Australasian Record and AdventWorld Survey 44 Publication of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Australasian Division Registered by Australia Post—publication No. NAR 1072 VOL. 87, NO. 11 March 15, 1982 A REPORT FROM KING ISLAND .. DREAMS DO COME TRUE BARRY G. WHELAN, Volunteer Missionary, King Island lat VI IIIIII alliataiiil" : li Mak ale . ihillsammairlim Ai.ki, ''''' ......,„„,4, Mani ---ac. ''' ali — ill 11.11101111111•11allitAra a MS L '41••••7 The fly 'n' build team with some King Island helpers. From left: Fred Blyth (Burnie), Dave Cook (King Island), Peter Sullivan (Mlldura, Vic.), Graham Jones (Hobart). Tony Troyer (Hobart). Geoff Miller (Hobart), Stan Ramsey (Bairnsdale, Vic.). Mike Spaulding (Devonport). Harvey Eiszele (Burnie), Gary Stoneman (Hobart). Absent, Len Crook (Adelaide. S.A.). IN JOEL 2:28 we are told that in the time of the end "your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions." Both men and women, INSIDE: young and old, on the lovely mission field of King Island, have had a dream and a vision for the past two and a half years to erect a building suitable for • Youth Feature, page 4. worship and representative of God's remnant church. ■ The Advent Message in After much prayer, planning and just God working marvellously and in so many Australia, 1843-1844, plain hard work over a period of more than ways. The foundation slab was completed page 6. two years, and above all the blessing of by lunch-time on Tuesday, December 22. God, the dream has become a reality. The The fly 'n' build team of eleven men arrived • Struggle for Survival, actual building work began on Sunday, on December 27, and work commenced at 7 page 8. December 13, 1981, when a working-bee, o'clock the following morning. By January • Down-Under under the guidance of Brother Gary 15, just seventeen working days later, the Volunteers, page 11. Stoneman, was organised to dig the trenches building was completed. for the foundations. Many problems and . and more. difficulties arose. but we saw the hand of (continued on page 3) 2 :: AUSTRALASIAN RECORD :: March 15, 1982 Australasian Record Editorial -I and Advent World Survey -4 ElE) Official Organ of the AUSTRALASIAN DIVISION OF THE SEVENTH-DAY OMEGA ADVENTIST CHURCH Dear Fellow Adventist, Editor G. E. GARNE The book "Omega" by Lewis R. Walton has come under heavy fire from various quarters in Associate Editor R .W. TAYLOR several unfavourable reviews in recent months. So severe has the criticism of the book been, in Editorial Assistant LINCOLN E. STEED Office Secretary GLENDA FAIRALL fact, that some of our RECORD readers have suggested we should quit advertising it—and that Special Correspondents: unless we do so, RECORD will lose its credibility. Australasian Division R. M. Kranz We appreciate the concern of these readers. We have read the reviews. We will continue Avondale College W. A. Townend advertising the book. We owe it to our readers to tell you why. What follows is not intended to Trans-Tasman Union J. B. Trim Trans-Australian Union R. K. Brown criticise the critics, or to analyse their critiques. Rather it is intended to underline what we see as the Regional Reporters: essential message of the book, which to our mind is more important than picking flaws in the finer Central Pacific A. J. Bath details. Greater Sydney E. B. Price Whatever the alleged weaknesses of the book may be, the author has brought into sharp focus North New South Wales M. R. Potts North New Zealand C. A. Townend certain salient, central events which desperately needed to be drawn to the attention of the church. North Queensland G. B. Scott Whatever details the author may have got askew, or whatever information he should have included Papua New Guinea K. R. Price that he didn't, these basic events remain incontestibly, historically true. You can check out the South Australia N. E. Devenish historical data by reading the story from the pen of Arthur G. Daniells himself—the man who was South New South Wales R. Tindall South New Zealand R. L Coombe most intimately embroiled in the conflict—in his book, "The Abiding Gift of Prophecy," pages South Queensland M. M. Kennaway 330-342. You can get it from Ellen White in "Selected Messages," Book 1, chapters 24 and 25. Tasmania E. H. Winter You will find it in L. H. Christian's book, "The Fruitage of Spiritual Gifts," pages 277-296. That Victoria H. J. Stanton Western Australia R. H. H. Thomas doyen of Seventh-day Adventist historians, Arthur Spalding, relates the events in his authoritative Western Pacific G. M. Smith work, "Origin and History of Seventh-day Adventists," Volume 3, pages 130-144. They are Local Reporters: Church Communication Secretaries referred to as well by D. E. Robinson in his book, "The Story of Our Health Message," pages 279-281; by Dr. LeRoy Edwin Froom in his monumental work, "Movement of Destiny," pages Annual subscription—post paid: 343, 347, 349-356, and by T. H. Jemisen in his scholarly work, "A Prophet Among You," pages All areas covered by the Australasian 414, 415, 492 and 493. Division SA12.50 As one reads the narrative in these recognised historical sources, one cannot fail to be impressed Other countries $A18.50 by the fact that the events on which Walton bases his treatise are traced by him pretty well along the Air Mall postage rates on application lines followed in the sources referred to above. We invite our readers to make the discovery for Order direct from the Signs Publishing Company, Warburton, Victoria 3799, Australia. themselves. All copy for the paper should be sent to The Editor, Seven facts stand out in bold relief above the mist and miasma of polemic and critique in which RECORD, Signs Publishing Company, Warburton, the book has been involved: Victoria 3799. Editorial Office: Phone (059) 66 2501. 1. During the opening years of this century the Seventh-day Adventist Church did face a major Printed weekly for the Division by the Signs Publishing crisis brought about by doctrinal apostasy which threatened to undermine the very foundations of Company, Warburton, Victoria. this church. No one would seriously challenge the historical authenticity of this fact or question the bona fides DIRECTORY of the authors who have placed it on record. AUSTRALASIAN DIVISION OF THE SEVENTH-DAY 2. The doctrinal deviation was spearheaded by Dr. J. H. Kellogg, a brilliant and charismatic ADVENTIST CHURCH intellectual who is described by Arthur Spalding as a man who "had a mind quick, omnivorous, 148 Fox Valley Road, Wahroonga, N.S.W. 2076. investigative and speculative. And he had a magnetic personality that drew young men to him President K. S. Parmenter Secretary R. W. Taylor in devotion.' Treasurer W. T. Andrews 3. So subtle was the nature of the spurious teachings that crept into our ranks, that even many of Assistant Secretary R. A. Evans Assistant Treasurer W. H. Stokes our most gifted, highly esteemed men in positions of responsibility, failed to recognise it as error Field Secretary and were swept away by it. Audi tor S. H. Macfarlane Associate Auditors G. J. Bland 4. The thing that saved the day when it seemed certain that those erronepus teachings were poised C. E. Fisher K. M. Hughes to prevail, was the fact that in His love for His church, God had graciously given to His people the M. E. Mitchell gift of prophetic guidance. Without the counsel that came to us through the Spirit of Prophecy in Departmental Directors Education G. F. Clifford this time of terrible crisis, His church would have been in serious trouble. This and this alone saved Education (Assistant) H. T. Irvine the church from running around and breaking up on the carefully concealed rocks of false doctrine. Health Food F. C. Craig Lay Activities and Sabbath School H. C. Barritt 5. The doctrinal controversy that beset the church at that time resulted in a tragic slowing down of Assistant Sabbath School our evangelistic outreach at a time when God was miraculously opening doors for a dramatic (Child Evangelism) Miss L. R. Chester Health and Temperance Dr. R. J. Swannell forward thrust. Health and Temperance (Associate) Dr. H. Rainda 6. Once again in the future the peril of apostasy that beset this movement at the beginning of the Health and Temperance (Assistant) W. G. Dowling Ministerial Association, century, is to be repeated. Once again it is the gift of prophetic guidance that will enable God's Stewardship and Development A. N. Duffy Ministerial Association, Stewardship people to distinguish between truth and error. The Lord's messenger to the remnant is no longer and Development (Associate) E. C. Lemke with us, but, thank God, the light still shines—as brightly as ever! Our only danger in the future Communication R. M. Kranz Publishing J. T. Knopper will be in neglecting or spurning the special light God has given us as a people. Our only safety is in Public Affairs, Religious Liberty and SAWS . G. A. Laxton cherishing and walking in that God-given light. Youth K. E. Martin Youth (Assistant) L. A. Lansdown 7. Whenever we are confronted with the choice between a man and the message, our choice must Christian Services for the Blind R. A. Vince be the message. When Dr. Kellogg and the church came to the parting of the ways, many predicted Trust Services O. L. Speck that the church could not survive the loss of so great a figure. They were forgetting that God was on ADVERTISERS PLEASE NOTE: All advertisements the side of the message.
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