Sooner Catholic www.soonercatholic.org April 3, 2016 www.archokc.org Go Make Disciples Easter “On the fi rst day of the week, Mary of Magdala came to the tomb early in the morning, while it was still dark, and saw the stone removed from the tomb. So she ran and went to Simon Peter and to the other disciple whom Jesus loved, and told them, ‘They have taken the Lord from the tomb, and we don’t know where they put him.’ So Peter and the other disciple went out and came to the tomb. They both ran, but the other disci- ple ran faster than Peter and arrived at the tomb fi rst; he bent down and saw the burial cloths there, but did not go in. When Simon Peter arrived after him, he went into the tomb and saw the burial cloths there, and the cloth that had covered his head, not with the burial cloths but rolled up in a separate place. Then the other dis- ciple also went in, the one who had arrived at the tomb fi rst, and he saw and believed. For they did not yet understand the Scripture that he had to rise from the dead.” John 20:1-9 The Risen Christ is depicted in the painting “Resurrection” by 15th-century Italian master Andrea Mantegna. CNS/Bridgeman Images. Cultivate personal contact, pope tells new U.S., Spanish bishops Oklahoman Peter Wells ordained archbishop By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY – Pope Francis, ordain- ing two Vatican offi cials as bishops, in- cluding Oklahoma’s Peter Bryan Wells, told them to remember that behind every letter they receive, there is a real person. Archbishop Wells, the new nuncio to South Africa, and Spanish Bishop Miguel Angel Ayuso Guixot, secretary of the Pontifi cal Council for Interreligious Dialogue, were ordained by the pope March 19, the feast of Saint Joseph and the third anniversary of the formal inau- guration of Pope Francis’ papacy. “We are very proud of the archbish- op! He and his family are well-known in the archdiocese. His parents, Larry and Dodie, are members of Saint Mary’s parish in Guthrie and his brother, Bill, is director of Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Youth Camp. Archbishop Wells has been well-prepared through Archbishop Coakley greets Archbishop Peter B. Wells during Archbishop Wells’ ordination to his years of service to the local Church the episcopate by Pope Francis in St. Peter’s Basilica. CNS photo/Paul Haring. and to the universal Church to assume am grateful for his generous response to The two men were prostrate on a rug these new and weighty responsibilities. I this call,” Archbishop Coakley said. continued on page 3 2 April 3, 2016 Sooner Catholic Sooner Catholic Local April 3, 2016 3 Put Out Into the Deep Priests’ council recognizes work of Father Bird with Rother Award Luke 5:4 Find more On March 22, the priests’ coun- priesthood on June 25, 1976, at news on the cil, led by Archbishop Coakley, The Cathedral of Our Lady of Per- Newness itself must be renewed recognized the work of Father Ste- petual Help by the Most Rev. John phen Bird, pastor at the Church of Quinn. “God of everlasting mercy, “Receive the Holy Spirit. website the Epiphany of the Lord in Okla- During his nearly 40 years of who in the very recurrence of the paschal feast Whose sins you forgive homa City, with the Father Stanley service to the people of the arch- kindle the faith of the people you have made your own, are forgiven them, and By Sooner Catholic Staff Rother Faithful Shepherd Award. diocese, Father Bird has served as increase, we pray, the grace you have bestowed, those you retain are “Father Bird has tirelessly pro- associate pastor of Saint Thomas that all may grasp and rightly understand retained” (Jn.20:23). Additional coverage of moted the ideals of good liturgical More, Norman; and the Cathe- in what font they have been washed, In fulfi lling this man- Church and archdiocesan style and the focus of good liturgi- dral, Epiphany of the Lord, and by whose Spirit they have been reborn, date the Church carries news and events, only on cal worship for all of the years of Saint Eugene in Oklahoma City. by whose Blood they have been redeemed.” on Christ’s ministry of www.soonercatholic.org: his priesthood,” said Father Don He has been pastor of Saint Eu- (Collect of the Second Sunday of Easter, Divine Mercy healing, forgiving and Wolf, who presented the award. gene, Weatherford; Holy Trinity, Sunday) reconciling sinners Archbishop Paul S. Coakley Sr. Marie Matthias, O.P., “Stephen Bird’s service to the Okarche; and Saint Patrick and Throughout the Easter season, the Church’s new- through the Sacrament fourth grade teacher at priests and the people of the Arch- Epiphany, Oklahoma City. est members continue to refl ect upon the meaning of Penance. As the divine Rosary School from 1953- diocese of Oklahoma City is a gift Father Bird has been pastor of of their experience at the Easter Vigil when they physician, Christ acts through His ordained priest to 58, is returning to OKC to all of us.” Epiphany since 2005. were fully initiated into the mystery of Christ and offer mercy, to heal the wounds of sin and to restore for her ‘bucket list’ visit. The Father Stanley Rother Faith- Shortly after ordination, Father His Church through baptism, confi rmation and the our communion with God, the Church and one an- A reception for Sister will ful Shepherd Award is named in Bird was appointed to the Liturgi- Eucharist. The prayers of the Church’s liturgy during other that sin weakens or even destroys. honor of the late Servant of God cal Commission of the Archdiocese this paschal season express our praise and gratitude The Sacrament of Penance (reconciliation) is a be at Belle Isle Brewery & Father Stanley Rother, a priest and, a few years later, became the for the newness of life and redemption that we have precious gift that Christ has entrusted to the Church. Restaurant on Wednesday, from the Archdiocese of Oklahoma fi rst director of the newly estab- celebrated during the Easter Triduum and that we The Jubilee Year of Mercy and this Easter season April 6, at 6 p.m. All former City who was murdered in Gua- lished Offi ce of Worship, a posi- renew constantly in the sacraments. invite us to a renewed appreciation for this precious students and friends are temala in 1981. The award was tion he has held for more than 30 “See, I make all things new!” (Rev. 21:5) During the and indispensable sacrament of divine mercy. welcome. instituted in 2003 to recognize a years. Easter season, we celebrate new life, the new cove- The communal celebrations of the Sacrament of priest who has exhibited an un- In these roles, he has helped nant and the new law of love that we have received Penance in which many are accustomed to partici- The Oklahoma Catho- wavering commitment to the spiri- plan many of the major liturgical Father Stephen Bird, holding the Faithful Shepherd Award, with Archbishop Coak- through Christ’s death and resurrection, and the pate during Lent and Advent, though very benefi cial, lic Women’s Conference is ley, Fr. Ray Ackerman and Fr. Don Wolf. Photo Cara Koenig. tual lives of his parishioners. celebrations of the archdiocese, outpouring of the Holy Spirit into our hearts. We are do not exhaust our need for this sacrament of mercy, Saturday, April 16, at the “This is a good opportunity for including the installations of a new creation! nor the benefi ts we can derive from it. If we are strug- Reed Center in Midwest both the priests and their bishop Archbishop Salatka, Archbishop grew to appreciate his life. When forward to once again returning to “Nevertheless,” the Catechism of the Catholic gling to overcome sin or devoutly seeking holiness City. Register at www.OCW- to recognize Father Bird for his Beltran and Archbishop Coakley; I was assigned as pastor of Holy Church reminds us, “the new life received in Chris- and the fullness of the Christian life, we have to make Guatemala for the 35th anniversa- Conference.com. For more generous service,” Archbishop Rites of Election, Chrism Mass, Trinity in Okarche, I was able to tian initiation has not abolished the frailty and weak- good use of all of the means that God places at our ry this summer,” Father Bird said. information contact (405) Paul Coakley said. “Often faithful ordinations, funerals of priests, learn more about Father Rother ness of human nature, nor the inclination to sin” disposal to assist us, including this sacrament. “Father Rother has been an exam- 396-6292 or priestly service goes unacknowl- and morning and evening prayer as I ministered to his family and (CCC 1426). We carry this treasure of divine life in The more we open our hearts to divine mercy ple to me of faithful service and I [email protected]. edged. Priests do not look for for clergy events. He has done all others who knew him when he earthen vessels. through our encounter with Jesus Christ in this accolades, but it is good to be able of this while leading a thriving was growing up. I was privileged am honored to receive this award “Do not think that the renewal of life that came sacrament, the more sensitive we will become to His to offer this small gesture of recog- parish.
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