel Discussion NTrffK WOODSAFlrX IHtf ID* 1KB.BE BINMi Or nt: SDH WAR a- cut TERRA 7:30 pm - Revolution COVNUlli AM) THH: WH) OJ K.TUE SWi. WTJCLT OLR UHCE »VW. VWSRS, + Interactive Film Display. iunsnKsaufi«BWB*n>B<9fa COMMUNIS t7 A'oVBticRajCHvoaatuTOa'j^tji v/ithBrendaiongTellpw ,' A£«S^0jU«MBSSWiO7DKUKI}EKaBISTOaW£A\^^ OUMW SKEATlrEl»*a"IrEH&Ta3ElWl»CF0LIIC«W»IH^Krcito»l AM) MX CCKNOCN.SrWLaUBlXH aI^BM».|^TrE^QuHII};Ul\lWI«!AJ^N3a[XI£l^t£^ SWIJNUHJ I RmjE3lUlEMIKI»EW\vajafr»HlS^>J»fWllETIK)Y^^ QSHIANOROTIIB*::'. u nfXTSWLSu>i!*'nE\*w'*DTisi*o«Qrij*au)<>v^W)Mjra«2AW.A-j)iF: rt fuey rVHsiu-rc-F: hw. w»SDCxs!miJEia>iraiNiJ«w^»aavCTH^iit*£ic^ \DOCK»a)siAUiKSixraEMTUT5i^nruHt'rT tL'njEMXI4iaK3KiElAI»i«UV\?CSLDiLWttALiI)SWIH:3C>tWIIEA!ffi; DK1UDASPIVIIHU r: ctKi.iKyuaQWsai&'aiAntRiaAivsaHiEa'icn a.'HixiiEwi.a hikk- KXi HW IOJLNataKllJca5rELAwu)[l^^ltMilUr^Hi^ii'i^^^llAisv^^^^I^llaHd^ itnjft»*ii.jV*ii«H...i o^K»iWTOMHXKmn»iiw:wrc^Ean«i»maTt>^irNcr>pclk.Mftaw ton&waau^Ba ciMi^Eit<^itn5ffloaaEriiiswjjoriEnmt^^ iemu6muKTbmM 3fjmeK0*ata(§aut*a#samt$ai9t&fsciiawstWAsvooiurcitT \micuss,p.wwib i i ft'T1EW»AM)CjmCrTV^VtlEri«aKAM)Wlxn»SmM«Tlfl»VW:ASM»ff OBKaBANDOBBEWr KSBH69KLIAHONiH)TO)nPTIEK*SIVSE»Sai^«iN^HASa^^ CmOMSHX!;.'.. I KXTJt!U»U£(o)NOSUJWiDnUaRBErVR*U^ aitNJ,K)illMBtiA'. M«XA\£AK>«MHJ,NnitlK»NM;aaTf^Q«tUatU*tt/KrC>SV\,iMUt^ KMBSBtBnw w»iwxEora6Nfnr«nE/anTcaaH$o«)u)*»fcv«x^^ S:.M«it..ih;mi«i -t .'no :n Friday January 31st, 12-$ pm rW6TaS»flWwKWENcuiAasiw3Baafrroi«n^i;cui»Y««aHusAM)K anjutccrau i«»TW3A»^oresT«iaBniwcoBS<fc/axwoB9wi^ CFHE<raBaao,iHiB , Nat TaylorCinema, 102 Ross North,*. a•r»B^r^;A>^)^^EIl»os«lW^13real^attHaDN^>EKN#OCT^«m tworttwii York University, Keele Campus •*"".. BK»niEJ^^(iS«.TJarmEBviwciT05ro*rne««>**xraRitT^ !M?N.Uir:TH:ttN«lSa«lMUn imKJ4SlHS/M)\lKB«6,AM).M)OIrIISSrWlBK THLrlRSI F0RES1 * • ' .• !KR*«)it)H-:il«t.M(aKM«rtHft'KKiVI»'iSI>*lUH H»Hli:W,H.KHSni(i $5 In Advance, $7 at the Door AM)VHIHHS9«U.Vf£T SCR•HN;iOArW»EM^OHH:KMS1SASWBJ.OK\Hir.«» IN Till SI . •'t • . ' ujcus » nt i«av:».\T of be kjkhs irfivaiws am) moe der hhj ae I Donate your twuli for an additional chantatowin on*%f our 7prlxa grvt Jway j! TOWU AM)TIE AKH5W) SYMAUB 3ViL MX KIUi»\BtH N l>Ut.U US'ilS ' Ff— popcornIVagan food and trtatvwHl b«avaHabb for purttwa. WBETterWKAOX8rCMI>K)«lf^ff&«™ B«IXMlEIK\«^IlKNto»ycT>EMtWANFfc<TU^ Ka«r«irwH45*\DH*EiBi»N«rE.Wiica«Nr«xrnwBainio>^ 0^1C^tJaKta^M«laJ>ic^Ie9 A FILM BY BART DANKO / PREMIERING JANUARY 31, 2014 •"planetinf^cusj YORK FOCUS ON SUSTAINABILITY FILM FESTIVAL / NAT TAYLOR CINEMA Irlsinfoyorkuca/oil IL Plant Layer Lightweight Growing Medium 1 -F Drainage Layer Membrane Protection and Root Barrier Waterproofing Membrane Structural Support (Roof) Source: Fairfax County en O < Q O O Q_ CO LO LLl U u < NATIVE CHILD AND FAMILY SERVICES OF TORONTO f EARTH RANGERS CENTRE 5M-8 < > _l < Cd LU U * . '«. ax i^. a\. TRINITY COLLEGE CARROT COMMON M-M M-ft e&AiM THI eiG TWO RESOLUTIONS 1. THAT ON ALL NEW BUILDINGS BUILT BY THE CITY OF BRAMPTON, AND ALL EXISTING BUILDINGS THAT REQUIRE ROOF RENOVATION, A GREEN ROOF BE CONSTRUCTED USING AT LEAST 60% OF AVAILABLE ROOF SPACE. ALL INELIGIBLE ROOF SPACE IS TO BE CONVERTED TO COOL g ROOF AS POSSIBLE. T v\ 2. THAT ANYAPPROVALS (I.E. CONSTRUCTION, ZONING, AND SO ON) ISSUED BY THE CITY IN RELATION TO A PRIVATE PROJECT, WHICH HAS PLANS FOR A GREEN ROOF, BE FAST-TRACKED. F^jTiWilRiE-«SiraEHBfS URBAN AGRICULTUR -LISTICAPP CENTIVE POLIC FOO' NTERESTLOANL. |£|^y|.G. STORMWAT 'BONUSES ^f^ELATING BY)-A^ ITY AMP-SUPPORT OF THE SMfrtL-SCALE TOi MOM INFORMATION terracommunis.wordpress.com Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. (2006) Green Roofs: A Resource Manual for Municipal Policy Makers. City of Toronto and Ontario Centres of Excellence - Earth and Environmental Technologies (OCE-Etech). (2005) Report on the Environmental Benefits and Costs of Green Roof Technology for the City of Toronto. Green Roofs for Healthy Cities. (2013) Annual Green Roof Industry Survey for 2012. Kaill-Vinish, Penny. (2009) Toronto's Rooftop Policy and Rooftop Food Production. .
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