Volume 17, Number 3 Guardians of the Galaxy and Sunday, Aug. 31 the Brothers Gunn by Suzanne Church On Saturday evening, one of to use the pulp colors from the most anticipated panels of the 1950s and combine that this year’s Dragon Con was so aesthetic with the dark grit of chock full of super-awesome- Aliens then blend them into yumminess that this reporter something bold and dirty at wrote faster than a mouse the same time. skating on a frozen pond in Some of the most moving a cat harem. James Gunn, parts of the panel came at the writer and director of Guard- times when James spoke of his ians of the Galaxy, and his life growing up in Manches- www.dailydragon.dragoncon.org brother Sean Gunn, who was him—his face and his body. It ter, Missouri, and how that af- the stand-in on set for the CGI gave the other actors on set a fected not only his personality, character Rocket in Guardians, reference point to look at, and but also the way he feels about spoke to a packed Marriott someone’s responses to play Marvel comics and specifically Atrium Ballroom on Saturday. against. Bradley Cooper pro- the types of heroes that make To set the mood, James got vided a lot of the acting, and up the Guardians. “My peeps the audience to shout, “You so did the animators. It was were the outcasts,” he said. “I Suck, Rooker,” so that he could the umbrella of Sean, Bradley, never knew anyone from the leave the message for Michael [my writing and directing], and industry. This whole journey Rooker, who played Yondu all the animators” that brought of being an oddball kid who Udonta in Guardians. Appar- Rocket to life. always did what he wanted. We ently, Rooker, who is appear- A fan thanked Sean for his all felt like we were those Mar- ing this weekend in Toronto work as Kirk on Gilmore Girls vel characters, those Guard- at Fan Expo, had earlier sent and then asked the actor which ians of the Galaxy. Forgotten a similar, “You suck,” message Kirk-quirk was the most fun to characters who felt like or- to James, with the help of, play. “I love dogs,” said Sean. phans and outcasts.” “Maybe three fans.” “In one episode, I had to walk a This reporter couldn’t help Proof, once again, that Dragon dozen dogs, so that one.” but feel as though that sums Con rocks! James spoke about the way up the sentiment of most of us Both James and Sean spoke that the movies Aliens and who attend conventions like about using Sean as the on- Blade Runner changed the Dragon Con. We are the out- set stand-in for Rocket. “Mo- way that science fiction mov- casts who want to be the un- tion capture doesn’t work if ies looked: dark and dreary derdog heroes. the face isn’t human-shaped,” to sell that the environments Read the complete article on Dragon Con 2014 said James. “So we referenced were real. He said he wanted the Daily Dragon website. From Page to Stage Pageant Winners The “From Page to Stage Com- ic Book Pageant” announced its winners Saturday. The con- test was presented by comic book writers Peter David and George Perez. Judges were Georges Jeanty, Comfort Love, and Adam Withers. Yes, We do Want to Kill Bat- man Award: Kelsey McCarter as Harley Quinn Biggest Little Award: Keelia Gaffey as Supergirl Prettiest Rodent Award: Lau- ren Napoli and Annie Eason as Betty and Dee from Rat Queens Judge’s Choice Award: Michael Wuttke and Hannah Wuttke as chese as Bleez, Red Lantern liams, Lauryn Roberts, Weadell The Daily Dragon The Daily Magneto and Hannah Doom Corps Smith, Jeana Espisito, Milinda Third Place: Faelan Wilson as First Place: Brema Ebbing, Dom Williams, Verne Williams, and Thor Odinson Williams, Denzel Wright, Chris Seane Sawyer as the Black Pan- Second Place: Christine Mar- Gunn, Erika Williams, Snia Wil- ther Wedding Sunday, August 31, 2014 The Daily Dragon Vol 17, Num 3, p. 2 Hy = Hyatt M = Marriott Family Fun Dance and Hil = Hilton S = Sheraton Sing-A-Long Schedule Changes W = Westin Join the Kaleidoscope Track to The following previously confirmed Tracy Hickman will be on “All-Star ’80s 11:30AM, 207/206/205/204 (Hil). sing and dance to theme and pop songs in a kid-friendly, G-rated presenters will not be able to attend Reunion.” Mon 1PM, Imperial Ballroom Updates Dragon Con 2014: Jennifer Kalaman- (M). environment. Costumes encour- son, Candy Keane, Dean O’Gorman, “The Worlds of Terry Pratchett” Cancellations moved from Sun 7PM to Sat 10AM, Ma- aged. Theme: Everything is Awe- *NEW* Zoie Palmer, Anthony Spay, some. Sun 5:30PM, A6201/A602 Chris Vickers Dean O’Gorman will not be on “Hob- con (S). (Marriott). Additions bit and LOTR Guests” Sun 11:30AM, “Orphan Black” moved from Sat 7PM Atrium Ballroom (M); and “Hobbit and to Sun 7PM, Macon (S). Alex Hughes will be signing auto- LOTR Guests” Mon 11:30AM, Atrium “Portalarium Games Presents Shroud graphs Sun 10AM, Int’l Hall South (M). Ballroom (M). of the Avatar” moved from Sun Yule Ball Jack H. Walsh will be doing a reading *NEW* Zoie Palmer will not be on 11:30AM, Grand Ballroom East (Hil) to The pleasure of your company is Sun 10AM, Marietta (Hy). “Lost Girl Cast” Sun 11:30AM and Mon Mon 1PM, Grand Salon E (Hil). requested at the Yule Ball where Trace Beaulieu will be on “Joseph 11:30AM, Peachtree Ballroom A-F (W). “The Musketeers” moved from Sun students of Hogwarts will social- Scrimshaw and The Comedy of Doom” Chris Vickers will not be on “The Ex- 1PM to Sun 2:30PM, Macon (S). Sun 5:30PM, Grand Ballroom West (W). orcism of Emily Rose” Sun 11:30AM, ize with their “foreign” guests! “Costuming: Dieselpunk & The Great Valdosta (S); and “Para 101: Truths and Brought to you by the YA Lit Aaron J. Sagers will be on “The Last Wars” moved from Sun 2:30PM to Sun Misconceptions” Sun 4PM, Augusta (S). Ship” Sun 7PM, Augusta Ballroom (W). 4PM, Augusta I & III (W). Track. This is an all ages event, Tracy Hickman will not be on “Shroud but there is often alcohol served Anthony Taylor will be on “Cary Elwes’ “Open Museum Hours” moved from of the Avatar: Roundtable.” Sun 4PM, Walk on the Dark Side” Sun 7PM, Int’l Sun 4PM to Sun 2:30PM, Augusta I & where adults are present. Please Grand Salon D (Hil). South (Hy). III (W). accompany your under-aged chil- Erin Leigh Bushko will not be on “Cos- Sci-Fried will be playing on Sun 7PM, “The Puppet Match Game” moved dren. Sun 8:30PM, Imperial Ball- tuming: Dieselpunk & The Great Wars” Concourse (Hil). from Sun 5:30PM to Sun 8:30PM, A704 room (Marriott). Sun 4PM, Augusta I & III (W). Delilah S. Dawson will be on “Light in (M). (18+ only) Travis Scott Merrill will not be on the Darkness: Humor in UF” Sun 10PM, “A Ventriloquist Interviews His Dum- “Costuming: Dieselpunk & The Great Chastain ED (W). my, and Vice Versa” moved from Sun Caritas Wars” Sun 4PM, Augusta I & III (W). “Roundtable on Race, Gender, & 7PM to Sun 10PM, A704 (M). (18+ only) James Urbaniak will not be on “Joseph Pick your favorite song, climb on Sexuality in Comics & Fandom” Open “So You Want to Make a Fan Film?” Scrimshaw and The Comedy of Doom” stage, and bare your soul through forum for discussing issues of race, moved from Mon 11:30AM to Sun Sun 5:30PM, Grand Ballroom West (Hil). gender, and sexuality that arise in the 8:30PM, L401–L403 (M). song with the Whedonverse Track comics industry and fandom with Mat- Brobdignagian Bards will not be play- at Caritas! Live performances “Arrow: When the Shadows Fall thew J. Brown, Kari Storla, Daniel Am- ing on Sun 7PM, Concourse (Hil). from Lorne and the Lornettes. Sun rhein, Vickie Willis, and John Flowers. Away” moved from Mon 1PM, Centen- Sun 10PM, Hanover F (Hy). Yale Stewart will not be on “Webcom- nial II–III (Hy), to Atrium Ballroom (M). 10PM, International DE (Westin). ics” Sun 7PM, 201 (Hil). “Scott Sigler—One for the Junkies” “Arrow: Vertigo with a Mirakuru New York Times best-selling novelist Aaron Fever will not be on “From Fic- Chaser” moved from Mon 1PM to Mon and podcaster Scott Sigler and A Ko- tion to Film” Sun 10PM, Embassy D–F 2:30PM, M301–302 (M). Mechanical Masquerade: (Hy). vacs bring tentacles and mayhem to “Linear vs Non-Linear Narrative in Atlantis this panel. Sun 10PM, 203 (Hil). “Shadows of the Paranormal: Search- Shroud of the Avatar” moved from It’s Enchantment 20,000 Leagues Cherie Priest will be on “Urban Fantasy ing for the Truth” Mon 10AM, Augus- Mon 1PM, Grand Salon E (Hil) to Sun or Horror? What’s the Difference?” Mon ta (S). 11:30AM, Grand Ballroom East (Hil). Under the Sea with the Alternate 10AM, Chastain ED (W). J. August Richards will not be on “Game of Thrones: The Bestiary” History Track! The Artifice Club’s “Medical Myths” Dr. Mattke, practic- “Guests of the Whedon Universe” Mon moved from Mon 2:30PM to Mon 1PM, annual bash continues, with a ing emergency physician, discusses 11:30AM, Grand Ballroom A–F (S). M301–302 (M). nautical theme. Masks encour- medical myths. Mon 11:30AM, 204– “New Developments in Antiviral See the complete list of schedule aged but not required.
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