• ,K,-. ip PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 19B7 11 Average Dally Net Press Run The Weather illanrh^Hl^r lEirpttfnn ii^ralb T For the Week Ended PWMSrt H D.-B. W estker July' *7, 1987 James R. Carrara, son of Mr. and Mrs. James V. Carrara, 44 MUden letemltteat^Usfit rets to- About Town Prospect St. a student at the Uni 12.002 night. Lo^r 88-M. Friday mild, feW' versity of Utah, la one of 700 ehowera meatl.v Is feremood* High , "MUieheatcr Orange, No. 81. haa Member ht the Andit Naval Reserve midshipmen who IV ■«»»• .v’ Bnrean at Oreolstion In 70s. N t the date of Wedneartav. Sept. received three weeks Indoctrina 4. for a mj-atery ride. The group tion this month under the AUan Manche$ter^A City of Village Charm ................................... .......... will leave from Orange Hall at tic Amphibious Training Com­ 7 pjn. AirCrengcra who plan mand. V • DOUBLE GREEN to attend ahouU contact Mra. ZM VOL. LX X V I, NO. 281 (TWENTY PAGES) M a n c h e s t e r , c o n n ., T h u r s d a y , a u g u s t 29.1957 (Ciasslfled Advertising on Fage IS) PRICE FIVE CENTS Olive Murphy, 34 Weat St., or Mra. Haael Anderaon, 1S3 High S t ------ ------- ^------------------------ 1 : : , ^ I Two^ Here. Picked Membera of Rockville Emblem Club, No. 4, will meet at 7:30 this For Chapter Posts r STAMPS WITH ALL CASH Conferees evening at the Burke Funeral ------- 0 Rome, 76 Prospect St., Rockville, TV'o local nicn have been elected / jon Airs to pay their respects to former officers of the Hartford Society for mayor Raymond E. Hunt who Measurement and Control Chapter A gree on died Monday. Of the American Society for Qual­ SALES THURS., AUG. 29 West Gives Reds Full Plan ity Control. Mra. Bessie Parrta, 9 Durkin Frank Hauman of 900 Tolland © X / Parts Salvage Aid Total^m St., who la district manager of Tpke. was elected vice dfiairman WBA Reviews In this town, and Richard. J. Berggren of 38 Cor­ jdt ■ ---------------- RockvUIe and East Hartford, at­ nell .St. was elected secretary, 0 th ' Washington, Aug. 29 (JP)— tended a meeting of District man­ er officers. elected were: Erne.s Washington, Aug. 29 (JP)—The Pentagon admitted today An adjournment-bent Cqn- agers In. Hartford last night Bosenhard. chairman; Tariffvlllc it has recovered from a “grave” at a Newfoundland Air Base gress was set to pass finally Plana were made for a State con­ and MacCheaney Desmond, treas­ vention and dinner to be held at and returned to stock $18."500 worth of spare parts that today a $3,435,810,000 money To Halt A-Race, urer, Newingtofl. meetings of the the Hotel B urrltt New Britain, club will be held the third Tues­ y/ someone had cast off and buried as usele,ss. Th,e testimony bill to pay for militarj' and O ct 19, The presidents' luncheon day of each month at the Rock- came from Perkins McGuire, aa-F economic aid to friendly na win be served at 12:30 p.m. at ledge Country Club, " beginning aiitant secretary of defenee, in a tions around the globe. the Burritt Sept. 17. " •tatement filed \vith the Senate Investigatlona aubcommlttee. Convict Flees, The compromise bill, includingr^ibicoff Drafts McGuire gave the subcommittee 32.768.760.000 In new funds and Little Hope credit for disclosing that 344 mil­ 3667.050.000 in re-appropriated 'E'. 1 || a. Smartly reflecting what’s new in lion worth of spare parts had ac­ Loses Glasses I funds from previous years, was J. l l l itl V>4Ctll llF back- to-school wearr’our fashion- cumulated since the itart of the agreed upon by Senate and House Korean War dt nine far north atr I conferees yesterday. Of Accord schcxiled .separates; sWeaters, bases In Greenland, Newfoundland In Bay State The compromise figure is 3244 Special ‘Session i L - : ^ .skirts, dresses, coats and en.sembles and Labrador. m'illion bigger than the total the Toiletries Etc. are dramjitically hued and styled to He said he haa found 314 million House orl^nally voted and 3258,- Walpole, Maas., Aug. 29 (/P) Hartford, Aug. 29 (fP)— By R ussia make this an eventful year for you! worth of spars parts in excess 900.000 below the .Senate amoijnL Cofy Celogn* with Afem inr................. of needs still on hand at Harmon —The third prisoner to es­ Sen. Knowland (R-Callf) report­ Governor Ribicoff prepared ..................... -S2.00 ed today President Eisenhower was •an OMdoront................................. Choose yours now! Air Force Base. Newfoundland, cape from Massachusetts’ the formal call for the Sept. London. Aug. 29 (A V -R iu* T 8c I and an estimated 330,680,000 year-and-a-half old maximum "disappointed" that the conferees 17 apecial farm-relief session sia tonight turned down the Rnvloii Lipeticks........................ worth still on hand a t six other hsd not been able to agree on the .............S1.35 .Isn'l this a cute ond. dreamy style? Regu- security prison was at large higher figure voted by the Senate. today after conferring with West’s plan for a liatltsd dis­ Nnw Toni Homt Pnrmannnt___ northern bases. The Defense Dc- legislative leaders on the gert- ..........S2.29 latton MOORE's have the fit and freedom partment announced previously today after a break-attempt Knowland aald, however, that armament program and in­ Wjrion irisHn Hair Inishns......... that it already has hnuight back in which five others failed. Elsenhower "recognizes that the eral nature of the summon.s. sisted it contained nothing of ................... SI.00 Senate conferees did everything 29c Prophylaetic Tooth Brushes. of shorts and a shirt;., yet they're o cool, to this country 320 million worth. But authorities said he had lost Immediately after the one “ genuine value,” a British in­ .. .... 3 for 69c McGuire announced he has been his glasses, probably was Injured, possible" in an effort to win houi* .Tfleeting, the Governor formant repOfteu. $1.00 Wo^bury's Shompee... 59c one-piece outfit. Here’s a practical kind assigned to investigate inventory and that he should soon be captur­ agreement on the Senate amount. started to draft the final form S2e Vitalis Combination........... practice! at U.S. Atr Bases around ed. - Ike .\ppreclatlve 58c of slim look fashion design for gym. the globe as a result of disclosure.s While John W. McCarthy. 34, i The President, Knowland added, of the call. Washington, Aug. 29 (>P)— Noxioma Skin Croom ____ ____ ............... 79c by the subcommittee. robber who tried to kill a policeman la "highly apprecatlve of the bi­ He will submit it to Secretai-y of The United States and its Ipono Tooth Paste......... ....... ^ Mode from MOORE Sanforized -Gym- McGuire told the subcommittee in a Boston theater holdup, was j partisan 'support he received in the State Mildred P. Allen later western Allies presented to .........3 tubes 99c that Pentagon Investigators have able to scale the loft.v prison wall. the Senate, and from House mem- : today so that she can notify the Russia today a package dis­ Revlon Hair Spray......... cloth. ‘ Principal Officer John A. Gavin I ^ r s who helped bring the figure ! 279 House members and S4 Sena- .........51.35.S2.15 opened a burial place they die- j tors next week of the forthcoming armament plan which would 75e Boynr's Aspirin TobleH...., Colors: Scarlet plus other available covered at Harmon and recovered i credited the alertiresa of his offlcera . ,ip." Knowland talked to reporters 62c from it 333,700 worth of spare | for rapid detection of the escape at- j after a breakfast meeting with the ' session. halt the East-West atomic Large Anoein Tablets................. colors. parts. i tempt^jmd breaking it up. I The Governor said that the call arms race and cut military 98c President at the White House. j will ehcompaas the subjecta of 60c Alka>Seltier................... 54c The aubcommlttee had heard; Gavin________ said_ it___ was, _____________highly probable Barring a hitch, the House j farm-tax relief, drought legislaUon, burdens., Woolite CoM Water Soap......... yesterday that thousands of dol-1 (hat McCatthy suffered Injury in 1 planned to act first on the com- technical amendments to certain A statement laaued here cover- .........51.00.S1.50 lars worth of parU had been i hj, drop from the 22-foot wall and | promise. Senate approval was ex- acts passed by the 1957 session and |ing presentation of the 11-polnt Unicap Vitamins........................ ..$3.11 to $6.96 buried for use as ballast to con-1 (j,at futhermore--belng nearslght-; perted later In the day. I technical changes to correct con- „jplan at the London disarmament trot eroalon at the Sondi'eatom ed without hie glaaeee, he might be This would send the measure to ; talks called It a "practical, work- Large Listerine ............. .............. ................... 89c OIRI-S’ DEPT., SECOND FI.OOR j fueling sections of the revised state base in. Greenland, and that some statutes. I able plan for a start on world dis­ Johnson Baby Powdor ... ........ .. 59c of it may have been "good stuff." (Continued on Page Ten) (Conttnned on Page Two) I The Governor Informed the legis- armament," At Harmon, McGulre'a state- i lative leaders that separate studies The United States originated tho Denbio Greon Stomps With A8 Cosh Soles m tnt aald, 318,.'«)0 worth of the. have been completed on the tax re- proposals but they were w ork^ Thursday, August 29th. spare pSrts were found "unharmed I lief and drought problems and the but joinUy with Britain, France and returned to atock." He said I results will be analyzed and then : and Canada and cleared with tha ONCE AGAIN 38,400 worth was found to have j submitted to the legislators before : rest of the NATO Allies.
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