VOL. LXXXVI. NO. 94 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, APRIL 29,, 1979 25 CENTS Arizona Legislature adopts Estonian political prisoner demands resolution in defense of shukhevych Soviet implementation of Helsinki Accords PHOEN1X, Ariz. - Both Houses of Soviet Union. the state Legislature of Arizona recently The memorial passed by the Arizona NEW YORK, N.Y. - An Estonian unanimously passed a memorial urging Legislature stated in part: political prisoner who was involved in President Jimmy. Carter and the U.S. "The Senate of the State of Arizona, the Estonian National Front and the Congress to open negotiations with the the House of Representatives concur– Estonian Democratic Movement wrote Soviet Union for the release of Yuriy ring, prays: a letter to the Supreme Soviet demand– Shukhevych. "1. That the president of the United ing its implementation of the Helsinki The concurrent memorial was in– States, the secretary of state of the Accords, according to the press service troduced by Sen. Usdane on February United States and the members of the of the Ukrainian Supreme Liberation 6. Congress of the United States immedi– Council (abroad). Walter Chopiwskyj, president of the ately open negotiations with the govern– Karl Miatyk, a 47-year-old electrical Arizona branch of the National Captive ment of the Soviet Union to seek the engineer, charged that the Soviet Union Natons Committee, asked that the release of Yuriy Shukhevych from has never honored its commitment to memorial be passed when he testified imprisonment and to request an exit implement the provisions of the Final before the Senate Judiciary Committee visa for him and his family and extend Act of the OSCE and demanded that the of the Arizona Legislature. to them political asylum in the United right of nationalities in the Soviet He pointed out that Shukhevych, 46, States. Union to independence be guaranteed. has already spent 26 years of his life in "2. That .these negotiations with the Miatyk, who is currently imprisoned prisons. He was arrested at the age of 15 Soviet government for the release and on a sentence of six years, also signed simply because he is the son of Gen. emigration of Yuriy Shukhevych and the declaration on the 10 Days of Roman Shukhevych of the Ukrainian his family offer, if fiecessdr,, -r. cx– Solidarity of nations in the battle insurgent Army (UPA) who fought the change similar to numerous exchanges against Russian-Soviet colonialism and Nazi and Russian occupational forces. already consummated to secure free– imperialism. Nine Ukrainians, two After serving 20 years in prisons and dom of victims of the Soviet Union's Armenians, two Jews, one Russian, one four years in exile in Siberia, Yuriy unjust penal system. Estonian and one Tatar signed that Shukhevych was again arrested, this "3. That the secretary of state of the declaration. time for signing a letter in defense of State of Arizona transmit certified Three persons were arrested along Artem Yuskevych valentyn Moroz, said Mr. Chopiwsky. copies of this memorial to the president with Miatyk for demanding Estonian Mr. Chopiwskyj also stressed that of the United States, the secretary of self-determination. Among them was Miatyk wrote in his statement to the there are many Ukrainian Americans state of the United States, the president Artem Yuskevych, a 48-year-old Ukrai– Soviet government that the right of and Ukrainian. Canadians who are of the United States, the speaker of the nian engineer. He was sentenced to five national self-determination is included ready to provide financial and other House of Representatives of the United years incarceration. in the Helsinki Accords, and, he contin– support for Shukhevych and his family States and to each member of the Also sentenced were S. Soldatov - ued, despite the fact that a Soviet if they are allowed to emigrate from the Arizona congressional delegation." six years and M. Kiyrend - five years. representative signed the accords, "the Soviet Union never honored and is not now honoring this right in regard to its captive nations." New Jerseyans plan 5th festival "Each attempt by the nations to win implementation of the declared rights, JERSEY C1TY, N.J. - The fifth the government immediately and vio– annual Ukrainian Festival in New lently supresses," wrote Miatyk. Jersey, one of the largest spectacles of Miatyk said that the main evidence its kind in the East, will be held at the against them was a memorandum to the U.N. General Assembly demanding the Garden State Arts Center, Holmdel, renewal of Estonian independence. N. J., on Saturday, June 2. The center is "The right of nations to self-detcr– located at Exit 116 of the Garden State mination and secession from the USSR Parkway. is guaranteed by the Soviet C'onsti– Headlining this year's festival will be tution. if the right to secede from the the popular folk singer Melanie, who is USSR is guaranteed, then the right to expected to perform three Ukrainian seek the implementation of such a songs. secession through peaceful means Also appearing in the festival will be should also be allowed." wrote Miatyk. the ."Cheremosh" dance ensemble of He added that defending the right of Edmonton, Alta.. the "Dumka" chorus secession should not be considered a of New York, N.Y., pianist Thomas crime, but that the denial of such a right Hrynkiv, soloists Christina Lypeckyj of should be regarded as a criminal act. Detroit. Mich., and Laryssa Magun– Members of the New Jersey Committee meet with Svoboda editors. Seated, left to "in view of the 10 Days of Solidarity Huryn of New York, soloists Andrij right, are Motria Ma!utca-Yaniuk with her 4-year-old daughter Adrianna, Anna of nations in the battle against Russian- Dobriansky and Roman Osadchuk, Banasevych-Mi!i, Christina Bytz, Eugenia Charczenko and Michael iwanciw. Soviet colonialism and imperialism, the and the popular orchestra "Tempo." Standing, left to right, are George Drebych, Stephen Kerda, Myron Pinkowsky, already traditional commemoration of The master of ceremonies will be Svoboda editors Zenon Snylyk, Dr. Eugene Fedorenko, Lubov Kolensky and the day of the right of nations to decide Jaroslaw Semchyshyn of Winnipeg, Wolodymyr Lewenetz, and Ostap Jakubowych and John Klufas. their own fates, and the third anniver– Man., who emceed three previous sary of the signing of the Final Act, І programs. in view of the designation of 1979 as Ukrainian arts and crafts will be dis– categorically demand that the USSR The main program will get underway the Year of the Child, a special played throughout the day. begin implementing the international in the center's 5,000-seat amphitheater program will be presented on the Food and refreshments will be served treaties it signed, in protest against the at 5 p.m. Mr. Dobriansky, bass-bari– grounds of the center beginning with an for the duration of the day's activities as Soviet Union's non-compliance with tone with the Metropolitan Opera ecumenical moleben. well. Principle 7 of the Final Act, 1 am Company, is the artistic director for Special performances by children's declaring a hunger strike as of August this year's festival. ensembles will begin at 11 a.m., and– (Continued on page 16) 1," wrote Miatyk. THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, APRIL 29,1979 No. 94 Dr. Martin Abend hosted by UCCA Justice Department looks into NEW YORK, NY. (UCCA Spe– ruling in Fedorenko citizenship case cial). - Dr. Martin Abend, associate NEW ORLEANS, La. -The Justice the government failed to prove its professor of political geography at Department said that U.S. District charges. Jersey City State College and political Court Judge Norman C. Roettger was in the 54-page written opinion, Judge commentator at WNEW-TV Channel 5 wrong in ruling that Fedir Fedorenko Roettger wrote: "Even without the in New York. City, was fhe guest of could remain a U.S. citizen even though defendant's testimony, the govern– honor of the Ukrainian Congress Com– he lied about his service in a Nazi ment's evidence of the claimed commis– mittee of America at a meeting and concentration camp in order to get into sion of atrocities by Fedorenko fell reception tendered him on Sunday, the United States, reported the Associ– short of meeting the 'clear, convincing April 8, at the Ukrainian institute of ated Press on April 24. and unequivocal' burden of proof." America here. Judge Roettger also said in his Dr. Abend became known to the Allen J. Ryan Jr., a Justice Depart– statement that at least two of the elderly Ukrainian community in the mctropo– ment lawyer, told an appeals court on witnesses called to testify against Mr. litan area of New York through his April 23 that the issue was not whether Fedorenko vacillated on their identifi pungent and incisive commentaries on the 72-year-old Mr. Fedorenko beat or cation of him. television in defense of Ukrainian shot Jews at Treblinka during World "The court is convinced that witnes– political prisoners and Ukrainians by Dr. Martin Abend War H, but the ethics of citizenship. ses were discussing the trial among struggling for the restoration of their themselves,.at least. And at worst, The average American, even Ameri– if an appeals court upholds the ruling independent state and for freedom from someone was coaching them," wrote cans with university degrees are whooly that Mr. Fedorenko's alleged lie was not Communist Russia. Notable were his Judge Roettger then. commentaries on November 26, 1978, ignorant of Ukraine and the aspirations serious enough to warrant stripping him after the conclusion of the Third World of the Ukrainian people to freedom and of his citfzenship, Mr. Ryan said, the The latest attempt by the Justice Congress of Free Ukrainians (WCFU) independence, said Dr.
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