Indian Creek Elementary School Student Handbook 2017-2018 301 West Cherokee Avenue Shabbona, IL 60550 815-824-2122 David Mantzke, Principal “Achieving Excellence Together” Teen Dating Violence and Bullying Letter 4 Indian Creek Mission Statement: 5 ADMINISTRATION BOARD OF EDUCATION 6 ATTENDANCE REGULATIONS AND ABSENTEE PROCEDURES 7 10 Day Rule 7 Reporting an Absence 7 Medical Absence 8 Prearranged Absence 8 Tardies 8 Truancy 8 BICYCLES / SKATEBOARDS / ROLLERBLADES / SCOOTERS 9 BIRTH CERTIFICATES 9 BIRTHDAYS (STUDENT) CLASSROOM PARTIES 9 BUS POLICIES 9 Bus Routes 9 Bus Procedures – End of Day 10 Parent Drop Off 10 Parent Pick Up 10 Walkers 10 CELL PHONES AND OTHER ELECTRONIC DEVICES 10 CHANGE OF INFORMATION 11 CHILD ABUSE 11 CLASSROOM VISITATIONS AND CONFERENCES 11 COMMUNICATION 11 ALERT NOW 11 Contacting Teachers 12 CONCEALED WEAPONS 12 CURRICULUM 12 Response to Intervention (RtI) 12 DISCIPLINE / STUDENT EXPECTATIONS 12 Overview of Discipline Philosophy 13 Behavior consequences will follow teacher’s classroom rules. 13 Student Rights and Responsibilities 13 Types of Disciplinary Action 14 Bully Policy 14 Classroom Rules 14 1 Student Expectations: 14 Cheating 15 Definitions of Disciplinary Consequences: 15 Specific Causes and Procedures for Disciplinary Consequences 15 Suspension/Expulsion Related Offences 15 Administrative Action 16 Parent Rights – Suspension or Expulsion of Pupils 17 Corporal Punishment 17 Dismissal and Dismissal Changes 17 DRESS CODE 17 ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS 18 E.P.A. ASBESTOS NOTICE 18 FAMILY EDUCATIONAL RIGHTS AND PRIVACY ACT (FERPA) 18 FEES 18 FIELD TRIPS 19 FIRE / DISASTER/LOCKDOWN DRILLS 19 GRADING SYSTEM 19 GRADED WORK 19 GRADING PERIODS 20 GRADING and PROMOTION 20 HEALTH PROCEDURES 20 Medication at School 20 Self-Administered Non-Prescription Drugs 20 STUDENT ILLNESS 21 Fever 21 Chicken Pox 21 Diarrhea and Vomiting 21 Contagious Conditions 21 Illness / Accident at School 21 Head Lice (Pediculosis) 22 Dental Examinations 22 Physical Exams and Immunizations 22 Vision and Hearing Screening 22 Vision Examinations 23 Personal Hygiene 23 INSPECTION OF INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS 23 2 ITEMS NOT TO BE BROUGHT TO SCHOOL 23 LEAVING SCHOOL GROUNDS 24 LOST AND FOUND 24 LOST, DAMAGED OR OVERDUE BOOKS 24 LUNCH 24 Cafeteria Rules 24 MAKE-UP WORK 25 NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND 25 PARKING 25 PHONE USE 25 PLAYGROUNDS 25 General Playground Guidelines 26 RECESS 26 SCHOOL PROPERTY 26 SCHOOL SECURITY PROCEDURES 26 SMOKING, DRINKING, DRUGS, INAPPROPRIATE LANGUAGE 27 SUICIDE and DEPRESSION AWARENESS and PREVENTION 28 SURVEY OF PRIVATE INFORMATION 28 TESTING 28 TEXTBOOK AND OTHER FEE WAIVER POLICY 29 TOBACCO 29 VISITORS 30 VOLUNTEERS 30 WEATHER CONDITIONS 30 Indian Creek Transportation Policy 31 AUTHORIZATION FOR ELECTRONIC NETWORKS ACCESS 36 Authorization for Electronic Network Access Form 39 PARENT/STUDENT RETURN FORM 40 3 Teen Dating Violence and Bullying Letter Dear Parents/Guardians: At our school, there are certain behaviors that are unacceptable such as teen dating violence and bullying of any kind, by any person. The purpose of this letter is to provide you with information concerning our district-wide anti-bullying program, as defined in School Board 7:180 and also to inform you of Board Policy 7:185, Teen Dating Violence Prohibited, which is a component of this program. Bullying is defined as any severe or pervasive physical or verbal act or conduct, including communications made in writing or electronically, directed toward a student that has or can be reasonably predicted to have the effect of one or more of the following: 1) Placing the student in reasonable fear of harm to the student’s person or property; 2) Causing a substantially detrimental effect on the student’s physical or mental health; 3) Substantially interfering with the student’s academic performance; and 4) Substantially interfering with the student’s ability to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or privileges provided by the school. Teen dating violence occurs whenever a student uses or threatens to use physical, mental or emotional abuse to control an individual in the dating relationship; or uses or threatens to use sexual violence in the dating relationship. Students in grades 7-12 will receive age-appropriate instruction on teen dating violence including its warning signs and prevention. School staff will also receive training on handling the signs and incidents of teen dating violence. I have asked school staff members to respond immediately and with compassion to any student who report an incidence of teen dating violence or bullying. After evaluating the situation to determine if an immediate referral to the principal’s office is needed, a staff member will give the student an appropriate form for reporting either teen dating violence or bullying. I have also asked our staff to intervene immediately to stop incidents of teen dating violence occurring at school, as well as incidents of bullying. I have also asked them for feedback and concerns specifically regarding locations that may be bullying hot spots and I would ask the same of you. Please inform me if you know of any bullying hot spots in or around our school, or if you are aware of a known bully or target of bullying. For more information on teen dating violence, please see the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s educational materials at: www.cdc.gov/ViolencePrevention/intimatepartnerviolence/teen_dating_violence.html Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. David J. Mantzke Indian Creek Elementary Principal 4 Indian Creek Mission Statement: Striving For Excellence In Learning THE MISSION STATEMENT OF THE INDIAN CREEK COMMUNITY DISTRICT 425 IS TO STRIVE FOR EXCELLENCE IN LEARNING. BELIEFS The Indian Creek community of learners believes: 1. Schools exist for students. 2. A ll students can learn. 3. Education is everyone’s responsibility. 4. A standard of excellence should exist for all. 5. The district strives to create a physically, emotionally, mentally, safe and healthy environment for all. 6. Everyone deserves respect. 7. Adults lead by example: positive role models. 8. Education encourages students to be responsible for developing their academic, social, and civic potentials for lifelong learning. 9. A broad and flexible curriculum has basic education as a first priority, 10. Effective communication is important. 5 ADMINISTRATION BOARD OF EDUCATION Mr. Chad Willis Vaughn Boehne Superintendent of Schools School Board President Mrs. Sarah Montgomery Josh Merchant Indian Creek High School Principal School Board Vice President 506 S. Shabbona Rd. Shabbona, IL 60550 Pam Ottengheime 815-824-2197 School Board Secretary Mr. Steve Simpson Sarah Frazier Indian Creek Middle School Principal 425 S. Elm St. Mike Konen Waterman, IL 60556 815-264-7712 Julie Wilson Mrs. Paula Kennedy Ryan Frieders Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment and Technology Strategist Mr. David Mantzke Indian Creek Elementary School Principal 301 W. Cherokee Ave. Shabbona, IL 60550 815-824-2122 Mrs. Jennifer Darlinger Director of Special Education 301 W. Cherokee Ave. Shabbona, IL 60550 815-824-8257 Mrs. Toni Enburg Transportation Coordinator 506 S. Shabbona Rd. Shabbona, IL 60550 815-824-2128 6 AMENDMENTS This handbook is only a summary of board policies governing the school district and may be amended during the year by the Board of Education without notice. Board policies are available to the public through the district office or at http://www.indiancreekschools.org . ATTENDANCE REGULATIONS AND ABSENTEE PROCEDURES Parents/Guardians are expected to make every effort to ensure that children are in school when classes are in session. Maximum success can best be attained through regular attendance. Class discussion cannot be regained by make-up work . Students should not miss class without valid cause or prior approval by the building administrator. A ll absences whether excused or unexcused are included in the total number of absences. 10 Day Rule The 10 day rule states that after 10 days of absence per school year, prearranged vacations, or other absences, the student must present a physician’s excuse for the absence to be excused. If the absence has been excused with a doctor’s note, the absence will not count as one of the ten days. Other absences will be considered unexcused. Parents/Guardians cannot excuse an absence for their student after 10 days. See “Truancy” page 5. Reporting an Absence Indian Creek Elementary School’s absence line number is 815-824-2122. Parents are encouraged to submit the absence using the PickUp Patrol app. Please include the reason for your child’s absence or you can call or e- mail the classroom teacher, secretary ([email protected]) or principal ([email protected]). When reporting an absence please include your child’s first and last name, the date and reason for the absence. All absences must be reported by 9:00AM. Students are considered unexcused until valid notification has been provided. Excused absences include the following: 1. Significant illness 2. Family tragedy/emergency 3. Observance of a religious holiday 4. Doctor and/or dentist appointment. Student should bring in an appointment card from the doctor to excuse the absence. 5. Circumstances that cause parent concern for the safety or health of their child A parent call does not make the absence excused if the reason for the absence is not excusable; the building administrator has the right to determine what constitutes an excused absence. Work missed during excused absences will be allowed to be submitted. Students are not permitted to attend any school or district event on any day or evening during their absence, such as classroom parties, Christmas Program, Grandparents’ Day, Field trips etc. Children should be kept home or will be sent home for the following reasons: 1. Fever 100 degrees or higher as determined orally or by ear. Children should not return to school until they have been fever free for twenty-four hours without the aid of medication.
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