g;) Clouds Clear; VOL. 12 - No. 29 Marine Corps Air Station, Crowds Cheer! Despite threatening weather thrilling' and spectators were Raises earlier Sunday, K-Bay's Water well pleased:' State Carnival #3 became the show Carnival planners a n d to top in entertainment, at- participants alike held their tendance and proceeds. breaths right up to the Car Liability; More than 30,000 spectators starting gun. The mid-morn- jam-packed the bleachers, mid- ing rains came and spirits way and beach areas to set were in doubt. But as weath- a new record in K-Bay carni- er-watchers had forecast, Now 10-20-5 val crowds. skies cleared and the event The State of Hawaii has Early estimates show was "go." It was necessary upped its minimums on finan- about $17,000 going to the only to put a 30-minute de- cial responsibility required of K-Bay Youth Activities As- lay on the start of the pro- motorists driving in the State. sociation. This is a combined gram. figure from the Queen's Sentries on the main gate Official word was received were deluged with incoming bs the Station only recently . penny-votes, midway activi- *11. 4 .; coz.11s from carnival goers say- that effective last July 1 ties, refreshments sales and from advertising in the 48- (1963) legal minimums have See related stories, pages $5000. page souvenir program. been upped from 2 and 3; photos on page 4. 510,000-$1000 to $10,000- SiL K-Bay's water spectacular 520,000- $5000. has not only become highly it has earned bill- ing, "Don't cancel the show- successful, we're on our way," Act 98, passed by the State ing as the biggest annual wa- or "wait for us, t h e weather will legislature and approved by .;,i,: ,i - ter attraction in the islands. As break." the Governor last May, sets Joitita.61,11.,;.:.4t' This year's attendance was 7 7°144 .1..44r.' .41,,Will4 -. imi-: ' 0 7 as'. & 41:4... & 1,. They converged on the gate the new rates. ...sz s'a,..,,;,....1 ' 5000-plus more than last year's S t epaisinuir 411. as early as 10 a.m. Traffic was I , t and about 15,000 more than laws say motorists ... Revised S. '41 backed up - . toward Kailua and , IL :a.. .. ,....... tv.. 1961's initial presentation. must now have the following ,,..1., . ....4, Faneohe by 2:30 p.m. -proof of financial responsi- Carnival Chairman and Sta- ;,, 3n From the opening power bility:" QVI1114Cii Z.:19i tion S-4, LtCol. R. F. Shields, boat race to the final water -.- - ;- _;;;;. heralded this year's show as ski act, spectators were Proof of ability to respond 2._ "tremendous." "It's the best treated to six action-packed in damages for liability in one we've had to date, the the amount of $10,000 be- hours crammed with thrills, attendance was terrific, events chills and spills. cause of bodily injury to or t Events death of one person in any t went off as planned and on one accident; in the amount J. Downey a close schedule. GySgt. K-Bay's Globe and Anchor of $20,000 for bodily Injury Ski Club, host for the Carni- to or death of two or more in any one accident; Earns Merit Mast val, along with representatives persons Pa- and $5000 for injury to or from Oahu, Paradise and cific Yacht Ski Clubs, corn- destruction of property of From Brigade CG another in any one accident. (See Capers on Page 8) tit GySgt. J. E. Downey, HqCo Regulations pertaining to 4 - ServBn, was presented a meri- Air Sta- - registration on the torious mast by BrigGen. C. A. tion now require $5000 -$10,- Youngdale, Brigade CG, in the 000 -$5000 coverage. General's office July 11. Capt. W. D. Isbell, Provost Sgt. Downey was cited for Marshal, said new guidance outstanding performance of relative to liability coverage r. -.JL duty as administrative chief requirements for Station vehi- GOERS GALORE -A helicopter view of K-Bay's.carnival site for the battalion. cle registration will be forth- provides some idea of the crowds who flocked to KMCAS The citation read in part: coming by official directive Sunday for a day of fun and entertainment. The photo was "At all times your perform- shortly. taken about 3:30 p.m. ance of duty has been exem- plary and the subject of much Service-in-Grade Prime Factor favorable comment. You have unselfishly devoted of your LtCol. L. E. Brown own time in order to attain the Fiscal '64 Tests August 2 maximum degree of efficiency Promotion Start within your section. LtCol. Brown A tentative schedule for Fis- and master sergeant is ten- date of rank is Dec. 31, 1961) "At various times, and for cal Year 1964 Enlisted Selec- tatively slated to convene in will he tested during the Au- prolonged periods, your sec- tion and Review Boards and January 1964, with selection gust (Alfa) period. tion was under strength and Is MAG Ex0 over committed. The fact that establishment of minimum boards for promotion to Corporals who will have LtCol. L. E. Brown became your section continued to op- Officer service in grade requirements gunnery sergeant and staff 19 months in grade on or be- MAG-13's Executive erate effectively is attributed A. for eligibility for General Mili- sergeant to follow in March fore Nov. 30, 1963, (Cut-off Monday, succeeding LtCol. tary Subjects Testing has been and May, respectively. directly to your outstanding D. Simpson who is leaving K- (See Promotions on Page 8) professional skill." announced by HQMC. Selection board for promo- Bay today for MCAS, Cherry The Staff Noncommission- tion in the Reserve is ten- Point. Colonel comes to the ed Officer Selection and Re- tatively slated for April, 1964. The Brigade from the University of view Board for selection to GMSTs are scheduled for Oklahoma where he participat- sergeant major, master gun- Aug. 2, 1963, Dec. 4, 1963 and ed in Operation "Boot Strap," nery sergeant, first sergeant Apr. 1, 1964. for Marines who meet or exceed the following the Corps' College Degree Pro- minimum service in grade re- gram. Col. Carl Assumes quirements: Col. Brown entered the Nav- al Service in August 1940 and Staff sergeants who will he received a field commission Chief in of Staff Post have 30 months grade on in November 1942. Colonel Marion E. Carl be- or before Dec. 31, 1963. (Cut- He holds the distinction of is came Chief of Staff of the First off date of rank June 30, being the first Marine pilot to Marine Brigade yesterday, suc- 1961). fly with service and the ceeding another Col. R. L. Stallings. Sergeants who will have first to fly a jet in combat in Col. Stallings and his family 29 months in grade on or departed Korea. Hawaii yesterday aft- before Dec. 31, 1963. (Cut- Among his ernoon personal decora- aboard the USNS Sul- off date of rank is July 31, ALOHAS, ARRIVING AND DEPARTING - Colonel and Mrs. tions are the Silver Star, Dis- tan. He will be Director of the 1961.) R. L. Stallings, left, and Col. and Mrs. M. E. Carl, center, were tinguished Cross, 8th who Flying Marine Corps Reserve & Corporals will have joined in the receiving line by BrigGen. ar7d Mrs. C. A. Young- Bronze Star Medal with Com- Recruitment District with 19 months in grade on or be- dale during an Aloha reception for the arriving headquarters and depart- bat "V," three Air Medals and in New Orleans. fore July 31, 1963, (Cut-off ing colonels at the 0-Club Tuesday evening. three Purple Hearts. 2 Windward Marina July 19, 1963 1' III 1!!];1!IT'il.1111,11i11111111I, 'Teen' Picks K-Bay Teens Col. P. T. Johnston Commanding Officer LtCol. F. E. Hughes Executive Officer Capt. R. B. Morrisey Informational Services Officer GySgt. J. A. Mitchell Editor Poster Picks Sgt. L. L. Kinne Assistant Editor Two K-Bay dependents re- Carnival Doers - Calm carnival chairman, LtCol. R. F.- Cpl. J. C. Schwaninger Sports Editor ceived notification this week Shields, in motion under broad hat . lstLt. E. M. Condra's impressive souvenir program cover his second in a row . The WINDWARD MARINE is published every Friday by and for that their Punch Line Contest - the personnel of the U.S. Marine Corps Air Station, Navy No. 990, Posters had been picked among K-Bay Queen Peggy Dieffenbaugher overwhelmed and so ior:0S%FraVo, Calif. Printedgev1 at Va RoyalAArri Printers anblsei..e,ulil,waii pub- the winners in a nationwide thrilled she couldn't keep her mind on Sunday School . lished with appropriated funds in conformity with paragraph 1720.1 Carnival officials insisting "it'll clear, it'll clear" while stand- MarCorMan 1961 and MCO 5727.3. The WINDWARD MARINE is a :ontest. member of and receives the services of the Armed Forces Press ing in inches of water . Young K-Bayite loaded with hots, Service (AFPS). Clifford Allsup, 14, son of pop sign . No paid advertising may be accepted. The Information Section AD1 and Mrs. Clifford Allsup, hamburgs, and around neck reading "Lost" and the WINDWARD MARINE are in Bldg. 220. Telephones: WIND- Pacific Missile Range Dunker clown telling little leaguer "you can't hit the target" - WARD MARINE 72-104: ISO 72-141. Facility, was Bulls -eye next pitch . Blue Belle II boat train looking like Subscription Rate: $2 50 per year Circulation-5000 named a runner-up in the contest. Seattle World's Fair attraction .
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