Maendy Primary School Flood Consequence Assessment Final April 2021 www.jbaconsulting.com Morgan Sindall Construction & Infrastructure 5 Cae Gwyrdd, Greenmeadow Springs Tongwynlais Cardiff CF15 7AB Maendy Primary School FCA i JBA Project Manager Ed Hartwell BSC MSc MCIWEM C.WEM FRGS JBA Consulting Arlington House Park Five Harrier Way Sowton Exeter EX2 7HU Revision History Revision Ref/Date Amendments Issued to C01 April 2021 Final Report David Humphrey Contract This report describes work commissioned by David Humphrey, on behalf of Morgan Sindall Construction & Infrastructure Ltd, by an email dated 16 December 2020. Morgan Sindall Construction & Infrastructure Ltd’s representative for the contract was David Humphrey. Ed Hartwell and Gwyn Jones of JBA Consulting carried out this work. Prepared by .................................. Gwyn Jones MESci MSc .................................................... Assistant Analyst .................................................... Ed Hartwell BSC MSc MCIWEM C.WEM FRGS .................................................... Principal Analyst Reviewed by .................................. Faye Tomalin BSc (Hons) MSc C.WEM MCIWEM Chartered Senior Analyst .................................................... George Baker BEng AIEMA CEnv IEng MCIWEM C.WEM Associate Director Purpose This document has been prepared for Morgan Sindall Construction & Infrastructure Ltd. JBA Consulting accepts no responsibility or liability for any use that is made of this document other than by the Client for the purposes for which it was originally commissioned and prepared. JBA Consulting has no liability regarding the use of this report except to Morgan Sindall Construction & Infrastructure Ltd. Copyright © Jeremy Benn Associates Limited 2021. Maendy Primary School FCA i Contents 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Terms of reference 1 1.2 FCA Requirements 1 2 Site description 2 2.1 Site summary 2 2.2 Existing land use and site topography 3 2.3 Ground conditions and drainage 3 2.4 Development proposal 4 3 Review of existing flood data 5 3.1 Historic Flood Risk 5 3.2 Existing flood zone mapping (fluvial and tidal) 6 3.3 Surface water and small watercourses 7 3.4 Reservoirs 8 3.5 Groundwater 8 3.6 Sewers 9 4 Planning Policy and Flood Risk 10 4.1 Planning context 10 4.2 Local Development Plan 10 4.3 DAM zoning and vulnerability classification 11 4.4 Justification Test 12 5 Flood Risk Assessment 13 5.1 Assessment of flood risk 13 5.2 Model details 13 5.3 Model results – baseline 14 5.3.1 Baseline – 1% AEP plus climate change 14 5.3.2 Baseline – 0.1% AEP 15 5.4 Model results – post development 16 5.4.1 Post-development – 1% AEP plus climate change 16 5.4.2 Post-development – AEP 0.1% 17 5.5 Model results – Blocked culvert 18 5.5.1 Baseline – 1% AEP plus climate change and blocked culvert 18 5.5.2 Baseline – 0.1% AEP and blocked culvert 19 5.5.3 Post-development – AEP 1% plus climate change and blocked culvert 20 5.5.4 Post-development – 0.1% AEP and blocked culvert 21 5.6 Temporary School Buildings 22 5.6.1 Temporary buildings – 1% AEP plus climate change 23 5.6.2 Temporary buildings – 0.1% AEP 24 5.7 Third party impacts 25 5.7.1 1% AEP plus climate change 25 5.7.1 0.1% AEP 26 5.7.2 1% AEP plus climate change and blocked culvert 27 5.7.3 0.1% AEP and blocked culvert 28 5.7.4 Temporary buildings – 1% AEP plus climate change 29 5.7.5 Temporary buildings – 1% AEP plus climate change 30 5.8 Assessment of Acceptability Criteria 31 6 Conclusions and recommendations 33 A Topographic Survey I B Proposed site layout II Maendy Primary School FCA ii List of Figures Figure 2-1 – Site location 2 Figure 2-2 - Satellite image of current site 3 Figure 2-3 - Proposed Layout 4 Figure 3-1 – NRW fluvial flood risk map 6 Figure 3-2 – NRW surface water and small watercourse flood risk map 7 Figure 3-3 – NRW reservoir flood risk map 8 Figure 4-1 – NRW Development Advice Map 11 Figure 5-1 - Baseline 1% AEP + CC Flood Depths 14 Figure 5-2 - Baseline 0.1% AEP Flood Depths 15 Figure 5-3 - Post-Development 1% AEP + CC Flood Depths 16 Figure 5-4 - Post-Development AEP 0.1% Flood Depths 17 Figure 5-5 - Baseline 1% AEP + CC + Blocked Culvert Flood Depths 18 Figure 5-6 - Baseline 0.1% AEP + Blocked Culvert Flood Depths 19 Figure 5-7 - Post-Development AEP 1% + CC + Blocked Culvert Flood Depths 20 Figure 5-8 - Post-Development AEP 0.1% + Blocked Culvert Flood Depths 21 Figure 5-9 - Temporary school building layout 22 Figure 5-10 - Temporary buildings 1% AEP plus climate change flood depths 23 Figure 5-11 - Temporary buildings 0.1% AEP flood depths 24 Figure 5-12 - 1% AEP + CC Flood Detriment 25 Figure 5-13 - 0.1% AEP Flood Detriment 26 Figure 5-14 - 1% AEP + CC + Blocked Culvert Flood Detriment 27 Figure 5-15 - 0.1% AEP + Blocked Culvert Flood Detriment 28 Figure 5-16 - Temporary Buildings -1% AEP + CC Flood Detriment 29 Figure 5-17 - Temporary Buildings -1% AEP + CC Flood Detriment 30 List of Tables Table 2-1 - Site summary 2 Table 3-1 - Summary of flood risk 5 Table 4-1 - Development categories defined by TAN-15 10 Table 4-2 - TAN 15 Justification Test 12 Table 5-1 - Assessment of TAN-15 Acceptability Criteria 31 Abbreviations AEP Annual Exceedance Probability BGS British Geological Survey CC Climate change DAM Development Advice Map DCWW Dŵr Cymru/Welsh Water ESTRY 1D solver component of TUFLOW FCA Flood Consequence Assessment Flood Modeller 1D hydraulic modelling software ha Hectares JBA Jeremy Benn Associates m AOD metres Above Ordnance Datum NRW Natural Resources Wales TAN Technical Advice Note TUFLOW Two-dimensional Unsteady FLOW (a hydraulic model) Maendy Primary School FCA iii 1 Introduction 1.1 Terms of reference JBA Consulting (JBA) were commissioned by Morgan Sindall Construction and Infrastructure Ltd to prepare a Flood Consequence Assessment (FCA) to support the proposed development of a new primary school at the site of Maendy Primary School, Cwmbran. The development is for an educational facility. 1.2 FCA Requirements This FCA follows Welsh Government guidance on development and flood risk set out in the Technical Advice Note 15: Development and Flood Risk1 (TAN15). Where appropriate the following aspects of flood risk will be addressed in all planning applications over its expected lifetime in flood risk areas: • The likely mechanisms of flooding • The likely source of flooding • The depths of flooding through the site • The speed of inundation of the site • The rate of rise of flood water across the site • Velocities of floodwater across the site • Overland flow routes • The effect of access and egress and infrastructure, for example public sewer outfalls, combined sewer overflows, surface water sewers and effluent discharge pipes from waste water treatment works • The impacts of development in terms of flood risk on neighbouring properties and elsewhere on the floodplain. ———————————————————————————————————————————— 1 Welsh Assembly Government. Planning Policy Wales. Technical Advice Note 15: Development and Flood Risk. July 2004. Maendy Primary School FCA 1 2 Site description 2.1 Site summary The proposed development site is situated on the current site of Maendy Primary School at 36 Wayfield Crescent in Cwmbran, Torfaen, South Wales. The approximately 6.3-hectare (ha) site is bordered on the west by the A4051 and on the south by Maendy Way, as shown in Figure 2-1. Further site details are provided in Table 2-1. The Afon Lwyd main river is located approximately 700m to the east of the site. The Blaen Bran ordinary watercourse is located approximately 570m to the north, where it passes underneath A4051 in a culvert. A section of the Monmouthshire Canal is located approximately 175m to the west of the site. Table 2-1 - Site summary Site name Maendy Primary School Site Area 6.3 ha Existing land use Primary School Purpose of development New Primary School Postcode NP44 1NH OS NGR 3219 1999 Local Planning Authority Torfaen County Borough Council Lead Local Flood Authority Torfaen County Borough Council Figure 2-1 – Site location Maendy Primary School FCA 2 2.2 Existing land use and site topography The site is currently occupied by Maendy Primary School. The school is currently comprised of two larger buildings – the northern Infant School and the southern Main building - alongside several smaller structures such as lockups and sheds, as seen in Figure 2-2. The topographic survey can be seen in Appendix A. The ground elevation falls away significantly across the site, with a slope from high ground in the south west of the site (at approximately 70m AOD) to a low point in the north eastern corner of the site (at approximately 66m AOD). The ground levels immediately to the northwest and south of the site are higher than the site itself, with the roads being embanked above the surrounding area. Figure 2-2 - Satellite image of current site 2.3 Ground conditions and drainage The British Geological Survey (BGS) Geology of Britain viewer2 was consulted to identify the local geological conditions. The site is underlain by the Raglan Mudstone formation which comprises of interbedded mudstone and sandstone of fluvial origin. There are superficial deposits of river terraces and alluvium, comprising of clay, silt, sand and gravel. The soils on site were determined from the Cranfield University Soilscape viewer3. The site is on the border between freely draining floodplain soils and slightly acid loamy and clayey soils with impeded drainage. ———————————————————————————————————————————— 2 BGS Geology of Britain viewer http://www.bgs.ac.uk/discoveringGeology/geologyOfBritain/viewer.html 3 Cranfield University Soilscape Viewer http://www.landis.org.uk/soilscapes Maendy Primary School FCA 3 As the site is comprised of playing fields, school buildings, and tarmacked areas, the site is likely to drain by a mix of natural infiltration, overland flow to surface water sewers, and evapotranspiration.
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