M ArCh 2016 MARCH 20102009 E STAblIShED In 1972 +(0)#0)V#o l)!)!&ume 44, numb e#-r 3 ESTABLISHED IN 19721972 VolumeVolume 38, 37, Number Number 33 DDEEVOTEDVOTED TO TO ANTIQUES ANTIQUES,, CCOLLECTIBLESOLLECTIBLES,, FFURNITUREURNITURE,, ARTART AND AND DESIGN DESIGN.. An Irish-American Tradition +(+."+*0'-1#((#.4#(#Early 20th Century .0#/ Corkscrew Auction ,$' )/,*,$ 69;/,3(:; @,(9:;/,6369(+65;08<,(33,9@/(:),,5(4<:;:;67 Page 7 :/67-69(5;08<,(5+*633,*;0)3,,5;/<:0(:;: =,9@@,(9+<905.;/,465;/6-St. Patrick’s Day Postcards (9*/;/,(33,9@*,3,)9(;,:0;:(550=,9:(9@>0;/(.0(5;465;/365.:(3, By Roy Nu hn &0;/(5@>/,9,-964 ;6 6--0546:;)66;/:05;/,(33,9@;/0:0:65, :(3,@6<+656;>(5;;640:: $/0:@,(9;/,6369(+65;08<,(33,9@>033Legend has it that many an Irishm an, upon departing his native v9i<50;: 5+550=,9:(9@#(3,-964,)9<(9@ ;/<5;03;/, :;6-llag e to go to America, would p ause for a second and tuck a bit o f (9*/ t&0;/6=,9 6-6369(+6C:;67(5;08<,+,(3,9:<5+,965,966-(5+( urf into his slender luggage. Thus, thoug h in time he became an A:8<(9,-66;:/6>9664-3669;/,9,9,(33@0::64,;/05.-69,=,9@65, merican citizen, a piece of his beloved Emerald Isle would always be ne6*(;,+(; # 96(+>(@:05*, ;/,.(33,9@0:,(:03@(**,::0ar his heart. This love for both the land of their birth and for their new home - )3,-964(5@7(9;6-;6>5 &0;/6=,9 6--:;9,,;7(9205.:7(*,:(5+( land helps to expla in the prep onderance of Irish and American sym - -<33;04,:(3,::;(--;/(;0::,*65+;6565,:/67705.(;;/,(33,9@*6<3+5C; bols found on greeting postcards published for St. Patrick's Day a ),,(:0,9 <:;64,9:,9=0*,0:;/,09:7,*0(3;@;/,:;(-->692:-69@6<(5+ century ago. ;/,+,(3,9::6,=,9@65,.,;:;/,),:;+,(3 (5C;-0;;/(;+0505.9664:,;05;6 Of the man y h olid ays an d c eleb rations we enjoy ea ch year, only @6<9 +669:,+(5!6;;6>699@;/,:;(-->033:;69,@6<90;,4-69<7;6 three - St. Patric k's D ay, Hallo we en, and Colu mbus Day have origins +(@:>0;/6<;(*/(9., 0+@6<:,,(5 +967-965;+,:2@6<*(5C;30=, in th e arriva l of a specific na tion ality to our sho res. >0;/6<;)<;+65C;.,;7(0+;0335,?;>,,2!6;;6>699@;/,(33,9@/(:( The Ir ish, wh o cam e in large nu mbers to this country throughout -05(5*,-9,,3(@(>(@796.9(4 !,,+/,37.,;;05.;/(;=05;(.,62,4(*/05, th e 19th century , early e mbraced March 17 , St. Pa trick's Day, as their 05;6;/,;9<*2$/,:;(-->033;(2,0;6--;/,-3669(5+36(+0;<7-69@6< $/, special day. I t slow ly be came a wonde rfu l blend of Ir ish pride and .6(36-;/,6369(+65;08<,(33,9@0:;64(2,:<9,@6<;/,*<:;64,9/(: A;/,46:;,516@()3,:/67705.,?7,90,5*,76::0)3, merican patriotism, as the Irish love and appreciation of Ameri ca cou nterba lanc ed th e st ron g tug that th e Eme rald Isle e xerted upon h er !,>0;,4:(990=,+(03@),*(<:,;/,09=09;<(3(94@6- 6-;/,:;(;,C: former sons and daughter a nd their descendants. ;67(5;08<,+,(3,9::*6<9,:;(;,:(3,:(<*;065:(5+(5@6;/,9(=,5<,@6< The Irish, mainly Anglo-Irish and follow ers of the Anglican reli - *6<3+;/0526-;6(*8<09,;/,,=,9*/(5.05.8<(30;@4,9*/(5+0:,-6<5+(;;/, Phonograph History gion, were present in goodly numbers in pre-Revolutionary War days. $'&)!,$ 6369(+65;08<,(33,9@ !64(;;,9>/(;;@7,6-(5;08<,69*633,*;0)3,@6< Page 14 Festivities on St. Patrick's Day were being enjoy ed as early as 1760 Continued on page 9 *!#* '$#/')#-#&+0.#(# ,-'( *" ,-'( Colorado Anti qu e G a lle ry C e leb r ates 24 G l ori o us Yea r s 4+*#0#$*+ >(:05;/,)<:05,::(5+0;>(:1<:; : ;0:>/(;/,36=,:;6)<@ ;0:.9,(; For 24 years, antique enthusiasts have been flocking your thing Mid-Century Mod, Primitive, or fine Euro - 205+6-7(::,+65;64, 3,(95,+ -<950;<9,(5+653@)<@8<(30;@ $/(;0:;/, to 5501 South Broadway to peruse the “Miles of Aisles” pean? Well, you can find a little bit of everything at 5501 64,;6"5*,50-,;04,&(9,/6<:,#(3,(; # -964;/,),:;/,>(:=,[email protected]+ 7(;/>(@;6:<**,::05;/0:)<:05,::8<(30;@ *64(05,5=,96369(+6657903 (5+7903 -964at the Colorado Antique Gallery. This March, they are >(: @,(9:63+(5+36=,+0;-964 South Broadway8<(30;@ in Little 8<(30;@ ton, Col "90.05(3orado. 63+ 70,*,: (5+ (4;674>/,9,( @,(9*633,*;0656-;/,-05,:;(5+),:;celebrating their 24th Anniversa ry with a month long ;/,),.05505. =,),,5050;(365. The Colora8<(30;@ do Antique Gallery has something for (5;08<,:@6<*(5-05+>033),6--,9,+-69;/,-09:;;04,;6;/,7<)super sale. Many of their 285 vendors are offering up to ;04,(5+(4:;033*633,*;05. C=, everyone. Need a u&/,5@6<+,(3>0;/7,673,-(093@(5+nique gift for Mom this Mother’s day? 30* 50% off. The Annual Anniversary sale at the Gallery has (3>(@:/(+:;69,:(5+=,(3>(@: The Gallery has .0=,;/,4/0./8<(30;@.66+:;/,@),*64,many dealers who specialize in all differ - been$/0:.9,(;>(9,/6<:,:(3,/(:6=,9 :8<(9,-,,;(5+ a staple for the pas t 24 years, and this M arch the Col - /(+(>(9,/6<:, @7(::065-69 ent styles and pr56;653@9,7,(;*<:;64,9:)<;(3:6(.9,(;ice ranges of jewelry, glass, and anything ;>6-<33 ? ;,5;:6-.9,(;(5;08<,-<950;<9, $/,9,(9, orado Antique Gallery will be running a series of special )<@05.>(:*9(A@ B pretty Mom may:6<9*,6-9,-,99(3: want this year. Don’t forget about Dad, ),+9664:,;:4(9)3,;67+9,::,9:/(33;9,,: *<9=,+.3(::promotions and giveaways to make this Anniversary Sale $/0: &(9,/6<:, #(3, (4 because he can co0:(+=0*,;6*<:;64,9:$/,9,:56:,*9,; me enjoy the Gallery. With multiple the b est yet . Check the insid e 1st pa ge of t his publication dealers specializing in “Mantiques,” Dad is bound to find */05(/<;*/,:3(>@,9)662*(:,::;(05,+.3(::>05+6>:(5+ *65+<*;05.0:9,([email protected].;6),-<5 -@6<302,:64,;/05.@6<:/6<3+6>50; 5+ +669: 4(9)3,;67;()3,:9,5*/*<906:690,5;(39<.:30)9(9@fo r a rundown of the fun th ings hap peni ng in March. ;0:(.9,(;*633,*;065(5+(.9,(; something cool>/,5@6<:,,0;;/,9,:(:(@05.;/,;04,;6 to put in his collection or man cave. ;()3,:+0505.9664:,;:6(2;()3,: %0*;690(5),+:(5+Things at the Colorado Antique Gallery are always ,=,5;)<;0;0:=,9@:,7(9(;,-9644@ Coins, neon sig)<@(5(5;08<,0:>/,5@6<:,,0; C-@6<+65;ns, classic Americana, the Gallery has 4<*/4<*/469, '6</(=,;6:,,0;;6),30,=,0; #,,;/,05 chang ing , mean ing that their virtual army of antique deal - )<:05,::692@:5;08<,: (456; plenty of great f.,;0;;/,5@6<4(@40::6<;650;-69,=,9 <@inds to keep Dad busy all day long. An - =,5;69@30:;657(., ers are constantly bringing in unique merchandise to fill .,;;05.6<;6-;/,(5;08<,)<:05,:: other great gift (70,*,;/(;;(32:;6@6<;/(;:;/,),:;(+=0*, idea is a gift card to the Gallery so that the 5$/,"5*,50-,;04,&(9,/6<:,#(3,0:),05.*65+<*;2,000 sq. ft. showroom floor. With so many differ - 36=,;/0:)<:05,::(5+5,=,9>033 special someone ca-@6<9,05;/,4(92,;-69:64,=,9@:7,n take a stroll down memory lane and ,+)@692@#*/(--,9 692@:;(9;,+05;/,(5;08<,)<:05,::05ent vendors under one roof, any enthusiast is bound to find 9,;09,:(0+692@ get away from th*0(3e hu 8<(30;@stle and (5;08<, bustle o -<950;<9,f everyda :;67y life )@. 05(30;;3,)66;/05(-3,(4(92,;(; & ;/:;9,,;that unique treasure they are looking for. Variety is a good 692@:7,*0(30A,:05%0*;690 Not only w"5*,50-,;04,&(9,/6<:,#(3,69*(33ill you love the selection at the Gallery, (5+/,>(:(3:6>/63,:(305.6<;6-;/,)(*26-/0::;(;065word to describe the hundreds of booths at the Gallery. Is (56(2(5+>(35<;-<950;<9,(5+ 69 -69469,05Continued on page 6 >(.65;66 ,:(0+ @-(;/,9":*(9>/6@6<796)()3@25,> (**,::690,: -964 ;/, : ;6 -694(;065 Willowstone Marketplace Home stead Antiques &)#!%+!(, &.* 0&**1( (#+1*0'*.#/1.#/ 2150 West G arden of the Gods Rd. d d r 1 6530 Wadsworth Blvd., i " ) a 2 a " . +(((1 +((&+2(# 4 d ' Colorado Springs 5 P Arvada, Colorado 0 n 4 " %-)) %!*)+ 8 e a #$$#./+*+1*04'.%.+1*"/ # * t g # t S O a i 0 t % C 0 s d m ' e 0 , o r t / " Ragtime Annies y ) P e Explore Over r # + e . 0 l o P +!$%%!* 4 ,-'( /& **0( --3 i # . s S # 130 Sh oppes a . 4501 Wadsworth Blvd. ( e + ' / r B U *.&)+ #- +! +$+(+-(..+//#-3&+2 # Under One Roof P . 8964 E. Hampden Ave., Denver, Colorado Wheat Ridge, Colorado +0%(.+0*/31#*/#*/#- W orld WIde Antique Show Check calendar for May 2 & 3 anti que discussion March 11 - 13 topics & times DENVER POSTCARDDenver Ma &rt, PAPER58th Av eSHOW.
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