u* ,'Eti:ati brary TJTU OF THESIS/TITRE DE LA TH& "Pulse Crops of the World and their Important Insect pestsw UN~VERS~~/~N~VERSIT~ Simon Fraser University 1 DEGREE FOR WHICH THESIS WAS SENTEW. cnmEpour Mom mm $5 wTPR~SENT~E . *aster of pest ~mag-nt NAME OF WlSOR/NOW DU DIRECTEUR DE THiSE J-M* Permission is hereby grated to the NATI~ALLIBRARY OF Llutwisdtion m,b.r I# prdssnte, wcordde b I~@BUOTH&- CANADA to microfilm this thesis and to lend or sell mpin QUE NATIONALF DU C.)NADA ds mi0r dketMss et C of the film. * de prbter w do v'sndio dss sxemplsirrs du film The author lsrsus aha publication rights, ad neither the . f'a& re r4s.m /eg 4utms d. p(rblic8tion: nl h wise mpr&ced without the wthor's mitten permissiar. IMPORTANT INSECT PESTS Carl Edmond Japlin R B.A., Antioch College, 1973 - A PROJECT SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF PEST MANAGEHENT in the Department , of' . - 4 F+ , @ Carl Edmond Joplin Simon F~aaerUniversity -8 -d. - - - - - -- - -- .-- -, 197'4 = _ s -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- - -- % All ,rights reserved. This the848 'may not be reproduced in-whole or in part by photocopy or other'means, without permission of the author. APPROVAL . Name: -Carl Edmond Joplin L Degree: Master of Pest Management Title of Project: Pulse Crops of the World and their Important Insect Pests Examining Committee: , r*. Chairman: John S. Barlow L -- Johii M. Webster Senior Supervisor Thelma 'Finlayson dames E. She * Hubert R. Kwarthy Head, Entomology Section Vancouver gesearch sf at ion Agriculture Canada Date Approved : ! /?74 c . - - PARTiAL COPDICHT LICENSE - I hereby grant to Simon Fraser Univereity the right to lend ' my theei* or di&ertation (the title of which, is ehok below) to user. - bf the Simon ~raserUniversity Library, and to make partial or single copies only for such uscre or in response to a request from the library . of any other university, or other educational institution, on its own - - - - - - - --- -a - - -- A - behalf or for one of its users. I further agree that permission for - muitiple copying of this thesis- for scholarly purposes may be $panted* by me or the Dean sf Graduate Studies, It-is understood that copying - ' or publication of this thesis •’02 financial gain shall not be allowed without my written permission. - Title of Thesis j~issertation: .. _ "Pulsa Crops of the World and their Important Insect Pests" ', .. (signature) - I _- (date ): - 'i .I . - , . -. ~- - -~ ~ .--~ -- ~-~- .- ~ - .. t. ~ ~ . Pulse crops (grain legumes) are an increasingl~~important h / ;-- 2 C source of praein .for a majority-Of the worlb's people. This ' 1 paper provides background information and selected references . that a pest manager would-find useful when working with an The fi~stchapter summarizes agronomic, economic, and 5 P nutritional data on 14 major species of pulses. References - - - -- - - - - - - - - - are provided to sources of information on these and 15 other important species. The second 'chapter identifies the insect ganera a-nd species ,that mportant pests of pulses. Approximately 220 species of insects and related arthropods are catalogued indicgting common name, eomonly damaged pulse crop hosts, ami.sel-ected references. Three species that are representative of common . "- types of pest problems am described more thoroughly in terms of their biology, ecology, and control. These are &m;isi@ - tabaci (Genn.) (Hornoptera: Aleyrodidae), Heliothis armi~era - (~ubner)(Lepidoptera : Noctuidae) , and Oghyiomi,a ,. (=Helana~romvza)phaaeoli (Tryon) (Diptera: Agromyzidae)., - - The 'concluding cha$t_er discusseathe atatus end, -- -- - - - > -- - -- -- -- T- - possibilities- -- of pest sanagement-- on pulse crops and provides informati0.n ion several internationally Important institutions tha1 are conducting such work. .. - iii . *. 7 . - - --~-~-- ~- --~-- ~ - --~-- ---- --~----~- -~ ---- -~ -- ~- '-~~------.- L~- -- , r. ~ ~ ~ - . ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS My thanks go to Dr. J. M. Webster, Prof. T. Finlayson, and Dr. J. E. Rahe for their guidance in the planning and editing of this project. I greatly appreciate the help and information provided - -- - A - A - - - - --.. through correspondence with: C. F. Bentley and J.C. Davies, International Crops Research Institute forthe Semi-Arid Tropics,, * Kyderabad; WP D. Daniels, Interzratimal Development Research Centre, Ottawa; C. L. A. Leakey, Cambridge, England; C. S. - Koehler, University of California, Berkqley; E. B. Oyer, Cornell university; A. M. Pinchinat, Centro Agronomic0 Tropical he Investigqcion y Ensenanza, Turrialba, Costa--Rita; J. M. Schalk, U.S. Agricultural Research Service, Beltsville, Maryland; A. b van Schoonhoven, Centro IntqrnqtionalL de Agricultura Tropical, Cali, Columbia; P. J. Shannon, Centre for Overseas Pest Research, London; W. N. Thompson, International Soybean Program, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champ and N. G. Vakili,, USDA, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. d I thank 0. Milosa'vljevic for the beans, . G TABLE OF CONTENTS - Page pp - -- - - -- -- - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - ?- Examining Committee Approval .................t...d......ii Abstract *....,.........................................tii Acknowledgments .................3, ,:............~........lv Table of Contents List of Tables ............... ;;...................,,.,.vii Introduction ...........................,.................I ----Lu-u A -A A ---- - -- - a -- - - -- - I. Pulse Crops ............................"..............4 - 1. Species of Pulse Crops of Economic ~mpor<dnce ...... .4 < a) Definitions and Grite~fafor Selection .:..........4 b) List of 29 Species of Pulse Crops (including . syqonomy, common names, and selected references) ..7 2. Major Pulse Crops of the World .....................14 . a) Descriptions and Uses of 14 Species ..............14 Asacm hypogaea L., peanut ....................I4 Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp., pigeon pea ........;I6 / Cicer arietinum L., gram, chick pea, ........... 18 Glycine max (L*) Herr., soybean ................19 Lablab ni~erMedik, hyaclnth bean ....:.........21 -Lena esculenta Moench., lentil ..................22 Phaseolus aureus Roxb., green gram, mung bean ..23 - -t UeoU--. lima bead.. ................ .24 - - - - - - - - -- - -- - -- -~haseolusmuitW7;;,-61ECk gram .."z. ............ .2CL ---- - - - - - - - - - - - RmmifZus -vnlrrarZrL ,-VdlMl~h-~e-an------- ........... -- .-.-2'-- Pisurn sativum L., pea ...................,,.,...29 . - - ,- L., broad bean ......................31 Vi~naunuuiculata (L,) Walp., cowpea ....,,.,..,3 2 A Yoandzeia subterranea (L.) Thouars, P - - - -- --- -- - - 97-L--p ---- - - bEHtfeapqp~un$n+ .......................... L b) Tabulated Information (agronomy, nutritional value, and world production figures) .............3 6 11. Insect Pests of Pulse Crops ..........................43 1. Insect-Plant Specialization and Types of Damage ....43 2. List of Arthropods Commonly Damaging Pulse- Cropa -', 4. pulses, and segcted references) ................ .48 + a) Insects ................................... $;.....48 f b) Other Arthropods ................................. 73b 3. Three Representative Insect Pests ..................74 . a)' Criteria for Selection ...........................74 b) Review of Taxonomy, Damage, Biolo~y,and I 0 Population Regulation .......................... ..75 Bemisia tabnci (Genn.), tobacco whitefly .......75 Heliothig -armiaera (Hubner), cotton bollworm .,.87 bean fly ......................;...............96 111. The Role of Pest Management in Increasing Pulse t Crop Production .................................107 1. Factors ~nfiuencin~the Practice of Pest Management 2. MaJor Pest Management Research Efforts for Pulse - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- _ _ - ---- - -- - '#I i. Crops ...........................................110 ~iteraturecited ...................................... .121 L Table Tabulated General Information on 14 Major ,Pulse Crops ......,.._......~...~~..,...e+.,.38L- ... Table Nutritional Values of 14 Species - of Dried Pulses ....-............:...........39 Table World Production Figures for All Pulses, Dry Beans, and Dry Peas, 1971 ..............40 F Table IV. ' World Production Figures for Soybeans . and Groundnuts, 1971 .......................41 > +. t . Table World Production Figures for Broadbeans, Chickpeas,,and Lentils, 1970 ...............42 * - - - - Table VI. Insect Genera Causing Greatest Damage 'to vii d INTRODUCTION The function of this paper is to provide quick access to - information on the major pulse crops and their most important insect pests such as might be needed by a pest manager faced with a new crop or pest. References to the literature were therefor-e selected to-emphasize the type of information that is . necessary background for the development of a basic pest control Lu - A L- A -- - - - - t- - program: Such generalized information would be a starting point for a person needing a thorough;understanding of a host-pest -4 situatibn. 't A pest'manager needs to'be amiliar with the host as well If as the pest. To this end, 14 species of major pulse crops are described in term-s of their uses, culture, and level of cultivar d&elopment. Other less important pulse giving synonomy, common names, Approximately 220 insect b economically damaging pests of pulses. References to literature illuminating the biology, ecology, and oontrol of these insects is provided .. Because of the possible magnitude of this prodect, three pe9ts representative of widespread and damaging groups of insects were'selected
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