. *7 . THE HOTE? DRIAItO America* and I ♦ Telephone • First Via* Hotel c Vleteelâ. Cable Complete — 'Bee fro* Doete a» Wit* yoe hate baetneee with Tralee. Vancouver, Seattle or Manalao C. A. HARRISON, Prop. A ah'rentrai for 10W DISTAWa — 1 D VOL. 4«. VICTORIA, B. C., SATURDAY, AUGUST IS,'’1905. NO. 54. ^ nrderntond that -there are five or six «4 trie*. Aimnijf t hem i* n boat owned ITHE CHIEF EVENTS !.. J. D.iy. of Hsquiniatt. and a noth, r by C A. Good via* it Victoria. Both of REFINERY MAY BE tl vsv an, Very t**t, and th»> three-oUIe compétition Irom oft the wharfes to the WILL nor ACCEPT WATCHES IE PLACE TO-DAY Admiralty inland and back to the xtare- ,T ing point should be a fair test of lioth tiieir speed and eridti ranee. I REGATTA CNN TlSUED IN Appended 1* a rompteti• prhgramrr.eqf this afternoon's events: VICTORIA IS TO BE ™ JAPANESE TERMS CLEANED 3 p. ins.—Uotibls dinghy race, open to naval ESQUIMAU HARBOR A COPPER CENTRE I - 11 P- m. -1st heat lapatreak fours. 1 small outlay once every two years iulle. f..r Fluruerfsft cup; op. n to members J. B. A. A.-W. T. Andrews, stroke; U. W. I General Interest Evinced la Senior Poor will keep’your timepiece in fit con­ Power, No, >; F llaylle. No. 2; V, A. Wolf ! U h Ryœwrd Tfcit Geo H R tliioe Russian Reply, Handed to Komnra To-Day, endvq, bow. T. it. Nlckaon. stroke; C. dition. Oil dries on the finer UmpttiUoo Improvement JetHtinstttt. No. Bi Sb Salihnres. NV>. 2; J. Y. Has in Con omplitkn Exteo . a Firm but Courteous Refusal of to Cdufse. itilupso», bow. —, mechanism of a watch the same as 2-3U p. in. 2nd heat. Fhunerfêîv» cup; slve Works. X... machinery of larger construction. Our same conditions as race No. j a. y. Hliup i Two Main Proposals. — s'*a, stroke; T. Wilson, No. 3;- K. Meuion t _________ watchmakers are careful experts, whose N„. 2. tt. Jesse, fin w. V. Gray, stroke; 11 Fh«* ehiuf event* of the N. P. A.. A. O. LAfif. No. 3; r. e. Clarke, No. K. a. Ht tit-o. II. *..n, of (hr Britannia whole attention is devoted to the cleaning I n-gtoua are in gwogruss 'this afternoon. cocks, bow. «Associated Preea.) I BeeMe* The Jsinea Ray *m:uatisoWpéti- niu« anil sureriari baa Iwn of lato I t seems a bad augury. Indeed, pessim­ Portsmouth. N. II., Aug. 12.* ism. black pessimism, reigned, and repairing of «tinç watches. Why pay I tu n* arv taking plaue, and slum Id 4** straights way. for Challoner A Mitchell t up jI uutuifvstlng a groat deal of in.ereai in mçetivg of the peace confcrvwc* __ ams ,l wee *lrs»dy well understood that more than our moderate charges for pro­ I quite as interesting a* thv international -James Bay Athletic Association. W li. ' Victoria.- The annifimeement that he ha a I4 M. Witte's reply ujH.n the two main morning, ns Indiente«l in these dispatch- Jesse, stroke; l>. O'Sullivan, bow, versus derided, to take up his residence here in- points was a firm but courteous refusal. perly repaired watches ? eoptPAti a* n number of entries are pro­ wlnn re of Junior doubles. i dieaten tnat he is prepared to make this ea last nignt, was brief. It lasted a The Russians had mode no noucealment mised for everything included in the pro 3 p m. Senior tour*. N. P, A. A. O., 1* little m«re than an hour, adjourning, at I gi Minnie. Of rvun»e the senior four con- the centre of hi* operations, and it is »*f that and such indication as came from miles straightaway, for Buchanan challenge 10 40. The Russian reply was drafted iheir headquarters breathed a spirit of I test for fh* Pacific cosst championship cap--Vancouver, X. C. 8awere, stroke; 4J. rumored now that in a more xulwtautial by M. Witte.and the meeting was ad­ irâplacable resolution to adhere to the J4« flitfai-tin4 thr HHwt attention. This W. Ssym-Htr. No. 8; J. A. DflUbungb. No. 2; way then at present it may bevome the j commenced at «1 o'clock and,, as no 1. »* actual centre c.f Mr. ltobinscp's Pacific journed, to give Baron Koniura and his refusal. Indeed, there were open in­ R. C «pints/ ttoW. James Bny Athletic A* timations that unless the Japanese modi­ I Iran* four rrrwr *re rompe ting trt* Mice «K^attbB. V. n. K enmity. stroke: C. ft. Ftu- Coast enter prise*. ,—, <f*lleagues opportunity to examine the Challoner & IV|itchell, 11: To prove .me ef the beet races ever Tbe_r»_H rreron ta ietirrr that h» end fied their positions upuu tliew point* the B. No. ft: r Austin. Kb. 2; T. Donald- docîiihéiîf. attempt to negotiate j»eace muet rcult Gold and Silversmiths jTm’Iu since the inception of the North. bow. Portland, P. V smltl, ntrvke; thooe who are actively engaged in mining and smelting operation* with him have in M. Witte indicated courteously that he to failure, and prediction! were freely would expect the same expedition to the made among the Russian correspondents 47 Government Street Victoria. B. C. Japanese response as he had observed that next week wohld sc* the end. in the preparation of the Russian reply, Boon after the adjournment of the joint session of the pientpoton r$«rie* and and this was readily as*ente«! to. tl- dvjrartnro of the Russian* from the Baron Komura announced that they ■ nTiding, the JapaneM* chief envoys ami -Ar wrnld be prepare.! to meet the Russian tl.eir assistants went into formal session plenipotentiaries again at 3 o'clock ilia in their private council chamber, faking ofterufwn or if trot then, at latent to- into consideration a ml prvr>aring for ortW,Sunday), at the earn.- hour. eabling the Russian rtqily to Toktu. " Thvx Italian. **. well aw Japanese , ; Call a spade a spade WILL WASTE NO TIME pletiipotentiAiea rvmaine.1 »t the nary IX PREPARING RESPONSE. ‘ and this a— • yrrd. —©—- / Portsmouth. N. H„ Aug. 12.-The Jap­ DETER MIXED XuT anese plenipotentiaries have agreed to TO ACCEPT TERMS. make their response to the Russian reply at 3 o clock this afternoon, or at the BARGAIN Portsmouth. X. H., Aug. 12.—-The aame time to-n>vrruw. Runsian reply to the Japancsv condl- IU S8IAX HErLT° tious of t»Save was delivered by M. Witts COMPLKTED YESTERDAY. GENUINE to Baron Koniura this- morning. o ________ The heat was already almost unbear­ Portmomk, N. H. Aug. 12,-MiJlion. able when the Japanese ami Russian of moaqhitoa ami intolerable brat tu-d«y CASTILE plenipotentiaries set out for, the navy confronted the plentpotenUifice of Rua- >ard, about 9 o'clock. The mercury waa Japan and tneir suite,. in the. ninetitu yn thv veranda of the When the 6nal reriaien of the French SOAP hotel, and not a breath of air was stir­ and Engiiah texta of the Uuaaian reply ring. The foreigners were fairly over to the Japanese terms had been conclud­ FULL 3 LB. BAR 25c come. They were mopping their brows ed yesterday, shortly after 4 o'clock. M. "!aa,hey Tile heat evidently “ *lt* »nd Baron Jips»>n entered an au­ This is not an imitation but the GENUINE Ptub r^oto Takuff fur Time, by Ui.tr. afffeted their te&pers. Grim, serious tomobile and were off for a spin of near­ ly two hours, along the shore rond*. This BmiIot 8ii,gh-«—D. DnBriav. "J. B. A. A. Business on Hand, Castile Soap stamped with the renowned *be only recreation for the Russians. npoo toe issue of w-hich the whole world The Japanese did not indulge them- Puciftc Association, of AmateJy fhirw- N II. Montgomery, Xn„ 3; F Biminerinaa, .... ’ *------ — "BIUIKP UI- — BRAND and NAME of FELIX BYDOUX [ men. t view ultimately the erection of a refinery waitedwa'ti*d broathlvssly, iwviuvdseeuu^l temporarily . aelves even to the extent of a drive, J No. 2; R. A. Lambcraou, bow. And wlp- ou this c-uaat. with the prvbabilitie» that forgotten in the general execration of The strange mingling of summer , When thv launch Dominion left tbs : *ers of Junior foura. n site near Victoria may be selected. i l>“UWe dinghy, ladite, op,*n—Boats limited the weather M. Witte and M. Taka- |*»rats and th, foreigners who have come < Ihb h • ise ihnctly •.f».‘r 12 o‘< lot ; with I Mr. Itohioson. in addition to hi* own hira, who have coffered particularly j with the peace misa lone in various ca- oft.rial*, friend* of the local dub. vi,U- 1 to 18 feet in length. [capital, ia. baek»*l by what is said to be Iroin the uu|>receilenteil heat which liha 1 parities and precision of etiquette oh- I iny. oar*tnen And press representatives 3.20 p. m Final heat F*umerfvlt cup- ' practically unlimited money in New York. hvld this vaunted summer resort in Its «'reed between the large corps of Japan- Dixi H. Ross & Co. per Esquimau there was quit» a bris so , "*luuera of lat heat verau* winners 2nd Ret w een the syndicate which he repre­ j blowing, it was hot as strong as. that winnllee» grip for three days, looked a I- ”e eorreepondeeta and those who came heat.__ j____ ■ sent* and other copper corporation», moat worn out. , over from Europe, occasion many atmns- which prevailed yesterday. Altogether j 3 40 p.
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