-enllo ¡cal allslra ulletin N015(AUTO~19Tn lO Season 'S Greetings floe-Ptea. & ChaIrman, MembelShlp FIn8nce Cflee: Bonne Année utf Himmelstrand Univ. of Uppsala. Sweden 'Ice Pres. & Chairman, Research Councll: AIaJn Touraine Hautes El. Sciences Sociales, Pari, Preliminary Program CIta""""'. PubllClltlons Cflee: Michel Bassand of the IX World Congress of sociology Cétfne Saint-Plerre, Ex. Seco Kurt Jonassohn, Deputy Ex. Seco Uppsala,August 14-19, 1978 ExecUllve Commlttee: Aklnsola Akiwowo Michel Bassand Reuben HiII Guido Martlnotti Ramkrishna Mukherjee Mikhafl Rutkevich CONTENTS Magdalena Sokllowska - CONGRESSPROGRAM: Official Program p, 2 CONGRESSNEWS p.13 ~Members: Ad Hoc's and SSO's p. 4 CONGRESS TIMETABLE p. 14 Joseph Ben'David MOrris Jano\Yltz Research Committees p. 8 PUBLlCATlONS 1).1& ,luan linz Others p.13 Stefan Nowak IBA SECRETARIAT: B.P. 719. S!dtion A, Montréal, Oué., Canada H3C 2V2 Tel: (514) 282-4634 Cable: ISAGRAM MONTREAL - 2 - SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM FOR IX WORLD CONGRESS OF SOCIOLOGY PROGRAMME SCIENTIFIQUE DU IX CONGRES MONDIAL DE SOCIOLOGIE UPPSALA, SWEDEN, August 14-19, 1978 UPPSALA, SUEDE, 14-19 aoüt 1978 General Theme: PATHS OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT Theme général: LES VOIES DUDEVELOPPEMENT SOCIAL A - Official Program A-Progranme offi c ie 1 Chair Session Président Rapporteur PL I Theories, Models Ideologies & J. Wiatr F.H. Cardoso 0 cf Development Sociological Institute, Warsaw University CEBRAP, rue Almeida Campinas, 463-13 , - Théories, modeles et idéologies Ul. Karowa 18, Warsaw 00324,Poland 01404 Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil du développement WG 1 Schemes of Theoretical Analysis J. Gvishiani A. Pizzorno - Modeles d'analyse théorique State Conmittee of USSR Institute of Advanced Study Council of Ministers for Science & Technol. Princeton, N.J., 08540,U.S.A. 11 Gorky St., Moscow, U.S.S.R. WG 2 Concepts and Indicators of Social Erik Allardt G.W. Osipov Development Res. Group for Comparative Sociology Inst. for Sociological Research - Concepts et indicateurs du University of Helsinki 46 Novocheremushkinskaya développement social Mariankatu 10 A 13, SF-00170 Helsinki 17 Moscow, U.S.S.R. Finland WG 3 The Concept of Development: Samir Amin R.P. Dore a Multi-Disciplinary Debate Institut Africain du développement Institute of Development Studies - Le concept de développement: économique et de planification University of Sussex un débat multidisciplinaire B.P. 3186, Dakar, Sénégal Brighton, Sussex BNl 9RE, England WG 4 Modernization & National Development Stein Rokkan O. Silva - Modernisation et développement International Social Science Council Opto. de Sociologia Gamle Kalvedalsvei 12 Universita de La Havana, Havana, Cuba national N-5000 Bergen, Norway Session 1: Analysis of the interaotion of different oomponents of modernity. Session 2: Variations in the oonditions of National-Territorial oonsolidation in the different, oulturally distinotive regions of the world. PL II Processes, Contradictions & Conflicts R. Bendix J. Watanuki in the Transformation of Modern Dept. of Political Science Inst. of International Relations Societies University of California Sophia University, 7 Kioi-Cho - Processus, contradictions et conflits Berkeley, Ca. 94720, U.S.A. Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102, Japan dan s la transformation des sociétés contemporaines WG 5 Occupational Structure, Class for- 1. Wallerstein F. Charvat mation and Class Consciousness Fernand Braudel Centre Inst. of Philosophy & Sociology - Structure occupationnelle, formation State University of New York Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences des classes sociales et conscience Binghamton, N.Y. 13901, U.S.A. Jilska 1, Prague, Czechoslovakia de classe WG 6 National and Ethnic Movements Jacques Dofny A. Akiwowo Dépt. de sociologie, Univ. de Montréal Dept. of Sociology & Anthropology - Mouvements nationaux et ethniques C.P. 6128, Montréal, Qué. H3C 2J7, Can. University of Ife, Ile-Ife, Nigeria WG 7 Women's Movements Fatima Mernissi Rita Liljestrom Dépt. de sociologie, Fac. des Lettres, Sociological Inst., Univ. of Goteborg - Mouvements féministes Université Mohanmed V, Rabat, Maroc Karl Johansgatan 27 A-B, 414 59 Goteborg, Sweden WG 8 The State: Coercion & Persuasion Claus Offe Guillermo O'Donnell Fakultaet fuer Soziologie, Universitaet CEDES, Av. Cordoba 939 - 30 Piso L'Etat: coercition et persuasion Bielefeld, 48 Bielefeld, F.R.G. Buenos Aires, Argentina WG 9 Planners, Managers & Entrepreneurs Yogendra Singh Michel Crozier, Centre for Study of Social Systems C.S.O., 88, rue de Lille - Planificateurs, administrateurs et Jawaharlal Nehru University 75007 Paris, France entrepreneurs New Mehrauli Rd., New Delhi 110057, India PL III Spontaneity and Planning in Social U. Hinmelstrand T.Zaslavskaja Development Sociological Institute, Sturegatan 2B Inst. of Economic & Organization of - Spontanéité et planification dans le 752 30 Uppsala, Sweden Industry, Academy of Sciences, développement social Novosibirsk,U.S.S.R. WG 10 Political Institutions & Processes W. Markiewicz J. Linz Polska Kultury i Nauki Dept. of Sociology, Vale University - Institutions et processus politiques Skrytka Pocztowa 24,00 901 liarsaw,PoIand New Haven, Ct. 06520, U.S.A. - 3 - A - Official Program (continued) A - Progral1111oefficiel (suite) Chair Rapporteur Session Président WG 11 Economic Systems & Patterns of R. Weidig N.J. Smelser Social Development Nationalkomitee fur Soziologische Forsch. Oept. of Sociology - Systemes économiques et modeles Akademie der Wissenschaften der O.O.R. University of California de développement social Otto-Nuschke str.22/23, 108 8erlin, O.O.R. Berkeley, Ca. 94720, U.S.A. WG 12 Population Trends and Policies V.L. Urquidi K.E. de Graft-Johnson El Colegio de Mexico Oept. of Sociology, Univ. of Ghana - Tendances et pOlitiques démo- Camino al Ajusco 20, Ap. postal 20-671 Legon, Accra, Ghana graphiques Mexico 20, D.F., Mexico WG 13 Rural/Urban Oevelopment: M. Cernea - Rural Aspects G. Martinotti - Urban Aspects Villagization and Oe-Urbanization Rural Oevelopment Oivision, World 8ank, Via G. Cantoni, 4 - Le développement rural et urbain 1818 H Street N.W., Washington, O.C. 20433 20144 Milano, Italy U.S.A. WG 13: will discuss the more general problem of rural/urban development focussing on the relationship between type of settlement and development. The pattern of human settlements is continuously changing and it should be viewed both as a dependent and independent variable of development. PL IV Societies, Cultures & Civilizations: C. Geertz S.H. Alatas Autonomy & Interdependence School of Social Science Oept. of Malay Studies - Sociétés, cultures et civilisations: Institute for Advanced Study University of Singapore autonomie et interdépendance Princeton, N.J. 08540, U.S.A. Bukit Timah Rd., Singapore 10 WG 14 Civilizations: one or many? A. Abdel-Malek C.N.R.S. - Une ou plusieurs civilisations? 54, boul. Raspail, 75006 Paris, France WG 15 Cultural Continuity in a Changing Chie Nakane World Institute of Oriental Culture - Continuité culturelle dans un monde University of Tokyo, Hongo Bunkyo-ku en changement Tokyo, Japan WG 16 Comparative Studies of Changing S. Nowak S.M. Lipset Attitudes and Values Oept. of Sociology, Warsaw University Oept. of Sociology, Standord University - Etudes comparatives des attitudes Karowa 18, 00330 Warsaw, Poland 233 Lou Henry Hoover 81dg. et des valeurs en changement Standord, Ca. 94305, U.S.A. WG 17 Counter-Culture and Protest - Contre-culture et mouvements con- testataires SYMP 1 The Political Context of Sociology S. Mihailov J. Israel - Le contexte pOlitique de la 8ulgarian Sociological Association Sociological Inst., Univ. of Lund sociologie Moskovska str. 27b, Sofia, Bulgaria Fack, 220 05 Lund 5, Sweden SYMP 2 Sociology and History K. Kulcsar C. Ti11y Inst. of Sociology, Hungarian Academy of Centre for Research on Social Organi- - Sociologie et histoire Sciences, Uri Utca 49 zation, Univ. of Michigan, Budapest 1, Hungary 330 Packard St., Ann Arbor Michigan 48105, U.S.A. SYMP 3 Comparative Analysis of Whole A. Podgorecki S .N. Eisenstadt Societies N.I.A.S. The Van Leer Jerusalem Foundation - Analyse comparative des sociétés Meyboomlaan 1, Wassenaar, Netherlands P.O. Box 4070, Jerusalem, Israel globales SYMP 4 Quality of Life: Approaches from Edgar Mori n I.V. 8astushev-Lada Ecology and Sociology Centre d'études transdisciplinaires Inst. for Social Research - La qualité de la vie: approches Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes Novocheremushkinskaya 46 écologique et sociologique 6 rue de Tournon, 75006 Paris, France Moscow 117418, U.S.S.R. SYMP 5 Quality of Life: Comparative A. Szalai Frank Andrews Perspectives Karl Marx University of Economic Sciences Survey Research Centre - La qualité de la vie: perspectives Attil a-Ut 125 Inst. for Social Research comparatives Budapest, Hungary University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Mich. 48106, U.S.A. SYMP 6 Conceptions of Social Oisability E. Freidson Else !ilyen Oept. of Sociology, New York University Sociological Institute - Théories de l'inadaptation sociale 19 University Place, Room 300 University of Bergen New York, N.Y. 10003, U.S.A. Christiesgt. 19, 5000 Bergen, Norway SYMP 7 Mass Media and Social Change Elihu Katz Tamas Szescko _ Les mass media et le changement social COl1111unicationsInstitute Mass COI1111.Res. Centr., Hungarian Radio & Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel Television, Budapest, Hungary Session 1: The media as agents of change or as reflectors and reinforcers of existing systems: the developed countries. Session 2: The media as agents of change or as reflectors and reinforcers of existing systems: the developing
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